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[1.9.x] KSP Original Score Project - Over 2 hours of music for KSP!


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Hello, everyone! I'm very excited to release this. Thanks to @linuxgurugamer and @pizzaoverhead, I was able to create almost an entirely new soundtrack to Kerbal Space Program. I'll give a little bit of background about myself later, but here's what's included in the download.

Over two hours of original music, composed and mixed by myself - inspired by Kerbal Space Program. There are specific songs for in and out of atmosphere on different worlds, specific songs for construction or space, specific songs for the influence of different bodies, and re-orchestrated and recorded/mixed a new version of the opening titles, using my composing software and libraries. The tone of music here is not stockalike. More about that below.

What's Required
In order to hear all this music, you need to have Soundtrack Editor Forked installed, along with its dependencies: Click Through BlockerToolbar Controller, and SpaceTux Library. These are not included in the download file here. You must get them on your own.

Technical Details
This adds a significant amount of music to the game, with songs ranging from 2 minutes to 6 minutes long. Expect a little bit of a hiccup every now and then when a new song is loading. Each song is exported as an .OGG file to try to help with compatibility.

To Install
Simply replace the Music and Playlist folder in the Soundtrack Editor mod with those in this mod.




About Me
This project has been a personal project I've wanted to do for years. In 2014 or 15, the KSP social media accounts shared some music of mine from SoundCloud that I had written, inspired by the game. I saw a lot of people really like that music, and when I found out about Soundtrack Editor, I always wanted to do this. Now, several years later, I finally found the motivation and time to do so! I'm a composer for short films, indie games, podcasts etc so composing music is not only part of my income, but a part of my daily life. I take a lot of pride in my music (I've even won an award for one of my scores!) and I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.

The tone of the music I created for this project ranges from electronic to drone and ambient. I used a lot of synthesizers (both hardware and software) as well as orchestral libraries and live recordings of instruments I own to make this. It's very much inspired by artists such as Ólafur Arnalds, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Hildur Guðnadóttir, Hans Zimmer, Benjamin Wallfisch, and Rutger Zuydervelt. I wanted to make something that gives a different tone that stock KSP. The construction songs are still more upbeat, using electronic instruments and lo-fi beats, but once you get out of the VAB/SPH it's a different feel entirely. 

I do want to note: unfortunately I never got to Moho and Dres. They were the last two bodies that I was going to compose for, but I recently accepted a short film score and I didn't want to distract myself further from that. So for now, Moho and Dres are using the same track as Mun. Hopefully that's okay!

Anyways, that's all for now I suppose. Post feedback below!


If you like this music or the mods I do, please consider donating!

I humbly request that you don't listen to this music outside of the game. I ask that you use your favorite free streaming service to listen to this music outside of the game. This way, I get (a very, very tiny amount of) money per stream. If you want to purchase the album, you certainly can, but I would ask that you donate directly to me instead (using the button below), otherwise major services get a cut of that amount. Selected songs from this mod are available under the album title "Celestial."


Edited by -ctn-
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Just now, DylanPruden said:

finally a change of pace from the Kevin MacLeod all the time 




Partly because I was sick of that style of music and partly because I can't compose in that style to save my life :lol: I'm much more of a dramatic/tension/soundscape composer.

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KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 1.ogg - 압축데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다. (Cannot read zip data)
KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 2.ogg - 손상된 압축 파일입니다. (The file is a corrupted file or damaged)

I can't unzip it completely because im getting errors with these files. Is it just me?

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2 hours ago, One eyed Smile said:

KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 1.ogg - 압축데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다. (Cannot read zip data)
KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 2.ogg - 손상된 압축 파일입니다. (The file is a corrupted file or damaged)

I can't unzip it completely because im getting errors with these files. Is it just me?

Well, maybe it is just you and me. But that seems unlikely. :-)

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2 hours ago, One eyed Smile said:

KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 1.ogg - 압축데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다. (Cannot read zip data)
KSPOST_v1\Music\Bodies\2 Eve\Eve 2.ogg - 손상된 압축 파일입니다. (The file is a corrupted file or damaged)

I can't unzip it completely because im getting errors with these files. Is it just me?


