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SimpleConstruction! (SCON) Stock rocket building


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  On 5/31/2022 at 4:33 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

@Steigleder thank you for including a link to your KSP.log. +1 :rep:

I started reviewing it and will have more shortly. I can say that your PreciseManeuver is out of date. :P

So far it looks like SCON! was installed correctly. I am presuming you downloaded it from CurseForge, since that is the only place that includes the .dll.

Nothing looks wrong from SCON's point of view; however there are allot of EXC (exceptions) in the KSP.log related to Unity. I will continue the review once I get some sleep.

Will also tag @taniwha the creator of Extraplanetary Launchpads so he can look at the log as well.




@zer0Kerbal and @taniwha  thank you very much for your help. I hope you find the cause of the problem. I'm a fan of your mod! 

PS: Yes, I downloaded it from CurseForge, trying to make a clean install.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've not been able to get this mod working for quite a while. I first downloaded SCON! through CKAN on a heavily modded install and none of the features of the mod seemed to load (i.e no metal, no rocket parts, no SimpleConstruction augmented parts).

Most recently, I downloaded the most recent release from GitHub and placed it into the GameData folder of a brand new and clean install. Then I installed ModuleManager through CKAN - the result of this was that each of the parts seemed to be correctly configured in the editor but when I launched the vehicle, the construction UI was not available and there was no EL button on the apps.

I really like the idea of this mod but just have never gotten it to work unfortunately haha, I may just be missing something.

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  On 6/21/2022 at 2:07 PM, ttikkoo said:


I've not been able to get this mod working for quite a while. I first downloaded SCON! through CKAN on a heavily modded install and none of the features of the mod seemed to load (i.e no metal, no rocket parts, no SimpleConstruction augmented parts).

Most recently, I downloaded the most recent release from GitHub and placed it into the GameData folder of a brand new and clean install. Then I installed ModuleManager through CKAN - the result of this was that each of the parts seemed to be correctly configured in the editor but when I launched the vehicle, the construction UI was not available and there was no EL button on the apps.

I really like the idea of this mod but just have never gotten it to work unfortunately haha, I may just be missing something.


The problem is the ELlaunchpads dll, try the curseforge version that have the correct dll bundled (Or, THE dll bundled, the CKAN version doesn't have it)

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SimpleConstruction! Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version - <Ghosted Ghosts> edition

This is PRE-RELEASE - and WILL break saves

meaning things have changed, including file names - so delete GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads and GameData/SimpleConstruction folders - THEN install new version

24 Jun 2022
Release for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge



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  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages


SimpleConstruction! (SCON)

  • English English
  • Dutch Dutch - courtesy of GitHub user: x13x54
  • German German (Deutsch)
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  • your translation here

HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!

Extraplanetary Launchpads

  • English English
  • Chinese Chinese (简体中文)
  • your translation here

Kindly help out taniwha and help translate? See above for instructions. Github Repo

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

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Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

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  On 6/25/2022 at 9:35 PM, Imjesus said:

Hello, I use the restock mod and am wondering if there is anyway that this mod will work with the restock mod? I love that mod to bits as it makes everything look better but I dont know if the part changes will cause simple contruction to not detect the parts that it needs to use. Thanks!


Simple construction works with any part mod as far as I'm aware, so no problem

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  On 6/25/2022 at 11:09 PM, Forked Camphor said:

Simple construction works with any part mod as far as I'm aware, so no problem


Are you 100% sure? If thats the case than that is amazing! I hate extraplanetery launchpads because it is so feature bloated but this seems like a great alternative. The thing is I have this uncertainty because restock REPLACES every stock part with its own version (only difference is the skin) while other part mods dont do that. I just hope I wont break the game.  Any way to confirm that it does/doesnt work?

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  On 6/25/2022 at 11:11 PM, Imjesus said:


Are you 100% sure? If thats the case than that is amazing! I hate extraplanetery launchpads because it is so feature bloated but this seems like a great alternative. The thing is I have this uncertainty because restock REPLACES every stock part with its own version (only difference is the skin) while other part mods dont do that. I just hope I wont break the game.  Any way to confirm that it does/doesnt work?


I use it with Restock. Works just fine. 

If you want to test it, create a fresh, clean install and test mods on that so it doesn't affect your saves. And back up your saves every now and then to make sure you don't lose anything.

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  On 6/25/2022 at 11:11 PM, Imjesus said:


Are you 100% sure? If thats the case than that is amazing! I hate extraplanetery launchpads because it is so feature bloated but this seems like a great alternative. The thing is I have this uncertainty because restock REPLACES every stock part with its own version (only difference is the skin) while other part mods dont do that. I just hope I wont break the game.  Any way to confirm that it does/doesnt work?


If I remember correctly the problems with EPL vessels comes sometimes from tweakscaled and some robotic parts.  But I can't say that absolutely EVERY part mod will work since I dindn't test all the mods and because it's been some time since I used EPL (I currently use Allista's Global construction). But, as ttikkoo says, create a new sandbox game and test the mods you want, if they don't work at least you didn't waste the time and effort of a career game.

Edit: To give you some peace of mind, I remembered recently that it's been years since I used the stock parts, so yes, restock should work fine because that's what I've been using all those years.

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  On 6/25/2022 at 9:35 PM, Imjesus said:

Hello, I use the restock mod and am wondering if there is anyway that this mod will work with the restock mod? I love that mod to bits as it makes everything look better but I dont know if the part changes will cause simple contruction to not detect the parts that it needs to use. Thanks!


should work with any parts mod - as long as they don't change the internal name of a part (which ReStock doesn't).

  On 6/25/2022 at 11:09 PM, Forked Camphor said:

Simple construction works with any part mod as far as I'm aware, so no problem


@Forked Camphor +1 :rep:

  On 6/25/2022 at 11:43 PM, ttikkoo said:

I use it with Restock. Works just fine. 

