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[1.12.*] MOAR [x] Science! - KSP Science report and checklist


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@linuxgurugamer Small issue, I had previously mentioned that the Dmagic Bathymetry experiment wasn't showing up in xscience's interface, and you posted a fix for that. It is working, but now it's not accurately tracking if there is science available in a given situation or not. Landed in the ocean for a Kerbinside GAP contract and xscience prompted me to collect the Bathymetry experiment science, even though there was none available since I'd already collected all that was available, but it showed as unresearched.



https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fo750pzghpx8r1/Log for Bathymetry experiment xscience.log?dl=0

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DMagic Goo collected, but isn't counted.
There are 2 experiment stored in the DMagic Goo part, one of them is the one from x-science button, and  there is no other place for the goo experiment,
but x-science shows the goo button.
Clicking on the goo button does nothing.

ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hmnYPT4LcEzn294s?e=GNiLRs
player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hmprYEAztXMyYv4V?e=vrWBqV

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4 hours ago, flart said:

There are 2 experiment stored in the DMagic Goo part, one of them is the one from x-science button, and  there is no other place for the goo experiment,

I don't understand what you mean, that one of them is the one from the x-science button.  What "other place" would you expect?

This part can do two observations, but they are the same.  This experiment violates all other experiments parameters, in that it can handle two, and that only as a result of his custom code.

4 hours ago, flart said:

Clicking on the goo button does nothing.


4 hours ago, flart said:

DMagic Goo collected, but isn't counted

Can you please explain in more detail.

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10 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

explain in more detail.

As you can see on the pic, the goo part already has 2 experiment inside, (green little tubes are extended), so there is no more place for a goo experiment, but the x-science think that the goo could be taken (the goo button showed and has yellow text).

I was able to reproduce on an almost stock install:

  •  take goo experiment somewhere
  • HyperEdit in other biome, take another goo experiment there.
  • HyperEdit in third biome. the goo part already full, but "here and know" has button with yellow text. In this case, clicking the goo button in the third biome does nothing. Expected behavior: after the second goo experiment stored, the goo button is disappearing.


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On 2/12/2021 at 5:23 PM, flart said:

As you can see on the pic, the goo part already has 2 experiment inside, (green little tubes are extended), so there is no more place for a goo experiment, but the x-science think that the goo could be taken (the goo button showed and has yellow text).

I was able to reproduce on an almost stock install:

  •  take goo experiment somewhere
  • HyperEdit in other biome, take another goo experiment there.
  • HyperEdit in third biome. the goo part already full, but "here and know" has button with yellow text. In this case, clicking the goo button in the third biome does nothing. Expected behavior: after the second goo experiment stored, the goo button is disappearing.

Thank you.

Not sure if I'll address this, the part is somewhat of a cheat, IMHO.  I may just blacklist it for now, but will not make a decision until Tuesday, when I'll take a look at it during my coding stream

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 minutes ago, koper1473 said:

Hey. Can u tell me how to run "X science" on KSP 1.11.1?

copy to the GameData the X-science and all 3  dependencies, so inside GameData you will be having 



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36 minutes ago, koper1473 said:

Hey. Can u tell me how to run "X science" on KSP 1.11.1? I have only "KerbalEngineer" mod. What must i do to run "X science"? Help me please. 

Have a nice day

What flart said And you will have an [x] icon on your toolbar. Left click to explore available science. Rightclick for the Science Here and Now helper.

Edited by Tacombel
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10 minutes ago, Tacombel said:

What flart said And you will have an [x] icon on your toolbar. Left click to explore available science. Rightclick for the Science Here and Now helper.

There is also an option to add a second toolbar button for the Science Here and Now helper

8 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I noticed the Woomerang site is also displayed as Shores, but should be Grasslands.

Check the altitude of the Woomerang site.  I'll guess that it's zero, 

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Following up from flart's post above (Feb 12th) ref the DMagic Micro Goo Containment Pod, this issue appears to extend to any mod experiment that is animated (and many of them have multiple samples too).  I'm experiencing a similar issue with the likes of BDB and Universal Storage experiments.  To repro,  use the Here & Now buttons to run an animated experiment. The results window pops up and you can select transmit (or store) but no science is actually transmitted/stored.  The experiment device itself is rendered inoperable: further manual attempts to run the experiment results in "no more samples can be collected," and it cannot be reset manually nor by a Scientist.  Example pictured below - I ran the goo experiment on top manually as a check, but using the H&N buttons to run the BDB Codac camera "Take Photographs" experiment reproduced the issue.





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56 minutes ago, Friznit said:

Following up from flart's post above (Feb 12th) ref the DMagic Micro Goo Containment Pod, this issue appears to extend to any mod experiment that is animated (and many of them have multiple samples too).  I'm experiencing a similar issue with the likes of BDB and Universal Storage experiments.  To repro,  use the Here & Now buttons to run an animated experiment. The results window pops up and you can select transmit (or store) but no science is actually transmitted/stored.  The experiment device itself is rendered inoperable: further manual attempts to run the experiment results in "no more samples can be collected," and it cannot be reset manually nor by a Scientist.  Example pictured below - I ran the goo experiment on top manually as a check, but using the H&N buttons to run the BDB Codac camera "Take Photographs" experiment reproduced the issue.

