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Update, in case anyone else is trying to fix the same problem and runs across this: Removing the conflicting MiniAVC still seems to have done the trick. After some hours of playing, KSP has been quite well behaved and not crashy or hangy. _Except_ randomly some portion of the time when I use the inflatable heat shield. So while I have a separate problem, the MiniAVC conflict was definitely causing the massive amount of hangs/crashes. I just can't use that one part. *shrug* Thanks for the help!

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Please let me know if it isn't appropriate to keep posting in this thread, but since this is where I was just getting help on my issues, I _hope_ it's okay to continue...

The short, short version: The crashes/hangs that I am still getting all involve the log file getting spammed with:

DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for orbital-engine-375

Where the part name can obviously vary. If I remove the part listed in the error from the craft in question, the crashes stop, at least for that vessel.

It isn't just parts from one mod, though. It seems to be random parts from all over, including stock. 

If I had DeadlyReentry installed, that would be my first suspect, but as far as I know I don't have anything that should mess with how drag works.

Does this ring a bell with anyone? I'd really appreciate help with not having to brute force remove every mod I have just to troubleshoot this. XD


Here is my mod list:

[x] Science! Continued (xScienceContinued 5.23)
Alternate Resource Panel Redisplayed (AlternateResourcePanel 1:
AmpYear (AmpYearPowerManager 1:V1.5.6.0)
AT Utils (AT-Utils v1.9.0)
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.14.0)
BahamutoD Animation Modules (BDAnimationModules 1:v0.6.5.8)
Camera Focus Changer (CameraFocusChanger 1:1.1.0)
CapCom - Mission Control On The Go (CapCom 2.11)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker
Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit
Community Parts Titles (CommunityPartsTitles
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.1)
Configurable Containers (ConfigurableContainers 2.4.8)
Configurable Containers Core (ConfigurableContainers-Core 2.4.8)
Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.28.0)
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2:
Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 2.1.4)
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2)
Contract Parser (ContractParser 9.0)
Contract Reward Modifier (ContractRewardModifier 2.7)
Craft Manager (CraftManager 1.2.0)
Critical Temperature Gauge (CriticalTemperatureGauge
DMagic Orbital Science (DMagicOrbitalScience 1.4.3)
Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.1)
Filter Extensions - Default Configuration (FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 3.2.5)
Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions 3.2.5)
Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.8.1-3479)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.15)
Global Construction Core (GroundConstruction-Core 2.6.0)
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.1.2)
HyperEdit (HyperEdit
Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.12.0.0)
Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.6)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.25)
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued (KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.5.1)
Kerbal NRAP - Procedural Test Weights (KerbalNRAP 1.6.0)
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.6.11)
Kerbal Renamer (KerbalRenamer v1.3.0)
Konstruction (Konstruction
Less Grindy Science (LessGrindyScience 1:
Malemute Rover (MalemuteRover
MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2
Minimum Ambient Lighting Updated (MinAmbLightUpd 1.2.6)
Mk2 Stockalike Expansion (Mk2Expansion 2:
Mk3 Stockalike Expansion (Mk3Expansion
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.3)
Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2 (NavballDockAlignIndCE 1.1.0)
Near Future Construction (NearFutureConstruction 1.2.2)
Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.6.2)
Near Future Solar (NearFutureSolar 1.2.1)
Near Future Solar Core (NearFutureSolar-Core 1.2.2)
Near Future Spacecraft (NearFutureSpacecraft 1.3.1)
Part Commander Continued (PartCommanderCont
Precise Node (PreciseNode 1.2.11)
Progress Parser (ProgressParser 11.0)
RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.3)
RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.3)
RealChute Parachute Systems (RealChute v1.4.7.5)
Recycled Parts FTmN Atomic Rockets (RecycledPartsFTmNAtomicRockets
Recycled Parts FTmN Improved Atomic Rockets (RecycledPartsFTmNImprovedAtomicRockets
Recycled Parts Mk2 Essentials (RecycledPartsMk2Essentials
Recycled Parts Mk2 Lightning (RecycledPartsMk2Lightning
Recycled Parts Orgami Foldable Assets (RecycledPartsOrgamiFoldableAssets
Recycled Parts RSCapsuledyne (RecycledPartsRSCapsuledyne
RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.9.5)
REPOSoftTech-Agencies (REPOSoftTech-Agencies V1.5.7.0)
SCANsat (SCANsat v18.14)
Ship Manifest (ShipManifest
Smart Parts (SmartParts 1.9.16)
StageRecovery (StageRecovery
TAC Fuel Balancer (TacFuelBalancer v2.21.5.1)
Throttle Controlled Avionics (ThrottleControlledAvionics v3.6.1)
ToadicusToolsContinued (ToadicusToolsContinued
Tokamak Refurbished Parts (TokamakRefurbishedParts
Toolbar (Toolbar 1:
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.10.0.0)
TweakableEverythingContinued (TweakableEverythingCont
USI Core (USI-Core
USI Exploration Pack (USI-EXP
USI Freight Transport Technologies (USI-FTT
USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (UKS 1:
USI Life Support (USI-LS
USI Tools (USITools
Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.8.1)


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11 hours ago, Tokamak said:


The short, short version: The crashes/hangs that I am still getting all involve the log file getting spammed with:

DragCubeSystem: Rendering procedural drag for orbital-engine-375


Publish the full KSP.log. Most times what you think it's the cause is only a side effect of the problem, and we need to hunt for somthing else on the log.

