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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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16 hours ago, AbnormalVenegrade said:

This may have been already asked before (I tried checking), but is it possible to have a "warp bubble" when zooming outside the warp area of the effect? Very similar to the gravitational lensing achievable with the singularity mod, since the outside of an Alcubierre drive would appear to look like a stretched, moving black hole. I doubt this is possible with the limitations of KSP, but I was curious.

That would take some advanced shader knowledge to pull off, which I presently don't have, unfortunately. I know that the Singularity mod can make it work for planets, but I've not heard it working for parts.

I even asked this very question several years ago...

I'm still trying to get it together enough to finish updating the multi-segment warp coils..

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1 hour ago, Angelo Kerman said:

That would take some advanced shader knowledge to pull off, which I presently don't have, unfortunately. I know that the Singularity mod can make it work for planets, but I've not heard it working for parts.

I even asked this very question several years ago...

I'm still trying to get it together enough to finish updating the multi-segment warp coils..

Thanks for the answer! Too bad that it is most likely unachievable (for now), but it was worth asking. Maybe someday we could actually see the effect, and pair that with multiplayer to visibly warp out of a battle or something. Maybe.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And the mk2 mult-segment warp coil:


I've also refactored the tech tree to disperse the parts and unify the tree with Kerbal Flying Saucers.

You can find the latest pre-release here.

If you also have Kerbal Flying Saucers, you can download the latest here.

Be sure to delete your Module Manager cache.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/17/2024 at 4:35 AM, KspNoobUsernameTaken said:

From what I have seen, @Rakete seems to have a magic install that Just Works(tm).

No reason to get offensive. I currently have to time to boot up ksp make an image as proof. 

You may change your config to you liking. If you found a config, that works for you, fine. If Blueshift adopts your config, also fine. I will put in my config in my game anyways... so... do what you like. Maybe I changed some values later on in my config, that are not in BS''s package... maybe not. Don't know anymore... I currently have no time to play ksp, so I can't tell. Haven't booted up my computer for months... Other RL stuff is currently more fun. So... have some fun... if the majority has the same issues like you, i don't mind if BS will be adopting your config. I just say, I have no issues.


You pic shows no Gravi belt... have you scanned for it using right scanner?

Edited by Rakete
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Putting on my moderator hat for a moment, let’s keep things civil, please. :) I get that we have different issues and desires on how mods should work. @Rakete is sharing what works for their setup, as is @KspNoobUsernameTaken. The nice thing about config files is having the ability to change them. If anything, Blueshift should make sure that you have enough levers to pull to suit your play style.

Personally I haven’t seen issues with the Graviolium belts but mostly I mine asteroids and the occasional GoldStrike deposits. I also use the Bussard collectors mostly for show.

Anyway, I am banging my head on the wall trying to redo the warp effects so it doesn’t look like you’re traveling through a neon tube. Once that is done I will work on a proper 3D model for the contragravity generator. Once that is done, Blueshift will be out of pre-release.

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12 minutes ago, Angelo Kerman said:

Personally I haven’t seen issues with the Graviolium belts but mostly I mine asteroids and the occasional GoldStrike deposits. I also use the Bussard collectors mostly for show.

I personally use the orbital graviolium facillity that turns antimatter into graviolium (see page 66 of this thread). Patch is there, for those who like the idea. Works for me and hopefully for others too.  Near and Fae Future Mods by Nertea required.

Last time I played I had a lot of fun by feeding the production chain,... producing gravi is kinda more fun to me than collecting natural gravi particles. :D  I love, that there are so many ways now to get the illusive particle.


17 minutes ago, Angelo Kerman said:

Putting on my moderator hat for a moment, let’s keep things civil, please.

Alright for me. My text was meant totally un-emotional. But i am not a native english speaker, so I may not have met the correct tone (?).  I can only provide, what worked for me. But sinnce I hadn't have any gaming time in ksp in the last months i can't help debugging. I juat can tell that I had no issues last time i collected gravi from a belt. But since I cook gravi nowadays, I didn't test for at least 1,5 years for sure. But as far as I remember everything worked, since the last time i worked on the gravibelt config. That's all I can say.

