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Students of the forums, what was the worst excuse of a teacher you have ever seen?


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We had a history teacher back when I was in 7th Grade. She was a wonderful person, and I learnt a lot from her. But not history, not at all...

The class would start with her telling us to open our books and then she would tell a random student to stand up and read the chapter from the book, line by line while she rested at her desk, nodding once a while. That's it.

I was her usual text-to-speech convertor. Several times I tried to mess around. Once, while we were studying the chapter about the invasion of Genghis Khan in Central Asia, I kept mispronouncing his name as 'Dinguz Can' or 'Blingus Can'. And she would just keep nodding at her desk. I don't know if she was in a suspended animation or something for the duration of the class.

The students decided to deal with it, and we would often study the topic seriously before the class in a group, making notes and adding interesting and important info to the book. While reciting the chapter, I would insert the extra stuff as well. In a way, the students were teaching themselves.

Edited by Selective Genius
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One time, some of my friends were bored in study hall( we got our stuff done) so we pulled out a bluetooth speaker one guy had in his trapper keeper, paired it to his Chromebook and started playing videos. Of screaming goats. In the middle of silent study hall. It was worth it.

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I was lucky to not get classes with this teacher but most of my friends did.

Acording to my friend:

"She spent most if now all of the classes telling us stuff about her life and not giving classes al together, it got to a point were many of the class gathered on wednesday on a friend's house for her mother to teach them what the teacher should have taught them"

Oh and now that I remember I did have classes with this one teacher that.... well she was horrible.

She once punished me for jumping on a puddle.... YES SHE PUNISHED ME FOR JUMPING ON A PUDDLE. 

Oh and she once confiscated a toy from me, now this doesn't sound to bad untill you consider that she didn't return it after the school day, so yes you could say that she stole a toy from a 4 year old. (she did return it to me a few days later but damn it's a bit harsh especially when you consider the only reason she took it away was because it was shown in class, yup that was reason she confiscated it)

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While going to tech school to get my aircraft mechanic certification, the turbine engines instructor basically sat in front of the room and had people in the class read from the text book out loud.  For the entire course.  I had to self-teach myself how turbine engines work and helped some of my fellow classmates who weren't getting it from just the textbook, which resulted in an amusing conversation:

Other student: "Hey, so did you work on jet engines when you were in the Army?"

Me:  "No, I blew stuff up in the Army.  The closest I got to a turbine engine was using the exhaust from an M1 Abrams tank to heat my rations"

I got some strange looks after that  :cool:


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when i was doing my aa i had to take a political science class. something i was completely disinterested in taking. to make it worse we had the most sleep inducing instructor they could find. but at least he wasn't flat out malicious, just extremely dull, ive had a lot of the former especially in elementary school.  i also had a really stupid second grade teacher in a combined 1st/2nd grade class that though i should stay back a grade so she put me with the 1st graders, but then didnt tell anyone about this, needless to say i was grossly unprepared for 3rd grade and to this day i still can not write in cursive.

more of an honorable mention: i had this unpredictable whackjob in 4th grade. im not sure how to describe the guy. he was very political, he had his own version of the pledge of allegiance and various patriotic songs, made us watch these obscure weird low budget films probably coming out some liberal arts university's drama department, or rather visceral medical documentaries featuring various surgeries (most 4th grade teachers would have resorted to schoolhouse rock). one time he devoted an entire day to debating the second amendment. id say hes like the father from 'captain fantastic' if he was a public school teacher. i only had the guy for about 3 months and i started in the middle of the year. he may have actually been a good teacher had i started the year with him, hince the honorable mention. but the reason he's here is he had me shipped off to a special school (which id describe as a dumping ground for sociopaths, lunatics, and the developmentally challenged) because i was such a disruption to the class apparently (if you can disrupt chaos). this was late 80s or early 90s so im sure there are worse examples now. 

Edited by Nuke
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In sixth grade, my social studies teacher was about the least qualified person to be a teacher. He only talked sports with the other boys (I drew with one of my friends, I never did like sports) and nothin was ever accomplished. I think we got to chapter two, lesson one. Unit one. Out of ten units, that’s how far we got, in one year. 

In second grade, my teacher was sadistic to make the least. If one of us would make a mistake on our assignment, she’d make us stand in front of the class, and apologize for slowing the others down and ‘hindering their ability to learn’ a good chunk of the students that had to do this were reduced to tears, it was just brutal. We had to ‘apologize’ for being ‘idiots’ and ‘ruining our classmates school experience’ in front of them. That was one of the worst years of my schooling experience. 

