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Kerbal Space Program 1.10: "Shared Horizons” Grand Discussion Thread


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IDK where bug reports are but here is something interesting for you guys


I can only assume it's the other interstellar comets in the distance...

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6 hours ago, Saurenath said:

Anybody else have an issue with the BepiColumbo mission?

It didnt register my eve flyby or getting into moho orbit, just stopped sending me messages.

Did you wait on the launchpad or launch immediately? After a few days on the launchpad it seems to update and give you a new target orbit, which presumably indicates the divergence onto the new mission path, and this may have caused the issue if you have not been recognised to have opted to do so.

For the record I just completed it, at silver (despite landing within 20m of the target... it must have some very tight tolerances needed to get a gold score!). I also noticed some odd artifacts on the navball: markets looking the wrong colour and an "overlapping sprite" effect on the central marker.

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10 hours ago, jono1 said:

Maybe its just me... but im missing the normal clamp-o-tron docking port and Mobile processing lab?? not sure what else im missing

I have contracts telling me to use the mobile processing lab.. but its just not there... ive done the steam verify integrity but still nothing??


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Here's what I gathered so far: 


Nothing really serious, just some minor stuff. The most annoying one I think is the one with the flags. It can interfere with some designs.

But aside from that, this update is looking pretty darn solid. You guys really did a great job on this one, especially by fixing some long standing issues. 

Edited by dok_377
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Question: Why does the X-800 tank not have an ESA variant, while the other do? SQUAD please fix this incosistency - i have a few broken stock textures on those tanks and have been using the ESA variants.

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Comet tails and breaking apart when hitting atmo or hit hard enough? Tails visible from the ground? Thank you Squad, I can retire Kerbal Komets for KSP 1.10 and later. You guys made my day. :) Time to grab a comet!

@nestor Any chance that we can customize kerbal head textures at some point? The new customizable suit textures and pickers are great!

Edited by Angel-125
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17 minutes ago, Space_Coyote said:

I had a question about the Comets and if they are already turned on or if not , how do you turn them on especially in Sandbox mode?

Any Ideas?


They are automatic. One should eventually show up  ;)

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Why do the Rockomax 16 and 32 tanks get new ESA skins but the 8 and 64 don't? I feel that all four of them should have been given the new paint job instead of only half of them. I'd try making them myself, but the last time I tried to do a fairly basic texture tweak I mangled the files so I think I'll leave that job to someone who knows what they're doing.

I really like the new variants for the decouplers, fairings etc. (even if the 'gold' version isn't shiny gold like the silver one is, maybe that gold one could be renamed 'ESA' and a shiny gold version added too?) and the new foil textures for the three foil-y tanks are great. The new missions are really good, but seem very easy to score full points considering they're classed as "advanced" level.

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There is a minor(or major I guess if your design depends upon it) bug introduced to 1.10 for animation controllers and (I tested anyway) the telecoping hydraulic part such as "1P4 Telescoping Hydraulic Cylinder". 

When an animation using the part first runs, it immediately jumps to the zero position. 

This happens only in the very first time an animation controller uses the part, after that it works fine.

I have checked on previous designs that worked perfectly, and they now are exhibiting this behaviour; initially I thought it was just a bug in my craft design, which I tried to fix(for a long time), then loaded previous design which was known good and it was happening there too, which is why I think it is a bug in 1.10 not in my design.

I use these cylinders for retractable landing gear, so its unsightly but its not critical for this use case; I can envision many cases where this bug could wreck someone's craft though, especially if there is a complex design with many moving parts connected with struts, etc, of which there are a few(amazing) designs out there like that.

It only affects the very first time the cylinders are animated.  After that they work perfectly.

I have not checked if this bug affects other robotic parts, but my money would be on that it does.

I will create a video/investigate more if this is not enough to recreate; I have not eliminated all the variables, for example my animation(for landing gear) needs to unlock the cylinders first, then re-lock them at end of animation; could be the locking the cylinders that is triggering it, I have not tested/isolated it yet.  It also might be that it is somehow jumping to the end of the animation first, then to the start, as the cylinders are fully retracted at the end of the animation.


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13 minutes ago, runner78 said:

The new Magnetometer has a weight of 0.5 tons, isn't it a little too heavy?

Yes that's a known issue. It should be 0.05t.

17 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

(After reading about the fairings problem , silently stays with 1.9.1 and waits for 1.10.1 with hope.
It's the first release for years, breaking Tantares...)

Yes there is a problem with modded fairings. Stock fairings work fine.



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On 7/2/2020 at 9:32 AM, dok_377 said:

Here's what I gathered so far: 


Nothing really serious, just some minor stuff. The most annoying one I think is the one with the flags. It can interfere with some designs.

But aside from that, this update is looking pretty darn solid. You guys really did a great job on this one, especially by fixing some long standing issues. 

Thanks for your summary, it's very useful. We are already investigating all of those.  

On 7/2/2020 at 10:29 AM, Angel-125 said:

@nestor Any chance that we can customize kerbal head textures at some point? The new customizable suit textures and pickers are great!

Would you mind writing a feedback ticket in the bug tracker? 

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4 hours ago, nestor said:

Thanks for your summary, it's very useful. We are already investigating all of those.  

Thank you. I also did a pretty in-detail explanation for this one, hope that'll help to resolve it as well.

Edited by dok_377
Added a link to help with the bug.
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for me the 'autostrut' option is missing for all parts, along with 'aim camera' in flight

'disable/enable staging' is also missing in the editor for decouplers and docking ports (I confirmed this one on fresh unmodded install with neither DLC)

I got my copy via the ksp website's store download page (portable .zip), if that matters

I really like the new ESA parts, and the fairings look awesome, but idk why some of the context menu options are gone now

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