If you want to test it, create a fresh, clean install and test mods on that so it doesn't affect your saves. And back up your saves every now and then to make sure you don't lose anything.


@ttikkoo+1 :rep:

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  On 6/30/2022 at 6:51 PM, DrJonez said:

I can't seem to find any tanks that will store metal or rocket parts. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. Not had much luck finding any answers anywhere else about this. Please help!






Download from Curseforge (Link in this page and in the OP), all other download sites (Spacedock, CKAN) don't work AFAIK

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  On 6/30/2022 at 7:26 PM, Forked Camphor said:

Download from Curseforge (Link in this page and in the OP), all other download sites (Spacedock, CKAN) don't work AFAIK


So I tried that, and it did add a new Simple Construction tab to the VAB part list. But I only see two tanks listed in there, and neither seems to be able to hold metal or rocket parts. Same as the screenshot I already posted. :(

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  On 6/30/2022 at 7:39 PM, DrJonez said:

So I tried that, and it did add a new Simple Construction tab to the VAB part list. But I only see two tanks listed in there, and neither seems to be able to hold metal or rocket parts. Same as the screenshot I already posted. :(


@DrJonez kindly .7zip or .zip (I prefer the former since it will be half the size as a .zip) your entire KSP.log ( <KSP_ROOT>/KSP.log) and post a link to it. I should be able to assist more then. If you don't have a way to post a link (please, for the sake of Kerbol, don't post the actual log) then kindly go here and you will be able to drag-n-drop the archive into an issue you create.

Looking forward to the log.

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 What do you have against Winrar? :P




Thanks for taking the time to look at it :) I fully admit this may very well be me just doing something stupid. I have a bajillion hours in KSP, but mostly without mods.

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  On 6/30/2022 at 9:23 PM, DrJonez said:

 What do you have against Winrar? :P




Thanks for taking the time to look at it :) I fully admit this may very well be me just doing something stupid. I have a bajillion hours in KSP, but mostly without mods.


:awe:actually nothing, except .7z just makes things soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much smaller;p


@DrJonezthank you for the speedy and appropriate response. +1 :rep:


My pleasure. I suspect that:

  • you have a fuel switch installed (all good, so do I)
  • and are looking for the non-fuel switched version, that automatically hide when a fuel switcher is present.

Am considering the options while I look at the log. :D

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I'm not 100% sure what that means, but I am running KSP Interstellar Extended, which seems to have installed something called Interstellar Fuel Switch as a requirement. From what I understand, that's the mod that allows me to pull up that window to select from a bunch of different options for what goes in the tank. I do need tanks that will support those resources so I can fuel my KSPIE engines/etc. Whether metal/rocket parts become another option on that list, or if they are separate parts that aren't compatible with those other resources doesn't really matter that much to me. I guess if I had to choose I'd rather they were all in one menu, but again, just getting them working is my main concern at this point :) 

(As you probably already figured out, you can see all the mods I have installed from the CKAN screenshot I posted a few posts up)

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@DrJonezIt is as I suspected, the last update was because a request was made to hide/ghost the stock parts from the custom part tab (provided by (Community Category Kit)) whenever a fuel switcher mod was present.

The parts are still there, just not  showing up.

So an little kerbsplaining :rolleyes:

I have mostly left the compatibility patches alone since they are somewhat complex. 

The complexity lies not in adding compatibility to part for fuel switchers, but rather in adding compatibility with multiple fuel switchers installed. Which is far more common that one would think.

So in order to handle it, there is an order of preference created. An inherent bias that was needed in order to not over-patch parts.

Currently the bias is toward B9PartSwitcher, and since I do not know how to make PatchManager (I don't like the GUI, and have other very time consuming projects ahead of learning it), this might have to change.

What also might be a factor is KSP Interstellar and SCON! might be interacting in a way I didn't know about.

I am now looking into the patches in order to determine what is the best course forward.

I will have an answer shortly, guess updating Solar Science, Taerobee and others will have to wait a few minutes. :D

  On 6/30/2022 at 9:53 PM, DrJonez said:

(As you probably already figured out, you can see all the mods I have installed from the CKAN screenshot I posted a few posts up)


The KSP.log has all of that and more. :D (nothing personally identifiable)

  • ModuleManager v4.2.2.0
  • 151 InterstellarFuelSwitch v3.29.4.0
  • B9PartSwitch v2.20.0.0 / vv2.20.0
  • CCK v5.1.0.0 / v5.1.0.0 for KSP v1
  • PatchManager v0.0.17.4
  • Launchpad v6.99.1.0 / v6.99.1

Plus it says all the folders/files in GameData

  • Launchpad v6.99.1.0 / v6.99.1
  • NotSoSimpleConstruction
  • SimpleConstruction

In my opinion it is the file that most helps in finding root-causes to issues with KSP addons/installations.

I hope you don't mind, I've forwarded you KSP.log to one of the best problem solvers in the game; again my opinion based on experiential experience. This is because I found some troubling error messages in your install and want to help you as much as possible.


Edited by zer0Kerbal
I forgot to include the final bit of the explanation. 
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@zer0kerbal Any luck yet? No rush but I'm starting to get to the point in my save where it would be nice to start getting an offworld base setup :) Is there some way I can just unhide the parts for now until you come up with a more permanent solution?


Thanks! :)

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  On 7/4/2022 at 11:00 PM, DrJonez said:

@zer0kerbal Any luck yet? No rush but I'm starting to get to the point in my save where it would be nice to start getting an offworld base setup :) Is there some way I can just unhide the parts for now until you come up with a more permanent solution?


Thanks! :)


@DrJonez which would you prefer to use? IFS or B9? which were you using for ore? 

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