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[1.12.*] MOAR [x] Science! - KSP Science report and checklist


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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

New release (out of beta)

thx, but I have 2 questions:

I install from ckan, it doesn't work.
So I check for needed dependencies and I don't know for "click through blocker" or "toolbarcontroller" which I had already installed,
but during x-science installation ckan
does not recommend or warn you to install, "spacetux libraries" too, which I had to install separately.
Is this normal?

Secondarily the "Eva Experiment" still does not appear in the "here and now" window.
Is this normal?

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4 hours ago, antipro said:

thx, but I have 2 questions:

I install from ckan, it doesn't work.
So I check for needed dependencies and I don't know for "click through blocker" or "toolbarcontroller" which I had already installed,
but during x-science installation ckan
does not recommend or warn you to install, "spacetux libraries" too, which I had to install separately.
Is this normal?

Secondarily the "Eva Experiment" still does not appear in the "here and now" window.
Is this normal?

I'll fix CKAN, thanks 

EVA experiment isn't there yet

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Maybe this is the right place to ask:

I got all the science from Kerbin. EXEPT a set of "landed" based science from a place called "kerbin's launchpad FX".

It's got to be a mini-biome since there is no flying (etc.) science.

But I checked each new launchsite, the whole KSC, everything. I really don't know where the mod got the idea from that there was such a thing as a "kerbin's launchpad FX".

I really do want to know if there is such a thing.

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3 hours ago, maculator said:

Maybe this is the right place to ask:

I got all the science from Kerbin. EXEPT a set of "landed" based science from a place called "kerbin's launchpad FX".

It's got to be a mini-biome since there is no flying (etc.) science.

But I checked each new launchsite, the whole KSC, everything. I really don't know where the mod got the idea from that there was such a thing as a "kerbin's launchpad FX".

I really do want to know if there is such a thing.

It is the right place.

What version of KSP, and do you have any/both of the DLCs installed, and if so, which ones?


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3 hours ago, maculator said:

Maybe this is the right place to ask:

I got all the science from Kerbin. EXEPT a set of "landed" based science from a place called "kerbin's launchpad FX".

It's got to be a mini-biome since there is no flying (etc.) science.

But I checked each new launchsite, the whole KSC, everything. I really don't know where the mod got the idea from that there was such a thing as a "kerbin's launchpad FX".

I really do want to know if there is such a thing.

Also, I just tested this in a vanilla install, with both DLCs installed, and I don't see that.  So, I'm going to guess that you probably have lots of mods, and maybe a planet pack installed.

So, I will need a full log file before doing anything else

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using this new mod version for the first time, I can immediately notice an annoying issue:
the x-science window has a filter box where you can write things.
i.e.: "pol landed lowl -inf -polar".
The issue in this new version compared with the old one is that I can no longer scroll to the right in order to see and edit what I'm writing.

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3 hours ago, antipro said:

using this new mod version for the first time, I can immediately notice an annoying issue:
the x-science window has a filter box where you can write things.
i.e.: "pol landed lowl -inf -polar".
The issue in this new version compared with the old one is that I can no longer scroll to the right in order to see and edit what I'm writing.

I spent a few hours on this, turns out that it's either a change in the Unity Libraries or something internal to the game (I suspect unity).  I took a version which worked as you described on 1.11 and tried it on 1.12, and it didn't work.

I'll think about it, but not sure what to do, this may require some additional work outside the mod to figure out.


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On 8/2/2021 at 11:09 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Also, I just tested this in a vanilla install, with both DLCs installed, and I don't see that.  So, I'm going to guess that you probably have lots of mods, and maybe a planet pack installed.

So, I will need a full log file before doing anything else

I also have the same issue with Launchpad FX appearing in 1.12.2. It wasnt there in 1.11, could it be related to the new launch sites?

I also still have the ROC (shores) appearing in .1.12.2 as I described previously.

I dont have any planet pack installed but I have Kopernicus for a Biome correction mod (applied on Eve and Tylo).

On 1/10/2021 at 12:52 PM, kerbonaut23452345 said:


2.  ROC (shores)


This uncompleted science doesnt appear when the save is just loaded (space center view). When I load a vessel with breaking grounds part (see picture)  it appears in the in the window, but it disapears when I load a vessel without any breaking ground part. If I go back to main menu when the ROC (shores) appears and reload the same save it stays listed in the window.


I have linked my ksp.log and player.log here:



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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a typo in this mod. The tooltip over the button the toggles the display of experiments that aren't obtainable on the current vessel says "Show unlocked experiements unavialable on this vessel" when it should say "Show unlocked experiments unavailable on this vessel". Poking through the code on GitHub, it looks like that text is set on line 481 in X-Science/ScienceWindow.cs.  

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4 hours ago, umaxtu said:

There is a typo in this mod. The tooltip over the button the toggles the display of experiments that aren't obtainable on the current vessel says "Show unlocked experiements unavialable on this vessel" when it should say "Show unlocked experiments unavailable on this vessel". Poking through the code on GitHub, it looks like that text is set on line 481 in X-Science/ScienceWindow.cs.  


22 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

I'm sure LGG would appreciate a Pull Request.

Yes, if it had been done, but it's simple enough, I've fixed it locally.  Not going to do a release right away, though

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16 minutes ago, Zerolera said:

its not working for me T.T
version (without mods, I only installed the dependencies) maybe i did something wrong?


No logs, no support.

Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/


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3 hours ago, Zerolera said:

it´s going all right? is there a problem with the mod? or did I install something wrong?

I don't have time to constantly look at things when they get posted, I do have a real life and job.

I'll get to it, may take a day or so,

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11 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I don't have time to constantly look at things when they get posted, I do have a real life and job.

I'll get to it, may take a day or so,


Have a real life and job... sounds like a horrible fate. Sorry i didn't want you to feel pressured. I love this mod very much, and out of 15 that I use it is the only one that does not work, which does not let me sleep. but take your time! :)

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12 hours ago, Zerolera said:

Have a real life and job... sounds like a horrible fate. Sorry i didn't want you to feel pressured. I love this mod very much, and out of 15 that I use it is the only one that does not work, which does not let me sleep. but take your time! :)

Life sucks, sometimes :-)

Anyway, I looked at your log.  It's really strange.  There aren't any errors except at the end, which are:

Uploading Crash Report
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PhysicsGlobals.get_ThermalColorsDebug () [0x00005] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at PhysicsGlobals.GetBlackBodyRadiation (System.Single temperature, Part part) [0x00000] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at Part.Highlight (UnityEngine.Color highlightColor) [0x00120] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at Part.Highlight (System.Boolean active) [0x00000] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at Part.SetHighlight (System.Boolean active, System.Boolean recursive) [0x00044] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at Part.SetHighlightDefault () [0x00024] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
  at KSP.UI.Screens.Flight.TemperatureGauge.OnDestroy () [0x00071] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Since I don't see it installed, you _should_ install ZeroMiniAVC (latest version) just to be safe.

Could you send me the save file, please?

And, silly question, you _are_ in a career game, right?



Found your problem:

[8/22/2021 7:55:45 PM [x] Science!]: <Info> (ScienceChecklistAddon) - Game type is SANDBOX. Deactivating.


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Damn... I had reinstalled all the mods that I use, and to test that the parts work well and are there, I always use a sandbox game to check everything. Anyway, i didn't remember the mod was disabled in a sandbox game (although the last time I had downloaded this mod, it also had no dependencies) sorry for make wasting your time, and thanks for helping me! it works perfectly

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