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@Lisias, the error came back, Im on 1.8.1 with just quite a few mods, but now there are some lines after the TLAs that say:

[WRN 11:13:44.448] Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 5)

That happended after I launched a B-52 and was starting the take-off run, and also Im still wondering if we can get the fix in 1.9.1, since craft made in that version cant run in 1.8.1,

Waiting for quick answer.

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1 minute ago, Commodoregamer118 said:

@Lisias, the error came back, Im on 1.8.1 with just quite a few mods, but now there are some lines after the TLAs that say:

[WRN 11:13:44.448] Internal: deleting an allocation that is older than its permitted lifetime of 4 frames (age = 5)

That happended after I launched a B-52 and was starting the take-off run, and also Im still wondering if we can get the fix in 1.9.1, since craft made in that version cant run in 1.8.1,

Waiting for quick answer.

If you are absolutely sure you didn't overwrite any Squad and SquadExpansion files, than finally we have an Add'On doing something it shouldn't (probably on Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate). I still need the full KSP.log and Player.log from this last session to investigate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/319857228905447436/727171696427008092/KSP.zip this is my log pls help thx

On 6/20/2020 at 7:27 PM, Lisias said:

If you are absolutely sure you didn't overwrite any Squad and SquadExpansion files, than finally we have an Add'On doing something it shouldn't (probably on Update, FixedUpdate or LateUpdate). I still need the full KSP.log and Player.log from this last session to investigate.


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10 minutes ago, EmirhanGamer71 said:

What you are getting is something slightly different.

It's not a fix, it's a workaround to keep you playing - but it worths the try: On the Main Menu, Settings, Graphics, Set the Frame Rate Limit to 60 fps.

The hard part on all of this is to try to replicate the problem here on my machine - once I manage to do that, I will have something to sniff on.


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On 6/29/2020 at 6:34 PM, Lisias said:

What you are getting is something slightly different.

It's not a fix, it's a workaround to keep you playing - but it worths the try: On the Main Menu, Settings, Graphics, Set the Frame Rate Limit to 60 fps.

The hard part on all of this is to try to replicate the problem here on my machine - once I manage to do that, I will have something to sniff on.


https://imgur.com/a/4uxoxUh I changed v-sync to dont sync now lets see what it does I mean lets see if it does fix it I know what vsync does it syncs fps with your mönitors hz

Edited by EmirhanGamer71
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8 minutes ago, EmirhanGamer71 said:

https://imgur.com/a/4uxoxUh I changed v-sync to dont sync now lets see what it does I mean lets see if it does fix it I know what vsync does it syncs fps with your mönitors hz

More or less.

The vsync "syncs" the current refresh with the vertical sync of the monitor. Nowadays with LCDs, the "vertical sync" term sounds like awkward, it's like more "refresh", but ends up doing the same: the videocard waits until the monitor has finished refreshing the current screen before sending the next frame to avoid sending it at the middle of the process, what ends up with you having part of the screen with the previous frame and part with the new one for some time. On fast pacing animations you perceive the line that divides the two images, and this is annoying.

If you are using 60 fps, your GPU will wait for the vsync 60 times per second. If you are using 120 fps, the GPU will wait for the vsync 120 times per second.

it worths to mention that not all monitors support a very high refresh rate - mine, by example, goes up to 75Hz. Using 120 fps on my monitor is not only a waste, but a source of additional delays because the GPU would waste a bit time every frame trying to sync with an completely different refresh rate.

120 / 75 = 1.6 , i.e., the GPU ends up waiting for a frame 60% of every second frame.

So I configured both KSP and the GPU to use 60Hertz for maximum performance - the GPU wastes almost no time waiting for the vsync, and Unity have to call the drawing methods "only" 60 times per second, with the rest of the game earning more time to do some computations between two frames.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 7/16/2020 at 12:49 PM, TranceaddicT said:

Hey, gang,  I was trying to help another Kerbonaut with this very problem.

Then, I came across this jewel...



It appears to be related to particles!

