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JNSQ Parallax settings - Bumpy roads up ahead [Version 1.0 ]


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As the tilte suggest I made a config for JNSQ and I am releasing my first stable-ish configuration. This is the first config I have ever written for KSP.

It´s stable-ish version but not the final version as I am still configuring some settings, there are still some known and unknown issues.

[If you find any issues let me know, I will try to fix them, may take some time].

[Also working on custom textures, may take a while though]

Currently known issues:

  • Planets turning into a silver mesh thing ,I assumme this was caused by my old config :huh:[Fixed as I haven´t encountered it again, maybe?]
  • Random gray squares [happend once fix below]
  • Asteroid alike planets having white dots on their terrain 

If you have any visual anomalies like the gray squares appearing, please go to the trackingstation and back to your vessel that should fix it.

I used kopernicus for ksp 1.11.1 and made this config for that version specifially.


Before you download, if you care about your saves test this config in a sanbox save first.

I would suggest turning off true lightning and shadows in the parralax global config.

Scatter performance is currently unknown test at your own risk.

Rover are quite lets say bouncy turn down your springs and turn up your dampers, drive safe everybody. :cool:

Download from google drive. 

Feedback is really appreciated as it helps me to iron out some issues, if this config is done, I may even make some for other planet packs:P.


Requires Parallax, JNSQ, Kopernicus.

You have to rename your Parallax_StockTextures to ParallaxJNSQ. Then you drag the the contents of the zip into that folder replacing all.

My fps is around 80~90 fps in my newest config with a 1080 and Ryzen 5 1600, varying on diffrent planets.

Eye candy included:

Higher Quality version of the gif below here.


On a lonely planet far away from home, Jeb watches as the sun rises above the horizon. 

I like this one quite a lot tbh. Duna and Huygen are definelty worth checking out Eeloo gives of creepy vibes check it out for yourself.


Dragonfly wannabe taking flight on Huygen

Higher Quality version of the gif below here.



Distributed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.


Special thanks to:

@Gameslinx for making such an amazing mod and just being awesome in general.

 @R-T-Bfor continuing and updating Kopernicus and giving me permission to use his configs.

 @Galileo  and the whole JNSQ team for making such a unique planet system.

Edited by SirBlob
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2 minutes ago, rettter3 said:

Relly nice mod. Might I suggest shifting this to addon-development/releases? I think it doesn't get the attention it deserves here:wink:

Probaly devolpment would be a good idea as I am currently looking into creating custom parallax textures for some of the JNSQ planets and fixing some minor issues.


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Small Update:

Currently working on improving performance, Eve still has this problem [see video below] thats why doesn´t have collisions yet. The terrain keeps calculating and causing performance issues.

Second off I am currently trying out Substance Alchemist to make custom textures, heres my first attempt  at making such a texture for Tam [Ai generated from this picture], integrating them into parallax is a whole nother process.

Original picture:


Ai generated terrain from that picture with some slight tweaks, mind you these are my first steps into texture creation.


I was trying to get some impact craters from micrometeors to show and I thing for my first try it turned out nicely.





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Back when Parallax had just came out I was working on a config for OPM. I'm going to be following this thread closely. The AI generated terrain texture is a genius idea and I think it looks really good. I haven't messed with it since before Linx added the bumpiness, and it never occured to me that EVE might be having issues with Parallax. Explains why vacuum planets worked better than atmospheric ones for me.


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1 hour ago, Fundati said:

Back when Parallax had just came out I was working on a config for OPM. I'm going to be following this thread closely. The AI generated terrain texture is a genius idea and I think it looks really good. I haven't messed with it since before Linx added the bumpiness, and it never occured to me that EVE might be having issues with Parallax. Explains why vacuum planets worked better than atmospheric ones for me.


Maybe I should clarify a bit as it seems  confusing I ment Eve the planet not EVE as Environmental Visual Enhancements, as a fact all planets with atmospheres currently have this problem and it seems to be getting fixed(see Parallax thread). [Has nothing to do with Environmental Visual Enhancements]
As for OPM somebody else is gonna cover that planet pack, can´t say anything specifily or tell details yet but hey, small sneak peak is ok I guess.
Welcome to Hale

Don´t have anything to report specifally but we just have to wait for the new Parallax version that fixes the stuttering issues on rescaled systems.
As for performance minor improvements have been made,  as for Ai generated pictures I got one more I tryed some ESEA images of Titan and got these textures not as good as the Tam textures but hey a start is a start.


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How are you dealing with Parallax settings for stock KSP? Are you adapting them at all or just leaving them as-is? I don't know much about how Parallax works, but from the thread it sounds like scaled-up versions of stock bodies may lose quality in the textures, and I would also worry about odd bugs with the way JNSQ changes the shape of many celestials (with the most notable one I can think of being Minmus) - though I have no idea how changes in shape would affect the way the configs actually get applied.