4 minutes ago, rmaine said:

Well, maybe it is just you and me. But that seems unlikely. :-)

how about you provide some information?  It downloaded and unzipped fine for me.

info needed:

  • Operating system
  • geographical location
  • program you are using to unpack
  • System specs


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You should consider having a way for people to preview the music, or provide a link to your soundcloud. I searched it up myself, and downloaded to preview, but it'll help others decide to download.

Also I can report the same error as above. Eve 1 and 2.ogg have an error while unzipping in both windows default unzip, and 7zip. With 7zip it does create the files but they won't open in any audio program. The rest of the files work fine. gNZ0f8n.png

Impressive work on the soundtrack though. Reminds me of Stellaris.

Edited by Duhya
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2 minutes ago, Duhya said:

You should consider having a way for people to preview the music, or provide a link to your soundcloud. I searched it up myself, and downloaded to preview, but it'll help others decide to download.

Also I can report the same error as above. Eve 1 and 2.ogg have an error while unzipping in both windows default unzip, and 7zip. With 7zip it does create the files but they won't open in any audio program. The rest of the files work fine.

Impressive work on the soundtrack though. Reminds me of Stellaris.

As stated at the bottom of the OP, selected tracks (16 of them) will be available for streaming soon (couple weeks or so) so people will be able to “audition” it then. 

That’s an odd error, I downloaded and unzipped it when I uploaded it to verify it. I’ll repackage and reupload tomorrow and see if that fixes it. 

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18 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:


how about you provide some information?  It downloaded and unzipped fine for me.

info needed:

  • Operating system
  • geographical location
  • program you are using to unpack
  • System specs


Hmm. Hadn't occurred to me it would be sensitive to that, but ok.

64-bit Windows 10, USA, 7zip 19.0 (which I just now checked is the latest version) for Windows x64.

System fairly overpowered for the task. i7-7820 CPU, 32 GB ram, NVidia RTX 2080 8 GB video, 2 TB SSD with 1.3 TB of it free.

Now that you ask, I also tried unzipping it on my iMac using the unzip program. Also gets an error for the same files.

Note that it does unzip most of the files ok. Just "poodles" (as the forum bowdlerizer likes to put it) about those two.


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error: invalid compressed data to inflate
file #6: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 9942212

Gentoo GNU/Linux 5.6.7, xarchiver

Re-posting the rest of it... sorry for not putting it into spoiler tags, Invision seems hungry today.

$ md5sum 20200521-MoviesCollin-Original_Score_Project-1-spacedock.2433.zip 
38fb14b6d633346ac88039f0b2955345 20200521-MoviesCollin-Original_Score_Project-1-spacedock.2433.zip

$ unzip -t 20200521-MoviesCollin-Original_Score_Project-1-spacedock.2433.zip 
Archive: 20200521-MoviesCollin-Original_Score_Project-1-spacedock.2433.zip
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/1 Moho/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/2 Eve/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/2 Eve/Eve 1.ogg
error: invalid compressed data to inflate
file #6: bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 9942212
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/2 Eve/Eve Space.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/Minmus/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/Minmus/Minmus 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/Minmus/Minmus 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/Mun/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/3 Kerbin/Mun/Mun.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/4 Duna/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/4 Duna/Duna 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/4 Duna/Duna 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/4 Duna/Duna 3.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/4 Duna/Duna Space.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/5 Dres/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Jool 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Jool 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Jool 3.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Jool Moons 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Jool Moons 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Laythe/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Laythe/Laythe 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/6 Jool/Laythe/Laythe 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/7 Eeloo/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/7 Eeloo/Eeloo 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Bodies/7 Eeloo/Eeloo 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/Construction 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/Construction 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/Construction 3.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/Construction 4.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Construction/Construction 5.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Main Theme.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Menu Ambience.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Main/Tracking Station.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/Space 1.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/Space 2.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/Space 3.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/Space 4.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Music/Space/Space 5.ogg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/OST graphic.png OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Playlists/ OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/Playlists/playlists.cfg OK
testing: KSPOST_v1/README.txt OK
At least one error was detected in 20200521-MoviesCollin-Original_Score_Project-1-spacedock.2433.zip.

$ unzip -v
UnZip 6.00 of 20 April 2009, by Info-ZIP. Maintained by C. Spieler. Send
bug reports using http://www.info-zip.org/zip-bug.html; see README for details.

Latest sources and executables are at ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/ ;
see ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/UnZip.html for other sites.