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Using antimatter to generate Graviolium is a novel idea. :) The Planet That Shall Not Be Named also can be mined since it’s an analog to Ceres, but I’ve yet to go there in my JNSQ game. Graviolium is pretty rare for me right now, only the Magic Boulder caught by Kerbin’s gravity well and one other asteroid has the stuff. My kerbals are concerned that they won’t find much more, and are rethinking having gravitic ships burning through the stuff. As a result they’re looking at reducing their consumption rates by using Graviolium as a catalyst for fusion power. That uses up a lot less.

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3 hours ago, Rakete said:

No reason to get offensive.

This was just a way to say I can't replicate it in any way, I apologize for any offense caused. Same apology to you @Angelo Kerman.


Also, either way both @Rakete and I seem to have working graviolium belts, so in the end there really isn't any issue to speak of. 

Edited by KspNoobUsernameTaken
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Wow, so many Winupdates after booting up the computer after such a long time.... soooo here is my current config - live from my KSP install:


// SpaceDust config for Blueshift

// affects visibility of Graviolium belts in UI
        name = Graviolium
        Graviolium = 0, 0.63, 0.91, 1

// Space Dust bands
    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Sun

        name = KerbolGraviolium
        title = Kerbol Graviolium Belt

            minAbundance = 0.000000000000000000000000000017        
            maxAbundance = 0.000000000000000000000000000020

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 261600000
        altUpperBound = 2616000000
        altPeak = 0
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 0
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 200000

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Eve

        name = EveGraviolium
        title = Eve Graviolium Belt

            minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000013        
            maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000015
        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 80000
        altUpperBound = 500000
        altPeak = 90000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 0
        latFalloffType = Linear

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Kerbin

        name = KerbinGraviolium
        title = Kerbin Graviolium Belt

            minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000010        
            maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000012
        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 60000
        altUpperBound = 525000
        altPeak = 130000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 0
        latFalloffType = Linear

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Jool

        name = JoolGraviolium
        title = Jool Graviolium Belt

        minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000017        
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000020

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 180000
        altUpperBound = 10000000
        altPeak = 200000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear
        altitudeSquish = 0.9

        latLowerBound = -15
        latUpperBound = 15
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 1
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 20

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Sarnus

        name = SarnusGraviolium
        title = Sarnus Graviolium Belt

        minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000023        
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000025

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 1325000
        altUpperBound = 6625000
        altPeak = 2000000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear
        altitudeSquish = 0.9

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 1
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 20

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Urlum

        name = UrlumGraviolium
        title = Urlum Graviolium Belt

        minAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000027        
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000000000030

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 5442500
        altUpperBound = 8163750
        altPeak = 7000000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear
        altitudeSquish = 0.9

        latLowerBound = -1
        latUpperBound = 1
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 1
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 20

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Neidon

        name = NeidonGraviolium
        title = Neidon Atmospheric Graviolium

        minAbundance = 0.000000000000000000000000000038        
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000000000040

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical
        altLowerBound = 0
        altUpperBound = 260000
        altPeak = 180000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear
        altitudeSquish = 0.9

        latLowerBound = -90
        latUpperBound = 90
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 1
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 20

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Lindor

        name = LindorGraviolium
        title = Lindor Graviolium Belt

        minAbundance = 0.0000000000000000012
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000000250

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 0
        altUpperBound = 5400000
        altPeak = 0
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 0
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 1000

    resourceName = Graviolium
    body = Grannus
        name = GrannusGraviolium
        title = Grannus Graviolium Belt

        minAbundance = 0.0000000000000012
        maxAbundance = 0.00000000000000125

        alwaysDiscovered = false
        alwaysIdentified = false
        allowRemoteDiscovery = true
        allowRemoteIdentification = true
        remoteDiscoveryScale = 0.1
        remoteIdentifyScale = 0.1

        useAirDensity = false
        distributionType = Spherical

        altLowerBound = 1000000
        altUpperBound = 5000000
        altPeak = 2500000
        altVariability = 0
        altFalloffType = Linear

        latLowerBound = -5
        latUpperBound = 5
        latPeak = 0
        latVariability = 0
        latFalloffType = Linear
        countScale = 1000

