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[1.9.1+] OPT Spaceplane Continued (beta) [Apr 02, 2024]


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@Jaeburwahkei @Stone Blue I assume you're trying to use the all-white "Dark Energy" power spheres. By design they do not accept LFO. They are fusion reactor type devices. You don't see Nertea's nuclear power sources accepting LFO. Use the "Tidal Force" power sphere which does accept LFO, and add a tank to your spaceplane and set it as a battery. It will hold several thousand ElectricCharge and cushion the power demand of the engines.

The LH2 tank option becomes available within OPT parts by either installing Rational Resources (without its parts pack), or Cryogenic Engines or Kerbal Atomics. Install only CryoTanks (as they are LH2 tanks) and use these if you're wary of adding parts that are irrelevant to you.

In the case of something causing the engines to suddenly demand a lot more EC/s then you're using Cryogenic Engines or Kerbal Atomics and somehow the EC ratio on the engines is bad (some mod that affects EC gameplay and electric engines may be messing with them).


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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@Chase842 Hah. I never left. :D After all, Legacy 2.0 happened and you were there.

  On 9/17/2020 at 1:58 PM, 某事不过三兄 said:

Why don't you add a connect-point in the top front of the part "opt KH cargobay 6m/short"?


I don't correctly remember right now how things are but I would choose not to do that as it could cause complications where the KH body is attached by this outer H node and not the outer K node. You will get this outer H node on the KH Inline SAS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 9/17/2020 at 8:37 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Chase842 Hah. I never left. :D After all, Legacy 2.0 happened and you were there.

I don't correctly remember right now how things are but I would choose not to do that as it could cause complications where the KH body is attached by this outer H node and not the outer K node. You will get this outer H node on the KH Inline SAS.


But in fact there hadn't.

will you update it ?Or can you tell me how to add one ?

thanks !

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  On 9/26/2020 at 12:01 PM, 某事不过三兄 said:

will you update it ?Or can you tell me how to add one ?


You should have the "Core Nodes" B9 switch already. It provides this. This has been present since OPT Reconfig 2.0.6. If, somehow, you're still using older versions of OPT, or you don't have B9 Part Switch, please fix that. Otherwise you can use the config in the spoiler.


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Few questions


The fuel tanks for this pack do not seem to register as fuel tanks. They have no alt click option. The rest of the parts seem to work. I'm using OPT Reconfig 2.1 and OPT Continued 2.1 on game version 1.9.1

Oddly enough, I also do not have anything under Humpback, avatar, and sail configs.

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  On 9/28/2020 at 1:28 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@wkwied I must assume you installed this manually and you don't have any of the dependencies installed: B9 Part Switch and OPT Reconfig. I hadn't mentioned these in this thread OP. *fixes that*

Humpback, Avatar and Stail are in OPT Legacy, the other OPT parts mod.


That seems to have worked. I had to remove Firespitter dll however, as the game wouldn't launch on 1.9.1 with it, it seems. Is firespitter 100% required? It came in the zip for OPT_Space_Plane-v2.0.1

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@wkwied How is it that you have OPT Spaceplane Continued 2.1 for KSP 1.9+ but you have the Firespitter bundle from OPT Space Plane 2.0.1 for KSP 1.3...? Is your CKAN version very old? The current is 1.28. (You'll see in Help menu --> About)

I removed the dependency on Firespitter when I created OPT Reconfig but it's only recently I provided OPT Spaceplane Continued. But even if you don't use Reconfig and still use the older OPT, removing or replacing the bundled Firespitter dll with the current version (for KSP 1.8) will presumably fix that problem. And I've had at least one other report of CKAN apparently installing the older thing when it shouldn't.

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  On 9/29/2020 at 1:35 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@wkwied How is it that you have OPT Spaceplane Continued 2.1 for KSP 1.9+ but you have the Firespitter bundle from OPT Space Plane 2.0.1 for KSP 1.3...? Is your CKAN version very old? The current is 1.28. (You'll see in Help menu --> About)

I removed the dependency on Firespitter when I created OPT Reconfig but it's only recently I provided OPT Spaceplane Continued. But even if you don't use Reconfig and still use the older OPT, removing or replacing the bundled Firespitter dll with the current version (for KSP 1.8) will presumably fix that problem. And I've had at least one other report of CKAN apparently installing the older thing when it shouldn't.


