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Kerbal Space Program 2 to be released in 2022 [Discussion Thread]


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Well I, for one, did not expect the grass from last update to be that dense - we've seen some foliage shots early on but not that beautiful. Looks like the planets, after being remade from scratch, got another revamp (also in one of updates here). New atmospheric effects, shown not that long aho. If these, among the whole situation the world is in, are the reasons why the game is being delayed again, then I'm fine with it.

However, it must be said, the original release would make 2020 much more bearable.

Edited by The Aziz
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2 hours ago, Boyster said:

where the ***** is my time machine....

  1. Obtain a cardboard box large enough to get inside of. You don't have to be fully enclosed if you don't want to be.
  2. Obtain a marker. Write TIME MACHINE in large letters on the side of the box.
  3. Get into the box and travel forward in time.
  4. Exit the time machine when you have arrived at desired time.
  5. For extended voyage, bring snacks.

It's a little slow, but guaranteed to work.

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30 minutes ago, K^2 said:
  1. Obtain a cardboard box large enough to get inside of. You don't have to be fully enclosed if you don't want to be.
  2. Obtain a marker. Write TIME MACHINE in large letters on the side of the box.
  3. Get into the box and travel forward in time.
  4. Exit the time machine when you have arrived at desired time.
  5. For extended voyage, bring snacks.

It's a little slow, but guaranteed to work.

I ll try, its more guaranteed to work than actually have  Kerbal 2 running smoothly in 2022.

Edited by Boyster
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2 hours ago, K^2 said:
  1. Obtain a cardboard box large enough to get inside of. You don't have to be fully enclosed if you don't want to be.
  2. Obtain a marker. Write TIME MACHINE in large letters on the side of the box.
  3. Get into the box and travel forward in time.
  4. Exit the time machine when you have arrived at desired time.
  5. For extended voyage, bring snacks.

It's a little slow, but guaranteed to work.

You forgot the goggles...;)

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As someone who works in the industry, basically the game was scrapped and started over. For the date to be moved that far out, whatever the original team was working on, likely no longer exists. This is not a good sign for the finished product. Things don't get moved this far out for "polish". At minimum the game is in a full rework.

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1 hour ago, Thebizzness said:

As someone who works in the industry, basically the game was scrapped and started over. For the date to be moved that far out, whatever the original team was working on, likely no longer exists. This is not a good sign for the finished product. Things don't get moved this far out for "polish". At minimum the game is in a full rework.

We know that original team got scrapped at the beginning of this year, when production moved from Star Theory to Intercept. Well, not scrapped exactly, as a lot of people from ST got hired at Intercept, but you know well enough how that would go, so we might as well call it a new team. It was under the same creative director, however, so I think they hoped to salvage some of the schedule, and clearly, it didn't work.

And I wouldn't say they're starting completely from scratch. It sounds like they are starting production from scratch, basically treating all the work done so far as pre-prod. Which isn't necessarily a disaster, as many games go through years and years of pre-production and turn out fine. But it must be way more demoralizing for a team that already had public release date and had it shifted a few times. Hopefully, with this big of a delay, it means they actually bit the bullet, drafted a new production schedule that makes sense for the new team, and there will be no more significant delays.

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1 hour ago, Thebizzness said:

As someone who works in the industry, basically the game was scrapped and started over. For the date to be moved that far out, whatever the original team was working on, likely no longer exists. This is not a good sign for the finished product. Things don't get moved this far out for "polish". At minimum the game is in a full rework.

No, I don't think that is the case. They are basically recreating KSP1 with more suns, planets, parts, better QoL systems, and more to do. The original timetable was optimistic, the new timetable is more reasonable. I'm sure they don't want to release a mess like when No Man's Sky or Fallout 76 was released. 

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3 hours ago, Thebizzness said:

basically the game was scrapped and started over.

[citation needed]

It could be that, it could be that they hit some roadblock on some part of the game that they need to unravel or it could be that they just got a bigger budget and more time as an answer to some new prediction for the market.

It could be anything.

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I have no idea what's in the article, but it looks like they're quoting Bloomberg, which is known already for an article that raised many controversies.

Meanwhile, I keep seeing Nate, few other guys, even in that Kerbal emotion blog post - a certificate with a date December 2017 - looks to me like most of the staff is the same from the very beginning.

I say they want to make the game bigger than ever - to make it Kerbal Space PROGRAM, not Kerbal Space FlightSim - but they are constrained by the code written much earlier, so they have to redo it. Just look what the first game has become, after slapping features over features, ending with spaghetti instead of code. Sure, Squad does it best to optimize it, but you can only add so much bolognese sauce.

