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Kerbal Space Program 2 to be released in 2022 [Discussion Thread]


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It's on a timeline to be released before 2025.   The game hasn't even gotten a working beta yet, further more, they do not have an alpha build yet.   Their only assets and modeling so far, are considered 'pre-alpha', as corresponds with the labels in all the dev correspondence.  

Once they get through alpha - and build a beta - that would require at least 4 -6 months of solid testing with another 2 or more to likely bang out any dents.   Being that they'd need to hammer through an Alpha build first, that puts us, at the earliest, in 2023.  Likely pushing 2024.

So, we're looking at 2023 and beyond at the earliest.

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8 minutes ago, Bosun said:

It's on a timeline to be released before 2025.   The game hasn't even gotten a working beta yet, further more, they do not have an alpha build yet.   Their only assets and modeling so far, are considered 'pre-alpha', as corresponds with the labels in all the dev correspondence.  

Pre-alpha, as explained before, just means that it is not part of a full build. Whenever I'm working on a big program, I almost never build the full program to test a little thing- that would take too long and there could be interference from other things not liking the unfinished feature. Pre-alpha means next to nothing. 

7 minutes ago, Bosun said:

Once they get through alpha - and build a beta - that would require at least 4 -6 months of solid testing with another 2 or more to likely bang out any dents.   Being that they'd need to hammer through an Alpha build first, that puts us, at the earliest, in 2023.  Likely pushing 2024.

QA Testers were hired late last year- by your estimate we are looking, at the earliest, at mid 2022

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1 hour ago, Bosun said:

It's on a timeline to be released before 2025.   The game hasn't even gotten a working beta yet, further more, they do not have an alpha build yet.   Their only assets and modeling so far, are considered 'pre-alpha', as corresponds with the labels in all the dev correspondence.  

Once they get through alpha - and build a beta - that would require at least 4 -6 months of solid testing with another 2 or more to likely bang out any dents.   Being that they'd need to hammer through an Alpha build first, that puts us, at the earliest, in 2023.  Likely pushing 2024.

So, we're looking at 2023 and beyond at the earliest.

Source: i made it up

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1 hour ago, Bosun said:

The game hasn't even gotten a working beta yet, further more, they do not have an alpha build yet.   Their only assets and modeling so far, are considered 'pre-alpha', as corresponds with the labels in all the dev correspondence.

We haven't seen an alpha/beta build yet. The marketing choices of the devs do not necessarily have anything to do with the state of the game.

1 hour ago, Bosun said:

Once they get through alpha - and build a beta - that would require at least 4 -6 months of solid testing with another 2 or more to likely bang out any dents.   

I would direct you towards Jurassic World Evolution 2, which was announced in July of last year. Around the time of the announcement, all they had to show off was pre-alpha footage, but the game was out by November.

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Regardless of the release date, I doubt we'll see a release postponement again and in the worst case, it probably won't exceed half a year. From the first announcement to the recent dev diaries, I always got the impression that most of the pre-production was done long ago and that in the end all that was left was to code everything. All the ships and parts in the first trailer and the first gameplay videos already look very polished.

A release 6 months after the initial announcement was daring but it seems credible to me if we assume that the original idea was to start from the existing KSP code rather than rebuild everything from scratch. And it's probably this choice that led to the first postponement, then the covid led to the second.

Knowing that the second postponement extended the dev time by more than a year while the previously announced date (Q3 2021) was still far from 1 year, the absence of an announcement as we enter the supposed release window while continuing to tease the game regularly seems to show some confidence from the team in my opinion.

I agree with the first messages talking about an announcement at PAX East for a release this summer or fall.

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Yeah probably. I mean booster 7 and sn24 will be ready before May, they are just waiting on the FAA permits. If you look at it though, all the delays/launches for KSP2 are sort of lined up with the Starship’s orbital flight tests.