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No pressure, no pressure at all! :D

Apparently the Nertea's Waterfall will help, but it will be a workaround - it will replace some engines' exhaust with meshes based effects - and so, avoiding triggering the problem. At least, until someone else writes something to use the particles on something else, triggering the problem again. :P 

A real fix to the problem is described above on @steve_v's link: calling "Complete" or something before the 4 frames timeout. Oukey, it will have a cost as this thing triggers some house-keeping tasks, but it will be better than killing the game for sure!

But, and assuming this is really on particles, the fix is on Unity's shoulders. What also means that a new Unity version will have this fixed, ruling out a fix for current KSP versions.

But now, something that's bugging em since the first time I had read a KSP.log with this problem: why. by Kraken's sake, this never occurred to me? My machines are probably ones of the worst possible kraps able to run KSP. 

The only explanation I can think of is exactly this: my crappy rig is preventing the problem because it can't render frames fast enough. :P And this may be an explanation because it's so hard to reproduce the problem for people that don't have it, and it's so hard to get rid of the problem once it bites your SAS.

In a way or another, before bugging Nertea about Waterfall, we need a kind of counter-proof to be reasonably sure it's really the particles. We need to cause the problem somehow by abusing the particles and/or we need to workaround this problem by other means than lowering the frame rate.

So I want to ask to some victim of this a new test: set the configurations in a way that the thing crashes again. Then go to the Graphics Settings and crank everything up to see what changes.

think that a good test can be splashing the ship, as the water effects appears to be specially expensive, and they appear to be particles too.


Edited by Lisias
Nope. AeroFX doesnt matters
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On 9/15/2020 at 3:16 PM, Lisias said:

So I want to ask to some victim of this a new test: set the configurations in a way that the thing crashes again. Then go to the Graphics Settings and crank everything up to see what changes.

think that a good test can be splashing the ship, as the water effects appears to be specially expensive, and they appear to be particles too.

I ran tests, with the mod list that caused the last crash.

So I bulilt a "test bench" with 2 Clydesale SRBS, 22 Bobcat engines, 9 Twich engines, 8 Cheetah engines, 12 Skiff engines, 15 Mastodon engines, and a massive 5m Tundra Exploration Superheavy engine, (the one that has 27 nozzles) all straped to a poor single 2.5m RGU, then I popped a launch stand from Alpha Mensae and tested it in the runway, I enabled Infinite fuel cheats and fired that beast up, (yes I put FPS limit to 120, V-sync on, AeroFX at full, and texture render at full) my FPS instantly dropped from 15 to 1 FPS, I let it run for a while, but the game was still running.

So I shut everything down, released the clamp and used VesselMover to move it to the ocean and let it splash while the beast was turned on.

Engines running, SRBS burning, bench falling, Vessel spinning, and FPS droppin'

When it was in the air the FPS was 3, and when it reached the water, it destoryed itself ofc, but when the water particles cleared, surprise, FPS bumped to 12 and no perciptible TLA was shown, later I will post pics and logs.

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7 hours ago, Commodore_32 said:

I ran tests, with the mod list that caused the last crash.

<cut by me>

When it was in the air the FPS was 3, and when it reached the water, it destoryed itself ofc, but when the water particles cleared, surprise, FPS bumped to 12 and no perciptible TLA was shown, later I will post pics and logs.

think that we need to find a "sweet" spot where the GPU is rendering faster than the CPU can feed it - it's what I am thinking is happening with the TLAs, pretty damn good GPUs running over not up to the task CPUs.

Try it again lowering the textures to the minimum bearable, as well lowering the rendering quality (so the 3D engine use less vertices on the mesh). But keep everything else up.

The intention is to overload the CPU while speeding up the GPU, to see if this really is the problem on the TLA - particles is a good educated guess, but at this moment it's still only a guess. We manage to artificially and deterministically reproduce the TLA, the Squad guys will have something solid to start debugging on to fix it on the next versions, and we have a starting point to find a (or confirm an already existing) workaround to be used on the current and previous ones.

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4 minutes ago, Lisias said:

The intention is to overload the CPU while speeding up the GPU

I just realised, I forced OpenGL.

Does that matter? Idk.

But another interesting thing: You read that I took screenshots?

Welp, something happended, I took 2 pics from KSP's own screenshot command (the F1) and 2 pics from the OneDrive client, and when I searched for them, the KSP ones were missing, and the OneDrive ones were taken, but showing the settings menu (?) that I entered earlier, when I took them when showing the test bench, Idk if its OpenGL doing things, but tomorrow I will test without OpenGL.

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3 minutes ago, Commodore_32 said:

I just realised, I forced OpenGL.

Does that matter? Idk.

I don't know, but you may had found something new. Perhaps the thing is related to something on DirectX, not OpenGL.

And since MacOS runs under OpenGL, it may be the reason I never managed to get something like this here.

New test - configure your KSP like the last time you got that TLA. Try to get the TLA, and once you manage to get one, change to OpenGL and try again.

The hard part is getting a TLA intentionally, apparently...

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