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[1.12.x] Ven's Stock Revamp Resurrected: v1.16.0 "Too Much Space In Space" 2021 Sep 05


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11 hours ago, Grabek said:

Hi, is this still compatible with RSS?

Thanks for back to alive anyway :)


You should probably use SMURFF or Realism Overhaul to make the parts perform more like real rocket parts (i.e. better than stock) so that rocket construction is merely "challenging" rather than "an exercise in futility", but the parts will work just fine (are there any parts that just don't work in RSS?).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Stratickus said:

What happened to the VSR Mk1-2 Command Pod? Seriously I can't find it.

  Reveal hidden contents

		@TechHidden = False
		@category = Pods	


Am I missing something else to unhide it?



I figured it out. I had to move the Command Pod from GameData > Squad > zDeprecated > Parts > Command to GameData > Squad > Parts > Command 

Apparently old me figured this out a year ago, but forogt.

Is there a more elegant way to do this via MM or something? I feel like this is a crude way to bring this old part back. Is anyone else using the Mk1-2 VSR Command Pod?


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Has anything else changed between the old version for 1.6 and the one for 1.8? I understand that several models and textures changed place, but do models have, say, new textures or UV maps?

I'm asking because I want to gauge how much work will be required to port my TU part patches from 1.6.1 to 1.8.1. If I only have to change what folder I'm referencing, for instance.

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@Kerbas_ad_astra I'm using the 1.6.1 release of VSR as of now, but as far as I can tell by looking at the config, this bug is still there.

File: Aero.cfg (Squad/Data)

		@baseVariant = VSRGrayAndBlack
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
			name = VSRGrayAndBlack
			displayName = #VSR_theme_name // = Ven's Gray and Black
			themeName = VSRGrayAndBlack
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #000000
				mainTextureURL = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/Nosecones_CLR
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = false
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = true

The error is the variant name "Dark". This variant does not exist, it should instead be called "White" as in the original file:

			name = White
			displayName = #autoLOC_8007119
			themeName = White
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
				mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_W
				_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal

I'd like to include that small fix in my TU patches if you have nothing against that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/4/2020 at 2:21 PM, Delay said:

@Kerbas_ad_astra I'm using the 1.6.1 release of VSR as of now, but as far as I can tell by looking at the config, this bug is still there.

File: Aero.cfg (Squad/Data)

		@baseVariant = VSRGrayAndBlack
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = true
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = false
			name = VSRGrayAndBlack
			displayName = #VSR_theme_name // = Ven's Gray and Black
			themeName = VSRGrayAndBlack
			primaryColor = #999999
			secondaryColor = #000000
				mainTextureURL = VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/Nosecones_CLR
				Squad/Parts/Aero/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v2/rocketNoseCone_v2(Clone) = false
				VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Aero/LargeNosecone(Clone) = true

The error is the variant name "Dark". This variant does not exist, it should instead be called "White" as in the original file:

			name = White
			displayName = #autoLOC_8007119
			themeName = White
			primaryColor = #ffffff
			secondaryColor = #ffffff
				mainTextureURL = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_diffuse_W
				_BumpMap = Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/Assets/Rockomax_Adapters_normal

I'd like to include that small fix in my TU patches if you have nothing against that?

That has already changed in the update for KSP 1.8.  Thanks for checking.

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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And so of course it's only after I make a release that I discover I'd made an error sixteen months ago (caught while I was verifying that the Mk1 Cargo Bay mod works in KSP 1.9 -- it does, BTW).

1.15.1, 02020 03 15 "Nattering Nodes of Negativism"

  • Fixed node orientation on Mk1 pod, and also adjusted node height slightly.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Awesome to see this mod going again. However I have one small problem that's a carry over from the older versions, for whatever reason my Kerbals slide off of the solid ladders. They do fine on the extendable ladder, but on the utility ladder and mobility enhancers they slide, sometimes to dangerous effect. It's a shame because I absolutely love the models for those ladders too. If it's not too much to ask could you look at them some day and see if there's a fix?

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  • 2 months later...

I know this is kinda stupid to ask, but does Ven's Stock Revamp Resurrected work in 1.10, of course I would be removing the stock revamped parts to eventually use with Restock/RestockPlus? Another question, is there, or will there ever be any overlap between Ven's and RestockPlus?

Edited by Gameable17
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/5/2020 at 5:31 PM, Gameable17 said:

I know this is kinda stupid to ask, but does Ven's Stock Revamp Resurrected work in 1.10, of course I would be removing the stock revamped parts to eventually use with Restock/RestockPlus? Another question, is there, or will there ever be any overlap between Ven's and RestockPlus?

There is definite overlap to a degree between VSR and R+- off the top of my head, both add:
- small 1.25m engine with integrated tanks
- old 1.25m engine
- high-thrust 0.625m engine

Statswise I'm unsure how they compare, but there's definitely some overlap. Adding VSR to 1.10.1 right now, will edit with results.