Edited by Zozaf Kerman
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55 minutes ago, TheOrbitalMechanic said:

Those are some very broad estimates without any release dates. Also:


These titles are a snapshot of our current development pipeline. It is likely that some of these titles will not be developed through completion, or some may be delayed, and we may also add new titles to our slate.

So likely delays and even cancellations. I'm guessing late 2023 - mid 2024 release if only one more delay is announced and the project is completed at all.

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On 3/19/2022 at 11:32 AM, Kerbart said:

Given that the most recent official word is “fiscal 2023” (April 2022—March 2023) and that this is not some careless or vague claim I think it's safe to say that:

  • If a firm 2022 release date was planned, they would have said simply that. "Summer 2022" or maybe even just "2022" but they didn't

If I may jump in a little late here.

While it's fair to say the latest official word is FY 2023, it's still very old news. Folks seem to have forgotten that last year's earnings report also listed KSP2 as FY23. That report came out only a few months after the official announcement that the game would be delayed until 2022. I'd argue that Intercept has said exactly what you're saying they should say if the game is coming out this year, "Kerbal Space Program 2 to be released in 2022". It just happens to also be in FY23.

On 3/26/2022 at 8:06 PM, Pthigrivi said:

We should have a pool. Is that legal?

I'd very gladly make a deal with anyone that thinks the game won't come out this year - I'll buy your copy of KSP2 if it doesn't come out in 2022 and you'll buy my copy if it does.

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It's been some time since the latest YT video. I'm kind of worried some performance issues will be hard to address.  In the last video we've seen rather easily noticeable LOD transitions and it all was choppy, while only showing landscapes without constructions on the surface. And these were probably recorded on high-end PCs. I'm not an optimist when it comes to predicting a release date and I hope they wouldn't release the game unpolished. Unless we get a video showing huge progress very soon, some actual gameplay with complex rockets and constructions working smoothly,  I'm betting on 2023 release date.

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I was thinking that all the worry about when it'll be released, or whether it'll be released at all, was a bit extreme. Now I'm thinking that all it would take is a message from Nate, or someone, to say "Look, it's ok, we're still on track", or "Yes, we've had some issues but we're confident we can resolve them".... and the fact that hasn't happened is making me wonder if the worry is right.

It takes what, 30seconds to post a message like that? And it hasn't happened. Why not?

I know we don't deserve anything, and we're not owed anything. But if everything is ok, why not say it? The only reason to keep quiet is because they don't want to say everything is ok when it isn't. So yeah, I'm beginning to suspect something is wrong. Very wrong.

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4 hours ago, jamqdlaty said:

It's been some time since the latest YT video. I'm kind of worried some performance issues will be hard to address.  In the last video we've seen rather easily noticeable LOD transitions and it all was choppy, while only showing landscapes without constructions on the surface. And these were probably recorded on high-end PCs. I'm not an optimist when it comes to predicting a release date and I hope they wouldn't release the game unpolished. Unless we get a video showing huge progress very soon, some actual gameplay with complex rockets and constructions working smoothly,  I'm betting on 2023 release date.

Be careful or some people here will call you a panicking conspiracy theorists with a tinfoil hat..

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My field is architecture and design, and we refer affectionately to this process as client management. Every client needs some, some clients need more. Client feedback is critical, and there's a lot thats worth presenting and getting a sense of where people are. The thing is though generally speaking the more time we spend breaking off to manage expectations and emotions the less time we can be focused on the actual design process, and at a certain point the tail starts to wag the dog and we're wasting clients time and money. 

Now, I've been waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 for 10 years now with basically zero information or feedback. Does that mean it will never come? No. Does that mean it will suck when it does? No. No information is not evidence for or against anything. They say KSP2 will come out this year and thats great. Given all the things they've shown us already that sounds perfectly reasonable and Im totally optimistic about that. And if it gets delayed till spring or fall 2023 no biggie. Take the time to make the game great. Thats all that matters. Until then all we can do is relax and be patient and not let the ants in our pants get the better of us. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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4 hours ago, jamqdlaty said:

It's been some time since the latest YT video. 

