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RP-1 Realistic Progression One for KSP 1.12.3


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I've just upgraded to v3 and at first look my early orbital rocket (LR89 / AJ 10 / Aerobee (AJ10-27)) has lost about 500 m/s DeltaV from what it had and can no longer make orbit. I've looked at the change log and can't see anything that might cause this. Has anyone any ideas what's caused this ?

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For anyone wanting to slap Simple Construction into their RP-1 playthrough, it works well out of the box.  Here's a quick and dirty mm patch to add Metal and RocketParts to procedural tank

 %TANK[Metal] {}
 %TANK[RocketParts] {}

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Why is the ckan link for contract configurator bringing me to this page?

I have contract configurator and several packs installed and they seem to be working but I cannot get the custom contract configurator gui?  All I have is the stock contracts button that gives incomplete contract info.

what am I doing wrong?

I have ksp 1.12.3 installed

mods ckan:


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi quick question seeing as this is where CKAN is linking contract configerator to

is contract configoerator and its addons safe to use without RP0/1?


it is also generating this error when i do use it

Exception occured while attempt to generate contract of type 'EPC.mountains':
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ReachState+<>c.<BodyList>b__90_0 (CelestialBody cb) [0x00000] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.LocalizationUtil._LocalizeList[T] (ContractConfigurator.LocalizationUtil+Conjunction conjunction, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] values, System.Func`2[T,TResult] strFunc) [0x0001c] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.LocalizationUtil.LocalizeList[T] (ContractConfigurator.LocalizationUtil+Conjunction conjunction, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] values, System.Func`2[T,TResult] strFunc) [0x00005] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ReachState.BodyList () [0x00007] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ReachState.CreateDelegates () [0x0001f] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.Parameters.ReachState..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] targetBodies, System.String biome, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] situation, System.Single minAltitude, System.Single maxAltitude, System.Single minTerrainAltitude, System.Single maxTerrainAltitude, System.Double minSpeed, System.Double maxSpeed, System.Nullable`1[T] speedMode, System.Double minRateOfClimb, System.Double maxRateOfClimb, System.Single minAcceleration, System.Single maxAcceleration, System.Double minDeltaVeeActual, System.Double maxDeltaVeeActual, System.Double minDeltaVeeVacuum, System.Double maxDeltaVeeVacuum, System.String title) [0x00095] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ReachStateFactory.Generate (Contracts.Contract contract) [0x00000] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.Generate (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, Contracts.IContractParameterHost contractParamHost) [0x00016] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, Contracts.IContractParameterHost contractParamHost, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] paramFactories) [0x0007e] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ParameterFactory.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract, Contracts.IContractParameterHost contractParamHost, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] paramFactories) [0x0008c] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ContractType.GenerateParameters (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract) [0x00000] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0
  at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.Initialize (ContractConfigurator.ContractType contractType) [0x00221] in <a3f51fc87275456594d3d5d58644e0d3>:0

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On 9/14/2023 at 2:52 AM, Maeamian said:

The tech level tip was a good one, I'd forgotten about having set that setting way back at the start of the game! It fixed my problem with most of the near future stuff, but KNES seems to not currently have RP-1 support, I was looking especially for the Hermes parts, and have a personal guess where on the tech tree they'd make sense for me, how would I go about writing patches for that for my own use? I'm kinda a newbie at MM stuff

Well the way I figured it out, was to look at some of the config files for parts in the RP1 mod directory. But I think some of the ways it works have changed since the move to PLC. I see that the KNES parts have been added with RO specs, but haven't been balanced for RP0. Look in the RealismOverhaul directory in the RO_suggested_mods to see them. Then I guess try and make your own cfg adding what is needed to the parts.

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I've just started running an RP1 game, latest version, and I've hit a bizarre problem when I complete the 2 initial programs and start the light satellites program.

Everything was normal up to this point, but after taking the new program most engines I have used apart from the Aerobee have begun to stop with about 10% or more fuel left.

This is happening with A4, XLR 41 and the NAA-75-110 amd A6 configuration.  All these engines were performing as expected before the program change, but now all stop in simulation and launch, no failure shown.

This has now happened on 2 game starts at the same point.  Has anyone got any idea how to fix this?

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I'm a first-time RP-1 installer. While following the wiki directions, CKAN never asked me for a career choice; it went from #6 to 8 in the steps copied below. I continued with the install and followed other parts of the wiki to start my first career playthrough. Things appear to be working but I'd like to rule out hidden problems before I spend too much time playing with a bad install.

Is this just a simple case of the wiki being a little outdated?

CKAN v1.33.2
KSP v1.12.5
Windows 11

CKAN shows 93 mods installed. I picked High graphics and kept all the default recommendations.




7. You will be presented with a choice of graphics level. Choose based on your computer's power level and memory. Medium should work for all but the slowest computers, or those with less than 8GB of memory. If you have 16GB of memory or more and a reasonably fast CPU and GPU, select High.

8. You will be presented with a choice of career. You may either select RP-1 (recommended, if you wish to play career as well as sandbox) or No Career. [this step never showed up in CKAN]

9. Click Continue again and all your mods will download and install. NOTE this will take some time, especially for the High-Res choice which involves multiple GB of downloads.



