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[1.12.3+] UnKerballed Start v1.3.1 (Happy New Year! Jan 01, 2022)


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  On 5/30/2021 at 8:45 AM, Goufalite said:

You can steer the stayputnik, but you obviously need something to steer (RCS, reaction wheel, fins/elevons). Stayputnik doesn't have SAS so you can steer but not stabilize. That what the difficulty is at the beginning.

You should try a fresh vanilla install of KSP to see how the stayputnik behaves.

If you want a no control you can hibernate the probe so it won't react to fine controls like partial throttle, RCS, steering,...

With the bug I found on my side I could SAS it although it's forbidden. Heck I could even SAS debris (without movement)!!!


My bad I was unclear before. The stayputnik is allowing me to activate SAS where I remember in the past it's given me a message saying that that probe doesn't have it. The description of the part correctly reflects that it shouldn't have SAS but it does turn on. I do also have CTB and Toolbar Controller installed so that could be the culprit. I'll do some tests and see if I'm experiencing the exact same bug as you.

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I've opened a ticket in CTB's github with a video showing a single landing gear turning with no power or probe or anything : https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ClickThroughBlocker/issues/21

EDIT : he fixed it in 1.11 !

For SAS it might also be another problem: if you have all SAS locks on the stayputnik this might be the nasty 1.11.1 bug where everything in any mode with or without kerbal XP has full SAShttps://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/27162

This one is solved by (sic) installing Making History and only playing career.

Edited by Goufalite
fixed CTB issue
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  • 1 month later...

I found an exception using UnKerballed Start in 1.12.1 with Restock.

This was fixed by replacing in UKSliquidengineLVT10.cfg:

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There are no dragcubes defined for the rescaled parts. I had problems with my own rescaled parts unintentionally using the original drag cubes. So I created this patch as well:

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The drag cubes were created by KSP after deleting the part database. With this patch deleting the database wouldn't be necessary.


I also installed Realfuels Stock and created a patch for the UnKerballed engines. I'll post these to the appropriate thread, but I though I might as well add them here if anybody needs them:

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(if anybody wonders what to do with the code: KSP patches can be created from the above code by adding it to a textfile somewhere in gamedata and renaming it to .cfg)


Thank you, @theonegalen, for maintaining this mod.


Edit: Also some lazy waterfall effects:

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Another edit:

Rocket sounds for RSE were missing as well for me:

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Edited by hermano
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  On 7/22/2021 at 8:29 AM, hermano said:

I found an exception using UnKerballed Start in 1.12.1 with Restock.

This was fixed by replacing in UKSliquidengineLVT10.cfg:

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There are no dragcubes defined for the rescaled parts. I had problems with my own rescaled parts unintentionally using the original drag cubes. So I created this patch as well:

  Reveal hidden contents

The drag cubes were created by KSP after deleting the part database. With this patch deleting the database wouldn't be necessary.


I also installed Realfuels Stock and created a patch for the UnKerballed engines. I'll post these to the appropriate thread, but I though I might as well add them here if anybody needs them:

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(if anybody wonders what to do with the code: KSP patches can be created from the above code by adding it to a textfile somewhere in gamedata and renaming it to .cfg)


Thank you, @theonegalen, for maintaining this mod.


Edit: Also some lazy waterfall effects:

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Great! I'll put these in the next version of the mod!

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  On 7/30/2021 at 10:22 PM, Goufalite said:

No problem with 1.11.2

Didn't test yet on 1.12...


Played early career to Mun/Minmus with thison 1.11.2 with lots of mods - all good. Just started early career on 1.12.2 and no issues.

Definitely worth having Airplane Plus (Firespitter Core), Open Cockpits, USI Sounding Rockets, and a bunch of Contract Configurator contract packs to start off.

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@gamerscircle I have not switched to 1.12.2 as most mods are not ready yet. The LVT30 and LVT45 engines from which the LVT05 and LVT10 are derived have been updated. I can only guess but if squad sticks to its previous naming scheme the LVT30 should have the internal name liquidEngine_v2 and LVT45 should have internal the name  liquidEngine2_v2 now. You could check the config files in the squad/parts/engines folders.

