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The KSP Video Awards.


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I know lot's of you do stuff on Youtube.

Post your best video here (no longer than 3 minutes).

EDIT: Only 1 entry allowed.

And let the critics (commenters and me) decide if you can get in the top 5...

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

Edit : No top 5 until the likes are back for ratings.... <_<


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1 hour ago, 5thHorseman said:

Mine's over an hour :o

But I'll submit this one, it's one of my favorites and was short by design.

I really miss not being able to 'like' posts.

I love '2001' and have since seeing it back in 1968.  I'm going to see it again this coming Tuesday.

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This is tough: I actually have two favourites. I originally posted this as my "best" video, which is not so much a mission as a showcase of what a "kraken-Rover" can do...

...but in some ways this one is better:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KAjaa5wQUc (link retained for backward compatibility, but submission of this second video withdrawn)

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Great video, good music choice. &)

11 hours ago, Jacke said:

I really miss not being able to 'like' posts

Yeah, me too, it's kinda hard to rate these video's if nobody can give likes...


I love your first video, specialy because I'm a car guy. :lol:

I added a new rule: 1 video per person.

This is to prevent people from uploading a bunch of video's.

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10 hours ago, dnbattley said:

This is tough: I actually have two favourites. I originally posted this as my "best" video, which is not so much a mission as a showcase of what a "kraken-Rover" can do...

What's that, Lassie?  Little Timmie Kerman on his rover is stuck down in the Mohole?  Damn kid, getting lost every week....

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On 10/2/2019 at 1:37 AM, Gordon Fecyk said:

It took me several attempts to get the timings right, but I made this three years ago and I think it's still my favourite. Here's a slightly updated version. Beauty!

Cool, funny and short. :lol:

This is what I like to see, short clips. &)

1 hour ago, sturmhauke said:

For my entry, I made a replica of a P-38 a while back, using stock props.

Too bad it is 4:16 :lol:

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I'm hosting, so my entree won't count.

But I just has to use me one shot. :cool:


1 hour ago, sturmhauke said:

I'll see if I can put something together then. I have some raw footage of a few things I never got around to cleaning up...

Clip 'm and flip 'm ! &)

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