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A.Q.S.S. - AutoQuickSave System [1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x]

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A.Q.S.S. - AutoQuickSave System

This is a small mod to do quicksaves on an automatic, scheduled basis.  It can also do a quicksave when you launch a vessel.  Additionally, it can play a sound when a quicksave is done.



  • Selectable interval for quicksaves
  • Quicksave on Launch
  • Templated names for the quicksave files
  • Automatic expiration of old quicksaves based on specified criteria
  • Audio file playable when a quicksave is done



Click the button:   oiecnh9.png

There are two buttons, one for the quicksave options, and one for the Sound Options

The filenames are created using a template.  The template for both Launch and Quicksave are shown, and the line right below each is showing the final result.  Click the Template Info button to read about the available tokens which can be used in the templates

Automatic Purging of old files

The bottom three lines are the criteria to determine when to delete files.  Two things to note:

  1. Launch quicksaves are never purged.
  2. The mod will only delete files which match the prefix AutoQSave_ and which fit the rest of the criteria

Sound Options

An audio file can be played automatically whenever a quicksave is done.  The available sounds are listed in a list, and you can add more.  To add your own sounds, copy the audio file into the folder:  AutoQuickSaveSystem/Audio, close and open the window and the new files will be shown in the list.
The currently selected audio file is highlighted with green letters.  Click the little triangle at the right of each line to hear the sound the audio file plays


Special note regarding Quicksave on launch

This depends on the initial staging event of a newly launched vessel.  What this means is that if you launch a rover and drive it away, no quicksave will be done of that launch



Now available in CKAN

Questions & Answers

  • How is this different from S.A.V.E.  ?
    • S.A.V.E does full backups of the save, including craft files, and whatever else is in the save directory.  This does a quicksave, meaning that it quicksaves the game into a new persistent sfs & meta file.  Quicksaves can be loaded immediately inside the game, S.A.V.E. backups can't, you need to restore a backup, which restores everything from the backup for the selected save



Still in beta, and already reviewed by Kottabos Games:

Main config window



Audio configuration window



Template Info Window




This was originally going to be part of the S.A.V.E. mod, made by @Nereid.  After I had written it, I found that @Nereid had updated his Github repo, which seemed to indicate that he was about to  update the mod.  So I pulled all the code related to backups out, and made this a new mod.  The SAVE mod has a GPL license, so I am using that to avoid any possible license issues

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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13 hours ago, Brigadier said:

I've never been the first to post to a new topic before :D

Pardon my ignorance, but what differentiates this mod from S.A.V.E.?

S.A.V.E does full backups of the save, including craft files, and whatever else is in the save directory

This does a quicksave, meaning that it quicksaves the game into a new persistent sfs & meta file.  


Quicksaves can be loaded immediately inside the game, S.A.V.E. backups can't, you need to restore a backup, which restores everything from the backup for the selected save

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New beta now available,

  • Added check to prevent quicksaves from being done while in the editor
  • Added load to Configuration init
  • Fixed quicksaves not restoring to flight scene
  • Fixed prefix for scene-change quicksave
  • Fixed announcement on all scene changes due to game state saved
  • Configuration turned into static class
  • Added limits to number of launch and scene change saves
  • Added more tabs on config page to break up the options in a more organized manner

Note:  This requires the latest version of the SpaceTuxLibrary, version, which I released about an hour ago.  

These changes were a result of actually using the mod in my main career game.  It's pretty  much feature-complete, will be testing for a week or so

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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New release, Feature Complete (caps, this time), 0.0.5


  • Added [cnt] tokens
  • Updated template help for cnt token
  • Added template selection window
  • Added several default templates
  • Updated default templates slightly

Note:  This requires the latest version of the SpaceTuxLibrary, version, which I released about an hour ago.  

There is also support for this in the Better Load Save Games mod, update released about an hour ago

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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3 hours ago, Brigadier said:

Do you have any plans for CKAN support for this mod?

Please read the title of the thread.  It specifically says BETA because this is a beta.  Beta releases are not put onto CKAN.

ALL of my mods are on CKAN, so when I release this, it will be on CKAN

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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Please read the title of the thread.  It specifically says BETA because this is a beta.  Beta releases are not put onto CKAN.

ALL of my mods are on CKAN, so when I release this, it will be on CKAN

Ahh, thanks, I didn't realize it was in beta and didn't see the topic title.  I had just seen KottabosGames' review on YouTube and I don't recall his saying that it was in beta, so I blindly went to CKAN to look for it.

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27 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

Ahh, thanks, I didn't realize it was in beta and didn't see the topic title.  I had just seen KottabosGames' review on YouTube and I don't recall his saying that it was in beta, so I blindly went to CKAN to look for it.

He actually did say it was beta, but I can see how you might have missed it.

I actually came out with beta version 0.0.5 right after he posted it.

Anyway, assuming that I don't run into any issues on Sunday evening while playing KSP, I'll release it/take it out of beta on Monday

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Possible  Bug/exploit found:

When using along side the K.R.A.S.H. mod it can potentially turn a simulation launch into a real launch so you can refund it and get extra money.

This has only happened to me once and to be fair it could be related to other mods I have but I thought I should say something. For now I guess I will turn off the "at launch" feature to avoid this.

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6 hours ago, WLLP said:

Possible  Bug/exploit found:

When using along side the K.R.A.S.H. mod it can potentially turn a simulation launch into a real launch so you can refund it and get extra money.

This has only happened to me once and to be fair it could be related to other mods I have but I thought I should say something. For now I guess I will turn off the "at launch" feature to avoid this.

I'm not going to worry about it.  Someone who uses KRASH have made the choice to use a sim mode.  They can turn it off at any time.  I'll keep it in mind, but it's really low on my priority list

Thanks for the report

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  • 5 months later...

New release,

  • Added AssemblyFileVersion
  • Fixed edge case in editor causing a CTD:
  1. Enable automatic ship saving in editor
  2. Create new ship and add root part
  3. Delete root part
  4. Wait for next save
  • Fixed loading options for the quick save interval
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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

@linuxgurugamer I know you've been updating a TON of mods the last 2 days...
This one looks like the release didnt make it to SpaceDock

Thanks, got it uploaded.  

and there are going to be a bunch more over the next few weeks.  This new launcher is a real mess for older mods

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  • 1 year later...

@linuxgurugamer There is a bug when saving a new template for the Quicksave. The new template is correctly saved to the AutoQuickSaveSystem.cfg but the GUI doesn't load that new template therefore any time one clicks on the Save Config button after the first time the default template is saved over the new one.

I think I have found where the bug is:  https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AutoQuickSaveSystem/blob/81935da0618af093bb64f1c7a042bcdbed6a5511/src/util/io/FileOperations.cs#L382                  

Configuration.LaunchNameTemplate = SafeLoad(node, "quickSaveNameTemplate", Configuration.QuickSaveNameTemplate);

should be

Configuration.QuickSaveNameTemplate = SafeLoad(node, "quickSaveNameTemplate", Configuration.QuickSaveNameTemplate);

I haven't tested it since I don't know C# nor the whole compiling process for ksp mods but if it's not the complete fix it's at least part of it.

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