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Is it expected that there are a couple of career points where it becomes increasingly hard to get more science if you don't rush the science gathering nodes?

I am playing my first career and I am in the year 1958. I am currently struggling to get ~16 science point in order to unlock the fourth science node (the one with IR radiometry) and am frankly unsure how to get it, even though I am progressing quite well on other fronts:

  • I've finished Early satellites in 1957
  • I have got Orbital engines, and first generation heat shields and solar panels
  • 30000 money in the bank, 900 reputation and 1500 confidence
  • I have a ~30 ton launch vehicle that can get reasonable payload to 300 x 2000 km orbit

However, where do I get the science?

  • From space low I can only get Advanced Biological sample that requires recovery. Since the experiment takes 1 day, I have to get to orbit and then re-enter. I can reenter without using propulsion (by simply leaving my Pe below 140 km), but the first gen heat shield doesn't seem good enough to protect my rocket from LEO.
  • There is a lot of science awaiting me at space high, but my launch vehicles cannot get there. I don't feel I have the tech to put that extra 1500 m/s on my launcher. Even if I shoot straight up, my Ap only gets to something like 7000 km.
  • There is some flying high (biome) science left to collect but only in biomes far away from Cape Canaveral -- not sure how to get there without planes / reentry.
  • I don't have any crew modules or astronaut to get crew report or EVA report.

I recall I was running out of options when unlocking the previous science node as well, and I only had a handful of science points left when I finally unlocked it. 

Any pointers on how to get out of this pickle?

Edited by Majk
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6 hours ago, Majk said:

Any pointers on how to get out of this pickle?

I'm in a similar position myself but have you gotten any science from the X-1/X-15 capsule experiments (eg supersonic flight, mach 2 flight)? You have to select them through the PAW in the SPH.

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6 hours ago, EchoLima said:

I'm in a similar position myself but have you gotten any science from the X-1/X-15 capsule experiments (eg supersonic flight, mach 2 flight)? You have to select them through the PAW in the SPH.

Great idea, but that didn't really work for me as I can't really build planes. So I tried one of the stock vehicles, but when I swapped the engine for something than I can unlock (I unlocked the first two plane nodes), I can barely reach supersonic speed. Not to mention, the "supersonic speed" experiment actually requires 450m/s, well over supersonic. Also, I got hit by the "Game thinks vehicle is landed but you're actually flying"). I guess I'll borrow the missing science using Alt+F12 ...

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On 11/14/2023 at 4:01 AM, Majk said:

Any pointers on how to get out of this pickle?

The next thing you'll really want to start looking at is the science you get from the lunar flyby/impactor missions. If you have heat shields, then you should have more than enough tech to get a probe out that far, you're probably just going to have to work on your launch vehicle some. You're probably going need a rocket more around the 60t mark to get it there. A 30t launch vehicle really can't do anything beyond the first couple of orbital contracts.

Edit to add: The first generation heatshields (heatsink-style) actually require a steeper reentry than you might think. They also need to make up a substantial portion of the mass of whatever you're trying to bring back.

Edited by Razgriz1
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On 11/14/2023 at 10:01 AM, Majk said:

Any pointers on how to get out of this pickle?

@MajkI've literally just solved this myself, managed to get the advanced bio experiment back from 180km, 60km periapsis using 3 stacked heat shields.

First one fails at around 72k, second around 52k and third doesn't reach overheat.

I will admit I used SmartAss to keep it aligned, I'm not good enough to keep things straight without more than stability assist :(

Edited by Ravlain
missing word
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I've managed, thanks everyone for ideas and encouragement! I've basically made a macaron out of two heat shields and avionics and a parachute for the filling. One of the heat shields exploded, but the other one just barely survived reentry from 180x40 orbit.




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14 hours ago, Ashiepoppy said:

Every damn time I launch a rocket, the game gives me the Unity crash window.

Reinstalling doesn't work either

Cutting down on the mods don't work as well.


Your log file is inaccessible. Gives a message saying to request access.

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Copy your KSP game to a different location that is not contained in Program Files . Then, run it manually and not through the launcher. (I put all my KSP instances in a folder named Games, off of the root.

If it still crashes then there's a more complete log that you can access as well as some information about the unity crash  at 

%temp%\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes\

There's a number of FAR related errors and exceptions, some mesh related. There's also some errors in something called meshcutter which I'm not really familiar with.  (seems to be related to FreeIVA which I don't use). But do the above first and see if this still happens.  


Edited by Starwaster
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18 hours ago, Starwaster said:


Copy your KSP game to a different location that is not contained in Program Files . Then, run it manually and not through the launcher. (I put all my KSP instances in a folder named Games, off of the root.

If it still crashes then there's a more complete log that you can access as well as some information about the unity crash  at 

%temp%\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes\

There's a number of FAR related errors and exceptions, some mesh related. There's also some errors in something called meshcutter which I'm not really familiar with.  (seems to be related to FreeIVA which I don't use). But do the above first and see if this still happens.  


It does not help, I'll uninstall FreeIVA and see if that helps

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