// adds Graviolium scanning to FFT gas scanner
            name = Graviolium
            // How to discover resources. Possible values are None, Local, SOI, Altitude
            DiscoverMode = Altitude
            // How to discover resources. Possible values are None, Local, SOI, Altitude
            IdentifyMode = Altitude
            // Range for Altitude mode
            DiscoverRange = 5000000
            // Range for Altitude mode
            IdentifyRange = 500000

// SpaceDust scanning parts

            name = Graviolium
            // How to discover resources. Possible values are None, Local, SOI, Altitude
            DiscoverMode = Altitude
            // How to discover resources. Possible values are None, Local, SOI, Altitude
            IdentifyMode = Altitude
            // Range for Altitude mode
            DiscoverRange = 5000000
            // Range for Altitude mode
            IdentifyRange = 500000

    Name = GravioliumSpectrometer
    Title = Graviolium Spectrometer
    ResourceName = Graviolium
    Discovers = true
    Identifies = true
    Wavelength = 500
    Sensitivity = 20

            name = GravioliumInstrument
            title = Graviolium Spectrometer
            descriptionSummary = Detects <b>Graviolium</b> around celestial bodies
            descriptionDetail = <b>Discovers:</b> <color=#06ff00>Yes</color> \n<b>Identifies:</b> <color=#06ff00>Yes</color> \n<b>Wavelength:</b> 500 nm \n<b>Sensitivity:</b> <color=#f3a000>Medium</color>
            primaryColor = #00A2E8
            secondaryColor = #00A2E8
            addedMass = 0.2
            addedCost = 50000
                    name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
                        name = slot1
                        Instrument = GravioliumSpectrometer
            name = GravioliumInstrument
            title = Graviolium Spectrometer
            descriptionSummary = Detects <b>Graviolium</b> around celestial bodies
            descriptionDetail = <b>Discovers:</b> <color=#06ff00>Yes</color> \n<b>Identifies:</b> <color=#06ff00>Yes</color> \n<b>Wavelength:</b> 500 nm \n<b>Sensitivity:</b> <color=#f3a000>Medium</color>
            primaryColor = #00A2E8
            secondaryColor = #00A2E8
            addedMass = 0.2
            addedCost = 50000
                    name = ModuleSpaceDustTelescope
                        name = slot2
                        Instrument = GravioliumSpectrometer

            Name = Graviolium
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            BaseEfficiency = 1

    !MODULE[ModuleResourceHarvester] {}

        name = ModuleSpaceDustHarvester
        ModuleID = harvester

        SystemPower = 150
            key = 0 1.0
            key = 400 1.0
            key = 600 0.0

        PowerCost = 200
        CheckOcclusion = false
        HarvestType = Exosphere
        HarvestIntakeTransformName = Intake
        IntakeArea = 1000
        IntakeSpeedStatic = 0
            key = 0 0
            key = 1 1
            Name = XenonGas
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxidizer
            BaseEfficiency = .25
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000001
            Name = LiquidFuel
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Graviolium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Hexagen
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001

            Name = Hydrokerbon
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Propellium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Rock
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Water
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = LqdHydrogen
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdHe3
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdDeuterium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = Antimatter
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001


    !MODULE[ModuleResourceHarvester] {}

        name = ModuleSpaceDustHarvester
        ModuleID = harvester

        SystemPower = 37.5
            key = 0 1.0
            key = 400 1.0
            key = 600 0.0

        PowerCost = 50
        CheckOcclusion = false
        HarvestType = Exosphere
        HarvestIntakeTransformName = Intake
//        HarvestAnimationName =
//        LoopAnimationName =
        IntakeArea = 250
        IntakeSpeedStatic = 0
            key = 0 0
            key = 1 1
            Name = XenonGas
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxidizer
            BaseEfficiency = .125
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000001
            Name = LiquidFuel
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Graviolium
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Hexagen
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001

            Name = Hydrokerbon
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxium
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Propellium
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Rock
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Water
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = LqdHydrogen
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdHe3
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdDeuterium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = Antimatter
            BaseEfficiency = .1
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001


    !MODULE[ModuleResourceHarvester] {}

        name = ModuleSpaceDustHarvester
        ModuleID = harvester

        SystemPower = 75
            key = 0 1.0
            key = 400 1.0
            key = 600 0.0