Compiled with gcc 9.2.0 for Unix (Linux ELF).
Edited by Corax
Thank you, Invision forum software, for eating the rest of my post.
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5 hours ago, -ctn- said:

As stated at the bottom of the OP, selected tracks (16 of them) will be available for streaming soon (couple weeks or so) so people will be able to “audition” it then. 

That’s an odd error, I downloaded and unzipped it when I uploaded it to verify it. I’ll repackage and reupload tomorrow and see if that fixes it. 

I got same error but I can open EVE 1 on VLC, but after 1:39 it's broken/won't play


Edited by ssd21345
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@Corax @rmaine

Can you get an md5sum of the file?  I get the following:

 md5sum.exe  Original_Score_Project-1.zip
0476e32563250386b146797213530831 *Original_Score_Project-1.zip

I've tested the archive with 7-zip and Windows 10, both report no errors

6 hours ago, ssd21345 said:

I got same error but I can open EVE 1 on VLC, but after 1:39 it's broken/won't play


I tested that one with both the Windows media Player and VLC, got past the 1:39 without any issue.

I've copied the verified file I have to both 


I'll leave these up for a couple of days.  It's possible that Spacedock had a problem with I avoided, so try these and tell us how it goes.



Edited by linuxgurugamer
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5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

@Corax @rmaine

Can you get an md5sum of the file?  I get the following:

 md5sum.exe  Original_Score_Project-1.zip
0476e32563250386b146797213530831 *Original_Score_Project-1.zip

I've tested the archive with 7-zip and Windows 10, both report no errors

I tested that one with both the Windows media Player and VLC, got past the 1:39 without any issue.

I've copied the verified file I have to both Google Drive:

[ ~snip~ ]

and Dropbox:

[ ~snip~ ]


I'll leave these up for a couple of days.  It's possible that Spacedock had a problem with I avoided, so try these and tell us how it goes.




definitely someone went wrong with spacedock.  Since I find it's weird that it download 300 MB so fast with 300mb connection(with usually 5MB dl speed)

yep OP should include more mirrors for this problem

Edited by Starhawk
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OP said they wanted to look into it and probably reupload.
Notice that at the time of my initial post, I had the same md5sum as that of @ssd21345, and I had just downloaded and checked it right before I posted.

I don't intend to actually use the soundtrack, so I won't dive any deeper into this.
That is not to disparage @-ctn- or any other composer, I just find repeated background music grating at my nerves, no matter how well it is composed and performed. On the other hand, when I want to listen to music, I want to give it the attention it deserves.
With that out of the way, and coming from a non-musician, I do like the music for what it is.

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46 minutes ago, Corax said:

I just find repeated background music grating at my nerves, no matter how well it is composed and performed. On the other hand, when I want to listen to music, I want to give it the attention it deserves.
With that out of the way, and coming from a non-musician, I do like the music for what it is.

That’s a bummer, I composed it specifically to try to avoid strong melodies or other repeatable phrases that would get annoying after several listens, and there is over two hours of music so I was hoping the sheer variety would help alleviate any of that “Idk, I don’t want to hear the same song over and over again.”

I do appreciate that you liked the music, however. 

As far as the errors go, I will be re-uploading it to Spacedock and finding a mirror or two to also upload it to. I appreciate everyone’s investigative work here to try to track down the error. I was sorta praying it was a Spacedock error, since my trouble shooting / coding skills are extremely limited and wasn’t sure what I could besides try again, lol

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48 minutes ago, Corax said:

OP said they wanted to look into it and probably reupload.
Notice that at the time of my initial post, I had the same md5sum as that of @ssd21345, and I had just downloaded and checked it right before I posted.

Yes.  It sounds like Spacedock had a problem.  I just checked, and it's only 4M in size on Spacedock.

So I'll leave my links available until @-ctn- can get it fixed.

@-ctn- I know the license is ND, so please let me know when you get it uploaded again and I'll remove my links

Just now, -ctn- said:

That’s a bummer, I composed it specifically to try to avoid strong melodies or other repeatable phrases that would get annoying after several listens, and there is over two hours of music so I was hoping the sheer variety would help alleviate any of that “Idk, I don’t want to hear the same song over and over again.”

I do appreciate that you liked the music, however. 