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1 hour ago, septemberWaves said:

How are you dealing with Parallax settings for stock KSP? Are you adapting them at all or just leaving them as-is? I don't know much about how Parallax works, but from the thread it sounds like scaled-up versions of stock bodies may lose quality in the textures, and I would also worry about odd bugs with the way JNSQ changes the shape of many celestials (with the most notable one I can think of being Minmus) - though I have no idea how changes in shape would affect the way the configs actually get applied.

Well this config just applies Parallax Textures and Collisions to JNSQ planets, so these are the same textures as in "stock Parallax".
The texture quality stays the same unless you change that in the ParallaxTerrain.cfg.
Shape doesn´t play a big role, for example I had to change some settings for Tam so that it gets better fps every other planet seems to be fine.

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  • 1 month later...

Well download Parallax like you would normally, then just rename the Parallax_StockTextures folder to ParallaxJNSQ.

And just a quick fyi will be updating soon, still got 1 more week on my internship left and then I will update this soonish (hopefully).

Edited by SirBlob
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On 3/21/2021 at 10:49 PM, SpaceFace545 said:

So @SirBlob all of the ground is white, what did I do wrong?

Be sure to run KSP 1.11.1 and use the stable branch of kopernicus for that verison.
Also I am using an older version of parallax currently downloading the newer version now, will let you know if thats the cause :cool:.



KSP 1.11.1

Kopernicus for 1.11.1

Parallax 1.2.2

Works fine, ground comepletly normal



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up, I updated to new Parallax 1.2.3 and have the white textures issue.

Parallax update was the only change and it updated Parallax_StockTextures at the same time. I just copied in your JNSQ files and changed the name to Parallax_JNSQ again.


KSP 1.11.2

Kopernicus-bleeding edge Beta -Dev UBEE_1111_81 (for reasons)

JNSQ 0.9.0

Was all working well before parallax update.

I'm starting to troubleshoot now and will report any findings.....

Found the problem, turns out idiot user was too quick to blame mod author. Changing the folder name to ParallaxJNSQ as instructed, instead of Parallax_JNSQ solved the issue.

All seems to work fine with new Parallax version.

Edited by Coyote21
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16 hours ago, Coyote21 said:

Just a heads up, I updated to new Parallax 1.2.3 and have the white textures issue.

Parallax update was the only change and it updated Parallax_StockTextures at the same time. I just copied in your JNSQ files and changed the name to Parallax_JNSQ again.


KSP 1.11.2

Kopernicus-bleeding edge Beta -Dev UBEE_1111_81 (for reasons)

JNSQ 0.9.0

Was all working well before parallax update.

I'm starting to troubleshoot now and will report any findings.....

Found the problem, turns out idiot user was too quick to blame mod author. Changing the folder name to ParallaxJNSQ as instructed, instead of Parallax_JNSQ solved the issue.

All seems to work fine with new Parallax version.

I have the same issue on 1.11.1 but try using the kopernicus stable branch. This did not fix anything but it could help.


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19 hours ago, Coyote21 said:

Just a heads up, I updated to new Parallax 1.2.3 and have the white textures issue.

Parallax update was the only change and it updated Parallax_StockTextures at the same time. I just copied in your JNSQ files and changed the name to Parallax_JNSQ again.


KSP 1.11.2

Kopernicus-bleeding edge Beta -Dev UBEE_1111_81 (for reasons)

JNSQ 0.9.0

Was all working well before parallax update.

I'm starting to troubleshoot now and will report any findings.....

Found the problem, turns out idiot user was too quick to blame mod author. Changing the folder name to ParallaxJNSQ as instructed, instead of Parallax_JNSQ solved the issue.

All seems to work fine with new Parallax version.

Well I mean I could change it to Parallax_JNSQ but I am lazy and like ParallaxJNSQ. Still don´t know why you guys are getting white textures, worked for me as stated above :huh:.


2 hours ago, SpaceFace545 said:

I have the same issue on 1.11.1 but try using the kopernicus stable branch. This did not fix anything but it could help.


Maybe create a new install of KSP with just JNSQ and Parallax and their dependencies and try again maybe? I just installed everything again and still don´t have the issue you are describing. 

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Just a small Update


Updated Eve(the planet) and Huygen to finally have collisions

Small config changes to Duna,Eve,Gilly

Thats all, custom textures may take a while, internship took up the last 5 weeks of my free time and I haven´t worked on them one bit, work also takes up a lot of time hope you guys understand.:blush:

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20 hours ago, SirBlob said:

Well I mean I could change it to Parallax_JNSQ but I am lazy and like ParallaxJNSQ. Still don´t know why you guys are getting white textures, worked for me as stated above :huh:.

I assumed that I got white textures b/c it could not find the textures, so it just used white. It couldn't find the textures b/c the config file was pointing to the ParallaxJNSQ folder and I called my folder Parallax_JNSQ.

As soon as I fixed the folder name everything worked fine. I would recommend that anyone experiencing white textures, should check that their folder structure does not have typos and the texture path is exactly the same as it is written in the config files....(GameData/ParallaxJNSQ/........).


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