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Aight. Thursday. Fight Night. I went to civics, and quite frankly, don't remember it at all. In ELA we started an essay. In PE and Band we just kinda messed around. In physical science I wanted to blurt out answers to my teacher and obsenities at [snip]. At lunch I goofed off with my new favorite person in the class[snip]. Me and him kinda hit it off really well the day that my rant happened. IBCA was also much the same. And geometry we studied for a test, (I'mma fail). Well on to the best part of the day. The game. I arrived back at school at 4:20. I went and chilled with some of the bandmates. At 4:35-40 we had inspections. I of course passed them, its hard to fail them I've heard. We packed up the buses and the instrument trailer, and headed to [snip] our home field. We played [snip] one of our rivals. We had an escort that was pretty cool. Really chill and did his job right. We got to the field after a 30 minute ride. The reason we travel to [snip] field is because we don't have one yet, we are a new school (since like 2017).  We warmed up, played the National Anthem, and sat in our chairs in the endzone. We can't march this year because of [snip]. We played nearly non-stop. At halftime, we had the senior night stuff. The band and other organizations with the band had it at halftime, Football had it before the game. We played most of our songs, and they sounded really good. The second half, we were up by like 20+ points. [snip] kicker can't kick for nothing. He hit a chair at a 25yd line 3pt attempt. We won 36-14, and we celebrated very well. I went out with some of the band fellas at the end, after we got back to school at 10:30. I didn't come home 'til well past 1. It was fun, but I got tests and stuff today, so not the smartest, but worth it. We yelled so much it hurts to exist. We had fun, but at a price, a lack of sleep price. As soon as I hit the bed when I got home, I was out like a light.

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I will unfortunately be taking a three week hiatus [snip] School has shut down due to the 10 positive tests we got, however only one has been officially declared as a real [snip]. They have also decided, as of me posting this, that school will be back to A nd B day when we return. All the positive tests were people at Halloween parties and etc. All info subject to change at this time.  Will post more as week goes by and we get more info on proceeding forward.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am back to school. Its been a few weeks, or rather 2, but I will resume writing as I go back to hybrid. This week will be another Tues, Thurs and Friday week. I am saddened by the fact that we are back to hybrid, especially because the virus is very unlikely to affect anyone under 30, unless they have serious health problems. With that said, kids do get it, but it isn't typically as devastating. I am glad that we get to go back nontheless. I hate working from home, I end up doing half of my work and then taking a much needed nap, or playing Command and Conquer or Battlefield 2, or Stormworks. I actually got the pleasure to play with fellow forum user @Lewie in Stormworks. It was harder than I remember to fly. Even though I fly in Stormworks almost daily, mustve been the planes. Im suprised by how far this series has come. Its quite amazing actually. I would love to see it continue, and maybe even get TOTM (I bet I won't though). Thanks for being apart of this series, and I look forward to see yall on the forums, and I can't wait to share the rest of my first year in high school with yall.

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Well, here goes Tuesday. I started in  Civics, and we worked on a project on the presidents, and what their phones would look like (I know, Washington did not own a phone). I choose a past president, Kennedy, and it turned out to be more serious then I orginally planned. I planned it to be a joking type thing, not dead serious (pun semi intended). I went up to ELA, and we did some ALBD class work. I'm tired of re-reading the book, it's not that interesting to me personally. I'd rather read the orginal Dirk Pitt novels, by famous author Clive Cussler, who unfortunately passed in Feb of this year. I hurried up and waited for PE, and because our basketball coach, the boys PE. In band, we got new clothes, this time it was a sweater. I'm wearing it right now, and its comfortable. Physical science was much the same to civics, except with elements instead of presidents. I finished it in like 15 minutes. In IBCA we literally did the same credential practice stuff for powerpoint. Geometry was confusing as hell, anyone want to help me with it, DM me, cause I am confused as heck. I signed my life away after school to Track and Field. I have yet to hear any news in that area. I have also joined the book club, all of these are to keep me busy in the afternoon, so I don't sit around and play video games all afternoon.

