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The Kerbolar Kluster


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I am planning on making a mod that adds several new star systems to the game orbiting a black hole in the center I'm planning on making 4 single star systems, 2 binary systems, and 1 binary of a pulsar and a white dwarf, there will also be a few planets circling close to the black hole

the names Im thinking of

Black Hole-Kagitarius A* a gas giant with several moons, 1 habitable orbits near the accretion disk of the central black hole

White dwarf-KDK0915 A gas giant with medium moons and a partially molten lava planet circle relatively closely

Neutron Star-Krab Pulsar, 3 kerbin sized planets orbit the star, they are blasted by radiation from the jets, only the furthest one has an atmosphere, the nearest is covered in lava

Binary 1-Kalpha Kentauri, 2 stars closely orbit each other with 3 planets 1 superheated, 1 icy, 1 habitable

Kau Keti- a single star with a gas giant and rocky world, one of the moons has an atmosphere, the rocky, partially habitable world has water oceans and a thin atmosphere

Kirus- brightest star in kerbin's sky has 3 atmospheric but uninhabitable worlds

Karnards star, a red dwarf with 2 small rocky worlds

Kevlar 18, a gas giant with several moons 1 volcanic 1 icy, 1 rocky circles the binary alone

Being posted to see what people feel


Edited by kspnerd122
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mod development will begin with the black hole and the surrounding planets along with Kau Keti the second closest star to kerbol Also, Note Kerbol will not be in orbit, the black hole and kerbol will be static, also I have made the descision to make an ingame light year 1/10th the size of a real one(rest of ksp is 1/10th scale)the black hole and surrounding stars will be roughly 10 ingame LY away, or 1 real LY away, this way although interstellar drives can be useful, they are not required, Nervas or ion drives will work(although they will take a LOOONG time, they will, in fact get you there in less than 2 hours at max timewarp

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  On 4/18/2020 at 3:01 AM, bobjonesisthebest:D said:

dust clouds as far as I know are impossible

I might be wrong, but with my limited understanding of kop I don't think that is possible.

tell me if im wrong tho.


Perhaps you can emulate it by adding super sized gas giant with near zero density, a microscopic sized core  and partial opaque. What are the limits  in Kopernicus any?

Edited by FreeThinker
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sorry, no gas clouds kopernicus doesn't let you do that, also yes, there will be rouge planets/comets/asteroids(ones you can land on), and no i cannot make a huge gas giant with low density(my game crashes when i do this, sorry)

the first update will add the black hole, the surrounding planets, and the pulsar/white dwarf system

second will add the normal binary with its planets

third will finish the initially planned planets, after which i will continue to add new planets if they are asked for enough(note this will have compatibility with ALL stock replacer mods

however, DO NOT ASK FOR WORMHOLES, they WILL NOT be added, get ksp interstellar or make a huge ion ship

for your convenience there will be nuclear reactors, and a few fusion drives included in the mod so the stars are acessible without other mods also there will be a system to build rockets off planet included in the mod(so you only have to send a few kerbals and then build what you need

first release will occur within 2 months

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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 4/17/2020 at 10:52 PM, FreeThinker said:

Will you also add some rogue planets or other intresting stuff (like interstellar commets like Oumuamua) or big dust and gas clouds



  On 4/20/2020 at 1:08 PM, kspnerd122 said:

sorry, no gas clouds kopernicus doesn't let you do that,


Doesn't EVE let you add dust clouds? Duna has them with EVE installed iirc.

  On 4/20/2020 at 1:08 PM, kspnerd122 said:

however, DO NOT ASK FOR WORMHOLES, they WILL NOT be added, get ksp interstellar or make a huge ion ship


How come? 

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development is going well however this is my first mod so this will take a few months

also im going to downsize initial release in favor of a slower release of planets

also NO WORMHOLES I find them cheaty as they let you cross vast distances easily

however I will add a replacable config for any habitable planet that makes it the homeworld

also this will be compatible with after kerbin at launch

before kerbin 1 month later

beyond home 2 months later

GPP after 3 months

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

thank you I need help a lot, It would help to have a template for a water world that is easy to use, e.g Fust from extrasolar.

I will ask for help with stars, however first release will only contain a red giant with some dying worlds, effectively, after kerbin but far away and different planets

DEV IS ONGOING, however in 3 months I will release the red giant, there will be other stars coming in 2 month intervals afterward

I will post screenshots a month before the first system is released

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the red giant system will have 3 planets

Cinder, a extremely hot melting world which will barely escape the demise of its sun, tidally locked, the night side is cooler, no atmosphere

Tike, a large gas giant with 2 moons 1 with a thin atmosphere, however, the inner moon is volcanically active, watch out for lava, the outer moon on the other hand is a paridise which is very similar to kerbin.

Roco, a hot rocky planet with a atmosphere, however the highlands are a pleasant tempreature, the lowlands however are much hotter, in the highlands, kerbals can take their helmets off, as the air is breathable there.

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also wormholes will not be added because the mod will add larger ion drives as well as a few other useful parts, such as larger ion tanks, as well as a large nuclear engine that has more thrust and is also more efficient.

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note the ion drive will simply be scaled up dawn with 100x thrust(so people do not rail against using it, note that it is 200KN, if you want I can up it to 300KN, max I will make it is 600KN(10 times nuclear engine))

also dev on red giant is going rather well expect release to be on time.

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