So in gamedata/unkerballedstart/parts two files need to be changed:

UKSliquidEngineLVT05.cfg should begin with

// Rescale LV-T30 to .625m


and UKSliquidEngineLVT10.cfg should begin with

// Rescale LV-T45 to .625m



If you try this please let us know the result.

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  On 8/9/2021 at 9:57 PM, gamerscircle said:

@hermano - that worked, however I think that the mod still needs to be updated or Community Tech tree, as I can unlock the stock parts at the same time as the scaled down ones.  Step in the correct direction.  Thanks!


I still didn't switched to KSP 1.12.x, so it is also a bit of guessing, but if above edit worked, following one should work too:

In file UnkerballedStart.cfg find this lines:

		@TechRequired = heavyRocketry

and change engine names to be like this:

		@TechRequired = heavyRocketry

You will need to start new game, so that engines apear only in one tech tree node.



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  On 8/10/2021 at 11:10 AM, gamerscircle said:

Hey there @kcs123 - I did the edit, but that didn't move the "stock" parts to heavy rocketry node.  In my current save, it would seem that I had to start a new game for the changes to take effect?

It does look that you @hermano have gotten me back on track.  Thank you!


Yes, you need to start new game, otherwise you will have engines over multiple tech tree nodes.

  On 8/10/2021 at 12:46 PM, gamerscircle said:

Late discovery, even though the edits above did what I was looking for, there are no connection nodes [green dots] on the LFO engines from Unkerbaled.


Do you have full config file looking like this ? (Example only for LVT05)

// Rescale LV-T30 to .625m

	@name = UKSliquidEngineLVT05
	@TechRequired = basicRocketry
	@node_stack_top = 0.0, 7, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
	@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -7, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0
	@fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
	@fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
	@fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
	@fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -10.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout
	@entryCost *= .5
	@cost *= .5
	@mass = .156
	@title = #LOC_UKS_liquidEngineLVT05_title
	@description = #LOC_UKS_liquidEngineLVT05_description
	@bulkheadProfiles = size0
	rescaleFactor = 0.5
		@maxThrust = 23

	@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.45, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
	@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.42, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0

        name = Kerolox-Lower
        transformName = thrustTransform
        localRotation = 0,0,0
        flarePosition = 0,0,0.1
        plumePosition = 0,0,0.3
        plumeScale = 0.15
        flareScale = 0.3
        energy = 1.0
        speed = 0.6
        %powerEffectName = Kerolox-Lower
	    !runningEffectName = DELETE

If you don't have connection nodes it only could be that this piece of MM is not executed:


    @node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.45, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
    @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.42, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0


And only reason why that might be failed is that you have earsed some bracket or something that braked MM syntax.





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  On 8/10/2021 at 1:15 PM, kcs123 said:

If you don't have connection nodes it only could be that this piece of MM is not executed:

And only reason why that might be failed is that you have earsed some bracket or something that braked MM syntax.






These nodes will only be added if restock or mh is installed. @gamerscircle maybe try adding the nodes in any case by removing the needs clause:

	@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.45, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
	@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.42, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0


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  On 8/10/2021 at 2:37 PM, gamerscircle said:

I am not using restock at the moment, so what do I add?  

oh.. btw - thank you very much for getting my playthrough on track again.



Well you remove the :NEEDS[MissingHistory|Restock] from the line  @PART[UKSliquidEngineLVT05]:NEEDS[MissingHistory|Restock]:BEFORE[zzzUnKerballedStart].

Unless you already have missing history, then the patch should already be executed.

In that case you might try to replace the "@node..." parts with "%node..."  This will add or edit the node entries instead of just trying to edit the node entries.  Maybe the nodes are called different for the new parts?

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Here are updated files for the changed LVT05, LVT10, LVT30 and LVT45 that should work okay in 1.12.2:


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I tested them with Restock. Should work with stock as well.

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  On 8/12/2021 at 10:44 PM, hermano said:

Here are updated files for the changed LVT05, LVT10, LVT30 and LVT45 that should work okay in 1.12.2:


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  Reveal hidden contents

I tested them with Restock. Should work with stock as well.


