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[1.12.x] Kopernicus Stable branch (Last Updated March 18th, 2025)


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10 hours ago, Minemoder said:

Don't know if this has been brought up before, but it seems that modifying the Sun's gravity changes the rotation of Kerbin for some reason.

In Kerbin's properties, try setting solarRotationPeriod = False.  I don't know if that will fix it or not, but it's worth giving it a try.

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19 hours ago, Minemoder said:

Don't know if this has been brought up before, but it seems that modifying the Sun's gravity changes the rotation of Kerbin for some reason.

The original config without any modifications:


And a small config only changing the gravity of the Sun:


you know for all my knowledge of Kopernicus internals, I really have no idea what's happening there.  That's weird.

8 hours ago, OhioBob said:

In Kerbin's properties, try setting solarRotationPeriod = False.  I don't know if that will fix it or not, but it's worth giving it a try.

Good thing to try here.

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10 hours ago, OhioBob said:

In Kerbin's properties, try setting solarRotationPeriod = False.  I don't know if that will fix it or not, but it's worth giving it a try.

That's probably it. Kerbin's rotation is defined not by its sidereal rotational period of 5h 59m 9s but its solar rotational period of 6 hours. Increasing the Sun's mass so much speeds up Kerbin's orbit significantly, shortening the orbital period to 1h 4m 7s. Kerbin needs to spin even faster than that so that the Sun still goes around every 6 hours as viewed from the surface, so its new sidereal rotational period should be 54m 25.2s. This is confirmed by the observed value.

Setting solarRotationPeriod = False would make the 6 hour value be Kerbin's sidereal rotational period rather than its solar rotational period, resulting in a spin rate very slightly slower than its stock rotation.


In that particular situation where the Sun's gravity is 9999999 g, Kerbin's fast rotation is the least of your worries: its SOI doesn't even go all the way to the surface, let alone out to Minmus.

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New in this latest version release-158:

1.) Port additional bugfixes from KSPCF that are relevant to Kopernicus, to allow that not to be a required dependency for planet packs (specifically, ROCValidationOOR and ScatterDistribution, fixing both ROCs in certain instances and LandScatter longitude landcontrol ranges).

2.) Added MM configs to enable still using KSPCF if you want to without the two fighting for control of patches (we just disable patches Kopernicus natively implements).

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away.

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively.

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs.  Some mods may need to adjust.  Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so...  if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly.  Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware.  Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default.  If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x.  Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating.  Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

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Hey, not  100% sure if Kopernicus is the issue here, but I updated to the version that was released on CKAN on the 7th of March and found that all BG surface features were just gone. Nothing popping up for tens of kilometers even with the AltF12 feature finder on.

I reinstalled any mods I thought would cause this, but no luck. So I looked at what mods I had updated AFTER the last time I played where  surface features were present, and saw Kopernicus was one. So I went back one version ( released 2nd of March on CKAN ) and the BG stuff was fine. 

I know next to nothing about game design or modding so sorry in advance if I seem confused, lol. I'm not sure why Kopernicus would have that effect but it's the only change that resulted in anything. Am I supposed to download updates whenever CKAN says they're available? 

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On 3/10/2023 at 10:56 AM, Lord Squonk said:

Hey, not  100% sure if Kopernicus is the issue here, but I updated to the version that was released on CKAN on the 7th of March and found that all BG surface features were just gone. Nothing popping up for tens of kilometers even with the AltF12 feature finder on.

I reinstalled any mods I thought would cause this, but no luck. So I looked at what mods I had updated AFTER the last time I played where  surface features were present, and saw Kopernicus was one. So I went back one version ( released 2nd of March on CKAN ) and the BG stuff was fine. 

I know next to nothing about game design or modding so sorry in advance if I seem confused, lol. I'm not sure why Kopernicus would have that effect but it's the only change that resulted in anything. Am I supposed to download updates whenever CKAN says they're available? 

I have the same issue, BG features are gones. And when i uninstall kopernicus, BG features are back !

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@Lord Squonk and @Jahnus, if you want issues resolved, you have to do more.  You should provide the logs of your game session that you experienced the loss of "BG textures" Breaking Ground features.  Follow the link in my signature on how to find the logs.  You should also provide screenshots of both the textures being present and missing.