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Well, here goes Thursday and Friday I guess. Sorry for not posting last week, starting to get busy. I started off in civics prepping for a test, and enjoying my forums time. I love the forums, but sometimes I think I need to relax a little. I went up to ELA, where we did some stuff pertaining to ALBD, that being finishing chapter 27 and doing our reading logs. I suck at these because I don't record what I read and I end up getting like a C normally. I finally think I got a good grade on one though. PE was normal. And I loved the fact that in Band we began practicing our Christmas Concert Music. We started on the Ukrainian Bell Carol. In Physical science, I had to work on identifying certain compounds and their features, whether their elements were metals or not and some other major things. At lunch, I went downstaors and hung out with some friends witht the same lunch as me. IBCA was another free day, and geometry was the end of the 9th lesson, and I'm not too happy. I came home, logged onto discord on my phone, and got on MW2019. Friday was much the same. In civics we had a test, and of course I aced it. It was easy. I went over to ELA, forgot what we did. In PE it was much the same. In Band we continued with the Ukranian Bell Carol. Most people have heard the carol, so I won't say much. In phyiscal science we hung out and my teacher showed us that if you fired a ball and dropped one from the same height simultainiously, they would hit the ground at the same time. It was really cool actually. At lunch I finished up some stuff I had to do in some classes. Then I went to IBCA where I got to hang out and chill, because the teacher had  school basketball stuff to worry about.  In Geometry, we started lesson 10-1, where I am extremely lost, please DM me if you think you may be able to help me. If I fail this class, and I may fail, I will not be eligible for DE in Junior and Senior years. I need the DE to help me get into the Air Force Academy. Now fast forward to Tuesday, today, I am in PE, after doing infographic stuff in ELA and working on the judicial branch stuff in Civics. I can't wait to see what music I will get today, and also see what the rest of today holds. I also need to do some stuff after school. Friday afternoon I signed my life away to Tennis, so I have that after school. Fun!!!

That reminds me, I need to email my Tennis coach about when I need to be there and how I will get there, as it is off campus and I didn't bring my Tennis bag to school, as I don't want to bring it back and forth with my trumpet and bag everyday.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, sorry for not updating you all. I've been busy bringing up grades, starting CAP, track, and band practices. So, I will cover all of the last week and a half in 3rd period when I have nothing better to get done. 

Well, its actually more than a week and a half, now that I see the last entry date as 8 December 2020....... But I will skip/ go through those fast, as I don't remember much schoolwise from December...... This is kinda my log to keep track of what I've done.....Ah, well, back to class focus for a little bit.... See y'all in 3rd period.

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Alrighty fellas...... Time to say what I have to say. I forgot what I did between December 8 and 22. Although I did have tennis practice and a CAP meeting. I went up to Branson and St. Louis for vacation, then visited family in New Orleans for new years. It was na overall fun trip, but cold and long for sure. We drove the whole way. Well, on to last two weeks.  I went through class, bringing up grades and going to tennis practice. I attended my second of three CAP meetings on January 4th.  Before you officially join CAP, you must attend three meetings to ensure it is the right fit for you and so that they can teach you some things so you aren't a complete idiot when it comes to that type of stuff. It was a briefing on equal opportunity and fair treatment. I had my friday off so I spent it playing BOCW. On  Tuesday of this week, after my final unofficial participation in a CAP meeting, I went to class, worked on bringing up my grades further mostly. In civics we covered state and local governments.In ELA we started on a short story called "The Stolen Party". It was a boring story about a 9 year old who learns a hard lesson. In PE we did much the same, I just played among us and looked online at a Brickmania kit I want. After I went to band where we started our annual candy bar fundraiser. In Physical science, we had an assignment/lab to blow the biggest bubble and improve the solution used to make a larger buble. Our teacher was out due to exposure concern. Thank god he comes back today, the class was boring without him. In IBCA we were finishing up some powerpoints, which will be finished today. And in Geometry we are doing congruence with triangle proofs and such.