For some reason, I can't buy the LVT05 in the RnD (I'm assuming that LVT10 is the same story). After buying it and exiting RnD and entering VAB or reloading a save file, it still says that the part needs to be purchased. Also the attachment nodes are misplaced (with restock, idk how it is w/o it). It looks ok in the editor,  but in flight the engines appear higher than they are supposed to.

Edited by Sophie_J
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 8/10/2021 at 11:10 AM, gamerscircle said:

Hey there @kcs123 - I did the edit, but that didn't move the "stock" parts to heavy rocketry node.  In my current save, it would seem that I had to start a new game for the changes to take effect?

It does look that you @hermano have gotten me back on track.  Thank you!



  On 8/30/2021 at 8:22 PM, dresoccer4 said:

hi! trying to use this with latest KSP version and restock(+). however looking at the tech tree i dont see any probe cores anywhere. how are we supposed to start unkerballed without them


It may be that they were renamed for 1.12.2 for some reason, which would keep the existing config files from placing them properly. I know Restock/Restock+ did have an update recently, so that may have caused the issue as well.

  On 8/17/2021 at 11:48 AM, Sophie_J said:

For some reason, I can't buy the LVT05 in the RnD (I'm assuming that LVT10 is the same story). After buying it and exiting RnD and entering VAB or reloading a save file, it still says that the part needs to be purchased. Also the attachment nodes are misplaced (with restock, idk how it is w/o it). It looks ok in the editor,  but in flight the engines appear higher than they are supposed to.


This sounds like a bug that can sometime happen when a tech tree is updated in the middle of a save file.


If you go into your persistent.sfs file (save file) in your saved game folder, there should be a scenario labeled "ResearchAndDevelopment." Under that is a section with all the different Tech nodes you've unlocked. Find the tech node where the part should be and add the part ids to the the list. If it looks like this, there's your problem:

			id = basicRocketry
			state = Available
			cost = 5

You want to make it look like this:


			id = basicRocketry
			state = Available
			cost = 5
			part = UKSliquidEngineLVT05


As for the problems with the nodes, that's going to be because of the new models from Restock+, which is going to require me to update the configs. I've added an issue on github to make sure I don't forget. (Restock had to update their models because Squad decided to update engines, and probably changed their part titles too)

Sorry, everyone, it's now been officially a year since I released an update. School this year in Texas with no allowance for remote has been once again, a much larger drain on my time and excitement to work on KSP than I hoped. I teach at a small alternative school, so for a couple of weeks there I was the only staff member with access to student information, as all the other core teachers as well as the campus secretary and principal were all out with Covid. Luckily everyone is back now, but now I'm scrambling to catch up with the actual teaching I missed during that time. as well as switching to a new technology system that was promised to make things easier (spoiler: it didn't).

For those of you who know how to github, there are some improvements on there already. I will get back to this and update it, but at this point I can't say exactly when. We do have a weeklong fall break this year in October, so I'm going to say it will definitely be finished by then, and then it should be fairly stable for the future, except in adding additional mod support as I get back into playing KSP.

Edited by theonegalen
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  On 9/17/2021 at 1:53 AM, theonegalen said:

As for the problems with the nodes, that's going to be because of the new models from Restock+, which is going to require me to update the configs. I've added an issue on github to make sure I don't forget.

Sorry, everyone, it's now been officially a year since I released an update.


No worries, take your time and try to stay healthy. Just a bit of heads up, it is not Restock+ possible culprit with renaming parts. Stock parts are now updated/renamed too in KSP 1.12.2:

and this post with proper configs:

Whenever you got time for this, just extra reminder to not forgot it.

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  On 4/9/2021 at 6:06 AM, theersink said:

Anybody done an Aies Aerospace cfg since it has been reborn from years ago it seems? Good parts pack but need some reconfig on the tech tree for UKS and I unfortunately do not have the expertise. 



@theonegalen Any chance of getting support for this in your next update? Aies was a very good part pack back in the day. Should fit nicely.

Good to hear your still working on this. Been away for awhile. Take your time and deal with RL first. We can wait.

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