As well, what are "BG textures"?   I couldn't find anything in a search of the forums?  Where did you get them from?

EDIT: Whoops!  Misread.  That was "BG features" as in Breaking Ground features.

Edited by Jacke
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1 hour ago, Jacke said:

@Lord Squonk and @Jahnus, if you want issues resolved, you have to do more.  You should provide the logs of your game session that you experienced the loss of "BG textures".  Follow the link in my signature on how to find the logs.  You should also provide screenshots of both the textures being present and missing.

As well, what are "BG textures"?   I couldn't find anything in a search of the forums?  Where did you get them from?

We talk about BG features, breaking ground surface features call "ROC". like Mun crater, Large Mun crater etc... 

This is my log with kopernicus installed and  this issue 


And without kopernicus and no issue : (all breaking grounds surfaces features are ok)




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Just "upvoting" the BG ROC not working on -158 release. I'm playing JNSQ on KSP 1.12.5. I see this:

[ERR 10:10:44.598] Exception handling event OnPSystemReady in class ROCManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Kopernicus.ROCManager_ValidateCBBiomeCombos.Prefix (ROCManager __instance) [0x00046] in <01cb3d49054e4d2a9f30683a766200de>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) ROCManager.ROCManager.ValidateCBBiomeCombos_Patch1(ROCManager)
  at ROCManager.GetROCControlFromCB () [0x00000] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 

[EXC 10:10:44.599] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	Kopernicus.ROCManager_ValidateCBBiomeCombos.Prefix (ROCManager __instance) (at <01cb3d49054e4d2a9f30683a766200de>:0)
	(wrapper dynamic-method) ROCManager.ROCManager.ValidateCBBiomeCombos_Patch1(ROCManager)
	ROCManager.GetROCControlFromCB () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
	EventVoid.Fire () (at <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

It happens while loading, before main menu. I haven't tried a prior release yet.

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@Krazy1, @Jahnus, @Lord Squonk

Yep, I somehow broke a BG-ROC feature... sorry for missing that this long!  This is fixed now, see note #4 for:

New in this latest version release-159:

1.) Additional code was added to the collider fix (the one that fixes bugs with "distant bodies") to fix KSC terrain corruption on return to spacecenter, and fix main menu on game exit with extremely distant bodies.  We can now support bodies up to at least 10 real scale LYs away, potentially further.

2.) The "New Text" bug/string that appeared when adding new Terrain Detail settings has been squashed.  Furthermore, you can now edit the default "High/Default/Low" presets by simply using their name.  Anything stock you edit will not be retained should your mod be removed (it will go back to stock).

3.) A warning was added when changing Terrain Detail presets, as it can in some instances change terrain altitude.  You should be careful altering this setting in loaded games with lots of landed craft.

4.) The ROC bugfix that prevented errors in the logfile when using ROCs on nonstock bodies was not functioning properly (errors were actually spawning in the logfile in a way preventing spawn of ROCs).  This has been fixed.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground.  This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text."  This is by design.  If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release.  This is rare, but can happen.  See this post for details.

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated and no longer supported.

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs.  Some mods may need to adjust.  Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so...  if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly.  Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware.  Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default.  If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x.  Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating.  Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

Edited by R-T-B
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1 hour ago, R-T-B said:

1.) Additional code was added to the collider fix (the one that fixes bugs with "distant bodies") to fix KSC terrain corruption on return to spacecenter, and fix main menu on game exit with extremely distant bodies.  We can now support bodies up to at least 10 real scale LYs away, potentially further.

Are you SERIOUS. This was one of my main gripes with interstellar mods. Welp, time to add GU/Kcalbeloh/etc again. 

Edited by Grimmas
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2 hours ago, R-T-B said:

The ROC bugfix that prevented errors in the logfile when using ROCs on nonstock bodies was not functioning properly (errors were actually spawning in the logfile in a way preventing spawn of ROCs).  This has been fixed.

Congratulations...very Pythonesque (Monty, not the programming language).  A  møøse once bit my sister.:D

Edited by Brigadier
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1 hour ago, Grimmas said:

Are you SERIOUS. This was one of my main gripes with interstellar mods. Welp, time to add GU/Kcalbeloh/etc again. 