Thursday (today). So far, I have gone through Civics, where we did some recapping for our test on local and state government tommorow. In ELA we worked in groups on the short story. We had to go to our MAC (Media Academic Center/Library) because the classroom was upwards of 90 degrees and humid for some reason. So I worked on the group project with a few friends, but we mostly got work done, suprisingly. The teacher kept using her app to watch me on how our group was progressing, which I hated, cause we split up, when she came over and fussed at us for spliting up, and she never said we couldn't. Anyways, we got everything done but the theme of the story, which we will work on some tommorow. I decided that in PE I'd read for a bit. I decided for our ELA assignment on a book we have to read independantly that I'd read 20000 Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne. I have throughly enjoyed the book, and they have just gotten to the Atlantic and crossed about 10k leagues so far. 

That took a whole lot longer than I thought it would....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, lemme recap what happened. Well I chilled out on Tuesday, prepped for some tests, and really just chilled. I hadn't had time to write, thats why I am a week + late. I had Civil Air Patrol on monday, which consisted of drill and some learning. I think I messed up the tendon in my foot. Cause it hurt all the way up to Wednesday. Tues was band afterschool. Wednesday I played tennis despite my injury. Thursday was some tests for end of nine weeks 2. And I did not go to track, and my private lesson Friday. This monday we had CAP again. We had PT, which consisted of the mile run, the pushups, situps, and sit and reach. I was first in the squadron to make the mile, with a time of 6:24, which is a second off of my PR. For the curlups/situps I got 40, the pushups I got 17, not good enough at all, and the sit and reach I got like 4-5 past my feet. 

Today I have had a civics unit test. And in ELA  we did some stuff with a short story. And I am patrolling the Forums in PE.

The lack of @Lewie's response is starting to worry me..... I miss the inputs of people like @J O N and @adsii1970. Ah, well, people move on I guess.

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There are three times when I am so busy I think I pass myself on the highway... that's the beginning, the middle, and the end of the semester! Right now, things are finally starting to settle down and I can use my office hours  nam delectatio mea.

When I do have a chance to piddle around, I read a lot of threads, and to be fair, not every post I encounter gets a "like." I am more likely to comment and encourage than anything else. Anyone can hit a "like" button, but it takes a personal investment to make a comment.


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  On 1/26/2021 at 6:43 PM, Lewie said:

Sorry Mike! 

With semester testing and all, I have been on the forums nearly as much. I’ll be hanging around more....

also, the power went down at my school! So I’m just hanging around,  really. 


Oh, I forgot about testing....... Oops. Well,I've got one installment coming soon......... I am not that happy right now about it, so perfect time to write it all.

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  • 3 months later...

Alright, it's been a while...mostly cus we have been very busy...boy, I have quite a bit to tell!

School has been fine, mainting a 3.7 gpa. Wrapping up the year next week (26th!!)  so summer time is 'round the corner. 

Started working at the indoor pool, man...that sucks up a ton of time. Minimum of 24 hours a week. 

English class is driving me bonkers (working on Romeo and Juliet) I don't get it...it was a three day relationship between a 13 and 18 year old that ended with 6 people dead. Interesting read, but just.....odd. 

I'm still trying to find some ASL lessons nearby...online ones are quite spendy ($500+) and I think it'd be better to do it in-person. (around $32 an hour for one-on-one) So still trying to find some classes for that.

Anywhos, school is almost done. Can't say I enjoyed freshman year (it was just....bleh) did get to know some good people, but it really was bleh.....

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  On 5/17/2021 at 9:27 PM, Lewie said:

English class is driving me bonkers (working on Romeo and Juliet) I don't get it...it was a three day relationship between a 13 and 18 year old that ended with 6 people dead. Interesting read, but just.....odd. 


It is a compelling tragedy that we still see some form of in movies and television shows written in our time. The ol' Bard knew how to write a compelling story.

  On 5/17/2021 at 9:27 PM, Lewie said:

Started working at the indoor pool, man...that sucks up a ton of time. Minimum of 24 hours a week. 


But earning money is always a good thing. Yay, go be the best inside pool person you can be. :)

  On 5/17/2021 at 9:27 PM, Lewie said:

I'm still trying to find some ASL lessons nearby...online ones are quite spendy ($500+) and I think it'd be better to do it in-person. (around $32 an hour for one-on-one) So still trying to find some classes for that.