        PowerCost = 100
        CheckOcclusion = false
        HarvestType = Exosphere
        HarvestIntakeTransformName = Intake
//        HarvestAnimationName =
//        LoopAnimationName =
        IntakeArea = 500
        IntakeSpeedStatic = 0
            key = 0 0
            key = 1 1
            Name = XenonGas
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxidizer
            BaseEfficiency = .25
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000001
            Name = LiquidFuel
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Graviolium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Hexagen
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001

            Name = Hydrokerbon
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Oxium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Propellium
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Rock
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = Water
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.0000000001
            Name = LqdHydrogen
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdHe3
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = LqdDeuterium
            BaseEfficiency = .4
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001
            Name = Antimatter
            BaseEfficiency = .2
            MinHarvestValue = 0.00000000000000000001



and here is some footage right from my KSP install:


Here my Gravi-Ring.



Here an ugly test vessel. You can see the gravi flow in the harvester part itself, in the ressource panel (0.00, since the value is very very low). Also the gravi tank is filled with 0.01 unit (started absolutely empty).


hope it helps...


Maybe I changed my config after delivering it to be inputed into Blueshift. So that's why I delivered my current version from my live install on my computer. Maybe give it a try. @KspNoobUsernameTaken.

So for completeness: Here is my Mod setup: But I tend to change things in the mod configs make them fit to each other balancingwise... so your results may vary... 




I'm not trying to deliver proof, but only want to help... There must be some reason, why this works on my computer and does not work for you. I run KSP on a Win 10 x64.



Edited by Rakete
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20 hours ago, Angelo Kerman said:

Using antimatter to generate Graviolium is a novel idea. :)

Yeah... I had much fun patching the stuff and building a highly experimental station in LKO. The antimatter (part of Nerteas Far Future Tech Mod) is highly instable and can go boooom if not contained properly. Really nice mechanisms... Patch and pics of the respective facility in orbit should be somewhere around page 66 of this thread.

So here is the way to go for me: This monstrosity is needed to produce gravi in LKO instead of harvesting it. There is many a cooling loop to keep stuff stable. All the black panels are just cooling... for reactors, for ressource converters and so on. On the bottom you can the Tokamak-style fusion reactor (FFT by Nertea) to power that huge machine. The long huge part in the foreground is just one giant part (FFT -> Nova Facility)


This is the Cochrane Center in LKO.



Anyways... here is my patch from my live-game:


// Optional Patch by KSP-Forum user Rakete


    name = ModuleResourceConverter
    // must be unique
    moduleID = GraviConversion
    // ModuleSystemHeat moduleID to link to
    systemHeatModuleID = isru
    // The shutdown temperature of the part
    shutdownTemperature = 1300

    // The temperature the system contributes to loops
    systemOutletTemperature = 500

    // Map loop temperature to system efficiency (0-1.0)
        key = 0 0.0
        key = 500 1.0
        key = 700 0.0
    // Heat generation (kW)
    systemPower = 9500
    ConverterName = Graviolium Conversion
    StartActionName = Start Factory [Graviolium Conversion]
    StopActionName = Stop Factory [Graviolium Conversion]
    ToggleActionName = Toggle Factory [Graviolium Conversion]
    AutoShutdown = true

    GeneratesHeat = false
    DefaultShutoffTemp = .8
    UseSpecialistBonus = true
    SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2
    SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05
    ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
    EfficiencyBonus = 1

      ResourceName = Antimatter
      Ratio = 0.125

      ResourceName = ElectricCharge
      Ratio = 10000
      ResourceName = Graviolium
      Ratio = 0.25
      DumpExcess = false




The thing is.... you need to build a very complex production chain to turn natural ressources into graviolium. There is a whole path from stuff you find in Nerteas Near and Far future mods to finally make antimatter. The patch above does offer one last conversion step, which can be done using huge amounts of electricity... (which requires to master Nerteas Fusion reactor tech)... So it fits quite well in a technological evolution of the kerbal race... Mining is a step before producing the stuff by technology. In my head it makes sense for the kerbal race to have an industrial production of gravi before going interstellar... Yes, first warp flights are done using harvested natural gravi... Later on the tech evolution kicks in and makes it produceable thus making the kerbals really an independent interstellar travelling race.

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1 hour ago, Angelo Kerman said:

I like it. It’s a great alternative to going out and mining the stuff?