Yep, KSP2 being...  not yet ready lit a fire under me, lol. 

31 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

Congratulations...very Pythonesque (Monty, not the programming language).  A  møøse once bit my sister.:D

Pretty much.  Beware fixes that bite.

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2 hours ago, R-T-B said:

New in this latest version release-159:

Good news - the BG ROCs seem to be fixed on JNSQ Minmus (quick check).

However, when viewing the KSC overview I'm seeing a ton of orange warning text about "view frustam" and I cannot enter any building by clicking on it. Only the lower left icons work to enter a building. When I exited to the main menu and clicked "settings" it crashed to desktop.  I'm using JNSQ_high terrain texture setting and 4k monitor.

KSP log

Player log

Reverting to -158 undid all of this as expected.

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2 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

Good news - the BG ROCs seem to be fixed on JNSQ Minmus (quick check).

However, when viewing the KSC overview I'm seeing a ton of orange warning text about "view frustam" and I cannot enter any building by clicking on it. Only the lower left icons work to enter a building. When I exited to the main menu and clicked "settings" it crashed to desktop.  I'm using JNSQ_high terrain texture setting and 4k monitor.

KSP log

Player log

Reverting to -158 undid all of this as expected.

This is likely the result of the new long distance terrain support not meshing well with JNSQ's custom settings.

JNSQ will likely make an update to address that soon, but in the meantime, you can fix it rather easily.  Do the following:  Delete your settings.cfg file from your game folder as if you were fresh installing JNSQ (take note of your settings because they will be lost) and regenerate it.  On first launch, set your settings and select the JNSQ_High preset as before + whatever custom settings you had.  You should be good to go then, fingers crossed.

I'll see about cooking up some kind of auto-import function for next release for this scenario.  In the interim, I've added a note to the release for users affected by this, and bolded it.



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3 hours ago, R-T-B said:

JNSQ will likely make an update to address that soon, but in the meantime, you can fix it rather easily.  Do the following:  Delete your settings.cfg file from your game folder as if you were fresh installing JNSQ (take note of your settings because they will be lost) and regenerate it.  On first launch, set your settings and select the JNSQ_High preset as before + whatever custom settings you had.  You should be good to go then, fingers crossed.

Unfortunately, the last update also messes up Kerbal Konstruct bases. Tested on JNSQ + KSC Extended. Hard to describe what's going on without video, looks like edges of statics Z-fighting or something. Tried to rebuild settings.cfg - help with log spam, but not KK statics.

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4 hours ago, evileye.x said:

Unfortunately, the last update also messes up Kerbal Konstruct bases. Tested on JNSQ + KSC Extended. Hard to describe what's going on without video, looks like edges of statics Z-fighting or something. Tried to rebuild settings.cfg - help with log spam, but not KK statics.

See next release below, specifically item #2 in bold:

New in this latest version release-160:

1.) Fixed some bugs in the last releases Terrain Detail preset code that were causing some modded users to have to amongst other things, delete their settings.cfg to get their game to load properly. (oops).

2.)  Added an option for Kerbal Constructs users in the GUI to fix a bug with their mod.  The settings is "ResetFloatingOriginOnKSCReturn", default true.  Setting it false may slightly corrupt interstellar scene switches to the KSC, but will fix Kerbal Constructs entirely.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground.  This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text."  This is by design.  If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release.  This is rare, but can happen.  See this post for details

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs.  Some mods may need to adjust.  Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so...  if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly.  Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware.  Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default.  If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x.  Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating.  Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

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EDIT:  And a wild hotfix, because I forgot to add option above to the ingame settings GUI, lol.  @evileye.x, this is the build you'll most likely want for KK support.