Where I went to school, there was pre-school, of course. But there was a grade BELOW that. It was for three year olds who wanted a ‘jump start’ on the other children. In reality, it was really just a glorified, expensive playgroup. They didn’t do squat that was learning related. But man, three years old and in school? I just didn’t get it.

There were two pre school classes, and each and around twenty kids. I went to private for elementary, and switched to public halfway through middle school. So twenty kids was a decent size for a class. Mine had twenty seven, and the other had twenty eight, so the principal and pre school teachers decided to send me, and three other students to the ‘jump start’ grade. Without asking our parents. They moved us back a year, and decided to go with it. After a few days, our folks found out and were livid. We were moved back to the pre school classes. This would only be the beginning of the nightmare of my schooling experience, more will soon come.

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Had a teacher telling us all year we were going to stand up in front of the class and recite the Preamble to the Bill of Rights or whatever all year. Key word: Recite. One day, we had a small memorization assignment and I forgot one bit and decided to check the actual document. Apparently, writing something down at your desk is reciting it. She told me I was cheating and dropped my grade, but I was able to talk her into giving me a B. She was a horrific teacher, but that was the one that I remember the best, it's been a few years.


EDIT: awww, this ruined my 666 post count. also just realized I haven't posted in months. Hi!

Edited by Kernel Kraken
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  On 5/26/2020 at 7:02 AM, Kernel Kraken said:

EDIT: awww, this ruined my 666 post count. also just realized I haven't posted in months. Hi!


just chock it up to a rounding error. or put on some behemoth or something. but i am reminded of one time in my senior year where i got in trouble once for looking at the church of satan webpage. 

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  On 5/25/2020 at 1:45 AM, Lewie said:

I never did like sports


phew I’m not the only one

anyway, I’m comparatively early in my schooling and haven’t gotten teachers that are hell 

  On 5/25/2020 at 1:45 AM, Lewie said:

In second grade, my teacher was sadistic to make the least. If one of us would make a mistake on our assignment, she’d make us stand in front of the class, and apologize for slowing the others down and ‘hindering their ability to learn’ a good chunk of the students that had to do this were reduced to tears, it was just brutal. We had to ‘apologize’ for being ‘idiots’ and ‘ruining our classmates school experience’ in front of them. That was one of the worst years of my schooling experience


don’t know the meaning of the word discipline

  On 5/21/2020 at 9:09 AM, KerbolExplorer said:

Oh and now that I remember I did have classes with this one teacher that.... well she was horrible.

She once punished me for jumping on a puddle.... YES SHE PUNISHED ME FOR JUMPING ON A PUDDLE. 


or flat out portaled their way into the job and subsequently looked at the operational end of the device

  On 5/25/2020 at 1:45 AM, Lewie said:

In sixth grade, my social studies teacher was about the least qualified person to be a teacher. He only talked sports with the other boys (I drew with one of my friends, I never did like sports) and nothin was ever accomplished. I think we got to chapter two, lesson one. Unit one. Out of ten units, that’s how far we got, in one year. 


but seeing as these exist, I’m sure I have moar to see...


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I had a teacher who, despite teaching an advanced course, did not know the material. When he did attempt to teach, it felt like he was learning the material at the same pace as the rest of the class. 
Instead of even just lecturing, he would sit at his desk all class. We were expected to use khan academy to teach ourselves the course content.
Any “labs” were poorly put together and while it was this Failure’s first time teaching, it was obvious that he had not succeeded in the lab. Instead of clear and concise instructions, we were given confusing and convoluted packets.
Despite being a course which needed plenty of desk space, it was taught in a computer lab. The teacher accepted the cramped quarters as adequate for the class. Often when doing a lab, half the effort was getting set up in such a cramped environment.

The teacher had horrible pacing. Out of the 12 units, by the second semester we had only started unit 5.
Unfortunately, this appeared to be the normal for all his other classes. Packets of information in which the students had to teach themselves...

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  On 6/3/2020 at 9:46 PM, munlander1 said:

I had a teacher who, despite teaching an advanced course, did not know the material. When he did attempt to teach, it felt like he was learning the material at the same pace as the rest of the class. 
Instead of even just lecturing, he would sit at his desk all class. We were expected to use khan academy to teach ourselves the course content.
Any “labs” were poorly put together and while it was this Failure’s first time teaching, it was obvious that he had not succeeded in the lab. Instead of clear and concise instructions, we were given confusing and convoluted packets.
Despite being a course which needed plenty of desk space, it was taught in a computer lab. The teacher accepted the cramped quarters as adequate for the class. Often when doing a lab, half the effort was getting set up in such a cramped environment.