What is this ASL you speak of? ASL could mean so many different things...

  On 5/17/2021 at 9:27 PM, Lewie said:

Anywhos, school is almost done. Can't say I enjoyed freshman year (it was just....bleh) did get to know some good people, but it really was bleh...


I've been out of high school for over three decades. And I still feel bleh about it. I hated it then, would never even think about going back to that now if time travel were possible. Wow


  On 5/17/2021 at 9:27 PM, Lewie said:

Alright, it's been a while...mostly cus we have been very busy...boy, I have quite a bit to tell!


So, this must have been your Cliff Notes edition of your recent entry...

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  On 5/17/2021 at 10:41 PM, adsii1970 said:

It is a compelling tragedy that we still see some form of in movies and television shows written in our time. The ol' Bard knew how to write a compelling story.

But earning money is always a good thing. Yay, go be the best inside pool person you can be. :)

What is this ASL you speak of? ASL could mean so many different things...

I've been out of high school for over three decades. And I still feel bleh about it. I hated it then, would never even think about going back to that now if time travel were possible. Wow


So, this must have been your Cliff Notes edition of your recent entry...


Hey! You changed your avatar back! Uh... I guess I'll share a few details about what I'm doing in High School (Is this gonna be a thing where everyone just talks about their day in high school?)

Got to meet with a few friends at my school in-person. I'm still off-campus, but it was for a FSA test. And got to enjoy another round of "You're so tall!". Seriously, last year I was 5'1", now I'm 5'8". It's not that big of a difference. But I've been averaging a 3.8 of GPA, enrolled in a HTML class today. That's it really.

Meanwhile, ASL is American Sign Language, the most common language at any deaf school (If they say they don't use it, they're not a deaf school).

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  On 5/17/2021 at 10:41 PM, adsii1970 said:

It is a compelling tragedy that we still see some form of in movies and television shows written in our time. The ol' Bard knew how to write a compelling story.

But earning money is always a good thing. Yay, go be the best inside pool person you can be. :)

What is this ASL you speak of? ASL could mean so many different things...

I've been out of high school for over three decades. And I still feel bleh about it. I hated it then, would never even think about going back to that now if time travel were possible. Wow


So, this must have been your Cliff Notes edition of your recent entry...


You’ve got some very good points. R+J is interesting, and a good story (sometimes a bit tricky to understand, but good nonetheless)

Also, it’s great to see your old avatar! :D

I do enjoy lifeguarding (but it does lead to long days!) I have had two saves now. The last one was two days ago,  actually.  It is a good job, but rather time consuming. Usually work 3:45-8:15 every day (get out of school at 3:15) so home by 8:40. Homework for two or so hours, some pt, maybe read a lil or play some games, then bed. (I don’t have a life outside of school or work anymore) Thanks! I will definitely strive to be best lifeguard possible. 

ASL is American Sign Language. One of my best friends is deaf, so I’ve been learning for her. Teaching my self a language is a rather bad idea (I butcher a TON of easy sentences) so lessons are the way to go. 

  On 5/17/2021 at 11:07 PM, GuessingEveryDay said:

Hey! You changed your avatar back! Uh... I guess I'll share a few details about what I'm doing in High School (Is this gonna be a thing where everyone just talks about their day in high school?)

Got to meet with a few friends at my school in-person. I'm still off-campus, but it was for a FSA test. And got to enjoy another round of "You're so tall!". Seriously, last year I was 5'1", now I'm 5'8". It's not that big of a difference. But I've been averaging a 3.8 of GPA, enrolled in a HTML class today. That's it really.

Meanwhile, ASL is American Sign Language, the most common language at any deaf school (If they say they don't use it, they're not a deaf school).



7 inches in a year? Aw c’mon, who’s going to notice that! ;)

We don’t have a deaf school here (it closed, I’m not even sure if it ever taught k-12.  From what I could tell it was more about resources and teaching deaf children how to sign, etc.)  but Rebekah has an interpreter that signs everything for her. 

Edited by Lewie
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