As I explained above, this is the result of the new/rewritten modules in DMagic.  The amount of work to fix this is not trivial, and for now I’m probably going to blacklist these parts until I can fix it.


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Question about functionality - [X] Science Here and Now has a stop-warp-on-new-biome feature, but it seems to drop you out of warp simply on entering a new biome regardless of whether the current vessel can do any science in that biome (i.e. has an experiment that hasn't been maxed in the biome, and can run it, and doesn't already have a copy of the run experiment stored somewhere on the vessel). Is that actually how it works, or have I missed a configuration option somewhere? If I am not understanding how X Science's options work (or Science Alert), then much of what I'm about to say is.. uh.. maybe pointless!

Anyway, the reason I ask: X Science, Science Alert, and Automated Science Sampler have slightly different purposes, and slightly different approaches to dropping a craft out of warp. Incorporating a couple features from Science Alert/ASS into X Science, or slightly modifying how Science Alert chooses when to drop a ship from warp, would either make X Science the only "Better Science Gathering" mod that's needed, or make Science Alert easier to use. Maybe.

(ASS hasn't been updated in a while and SpaceTiger hasn't posted in a while either. ASS works more or less in 1.11.1, but has some strange behaviors - running experiments 3 or 4 times, every time, and some load errors when it doesn't find DMagic DLLs or what have you, and it's All Rights Reserved, and why have two mods checking for science on every biome change, and... etc.)

Anyway, the features are:

  1. Give Here and Now an additional setting that drops warp on entering a new biome only if non-maxed science can be performed in that biome by the active vessel, and hasn't already been run/stored on the vessel, as opposed to dropping warp on every biome change. I think Here and Now must already 'know' this information, because it seems to use it to determine the button status (yellow vs. gray text, can or can't be clicked to run an experiment) for each experiment and the blue science progress bars next to experiments visualize whether the current vessel already has a copy of Experiment X for Biome Y (dark blue portion of the bar).
    1. The use case for this feature is (for example) orbiting a planet or flying over the surface and collecting science as you go; under those conditions, you only want to drop warp on entering a biome where you can actually do more science, since you might cross biome boundaries a lot in orbit and dropping warp on every change isn't helpful.
    2. Science Alert provides a similar functionality, I think, but it's tedious to set up: you seem to have to change *every* experiment's option to "not maxed" individually. I'm not totally sure whether Science Alert drops warp simply if you can run experiment X and it hasn't been maxed, or only if the current vessel can get more from the biome/experiment... Again, I might not be understanding how to use the mods, in which case - sorry! :( Mostly it's just really tedious to click every single experiment over to 'not maxed'; with planet packs that have surface features and such, and with science experiment mods, there can be hundreds of things in the list. There are ~56 ish in the list in stock, I think.
  2. Give Here and Now the ability to run all experiments (and/or all but EVA, same as in Science Alert) and transfer experiment data to a selectable container or command pod either manually or automatically (also like Science Alert, but ideally with ASS's ability to pick the container and maybe suppress the science dialog too), thus resetting experiments (including single-run, if a scientist is present) without having to EVA a scientist.

If X Science could do those things, it might eliminate the need for any other science-gathering-type mod, like Science Alert and Automated Science Sampler, becoming essentially the best of all three of them wrapped into one: see all the science you have/haven't/can collect, stop warp when you can collect stuff (but not on every biome transition unless you say so, and not if you've already grabbed from that biome), make it easy to collect it (just like Here and Now, ASS, and Science Alert do right now), transfer it, etc.

Just a thought. I know you have a big heap of mods, so figure it's unlikely to do a kind of 'mash-up' and slight feature modification like this, but perhaps you'd find it useful too..

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was curious if anyone else was seeing issues with [x] Science Continued since the release of 1.11.2? Here is what I am seeing on my end.

  1. Running KSP 1.11.2, with only KER and [x] Science mods, within 5 seconds of starting KSP, Unity crashes and the game doesn't load.
  2. I go into CKAN, uninstall [x] Science.
  3. I again attempt to launch KSP 1.11.2, and it loads without issue.
  4. I'll get to the menu screen, and quit KSP.
  5. I go back into CKAN, and re-install [x] Science.
  6. I again launch KSP 1.11.2, and this time it loads, but I do see an error message (will include below) in the top right corner.
  7. I can play KSP, [x] Science works, but, once I quit KSP...the next time I attempt to run the game, I am back at step 1 repeating the whole process over again.


I have numerous Unity dump files from when this occurs, but I don't know how to upload/link them to this post.



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3 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Can be ignored.

Can you post a Player.log after the crash, please

Posted the output in the spoiler section below:

[removed by moderators]

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1 hour ago, djr5899 said:

Posted the output in the spoiler section below:

Please dont do that, it messes up browsers.

However, you have multiple problems, starting of with the wrong version of the mod, not having ZeroMiniAvc installed.

Read the OP, install the dependencies and try again

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