Honestly, I do both. Just like what ever i like more innthat very moment. Going to dres is also fun. And if I need to fill up a huge warp vessel, than I use the orbital facility to avoid grinding. I also have an Gravi-harvester ssto to mine asteroids,... so to me everything is fun and i alter my sources just depending on mood. :D Out in the wild of other star systems I will define some gravibelts (my planet mods come without those spacedust belt patches, so I will have to define them myself unfortunately.... it breaks the moment of surprise, since I define it beforehand, but... anyway,... maybe I'll forget what I defined until next time playing) and construct a harvester to replenish the warp fleet out there in the middle of nowhere.

Edited by Rakete
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1 hour ago, Angelo Kerman said:

I like it. It’s a great alternative to going out and mining the stuff?

Unless I'm mistaken, @Rakete is approaching things from the perspective of a Factorio player, "I love heavy industry gameplay. I love lengthy and specific resource chains leading to the thing I want. I love having a sprawling factory that does all the things and needs lots of good-looking, functional, supportive hardware. But also, Graviolium is my choice end-game resource so I see far more pleasure in having an infrastructure leading to synthesizing this. Simply finding it and planting a drill is underwhelming."



24 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Honestly, I do both. Just like what ever i like more innthat very moment. Going to dres is also fun. And if I need to fill up a huge warp vessel, than I use the orbital facility to avoid grinding. I also have an Gravi-harvester ssto to mine asteroids,... so to me everything is fun and i alter my sources just depending on mood. :D Out in the wild of other star systems I will define some gravibelts (my planet mods come without those spacedust belt patches, so I will have to define them myself unfortunately.... it breaks the moment of surprise, since I define it beforehand, but... anyway,... maybe I'll forget what I defined until next time playing) and construct a harvester to replenish the warp fleet out there in the middle of nowhere.

I wish the forum notified me of this post at some point other than the very moment I posted my guesstimate above. :rolleyes: Then my guestimate could have been better or I wouldn't have felt the need to try it. Ignore me, then.

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32 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Honestly, I do both. Just like what ever i like more innthat very moment. Going to dres is also fun. And if I need to fill up a huge warp vessel, than I use the orbital facility to avoid grinding. I also have an Gravi-harvester ssto to mine asteroids,... so to me everything is fun and i alter my sources just depending on mood. :D Out in the wild of other star systems I will define some gravibelts (my planet mods come without those spacedust belt patches, so I will have to define them myself unfortunately.... it breaks the moment of surprise, since I define it beforehand, but... anyway,... maybe I'll forget what I defined until next time playing) and construct a harvester to replenish the warp fleet out there in the middle of nowhere.

When I get to interstellar travel in my game, I’ll set up a large Graviolium collection farm out in Jool orbit. Even though it’s pretty easy to obtain on Dres, I am keeping it rare in my game. Magic boulders already have a lot of Graviolium and asteroids have trace amounts, so that’s ok.

Making it rare means that I still have a need for more conventional rockets.  The exception is graviolium-catalyzed fusion technology. In my game, the graviolium catalyst isn’t used up anywhere near as fast as a gravitic engine does. That way, my main exploration ships can use graviolium fueled engines while others remain more conventional.

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24 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Honestly, I do both. Just like what ever i like more innthat very moment. Going to dres is also fun. And if I need to fill up a huge warp vessel, than I use the orbital facility to avoid grinding. I also have an Gravi-harvester ssto to mine asteroids,... so to me everything is fun and i alter my sources just depending on mood. :D Out in the wild of other star systems I will define some gravibelts (my planet mods come without those spacedust belt patches, so I will have to define them myself unfortunately.... it breaks the moment of surprise, since I define it beforehand, but... anyway,... maybe I'll forget what I defined until next time playing) and construct a harvester to replenish the warp fleet out there in the middle of nowhere.

I wish the forum notified me of this post at some point other than the very moment I posted my guesstimate above. :rolleyes: Then my guestimate could have been better or I wouldn't have felt the need to try it. Ignore me, then.

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11 hours ago, Rakete said:

You can see the gravi flow in the harvester part itself, in the ressource panel (0.00, since the value is very very low).

I believe a possible explanation is that the FFT harvesters have a much lower minHarvestValue. Not enough to actually gather graviolium from kerbin, but someone had pointed out that orbital velocity increases the detected resource amount.

