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[BETA] KSRSS 0.7 - Kerbin (or x2.5) sized RSS


KSC location for the next release  

691 members have voted

  1. 1. Where should the KSC be located?

    • Cape Canaveral, Florida (28 degrees North)
    • Kourou, French Guiana (5 degrees North)

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On 11/1/2022 at 9:07 AM, CessnaSkyhawk said:

Have people been having success running the KSRSS reborn beta? I'm trying to decide on a planet pack to finally do a run through of my tech tree and check balance and all that good stuff, and have almsot settled on KSRSS. I just want to make sure other people have had success with it so I don't start and than find out midway thru that something is completely borked

I'm using reborn, and regularly updating the to the git head revision, while playing with 150+ mods. Not had any problems that have not been addressed either by the authors or by some MM magic. The only "issue" is it looks fantastic with 64K textures but it'll eat RAM and stress your SSD (occasional stalls when loading the huge textures, you get used to it). 

In related news, I've updated the KSRSS MM config I posted earlier for KSRSS Reborn for "Where Can I Go?" (in-editor delta-V computer - basically tells you if your ship might make it to various destinations as a rough guide).

It will auto-detect which scale you've used, but its for KSRSS Reborn (not 0.7, if you want one for that I posted one previously - though you can probably just use this one and be slightly inaccurate and/or fix it to work if you know MM kung-fu).

Feel free to steal this (no license, but also no waranty, you may get lost in space without enough delta-V for Jupiter), add it to KSRSS Reborn itself, modify, etc.

// KSRSS Reborn 2.7x Scaled - essentially quarter scale RSS.
// Original ideas:
// - Original RSS delta-V map calculations by /u/CuriosMetaphor.
// - Adapted for RSS quarter scale by RoboRay.
//   https://www.reddit.com/r/RealSolarSystem/comments/kjm1j3/is_there_a_dv_map_for_ksrss/
//   https://i.imgur.com/7BzhIan.png
// - Other values halved from WhereCanIGo's RSS configuration.
// Adapted for KSRSS Reborn and WhereCanIGo by 610yesnolovely.
// TODO: Plane changes are *not* currently included, should include these somehow?

// Scale KSRSS depending on setting
    KSRSSScale = 1
    @notes = KSRSS Reborn detected at default scale (2.7x Stock, RSS Quarter Scale)

    @KSRSSScale = 0.666666	// Quarter scale to Ninth Scale = sqrt(4/9) == 2/3
    @notes = KSRSS Reborn detected at stock scale (~1x Stock, RSS Ninth Scale)

// Each BODY entry can have several deltaV values which are used to compute the WhereCanIGo values:
// For Earth Orbit
// [Earth] --- [LEO]
//	    ^
//          |
//	  Launch>
//	  <Land
// For Planet landing:
// [Earth] --- [LEO] --- [Earth Edge] --- [Planet Edge] --- [Planet Orbit] --- [Planet Surface]
//	    ^	      ^                ^                 ^                  ^
//          |         |                |                 |                  |
//  Earth.Launch>   Earth.Escape>  Transfer>          Capture>             Land>
//	  <........................Return             <Escape              <Launch
// For Planet's moon landing:
// [Earth] --- [LEO] --- [Earth Edge] --- [Planet Edge] ...
//	    ^	      ^                ^
//          |         |                |
//  Earth.Launch>   Earth.Escape>  PlanetTransfer>
//	  <........................PlanetReturn
// ... [Planet Edge] --- [Moon Edge] --- [Moon Orbit] --- [Moon Surface]
//                    ^               ^                ^
//                    |               |                |
//                  Transfer>      Capture>          Land>
//                  <Return        <Escape           <Launch
// Values required:
// - mapType: Planet or Moon
// - mapSolid: true (default), or false for Gas Giants
// - mapLaunch: Body -> Orbit
// - mapEscape: Orbit -> Edge
// - mapTransfer: Earth Edge -> Planet Edge (for Planets)
//		  Planet Edge -> Moon Edge (for Moons)
// Values defaulted if not set:
// - mapSolid: Defaults to true
// - mapReturn: Defaults to mapTransfer.
// - mapCapture: Defaults to mapEscape.
// - mapLand: Defaults to mapLaunch.
// Values required For moons:
// - mapPlanet: name of parent Planet if Moon
// - mapPlanetTransfer = parent Planet's mapTransfer if Moon
// - mapPlanetReturn = parent Parent's mapReturn if Moon
// WhereCanIGo computed:
// - flybyDV = Amount needed to do a flyby from Earth surface
// - orbitDV = Amount needed to orbit from Earth surface
// - landDV = Amount needed to land from Earth surface
// - returnFromFlybyDV = Extra amount needed for return from flyby to Earth surface
// - returnFromOrbitDV = Extra amount needed for return from orbit to Earth surface
// - returnFromLandingDV = Extra amount needed for return from landing to Earth surface
// - Values of -1 mean not possible.
// Additionally Earth has:
// - synchronousDV = Amount to get to Geostationary orbit
// TODO: Derive from RSS values
// TODO: Checked derived RSS values
// TODO: Earth, Moon, Sun are special, make sure sensible and synchronousDV is present.