Less than a week.

2 hours ago, WelshSteW said:

I was thinking that all the worry about when it'll be released, or whether it'll be released at all, was a bit extreme. Now I'm thinking that all it would take is a message from Nate, or someone, to say "Look, it's ok, we're still on track", or "Yes, we've had some issues but we're confident we can resolve them".... and the fact that hasn't happened is making me wonder if the worry is right.

It takes what, 30seconds to post a message like that? And it hasn't happened. Why not?

I know we don't deserve anything, and we're not owed anything. But if everything is ok, why not say it? The only reason to keep quiet is because they don't want to say everything is ok when it isn't. So yeah, I'm beginning to suspect something is wrong. Very wrong.

This topic is the announcement of a delay to 2022 as you can see we've known about this delay for more than a year, and we know from this source that the game is scheduled for release in FY2023, that means from April 2022 to March 2023. We're not yet in the release window they targeted, we have 9 months of 2022 to go, a lot can happen in that time, especially since most games marketing campaigns last less than that. A ton of games get revealed at E3 in June for a release near the end of the year for example.

They said "we'll release in 2022" and they confirmed just last month in their last earing call that the game is scheduled to release between next month and March next year. 

That is not to say that there can't be delays, it can totally happen, only that all their announcement point toward a release window that has yet to start, is a tiny bit early to report KSP2 as MIA, if by this summer we don't have a marketing campaign start then I'll start to worry too (about something reasonable like a delay). 


17 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

Now, I've been waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 for 10 years now with basically zero information or feedback. Does that mean it will never come? No. Does that mean it will suck when it does? No. No information is not evidence for or against anything.

Sticking to Bethesda Starfield is another good example, they gave us a cinematic in-engine trailer with a release date reveal, and that's it, from then on only concept art and very generic talks about it being an RPG with factions you can join, and the explicit promise they'll keep their mouth shut on the gameplay 'till the E3. It's a new IP and a new space game and we don't even know if flying spaceships will be a part of the gameplay or not (plenty of space RPGs in which spaceships act as bases, locations, and fast travel points).

Edited by Master39
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58 minutes ago, Master39 said:


This topic is the announcement of a delay to 2022 as you can see we've known about this delay for more than a year, and we know from this source that the game is scheduled for release in FY2023, that means from April 2022 to March 2023. We're not yet in the release window they targeted, we have 9 months of 2022 to go, a lot can happen in that time, especially since most games marketing campaigns last less than that. A ton of games get revealed at E3 in June for a release near the end of the year for example.

They said "we'll release in 2022" and they confirmed just last month in their last earing call that the game is scheduled to release between next month and March next year. 

That is not to say that there can't be delays, it can totally happen, only that all their announcement point toward a release window that has yet to start, is a tiny bit early to report KSP2 as MIA, if by this summer we don't have a marketing campaign start then I'll start to worry too (about something reasonable like a delay). 


Yeah, I get that, And like I said, it's not that I think we deserve anything, or are entitled to anything. I'm just thinking that if I was in their position, and people on the forum for my game were showing signs of unease or worry, I'd take the 30 seconds and make the "everything's ok" post. It takes basically zero effort, and judging by the hysteria some people have shown, it'd be hugely welcomed. I don't know, it just seems like an easy win.

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34 minutes ago, WelshSteW said:

Yeah, I get that, And like I said, it's not that I think we deserve anything, or are entitled to anything. I'm just thinking that if I was in their position, and people on the forum for my game were showing signs of unease or worry, I'd take the 30 seconds and make the "everything's ok" post. It takes basically zero effort, and judging by the hysteria some people have shown, it'd be hugely welcomed. I don't know, it just seems like an easy win.

They made the post about the procedural radiators 5 days ago, and there was Nate Simpson replying here and on Reddit questions about that, the "unease" you're talking about and the discussions around it were completely unaffected by the fact that there was actual new content being revealed just as the arguing was going on. 

An "everything is ok" post would calm things down for less than 15 days at best.

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