That's a good question. I've installed all of these manually. I am a bit confused as to what is a dependency on which, and which has parts and whatnot. I three folders, opt, opt_legacy, and opt_reconfig



Well I decided I might as well figure out CKAN and reinstall the things...  and everything looks like it is working now. Easier to use than I thought :)

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@wkwied Here's how things go:

  • OPT Spaceplane (Main): Primary parts pack. The popular, current plane parts are here. H, J, K, KH profiles.
  • OPT Legacy: Secondary parts pack. Contains antique spaceplane bodies and most of the fancy and exotic engines.
  • OPT Reconfig: Contains some core things like the agency config and flags, the custom tech tree nodes, the upgrades, and nearly all of the configs necessary to make the parts packs perform better, and provides all of the integration with gameplay mods like fuel switchers and life support. The parts packs are wired to depend on this so always have this around.
  • B9 Part Switch: The primary plugin mod that powers the advanced features given to OPT. It's incredibly useful and popular, and is a tiny install by itself.
  • Community Resource Pack: The library for virtually all popular non-stock resources.
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Hello Man

You know I have using this mod for a long time, I am a great fan and I can't imagine building a Spaceplane without OPT mod! This is a "must have" ...Even the electric engines are great and my last plane was an electric plane that land on Eve after atmospheric entry and the plane was able to send the cockpit in orbit to dock to the OPT mothership! And this mod is also perfectly adapted to create SSTO when you play the mod Real Solar System which is quite challenging and interesting!

So thank you to keep it alive!

I am very exited about the new parts and the new engines and as English is not my native language I have a few question about the use of some engines.

Do the warpjet engines work in all atmosphere,whatever is the atmosphere provided you supply them with electrical charge?

The thinner is the atmosphere, the more electric charge is needed and the max electric charge in VAC?

For all engines does the ressource « intake air » means intake air whatever is the atmosphere or does it means you need atmosphere with oxygene?

I do not understand how to use the sky light tilt engine…

when there's ISP trade, I guess you trade better ISP for less thrust?

I may have other questions about engines.....Thank you kindly for answer

Edited by gilflo
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I love the parts in this mod but I seem to be having a problem with the wings not generating any lift.  I'm using FAR and there was a patch for OPT with FAR in the old thread but that link is dead.  Is there still a patch needed to get the wings to work with FAR?  I'm using the latest versions of all mods (OPT, B9 all, FAR, etc.).

Edit: I do have OPT Reconfig installed which claims to include a FAR config but I'm definitely not getting any lift or aero input from the wing parts.  I replaced the OPT wings with B9 procedural wings of the same size and general shape and the craft flies perfectly.  I also used the stock wings with no problem so it's definitely a conflict somewhere in the OPT wings but I'm not really sure where to look to start troubleshooting.

Edit 2:  Ok, it seems that only some of the wings aren't working.  Specifically I've found that OPT-W Main Wing Type D and OPT-W Main Wing Type E do not seem to provide any lift.  If I replace those wings on the same craft with, for instance, scaled up OPT-W Main Wing Type B's then  it flies as expected.  


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@JadeOfMaar That's a bummer but I totally understand.  I don't know how to do that either. :)

Could you tell me which wings do not have FAR configs specifically so that I won't have to test all of them individually?  Or is there a folder I can look in to determine that for myself?

I think I figured it out but I'm going to try them all anyway.  Thanks for getting back to me.  I'll look into the FAR thread about how to create those configs.  I don't mind doing the work if I can understand how to do it.

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@O YEAAAAAAH Mr Crabs Technically yes I can do that. But I'm not an RO user. 2.7x with life support, pressure and gee limits, and maybe a failure mod are all the challenge I'll ever need. Considering the web of configs that is OPT Reconfig as it currently is, and my lack of knowledge of RO, I would need a detailed list of every aspect that needs to change or be newly inserted in OPT, and maybe links to the relevant reference configs on the KSP-RO GitHub for me to start.

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I've started on this new [little] project, the RO config(s). It will be some time before I get far enough that I can share it for testing and feedback.

Also I now understand how to measure wings for a FAR config so that can finally happen for all of the Legacy wings.

And finally, I've been working on localization and moving some parts from Legacy over to Main to reduce somewhat, the need to install Legacy. After having merged some RCS parts down, I think it's time to hard deprecate some parts, so be prepared (again) for some craft files to break!


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I'm installing a fresh ksp 1.10.1 and I'm getting a config error when I got to installing the OPT packages.


Log is here.


I don't have CryoTanks installed, so it's not including it...

    name = OPTLH2

I added the needs to the subtype in opt_b9ps_cryo.cfg and the error went away

            name = LH2
            tankType = OPTLH2
            title = OPT LH2


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  On 10/6/2020 at 4:40 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

@Critter79606 I just could never see that I needed to make that particular fix. Thanks a million for spotting it. It's been generally impossible for me to see players installing Kerbal Atomics without CryoTanks.


Yea, I use the liquid fuel only patch as I get tired of so many fuel types to keep up with.

@JadeOfMaar I also found in OPT_CryoEngine.cfg and OPT_IntakeAtm.cfg, this needs statement :NEEDS[CryoEngines|KerbalAtomics]

To be compatible with the LFO patch of KerbalAtomics, I think it should be...


I made the changes on my system and it looks like all the parts are liquid fuel now.

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