        name = Kerbin
        displayName = Earth
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapLaunch = 4800
	mapEscape = 1605
	mapTransfer = 0			// Transfer and Earth Transfer are same thing
	mapReturn = 0			// Return and Earth Return are same thing
	mapCapture = 0			// Always has aerocapture landing in WhereCanIGo
	mapLand = 0			// Always has aerocapture landing in WhereCanIGo

        name = Sun
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Planet // Not really, but makes it sort of work.
	mapSolid = false

	// Derive from RSS config.
        rss_flybyDV = 30690
        rss_orbitDV = 178000
        rss_landDV = 440000
	rss_returnFromFlybyDV = 18080
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 165390
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 0

        name = Moon
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Kerbin
	mapLaunch = 865
	mapEscape = 340
	mapTransfer = 25 // Addtional to Earth.Escape

        name = Mercury
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Planet
	mapLaunch = 1530
	mapEscape = 610
	mapTransfer = 4325

        name = Venus
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapLaunch = 13500
	mapEscape = 1470
	mapTransfer = 320
        name = Mars
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapLaunch = 1900
	mapEscape = 720
	mapTransfer = 530

        name = Deimos
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Mars
	mapLaunch = 2
	mapEscape = 1
	mapTransfer = 495

        name = Phobos
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Mars
	mapLaunch = 4
	mapEscape = 2
	mapTransfer = 640

        name = Vesta
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Planet

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 18030
	rss_orbitDV = 18130
	rss_landDV = 18290
	rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 5420
	rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 5520
	rss_returnFromLandingDV = 5680

        name = Ceres
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Planet

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 18690
        rss_orbitDV = 18840
        rss_landDV = 19110
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 6080
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 6230
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 6500

        name = Jupiter
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapSolid = false
	mapLaunch = 22500
	mapEscape = 8600
	mapTransfer = 1680

        name = Callisto
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Jupiter
	mapLaunch = 880
	mapEscape = 35
	mapTransfer = 2570

        name = Ganymede
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Jupiter
	mapLaunch = 985
	mapEscape = 395
	mapTransfer = 3350

        name = Europa
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Jupiter
	mapLaunch = 740
	mapEscape = 290
	mapTransfer = 4445

        name = Io
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Jupiter
	mapLaunch = 925
	mapEscape = 365
	mapTransfer = 5160

        name = Saturn
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapSolid = false
	mapLaunch = 15000
	mapEscape = 10115
	mapTransfer = 2250

        name = Iapetus
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 19570
        rss_orbitDV = 19730
        rss_landDV = 20140
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 6960
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 7120
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 7530

        name = Titan
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn
	mapLaunch = 3800
	mapEscape = 330
	mapTransfer = 1530

        name = Rhea
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 23020
        rss_orbitDV = 23200
        rss_landDV = 23650
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 10410
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 10590
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 11040

        name = Dione
        requireChutes = false
	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 23910
        rss_orbitDV = 24050
        rss_landDV = 24410
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 11300
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 11440
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 11800

        name = Tethys
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 24590
        rss_orbitDV = 24700
        rss_landDV = 24970
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 11980
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 12090
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 12360

        name = Enceladus
        requireChutes = false
	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 25210
        rss_orbitDV = 25280
        rss_landDV = 25440
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 12600
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 12670
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 12830

        name = Mimas
        requireChutes = false
	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Saturn

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 25830
        rss_orbitDV = 25870
        rss_landDV = 25970
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 13220
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 13260
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 13360

        name = Uranus
        requireChutes = true

	mapType = Planet
	mapSolid = false
	mapLaunch = 9000 
	mapEscape = 3060
	mapTransfer = 2640

        name = Oberon
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Uranus

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 19980
        rss_orbitDV = 20190
        rss_landDV = 20720
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 7370
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 7580
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 8110

        name = Titania
        requireChutes = false
	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Uranus