So my theory is that the vessel is moving fast enough to push the detected resource amount above the minHarvestValue for FFT harvesters, but due to blueshift parts having an even higher minHarvestValue, this effect isn't enough for them to gather graviolium.

11 hours ago, Rakete said:

This is the Cochrane Center in LKO.

Ooh, that lines up perfectly with my preferred playstyle. The whole reason I messed around with Space Dust was because I like dedicated stations in orbit, dedicated to providing infrastructure for future missions. I might try that patch, once I finish my current modding endeavor.

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5 hours ago, KspNoobUsernameTaken said:

Ooh, that lines up perfectly with my preferred playstyle. The whole reason I messed around with Space Dust was because I like dedicated stations in orbit, dedicated to providing infrastructure for future missions. I might try that patch, once I finish my current modding endeavor.

Feel free to try it and to adjust the values to your liking. Keep in mind, you'll need the almost complete compendium of Nertea's near and far future tech mod suite as it is full of dependencies. I'd also propose the Station Part Part Expansion Redux Mod (SSPXr) by Nertea for such huge stations. - and some heavy lifter tech. The patch above just adds another conversion mode to the nova facility. Once you get antimatter, you have gravi. You may add other ressources to your liking, e.g. some Hydrogen do make those protons interact with the antimatter to generate those exotic gravi particles. 



11 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Unless I'm mistaken, @Rakete is approaching things from the perspective of a Factorio player, "I love heavy industry gameplay. I love lengthy and specific resource chains leading to the thing I want. I love having a sprawling factory that does all the things and needs lots of good-looking, functional, supportive hardware. But also, Graviolium is my choice end-game resource so I see far more pleasure in having an infrastructure leading to synthesizing this. Simply finding it and planting a drill is underwhelming."

Kinda true. I like building dedicated orbital installations that offer new gameplay loops. Yes, i also have a fleet of particle harvesters and drilling machines. But once you built one, you simple exchange the storage tanks and use it for every drillable / collectable ressource. That might become a grind a some point. That's why I like to have the possibility to have several ways to do so... e.g. send a harvest mission to jool for several kerbal years... or invest many funds/sciencepoints in technology to create the stuff at home in an efficient industrial process. I wish, that I could enable the process of making graviolium after natural gravi was found and brought home. But that would be to complex. I just play it that way.



Here some eyecandy on how I got my first graviolium by getting an ansteroid to kerbin (using a big nuclear salt water rocket propelled tug) and using a gravi harvester SSTO afterwards. Sending a harvester directly would have been too easy. The SSTO is inspired by Matt Lowne's Argus class




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On 7/9/2024 at 9:52 PM, Angelo Kerman said:

Anyway, I am banging my head on the wall trying to redo the warp effects so it doesn’t look like you’re traveling through a neon tube. Once that is done I will work on a proper 3D model for the contragravity generator. Once that is done, Blueshift will be out of pre-release.

What are you going to change about the warp effects? I like them. Maybe you want to collect feedback about new visuals with some photos?


Whats that new device gonna be? Does it make the craft hover?

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On 4/21/2024 at 5:40 AM, Angelo Kerman said:

In lieu of a true mass effect core, I'm looking into a contragravity generator. Think of hover mode from my Kerbal Flying Saucers' gravitic engine, but built for Blueshift as an alternative. The generator cancels 95% of a planet's gravity, leaving the craft's inertial mass- and its delta-v- intact. Here's a quick look (with the S2 warp core standing in for the generator's 3D model):

@Rakete, here's where he mentioned it.

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On 7/10/2024 at 7:08 PM, Rakete said:

Yeah... I had much fun patching the stuff and building a highly experimental station in LKO. The antimatter (part of Nerteas Far Future Tech Mod) is highly instable and can go boooom if not contained properly. Really nice mechanisms... Patch and pics of the respective facility in orbit should be somewhere around page 66 of this thread.

I had always been skeptical about orbital resource processing plants because the only two "resources" available in orbit are vacuum and microgravity, while every other resource should be brought from elsewhere by huuuge freighters that burn huge amounts of fuel, compromising the whole idea of accelerating resources to orbital velocity before processing them.  And this station utilizes both vacuum and microgravity while using very little mass of physical resources so it is a totally reasonable and efficient orbital processing plant.

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