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Misguided Kerbal

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I think we need a whole SW prequel memes thread


it's over OrdinaryKerman! I have the high ground

Edited by Starhelperdude
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Oh hey llok nwe page

1 hour ago, Souptime said:

Roses are red

A clock ticks

Execute order 66

What about Order 65? Then Palpatine won't be the Senate, because he'll be instantly deposed and the Senate will decide his fate.

Edited by OrdinaryKerman
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5 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

Oh hey llok nwe page

What about Order 65? Then Palpatine won't be the Senate, because the the senate will by law have time to decide his fate.

wasnt the order 66 where a guy killed a bunch of children

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On the dawg  topic.

Of course, dawgz would be nice in KSP.
But dawg-sized elephants are more useful. They could use trunk to  move the sticks.

(After thinking a little cuz why think much?, I'll suggest this in the suggestions.)

Edited by kerbiloid
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27 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Why do you call Sunday "the weekend" when it's  "Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday" ?

So, it's the weekbegin, the weekend finishes at Sat 23h 59m 59.(9)s, between Sat and Sun,

Though some people say the weekend finishes at Sun 23h 59m 59.(9)s, between Sun and Mon.

It can be either.

Edited by KeaKaka
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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Why do you call Sunday "the weekend" when it's  "Sunday, Monday, ..., Saturday" ?

So, it's the weekbegin, the weekend finishes at Sat 23h 59m 59.(9)s, between Sat and Sun,

in some arab countries the weekend is friday and saturday

also friday in the futurama universe would be named fryday xD

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the most kerbal thing grievous ever said


did you ever hear the tragedy of darth Souptime the nice?

did you ever hear the tragedy of SARS corona the (insert here a not good german word that rhymes with nice/wise)

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@Starhelperdude being a Star Wars fan, can you tell me why Sith Lords have the title ‘Darth’? Is it just Korriban or ancient Sith for ‘Lord’, or does it mean something else? BTW, ‘Sith’ were a pre-Republic race of primitive sapient apes with a mild natural Force connection. The dark side cult developed in humans living close to them, and took the name Sith when the species became the main group of servants/aides for the humans.

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7 minutes ago, OrdinaryKerman said:

@Starhelperdude being a Star Wars fan, can you tell me why Sith Lords have the title ‘Darth’? Is it just Korriban or ancient Sith for ‘Lord’, or does it mean something else?

I think it's just from the sith order, the sith species from korriban (and later other planets) where I think familiar with the dark side but Darth is mostly just used by sith, also some sith like Lord Khan ~1000 BBY used no Darth, but with the rule of two (and one later by darth krayt) the title darth came in use again (all legends information)

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