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 20280
        rss_orbitDV = 20500
        rss_landDV = 21060
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 7670
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 7890
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 8450

        name = Umbriel
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Uranus

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 21100
        rss_orbitDV = 21250
        rss_landDV = 21620
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 8490
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 8640
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 9010

        name = Ariel
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Uranus
	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 21520
        rss_orbitDV = 21680
        rss_landDV = 22070
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 8910
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 9070
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 9460

        name = Miranda
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Uranus

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 22370
        rss_orbitDV = 22420
        rss_landDV = 22550
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 9760
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 9810
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 9940

        name = Neptune
        requireChutes = true
	mapType = Planet
	mapSolid = false
	mapLaunch = 9500
	mapEscape = 3375
	mapTransfer = 2695

        name = Triton
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Nepture

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 20500
        rss_orbitDV = 20910
        rss_landDV = 21960
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 7890
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 8300
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 9350

        name = Pluto
        requireChutes = false

	mapType = Planet

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 20460
        rss_orbitDV = 20810
        rss_landDV = 21700
        rss_requireChutes = false
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 7850
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 8200
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 9090

        name = Charon
        requireChutes = false
	mapType = Moon
	mapPlanet = Pluto

	// Derive from RSS config.
	rss_flybyDV = 20520
        rss_orbitDV = 20680
        rss_landDV = 21100
        rss_returnfromFlybyDV = 7910
        rss_returnFromOrbitDV = 8070
        rss_returnFromLandingDV = 8490

// Derive values for each BODY if rss values used
    // Remove values for getting to situation	
	mapTransfer = #$rss_flybyDV$
	@mapTransfer /= 2
        @mapTransfer -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@mapTransfer -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@mapTransfer -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapTransfer$

	mapEscape = #$rss_orbitDV$
	@mapEscape /= 2	
        @mapEscape -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@mapEscape -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@mapEscape -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapTransfer$
	@mapEscape -= #$mapTransfer$
	mapLaunch = #$rss_landDV$
	@mapLaunch /= 2	
        @mapLaunch -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@mapLaunch -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@mapLaunch -= #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapTransfer$
	@mapLaunch -= #$mapTransfer$
	@mapLaunch -= #$mapEscape$

// Default values for each BODY
    // Defaults
	&requireChutes = false
	&mapSolid = true
	&mapReturn = #$mapTransfer$
	&mapCapture = #$mapEscape$
	&mapLand = #$mapLaunch$

// Set up moon information
	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Mars]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Mars]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Mars]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Mars]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Jupiter]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Saturn]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapReturn$
	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Uranus]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Neptune]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Neptune]/mapReturn$

	mapPlanetTransfer = #$../BODY[Pluto]/mapTransfer$
	mapPlanetReturn = #$../BODY[Pluto]/mapReturn$

// ================================================================================
// Computations
// ================================================================================

// RSS Calculated moons need transfer value removed
	@mapLaunch -= #$mapPlanetTransfer$	
	@mapEscape -= #$mapPlanetTransfer$	
	@mapTransfer -= #$mapPlanetTransfer$

	@mapLaunch *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapEscape *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapTransfer *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapPlanetTransfer *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapPlanetReturn *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapReturn *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapCapture *= #$../KSRSSScale$
	@mapLand *= #$../KSRSSScale$

// Compute actual WhereCanIGo values for each BODY
        flybyDV = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@flybyDV += #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@flybyDV += #$mapTransfer$

        orbitDV = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@orbitDV += #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@orbitDV += #$mapTransfer$
	@orbitDV += #$mapCapture$

        landDV = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@landDV += #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapEscape$
	@landDV += #$mapTransfer$
	@landDV += #$mapCapture$
	@landDV += #$mapLand$
	returnFromFlybyDV = #$mapReturn$

	returnFromOrbitDV = #$mapEscape$
        @returnFromOrbitDV += #$mapReturn$

	returnFromLandingDV = #$mapLaunch$
	@returnFromLandingDV += #$mapEscape$
	@returnFromLandingDV += #$mapReturn$

// Moons have extra Planet <-> Moon transfer and return
	@flybyDV += #$mapPlanetTransfer$
	@orbitDV += #$mapPlanetTransfer$
	@landDV += #$mapPlanetTransfer$
	@returnFromFlybyDV += #$mapPlanetReturn$
	@returnFromOrbitDV += #$mapPlanetReturn$
	@returnFromLandingDV += #$mapPlanetReturn$