EDIT: So, here are the parts that overlap specifically with Restock+, not other mods. First is VSR, second is R+.

- Oscar-A/C/D line: The VSR A is smaller than their R+ counterparts, while the C and D tanks are larger.  All VSR Oscar tanks can hold considerably more fuel than even the next tank in the series in the Restock line.

- CryoX Fuel Tank Butt is equivalent to R+'s Rockomax X-200-4R hemispherical liquid fuel tank, but has almost twice the volume.

- The LV-900 Beagle and the LV-303 Pug have similar form factors and integrated fuel tanks, but are rather different in statistics- the LV-900 has a lower vacuum ISP but a rather higher atmosphere ISP, an extremely high thrust in comparison, and a smaller integrated tank.

- The LV-15 Dachshund and the LV-15 Valiant have similar names and origin stories, but operate differently- the Dachshund has double the thrust and a somewhat higher ISP, but requires an inbuilt ablator supply to function.

- The Rockomax 105-7P Thunder and the Mk-1H Torch have similar purposes as 0.625m lifter engines, but the Thunder has a wider gimbal range, a somewhat lower thrust, and a slightly higher ISP.

- The RT-1/2 and FM1/FM3S0 solid rocket motors are near-identical in size, but beyond that I'm unsure- I have a mod that messes with such things.

- The RE-N4 Nova and LV-N410 Cherenkov atomic rockets overlap as 2.5 metre atomic rockets, but the Nova has a lower thrust and ISP while also having an in-built fuel supply. The Nova also cannot gimbal, but has a much stronger alternator.

- There are three types of radial reaction wheel in my parts list. One is definitely added by VSR and is identical to another in all but model and the fact that its electrical consumption is double the other; but the third has a strength of 2.5 rather than 1.

I believe that all parts function as intended at the moment.

Edited by Tangle
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  • 1 month later...

Hello. ^_^ Text wall incoming, sorry, TLDR at the bottom.

Recently I started playing a new career mode, updated to 1.10.1+breaking ground and making history+around 75 mods, of course I downloaded all the mods again on the most up to date versions and had to say goodbye to some that were just not compatible with the game anymore, took a while but I made it work. Recently I noticed a couple of graphical problems, I wanted to bring these issues to your attention for possible fixing or at least to give someone in the future with my same problem an answer when they search the forums or google for one (because I found none Googling around and searching the forums).


The problem is that some parts that have a fold/unfold animation, unfold just fine and work but stay folded as well, the DTS-M1 antenna for example, splits in two, a folded and an unfolded, the science Jr. shows door movement but stays closed and the goo containment unit doesn't seem to animate (but I assume that it does, it just stays closed and open at the same time). I have traced the issue to an incompatibility between this mod and the indicator lights mod... Why? beats me, but disabling Indicator Lights fixes it... there is a chance the Docking Camera KURS Style mod is the one incompatible with the indicator lights mod and VSR but I haven't tested yet, I'll try disabling that one when I get home.


I remember that the indicator lights mod also messes with the docking port Jr. making it unusable, I can't find the comment anymore but years ago (2016?) this same issue was brought up here in the forums and the mod author said that editing indicator lights (the mod has separate .cfg files for each part) could solve the issue without implementing some kind of fix. Eliminating the docking port Jr. .cfg inside the indicator lights folder does work in getting rid of the problem without removing Indicator lights completely. I will try to do the same for the DTS-M1 antenna (again, when i get home) to see if it works. I like the mod very much, but if I have to pick between the two VSR wins, I'll still take the time to edit it.

Edit: Indeed, the same procedure that fixes the docking port also works for the antennas and science parts.


Thank you for keeping this mod alive, it has many very useful and cool parts and breathes new life into the old ones, I don't think I would enjoy the game as much without it.


TLDR: Indicator lights mod breaks animations on VSR but it seems to be visual only mostly, also breaks the docking port Jr. (maybe others too), does not dock, there is a ghost bumper always extended. Removing Indicator lights gets rid of the problem, but selectively eliminating affected parts from the indicator lights mod folder also fixes it.

Edited by Remiak
Did one of the things I said I was going to do, forgot the other one, I'll do it later today.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this is a niche thing to ask but is it just me or are the docking ports unsightly? It really doesnt flow with the capsules so it looks like you put a small box on top of the pod unlike the stock docking ports that are easier to look at. My idea is if you get rid of that big ring around the docking port (the white thing, not the bumper) and make the actual docking port right on the bottom like the stock ones.   

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  • 4 months later...
43 minutes ago, Beetlecat said:

It's been a while since I've used VSR, and those batteries and lights are amazing. Totally torn over using these vs. Restock.

Obviously the solution is to create a patch to clone these parts so both are present. :)

But then you end up with lots of duplication of parts.

Would be nice to have a complete screen showing all the parts, along with their names, would make it easer to write patches to add/remove wanted/unwanted parts

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