As far as the errors go, I will be re-uploading it to Spacedock and finding a mirror or two to also upload it to. I appreciate everyone’s investigative work here to try to track down the error. I was sorta praying it was a Spacedock error, since my trouble shooting / coding skills are extremely limited and wasn’t sure what I could besides try again, lol

Github would be good.  If you don't want to set that up, I'd be happy to create a shared repo for you on Github for this

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15 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Yes.  It sounds like Spacedock had a problem.  I just checked, and it's only 4M in size on Spacedock.

So I'll leave my links available until @-ctn- can get it fixed.

@-ctn- I know the license is ND, so please let me know when you get it uploaded again and I'll remove my links

Github would be good.  If you don't want to set that up, I'd be happy to create a shared repo for you on Github for this

Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate it. I'm uploading to a GitHub right now, I think I have it figured out. We'll see!

Okay, I have updated the OP with a download link to GitHub, hopefully I did that correctly and it works! Let me know!

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47 minutes ago, -ctn- said:

Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate it. I'm uploading to a GitHub right now, I think I have it figured out. We'll see!

Okay, I have updated the OP with a download link to GitHub, hopefully I did that correctly and it works! Let me know!

GitHub one downloaded and unzipped fine for me. And I think I forgot to mention thanks much for this.

Edited by rmaine
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49 minutes ago, -ctn- said:

Thanks so much for your help, I appreciate it. I'm uploading to a GitHub right now, I think I have it figured out. We'll see!

Okay, I have updated the OP with a download link to GitHub, hopefully I did that correctly and it works! Let me know!

Great.  I'll  remove my links and download now

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I composed it specifically to try to avoid strong melodies or other repeatable phrases that would get annoying after several listens, and there is over two hours of music so I was hoping the sheer variety would help alleviate any of that “Idk, I don’t want to hear the same song over and over again.”

As I said, it's absolutely not your fault–it's just the way I'm wired, and apparently, I'm part of a minority, for whatever cultural or other reasons. I don't have a problem with that as long as there is a way to mute the background music.
Just to be clear, I usually do listen to the music of a new game for a while because it does undeniably convey atmosphere, but once I start noticing the repeats, it goes from being atmospheric to annoying, and I have to shut it off.

It's just a general limitation basically any game is bound to encounter. No matter how many hours of music, or how many individual tracks there are, unless the game's overall play time is limited in some way, or the budget virtually unlimited–both being fairly unrealistic–there will always be the need to repeat parts of the music.

You proudly announce "over two hours of music", which is no mean feat by any means, but considering the fact that many people have played KSP for literally thousands of hours, even that is just a blip.

Apparently it is not a problem for most people to listen to the same music over and over again; I can only guess is they just tune out, and only notice when it's not there anymore, if they even notice at all. In fact, it seems to almost be a problem for many if there isn't a constant soundscape, something I've never really understood. Not only in games, but in general.

Enough of my rambling, keep on composing! And most of all, thanks for generously providing the fruits of your labour.

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1 hour ago, Corax said:

You proudly announce "over two hours of music", which is no mean feat by any means, but considering the fact that many people have played KSP for literally thousands of hours, even that is just a blip.

That's an interesting point.. There is a way to "procedurally" create music, using modular synthesizers or restricting a random MIDI modifier, although I can't imagine a way it could be implemented in a game. Side note, if that sounds interesting to you, Ólafur Arnalds has an album called re:member that uses three pianos - one played by Ólafur and two that semi-randomly generate MIDI notes based off of what he plays and then uses a mechanism that physically plays those notes on the other two pianos.

In any case, I appreciate the compliments and the support!

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4 hours ago, -ctn- said:

That's an interesting point.. There is a way to "procedurally" create music, using modular synthesizers or restricting a random MIDI modifier, although I can't imagine a way it could be implemented in a game. Side note, if that sounds interesting to you, Ólafur Arnalds has an album called re:member that uses three pianos - one played by Ólafur and two that semi-randomly generate MIDI notes based off of what he plays and then uses a mechanism that physically plays those notes on the other two pianos.

In any case, I appreciate the compliments and the support!

Congratulations -ctn-!!!  I really enjoy the new KSP sound track!  I have been playing KSP since 2012 and really appreciate the new soundtack.  I am a sound track enthusiast and your music fits great with KSP.   You should check out something like  "Jukedeck" (their tech has been bought off by TikTok) in regards to AI generated auto random music.  Either way, great work.


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