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Favorite Kerbals of All Time

Misguided Kerbal

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Who are your favorite kerbals of all time (In your saves)? Of course, excluding Jebediah, Bill, Bob, Valentina, and any Kebals created using the cheat menu. I guess I'll start. On my very first save, I had this scientist named Donke Kerman, pronounced "Donk", or "Donkey". Of course, I just had to send him on an untested experimental SSTO and killed him. 

Cheers :lol:

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  On 4/10/2020 at 8:03 PM, Just Jim said:

Do I even have to say it?


I'm guessing Piper but there are quite a few to choose from!

My own favourite (from a saved game - important caveat that), is probably Geneney "Genie" Kerman. Although it took me far too long to realise that Geneney could be shortened to Gene. *facepalm*

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  On 4/10/2020 at 8:10 PM, KSK said:

I'm guessing Piper but there are quite a few to choose from!

My own favourite (from a saved game - important caveat that), is probably Geneney "Genie" Kerman. Although it took me far too long to realise that Geneney could be shortened to Gene. *facepalm*

  On 4/10/2020 at 8:06 PM, Misguided_Kerbal said:

Let me guess...

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Yeah, I have to admit, you're both right.
Truth be told, Emiko was based on Emiko Yamani, and added in
But Piper and Thompberry were actual game-generated names.
There were a lot more, but I'll go with those 2


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Kringle Kerman, who will remain forever stuck on Eve.

My fearless test pilot from the DERP program era:  Upchuck Kerman

My day-to-day test pilot:  Killme Kerman

Then there's my tribute to the women of space, the female test pilot duo:  Makem and Sammitch Kerman

Edit: almost forgot:  Z Kerman  (as in "Agent Z"), and Kladimir Kerman   (both affiliated with a certain comic-adversarial faction)

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mauvy~ thereabouts

She guided rockets launched during my first exploits with 1.0.5’s Vector engine, and lived every time. She’s a real trooper, rip. She died when I downloaded 1.1, and her save got lost in my files, and when I upgraded computers.

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Raymy Kerman. He got clipped into a fuel tank, survived re-entry in an eva suit, and also parachute down from 20000m after the parachute on his pod burnt up during re-entry from Jool

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Brendal Kerman.
First Kerbal to step foot on Duna way back in 1.2 when I did a direct Duna ascent because I had no clue how to dock. Got him into Kerbin's SOI but the ship ran out of fuel when I burned the wrong way and encountered Minmus instead of Kerbin's atmosphere. Jumped out and used used the jetpack to brake into LMO, where, after two hours of trying, I succeeded in picking him up in my first ever rendezvous. Brought him home for good, where he retired and lived a happy life as the KSC gardener.

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My favorite kerbal would probably be one of the randomly generated kerbals I got in the game, not the veteran kerbonauts. (Although Jeb follows close behind). His name is Anski Kerman. When I got him at the astronaut complex, I noticed his name was different from the others and seemed more like a name that wasn't formed from two compound syllables. I looked it up and the name "Anski" meant "Spear of the gods" in Finnish. He served in a lot of missions, with his first mission being delivering a survey satellite to the orbit of Minmus which will then propel itself to a polar inclination using an ion engine. The rocket used to deliver the satellite to Minmus was named the Saurus VI. His partner for the mission was assigned to land on Minmus and rendevous with a mining station on the surface to refuel the ship. Unfortunately the rendevous didnt go so well because I could not open the fuel tank transfer menu and had no ore tanks or docking ports attached and was forced to spend the remaining fuel getting back into orbit. They were rescued by another crew that was en route to Eve but changed plans to rescue them. They all made it back. Over time I improved the fuel efficiency of the Saurus VI so I made it into a multi purpose rocket, and had rockets like "Saurus VI with claw","Saurus VI with RADKOR rescue probe" etc etc. Anski went on missions with the new improved Saurus VI and mainly did asteroid capture missions with Tim Kerman, another kerbal with an epic name. I usually out him on missions where I am certain he will survive, rarely leaving kerbin's soi and on crafts that are guaranteed to re enter kerbins atmosphere. So that is the story of Anski Kerman, hope you enjoyed.

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