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Shuttle Challenge v6 - The STS thread [Stock and Mod Friendly] - ANNOUNCEMENT: v7 IS LIVE!

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I was thinking about the orbital requirements of the fuel pod for STS-1b. As it is right now, the tolerances are easier at higher altitudes, which is balanced by the increased difficulty in getting there. Still, I think most people stick to lower altitudes, and the tolerances are perhaps a bit too difficult. Plus the description could use some more cleaning up. So instead, I could replace the chart with an orbital eccentricity requirement. The eccentricity can be displayed with mods like KER or MechJeb. I also derived a couple of formulae if you want to calculate it yourself. I could also create a public spreadsheet to do the calculation for you if there is demand for it. Here are the formulae:

Let Pe be the periapsis as shown in map view
Let Ap be the apoapsis as shown in map view
Let r be the radius of the central body (for Kerbin, r = 600 km)
Let e be the eccentricity (e = 0 is perfectly circular, 0 < e < 1 is elliptical, e = 1 is parabolic, e > 1 is hyperbolic)

To solve for e: e = (Ap - Pe) / (Ap + Pe + 2r)

To solve for Ap: Ap = ((Pe + r)(1 + e) / (1 - e)) - r

To solve for Pe: Pe = ((Ap + r)(1 - e) / (1 + e)) - r

Setting the eccentricity requirement to 0.0001 regardless of altitude makes the challenge slightly easier up to 4000 km, and then harder past that. I'm open to feedback before I make this an official rule. If you earned the badge already you won't be affected.

Edited by sturmhauke
added formula to solve for Pe
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  On 9/6/2021 at 10:42 AM, sturmhauke said:

The eccentricity can be displayed with mods like KER or MechJeb


The eccentricity can also be displayed in the stock game, in the second tab in the gizmo in the lower left. I think it's a good idea to replace the current rules with the proposed eccentricity limit as it simplifies the mission rules.

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Alright, here's Jool Saturn STS-1:

The mission design was actually much easier than the Mars mission's.  The hardest part was the ridiculously thick atmosphere - getting to orbit is really annoying because aero drag is still a thing so high up...

On a side note, I've been looking through the RSS configs for asteroid size and I think I can rescale them back to stock size.  If I do that, I'll be able to do STS-9, as the 'roid colliders won't glitch out.  Can I do this and still have it qualify as RSS?  Thanks.

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That's a nice video and a cool mission, good work! I'll review it more closely when I get a chance.

If you can make the asteroids work properly, you can do STS-9. The mission spec just says it has to be an asteroid, not how big it is. Most people go for little Class As anyway.

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  On 9/6/2021 at 3:26 AM, sturmhauke said:

All right, I believe I'm finally fully caught up on the thread. Thanks for your help so far, @Artienia; if you don't mind sticking around a while so I can dive into some new missions, that'd be great.



It would be a pleasure to stay! i'd love to see what new missions we could complete!

  On 9/7/2021 at 4:00 AM, Entropian said:

Alright, here's Jool Saturn STS-1



man..... how do you keep making these? :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of announcements:

I've updated the rule for STS-1b as discussed previously. If you've already earned your badges, this doesn't affect you.

In more exciting news, I've reviewed @Fulgora's Mun STS-2-4 mission more closely and decided to award a Skunkworks badge! Congratulations!


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  On 9/25/2021 at 9:05 AM, sturmhauke said:

A couple of announcements:

I've updated the rule for STS-1b as discussed previously. If you've already earned your badges, this doesn't affect you.

In more exciting news, I've reviewed @Fulgora's Mun STS-2-4 mission more closely and decided to award a Skunkworks badge! Congratulations!



Congratulations @Fulgora

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  On 9/25/2021 at 9:05 AM, sturmhauke said:

A couple of announcements:

I've updated the rule for STS-1b as discussed previously. If you've already earned your badges, this doesn't affect you.

In more exciting news, I've reviewed @Fulgora's Mun STS-2-4 mission more closely and decided to award a Skunkworks badge! Congratulations!




  On 9/25/2021 at 12:27 PM, Artienia said:

Congratulations @Fulgora



Wohoooooo :cool:

Thanks a lot. I feel truly humbled to be one of the few recipients of this badge!

I will do my best to prove that I am worthy of this honor.


The design phase of STS 5-7 has already been completed and I "just" need to execute the missions and edit the next video. A release can only be months away from now :D

Chances are that I will get some time during the winter for more regular submissions here. ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Here's my sub for STS-1A and 1B. I flew it in my career game. I used TweakScale and Simple Fuel Switch - essential to the game IMO. I'm glad you have a mod category.

For the orbiter, I went berserk and used Whiplashes for full flight capability and precision landing, and NERVs to use this ship for later missions. It might SSTO without cargo but I didn't try. I did a supersonic test flight from KSC to the desert airfield with the 40t payload.

The booster is SSTO recoverable. That's a self-imposed rule for all my builds now.  

Album link

Hope it's ok that I combined the albums. These 2 seem pretty straightforward.

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  On 12/5/2021 at 1:06 PM, Krazy1 said:

Here's my sub for STS-1A and 1B. I flew it in my career game. I used TweakScale and Simple Fuel Switch - essential to the game IMO. I'm glad you have a mod category.

For the orbiter, I went berserk and used Whiplashes for full flight capability and precision landing, and NERVs to use this ship for later missions. It might SSTO without cargo but I didn't try. I did a supersonic test flight from KSC to the desert airfield with the 40t payload.

The booster is SSTO recoverable. That's a self-imposed rule for all my builds now.  

Album link

Hope it's ok that I combined the albums. These 2 seem pretty straightforward.


Looks good! Just for future refrence please don't combine multiple missions as it makes it harder to judge but this looks fine.

Here you go, your badges!


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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/7/2022 at 1:08 AM, Krazy1 said:

Here's my entry for 2A modded. I used basically the same design from 1b, so it was way oversized but Jeb liked it. 

> album < 


Congrats! Your badge has been granted


  On 2/7/2022 at 8:33 AM, Krazy1 said:

And here's 2B. It took 4 attempts to land... but I got it. 

> album for 2B <


You landed thats for sure, here's your badge!


its quite rare to recieve 2 badges at the same time (No it isn't) so i hope you feel special (You are not)!


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Your orbiter is also required to land mostly intact. How much damage is somewhat subjective, but landing upside down with the wings sheared off is definitely too much. Basically that means the major airframe and heat-resistant components must survive reentry and landing. Missions that involve returning a payload must also have an intact payload. If you're not sure, please ask first.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello @sturmhauke. Nice challenge you've got going on here

I'm currently working on some stuff for this, but before doing any submissions I'd like to clarify some things

- Does the Launch System for the orbiter has to have structure like the actual STS System (as in, fuel tank and 2 SRBs) or am I allowed liberties on this one? And how far can I take it if I am allowed liberties? (from Buran-style Launcher with heavy lift rocket and 4 liquid fuel boosters to million Twin-Boars stuck to one another)

- In addition to that: must the Orbiter be mounted on the side or am I allowed to place it wherever I want to? Say, if it's narrow enough, can I place it on top of the rocket and build a fairing around it?

- For missions STS-1b and STS-2b: it says those are Bonus missions, does it mean I can skip them if I want to? Because specifics of these missions mean that those are pretty much limited to Mk.3 style Orbiters and I had some promising Mk.2 designs in the works

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