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1 hour ago, dprostock said:

That article is from June, I would say it's irrelevant. Yes, both Squad and Intercept are looking for people. A lot can happen in 5 months.

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5 hours ago, The Aziz said:

I have no idea what's in the article, but it looks like they're quoting Bloomberg, which is known already for an article that raised many controversies.

Meanwhile, I keep seeing Nate, few other guys, even in that Kerbal emotion blog post - a certificate with a date December 2017 - looks to me like most of the staff is the same from the very beginning.

I say they want to make the game bigger than ever - to make it Kerbal Space PROGRAM, not Kerbal Space FlightSim - but they are constrained by the code written much earlier, so they have to redo it. Just look what the first game has become, after slapping features over features, ending with spaghetti instead of code. Sure, Squad does it best to optimize it, but you can only add so much bolognese sauce.

But we can make a motivating video every three months...

I think I'll see the Russian ship Oryol fly before.... 



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While I am a bit disappointed in the delay, I am also encouraged by this: we had feared that Take-Two would want to throw out a quick-buck product that we would find tempting, but ultimately frustrating and disappointing. That there are delays suggests that Take-Two are prepared to invest significantly in producing a product that will actually work on release.

On 11/5/2020 at 5:33 PM, ChrisSpace said:

KSP didn't come out as a finished product, so I don't see why KSP2 has to.

A good argument. However, there are two points that count against it: one is that KSP 2 has to be substantially different to KSP - a cut-down KSP2 is unlikely to be sufficiently different to tempt us to buy it. Secondly, it can be very hard to add sophisticated new game mechanics to code as first released: doing so is likely to lead to savegame incompatibilities and mod incompatibilities. And I don't know if you run a modded KSP, but you must be aware of the grumbles on the modding forums when people realise they must wait weeks or even months for all their mods to be updated to the new version. It will happen anyway, I am sure, but anything Private Division can do to reduce that by making KSP2 reasonably feature-complete on release, the better!

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Predicted release date, according to the numbers.


Polynomial trendline: y = -0.5909x² + 2389.55x - 2413583.81

The polynomial trendline predicts somewhere in mid-2022 if the actual range of "in the year 2022" is assumed to be within the first three months of 2022.


1 [1] "Spring 2020"; stated 2019-08-19

2 [2] "Fiscal Year 2021" (1 April 2020 - 31 March 2021); stated 2019-11-07

3 [3] "Fall 2021"; stated 2020-05-20

4 [4] "In 2022"; stated 2020-11-05


[1] Kerbal Space Program 2 Announced, Savage, https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-2-announced/ , Retrieved 2020-11-13

[2] Kerbal Space Program 2 is delayed, Chalk, https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-2-is-delayed/ , Retrieved 2020-11-13

[3]  Kerbal Space Program 2 has been delayed to fall 2021, Lee, https://www.polygon.com/2020/5/20/21265482/kerbal-space-program-2-delayed-2021 , Retrieved 2020-11-13

[4] Kerbal Space Program 2 to be released in 2022 [Discussion Thread], UomoCapra, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/197935, Retrieved 2020-11-13

Edited by starcaptain
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How can a company estimate itself by about 2 years ? The change of the developer does not do this game any good .... I think that the new developers underestimate the game of the measures .... Probably the first pictures of this game do not show the gameplay of the actual game...

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33 minutes ago, Makrotex54 said:

How can a company estimate itself by about 2 years ? The change of the developer does not do this game any good .... I think that the new developers underestimate the game of the measures .... Probably the first pictures of this game do not show the gameplay of the actual game...

A lot of the same staff was retained in retained in the move to the new studio, and the parent studio Private Division, remained the same.   Many department heads were retained, including the creative director who is an admitted long time kerbal fan, so I'm pretty sure he has a pretty good idea what the game will entail.   And very few games ever show the actual gameplay footage early on, the games go through too many iterations to keep those tech demos around.     But all that said, I'm pretty confident it will stay true to the original's intent and be so much more. 

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1 hour ago, Makrotex54 said:

How can a company estimate itself by about 2 years ?

By literally writing out every single task that needs to be done, estimating the duration of work on each and dependencies, then arranging the tasks on the schedule and assigning them to available developers. It's a lot of work and it might sound impossible, but you get a knack for it after you've shipped a few titles. Planning for something that's two years from release is not so bad. For a game of KSP2 size it suggests they are re-entering production with a new plan. Planning out a game five years out, before you enter pre-production, is a lot harder, and we still do that. Studios just rarely share the estimates from these schedules, as they are much more likely to change.

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3 hours ago, starcaptain said:

Predicted release date, according to the numbers.



I admire the work you put into this. But given the data points we have and the uncertainties regarding any projection, isn't this a little like, say.. 



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