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[1.8.1 - 1.12.x] Bumblebee v0.6


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Possible culprit mods found, I'm going to test more before 100% confirming

Current suspects are:

  • CommNet Antennas Extension
  • CommNet Antennas Consumptor
  • CommNet Antennas Info
  • CommNet Constellation
  • Remote Tech Redev Antenna

Current culprits cleared, rechecking previous set of mods


Edited by RB101
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The ksp log can show what patches are being applied to a part, so if you search for the part names and look through the patch applications it can give some clues. And if you want to upload the log I can check it too.

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I've confirmed "Research and Development" as the Primary and only cause for this issue.


Crafts saved before removing the mod retain the issue due to how RnD interacts with craft files.
Rebuilding a fresh craft after it is uninstalled does not results in the same issue.

I've also tested craft built and saved before installing it, which then get the issue whilst it is installed,  but lose the issue again after uninstalling RnD.

I'm not going to uninstall RnD because it is just too important to my playthroughs...

NOTE: I suspect the dual high/low power modes might be the cause of the conflict? (as stock mode switch engines only have a single air breathing mode)

RnD is known for handling engines with multiple modes that use exactly the same fuels very poorly.


 I don't know why the engines need high and low power modes though, as the throttle limiter already fills that funciton and is much more freely tweakable, and can be controlled by a Kal-1000 controller.

Removing the dual mode may fix the issue, though I'm not familiar enough with KSP coding to test this myself

Here's my log file for when the mod is installed: https://we.tl/t-aQXed6soSK

Edited by RB101
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If you make a new cfg file with this in it, somewhere in your game data, it should fix it:


Without knowing exactly how krnd works, I’m guessing this should stop the prop parts from being affected by it at all.

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4 hours ago, Rodger said:

If you make a new cfg file with this in it, somewhere in your game data, it should fix it:


Without knowing exactly how krnd works, I’m guessing this should stop the prop parts from being affected by it at all.

I can confirm this fixes the issue when placed into the Bumblebee patches folder! :) 

Would you mind making the above .cfg file a permanent edition to this mod please?

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  • 3 months later...

Heads up, I cobbled together a patch to Near Future Electrical's Decaying RTGs extra which adds compatibility with Bumblebee's RTG part to it, in case anyone happens to want to use that extra with this mod. You can find the .cfg file on GitHub HERE or paste the following code in yourself:


// Bumblebee
    @cost *= 0.5
    !MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {}
        name = ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator
        BasePower = 0.6
        HalfLife = 8.35
        EasyMode = true

Edited by SpudNutimus
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

The error mentioned above by @OrbitalManeuvers is caused by a typo in the Bumblebee Sensor Package config file.  The typo prevents running the barometer experiment from an action group.  Here is a Module Manager patch to correct the typo and let the barometer experiment work as intended.  I prefer patches like this over editing the original files, but obviously it could be done that way, too.

Bumblebee Sensor Package Barometer Fix

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bumblebee Sensor Package Barometer Fix
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			@useActionGroups = True

I didn't come here to talk about that, but I saw that error and had to fix it before I felt comfortable posting what I actually came here for...

While I was doing a personal update on the Knes TweakScale configs, I decided to write some for Bumblebee.  I always enjoyed using the electric props from Firespitter to make things like quad copters and whatnot, and when you combine that with TweakScale, you can make some pretty neat low part count stuff.  TweakScale for Bumblebee seemed like something interesting to play with, so I wrote the requisite configs to do so, and I decided I might as well share them.  So here they are.

Note 1: Some of the parts will require the latest version of the TweakScale Beta with TweakScaleExperimental enabled, but if you're only after the props, pretty much any version of TweakScale will do.

Note 2: Scaling up the size of the props exacerbates the issue of the Bumblebee props continuing to generate thrust when they run out of available EC.  Rest assured the problem exists even on standard sized props without my patch installed, but the thrust values are so low that they typically wouldn't be enough to move your craft.  Scaling up the size increases the size of that latent thrust.

Bumblebee TweakScale Patches

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bumblebee TweakScale Patches
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@PART[bb_Aeroshell]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee "Apiary" Aeroshell
		type = stack
		defaultScale = 2.5

@PART[bb_Chute]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee Main Parachute
		type = free_square

@PART[bb_Core]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee Drone Probe Core
		type = free

@PART[bb_Decoupler]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee Decoupler
	#@TWEAKSCALEBEHAVIOR[Decoupler]/MODULE[TweakScale] { }
		type = free

@PART[bb_Drogue]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee Drogue Parachute
		type = free_square

@PART[bb_HGA]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee "Antennae" High Gain Antenna
		type = free_square

@PART[bb_Prop]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee "Wings" Contra-Propeller
		type = free

@PART[bb_PropSingle]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee "Wing" Single Propeller
		type = free

@PART[bb_RTG]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee "Stinger" RTG
		type = free

@PART[bb_Seismometer]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScaleExperimental] // Bumblebee "Proboscis" Deployable Seismometer
		type = free

@PART[bb_Sensor]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScaleExperimental] // Bumblebee Sensor Package
		type = free

@PART[bb_SingleTruss]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee single-mount Truss
		type = free

@PART[bb_Skids]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScaleExperimental] // Bumblebee "Knees" Skids
		type = free

@PART[bb_Truss]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // Bumblebee Truss
		type = free

@PART[bb_Dunaprop]:NEEDS[Bumblebee,TweakScale] // "Dragonfly" Low Density Contra-Propeller
		type = free

Enjoy or not as you see fit :D

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  • 6 months later...

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