The teacher had horrible pacing. Out of the 12 units, by the second semester we had only started unit 5.
Unfortunately, this appeared to be the normal for all his other classes. Packets of information in which the students had to teach themselves...


my whole college experience felt like kindergarden. instructors would read to us and most of the tests were multiple choice. i did have to write a few papers, but they werent that many and they werent that good either. most of the time i found that so long as i actually read the textbooks i could ace the tests. this inevitably led to my distrust of educational institutions, its all one big scam. they didnt do anything for me that i couldnt have done on my own. ended up with a huge pile of debt and a degree that wasnt worth the paper it was printed on.


  On 6/3/2020 at 12:09 AM, HansonKerman said:

phew I’m not the only one


im not a big fan of spectator sports. its kind of like people watching me play video games (oddly this is popular now). the only reason i can see to watch sports (and the same goes for esports too) is if you want to improve your game (any other reasons for watching sports pretty much boils down to herd mentality). but in gym class i mostly excelled at racquet sports, weightlifting, and baseball. i also bowled a lot but that was not really school related. my advice to surviving gym class is to find a sport you are actually good at and just do that, sure beats doing random stuff from week to week. i went to a small school and we just had the one pe class, so i didnt have any options as far as sports go. 

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  On 6/5/2020 at 3:53 AM, Nuke said:

m not a big fan of spectator sports. its kind of like people watching me play video games (oddly this is popular now). the only reason i can see to watch sports (and the same goes for esports too) is if you want to improve your game (any other reasons for watching sports pretty much boils down to herd mentality). but in gym class i mostly excelled at racquet sports, weightlifting, and baseball. i also bowled a lot but that was not really school related. my advice to surviving gym class is to find a sport you are actually good at and just do that, sure beats doing random stuff from week to week. i went to a small school and we just had the one pe class, so i didnt have any options as far as sports go


I just hate (well, not really hate, just dislike) sports. First time my mom signed me up for soccer, i kicked the ball around, got whacked hard in the leg and got so tired that I couldn’t play. In kindergarten, my mom wanted me to do gymnastics. It was fun! Kinda. In second grade I broke a bone during the first day of a gymnastics unit. First and last bone I will ever break. Third grade that gym teacher left because he got married or smthin.


i do like casually throwing a ball in a hoop tho

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  On 6/5/2020 at 3:53 AM, Nuke said:

most of the tests were multiple choice.


That brings back memories of French 11, some 30 years ago. We were given oral multiple choice quizzes: the teacher read the questions and possible answers aloud, since these were language tests after all. Nerd/geek/keener that I was, I was in the first row. My hand was down beside my seat: 1 finger for A, 2 fingers for B, etc. At the end of the year half the class thanked me for helping them pass...

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  On 6/5/2020 at 12:27 PM, HansonKerman said:

I just hate (well, not really hate, just dislike) sports. First time my mom signed me up for soccer, i kicked the ball around, got whacked hard in the leg and got so tired that I couldn’t play. In kindergarten, my mom wanted me to do gymnastics. It was fun! Kinda. In second grade I broke a bone during the first day of a gymnastics unit. First and last bone I will ever break. Third grade that gym teacher left because he got married or smthin.


i do like casually throwing a ball in a hoop tho


i really wished my high school had a pool as i would have just done swim class. this was up in anchorage alaska, and if you've never visited has one of the best bike/ski trail networks i ever seen. our gym ta had the bright idea of buying a bunch of bikes at a police auction, they were in various states of repair and for a week gym was bicycle maintenance class (this actually helped me out later on in life when i was doing bike assembly for retail stores). so we had for the last month of the year we did nothing but ride bikes all over town (the cycling unit turned out really effective and is also how i learned to ride a bike). we also did cross country skiing in the winter and that was a lot less fun, and cold, and exhausting. weight lifting was probably the best though, go in, do your circuit and that was pretty much it. its non competitive so not a whole lot of banter from the other students, and the gym teacher didn't need to yell so much (she yelled a lot, but that kind of comes with the job) so it was a nice and peaceful change of pace. 

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I had a professor in Discrete Mechanics whose lectures were an absolute disaster. Questions to explain something because we didn’t understand were dismissed with “that’s because you’re stupid.”

After each lecture he was mobbed with students asking for extra work, or books we could study, mostly just waved away.

Nearly half a year later we read an interview with him in the university newspaper, where he complains about the apathy of modern students. “I did an experiment earlier this year and taught bad classes on purpose. Every werk was worse than before. You’d think they’d say something about it, come to me after class, but no... not a word

In some ways it was good. Coming fresh from high school I got a giant dose of cynicism that wouldhave taken me a decade of life experience to gather otherwise. Of course it was also a huge factor in me dropping out of university but that didn’t affect me that much, looking back.

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