// Launching from gas giant is impossible
	@returnFromLandingDV = -1

// Fix Earth which is peculiar
	@orbitDV = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
        @flybyDV = -1
        synchronousDV = #$../BODY[Kerbin]/mapLaunch$
	@synchronousDV += 1220
	@synchronousDV += 735
        @landDV = -1
        @returnFromFlybyDV = -1
	@returnFromOrbitDV = 150
        @returnFromLandingDV = -1

// NOTE: Comment out to leave interim values for debugging.
// {
//     @BODY[*],*
//     {
// 	!mapType = DELETE
// 	!mapSolid = DELETE
// 	!mapLaunch = DELETE
// 	!mapEscape = DELETE
// 	!mapTransfer = DELETE
// 	!mapPlanet = DELETE
// 	!mapPlanetTransfer = DELETE
// 	!mapPlanetReturn = DELETE
// 	!mapReturn = DELETE
// 	!mapCapture = DELETE
// 	!mapLand = DELETE
// 	!rss_flybyDV = DELETE
//	!rss_orbitDV = DELETE
//	!rss_landDV = DELETE
// 	!rss_returnFromFlybyDV = DELETE
//	!rss_returnFromOrbitDV = DELETE
//	!rss_returnFromLandingDV = DELETE
//     }
// }



Edited by 610yesnolovely
Earth -> Kerbin, due to recent reborn changes for parallax
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Is anyone else having the issue where Katniss Cape Canveral seems to be entirely liquid? Even on the launch pad, I sink into the ground a bit, and right next to the runway looks like land, but then the game treats it as water. I know I saw someone asking about this earlier, but having no luck finding it in the thread. Thanks!






My modlist, which does not include KSRSS itself and KatnissCapeCanaveral bc those aren't in CKAN.



Edited by AlSlea
added screenshots
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22 hours ago, TaintedLion said:

Will KSRSS Reborn be made available on CKAN any time soon?

Yes, when the mod is released.

3 hours ago, AlSlea said:

Is anyone else having the issue where Katniss Cape Canveral seems to be entirely liquid? Even on the launch pad, I sink into the ground a bit, and right next to the runway looks like land, but then the game treats it as water. I know I saw someone asking about this earlier, but having no luck finding it in the thread. Thanks!

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My modlist, which does not include KSRSS itself and KatnissCapeCanaveral bc those aren't in CKAN.



I think that's intended? But you should ask on the KCC thread.


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1 hour ago, Wheat Bread said:

Running Parallax with KSRSS seems to make the game infinite load how can I fix this?

Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16YTj2gZi7FeM6UoKlY2HtQ4tjbsgKTmG/view?usp=drivesdk

Honestly, at 178MB your log file is somewhat impenetrable. You could maybe start by updating your ACK install to the very latest (and its dependencies), as that should fix a ton of the spammed errors you're getting.

I have 90+ mods installed, and my log file for that many mods (when it doesn't have a ton of errors) is closer to 8 - 15MB when just starting up the game, going into the VAB, and then quitting. 178MB means something is drastically wrong - and the first culprit I see is ACK.

Second is MiniAVC - this mod is dead and can only cause problems.

This is just a start ... but I can hardly scroll through your log, so yeah.

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On 11/1/2022 at 12:23 PM, 610yesnolovely said:


In related news, I've updated the KSRSS MM config I posted earlier for KSRSS Reborn for "Where Can I Go?" (in-editor delta-V computer - basically tells you if your ship might make it to various destinations as a rough guide).

Thanks to @tony48 this is now included in the reborn branch. Definitely recommend Where Can I Go?, really helps me in the design phase to ensure something can probably reach the Moon or other bodies, including land, and return. I'd recommend Krash to further simulate (or just try and revert on failure as usual).

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On 10/15/2022 at 1:14 PM, Socowez said:

No EVE configs, latest EVE and Scatterer. No clouds.

Just reassembled my whole modlist from scratch through a pristine install. No clouds.

It has to be incompatibility with another mod right? That's the only thing I can think of that would be possible in my instance. I've checked and double checked that I have the mod installed along with all dependencies.

Here's my KSP log again with the pristine install. Any help is appreciated.


On 10/16/2022 at 6:29 AM, Socowez said:

Resolved, I guess the first time I downloaded the mod it didn't work. Downloaded a new copy and it works fine.

Edit: After a tad more testing, it looks like the 64k ground textures are causing missing clouds. Maybe I'm installing them wrong?


I seem to be having the same problem, also using the 64k textures.  Here's my log:


The CloudsManager errors are at the end and seem related to the 64k textures.  This is a new install with a bunch of mods, one of which is likely the culprit.  Let me know if I can provide any more details.

Edited by Lenin Stimpy
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15 hours ago, Lenin Stimpy said:



I seem to be having the same problem, also using the 64k textures.  Here's my log:


The CloudsManager errors are at the end and seem related to the 64k textures.  This is a new install with a bunch of mods, one of which is likely the culprit.  Let me know if I can provide any more details.

To install the 64k textures, copy the KSRSS-64k folder and paste it into your GameData. You shouldn't merge it with the KSRSS folder.


On 11/8/2022 at 11:30 AM, Tundra said:


Any time line on when that might be?  Thinking of starting a new save but if its almost ready for release I'll wait.

I'd say not earlier than one month from now.

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Where can you get parallax 2.0 working with the KSRSS reborn

On 11/13/2022 at 12:40 PM, SovietDoge_ said:


How do I get the parallax to work with KSRSS reborn? Nothing is working

It's because you have to delete parallax because KSRSS reborn is not have been updated with parallax 2.0 you gotta wait until KSRSS reborn has been updated or you could have just deleted the parallax folder in the KSRSS folder

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13 hours ago, EndAllFilms said:

Where can you get parallax 2.0 working with the KSRSS reborn

It's because you have to delete parallax because KSRSS reborn is not have been updated with parallax 2.0 you gotta wait until KSRSS reborn has been updated or you could have just deleted the parallax folder in the KSRSS folder

That's not true. KSRSS Reborn has Parallax configs.

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Oh, boy!  Here it comes.

So I'm having some sort of conflict with KSRSS.  Followed the instructions, meaning I installed Barn Kit, Konometer, KatnissCanaveral, and Sigma Binary and of course Kopernicus.

It loads, but it just becomes the stock solar system.  The loading screen is just its typical one.




Heres the log:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EOawFUYpS7SD2fSepn3ahJlmh1LTfppj/view?usp=sharing


Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by Tundra
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  • I finally got around to trying KSRSS Reborn and 64k textures. Earth looks amazing from orbit and I peeked at other planets in the Tracking Station and their visuals seem to be working well.
  • That means it's time to restart a career game! I've picked BDB + Skyhawk tree + hard/custom career + EVA Repairs (the part failure mod). Funds will be very tight with many explosions on the pad.
  • Thanks for the earlier 0.7x and the leap forward with Reborn.

And questions:

  • Any recommended contract packs to encourage flying early jets (Wheezly, not Panther) around?
    • The KSRSS and BDB contracts understandably focus on space flight, but I want excuses to explore Earth while generating funds and science. My hope is that we'll eventually see something like KRSGAP for KSRSS.
    • My random "take a crew report during atmo flight at ..." contracts are currently all above 18km. It's interesting that I'm not getting those contracts in low atmo even though I have yet to fly a jet or any crewed rocket.
  • TUFX or not?
    • Reborn already looks great without any TUFX profile. I'm going to stick to that for a while to get a feel for Reborn's default look. Does the KSRSS team recommend a particular TUFX profile for your vision of how things should look?
  • Should I customize Scatterer 0.8 settings, and did I maybe err during installation?
    • Scatterer is currently set to use temporal AA. Is that how Reborn should be "out of the box"? I know that TAA often caused issues with other planet packs and their Scatterer 0.7x dependency but maybe KSRSS and/or Scatterer 0.8 fixed TAA.
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On 11/22/2022 at 9:19 AM, DeadJohn said:

I've picked BDB + Skyhawk tree + hard/custom career + EVA Repairs (the part failure mod). Funds will be very tight with many explosions on the pad.

I also opted for somewhat similar, though I'm liking the addition of History of Spaceflight: Pocket Edition for contracts, KCT, and had a go at Kerbalism. Though I think I'm going to drop that and replace with Kerbal Health, TAC-LS, and EVA Repairs  (though I wonder if Test Flight might be better? Shrug). Too many contract packs I like that don't work with Kerbalism. I was also encouraged to also use Engine Ignitor, but havn't yet got round to that.

As to aircraft contracts, it's a shame that GAP, Kerbinside Remastered etc are not planet pack agnostic - mostly tied to Kerbin. I'm not aware of any contract packs that work with planes.  There's also no NavUtils support, but that's slightly easier to fix by using VesselMover and Custom Runways. Might be something I fiddle with as I tend to build planes.

Would be nice to have GAP KSRSS, Kerbsinside (Earthside) and/or something like RP-1's X Plane contracts.

I'd definitely add TUFX, and recommend BallisticFox's profiles.

I didn't touch anything with EVE, Scatterer or anything else, other than fixes/suggestions from here: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/issues/72

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