New in this latest version release-161:

1.) Hotfix: The "Kerbal Constructs" config option documented above has been added to the in game settings GUI. You need not break out a text editor, now.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground.  This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text."  This is by design.  If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release.  This is rare, but can happen.  See this post for details

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs.  Some mods may need to adjust.  Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so...  if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly.  Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware.  Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default.  If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x.  Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating.  Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

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New in this latest version release-162:

1.) Changed config option "ResetFloatingOriginOnKSCReturn" to default false. It is only needed for interstellar planet packs (LY+ ranges), and some mods have issues with it. If you already have this setting enabled without issues, you can ignore this release/change, or IF you are having issues with zfighting or craft icons not being perfectly centerd on the launchpad, and that bothers you, toggle it off manually. This release is for new users going forward to have the right "default" config, and not an urgent download otherwise.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground. This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text." This is by design. If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release. This is rare, but can happen. See this post for details

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs. Some mods may need to adjust. Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so... if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly. Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware. Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default. If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x. Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating. Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

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New in this latest version release-163:

1.) This release features a major rewrite of the Kopernicus Shadow manager (in an attempt to make it much more stock like, and perform better also). The new system performs better, but is shorter range in its casting before it degrades in quality. In line with this, your Shadow Casting distance will be reset to a still healthy 10000m. As a bonus, your shadows will be much crisper AND faster now. Enjoy.

2.) Since stock shadows were hopelessly bugged with Kopernicus, I have disabled them entirely while Kopernicus is installed.  This means if you have Kopernicus, don't use Kopernicus Shadow Manager and furthermore have not installed a mod like scatterer, etc, you will find yourself with no shadows whatsoever.  This may be visually jarring.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground. This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text." This is by design. If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release. This is rare, but can happen. See this post for details

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs. Some mods may need to adjust. Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so... if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly. Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware. Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default. If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x. Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating. Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

Edited by R-T-B
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This means if you have Kopernicus, don't use Kopernicus Shadow Manager and DO NOT have a mod like scatterer, etc, you will find yourself with no shadows whatsoever.

Wait, sorry just wanted to clarify. Can you use Scatterer if you're not using Kopernicus Shadow Manager (i.e., don't use both in conjunction?) or you can't use Scatterer at all? RSSVE kind of depends on Scatterer.

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7 minutes ago, MainSailor said:

Wait, sorry just wanted to clarify. Can you use Scatterer if you're not using Kopernicus Shadow Manager (i.e., don't use both in conjunction?) or you can't use Scatterer at all? RSSVE kind of depends on Scatterer.

Yes, that use of a double negative is very confusing lol.  I'll reword it.

Basically, you can use scatterer as you always have.  You'll only get buggy "no shadows at all" if  ALL of these three conditions are true:

1.) You have Kopernicus.

2.) You turn off Kop Shadow Manager

3.) You do NOT have Scatterer installed.

Scatterer is and will always be supported.

Edited by R-T-B
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New in this latest version release-164:

1.) Further shadow improvements. Now we can support 50000m shadows like Scatterer while keeping them sharp, and we have better transitions between "levels" or shadow cascades. tl;dr, they look better!

2.) Fixed a conflict with EVE city lights that left some users unable to load.

Known Bugs:

1.) Not exactly a bug, but worth mentioning: The Kopernicus_Config.cfg file is rewritten when the game exits. This means any manual (not in the GUI) edits made while playing the game will not be preserved. Edit the file only with the game exited, please.

2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and monitoring all the interstellar bugs actively. (I am not sure if this is still releavent as of Release-159, feedback welcome).

4.) Very Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error.

5.) Sometimes when reloading a quicksave to KSC, you will get the KSC sunken into the ground. This is cosmetic only, another reload of the same save will fix it. (This error has been around forever, just now listing it).

6.) When you uninstall a mod that had installed a Terrain Detail preset you were using, it may be listed still in the Graphics settings as "New Text." This is by design. If it bothers you, please reinstall the mod that setup that preset, or delete settings.cfg and let it regenerate.

7.) Some mods that used custom Terrain Presets may require you to delete your settings.cfg file and reset your settings with this release. This is rare, but can happen. See this post for details

Known Caveats:

1.) The 1.12.x release series works on 1.12.x. The 1.11.x,1.10.x,1.9.x and 1.8.x releases are deprecated

2.) Multistar Solar panel support requires an additional config file, attached to release.

3.) As of release-107, scatter density underwent a bugfix on all bodies globally that results in densities acting more dense than before on some select configs. Some mods may need to adjust. Normally we'd not change things like this, but this is technically the correct stock behavior of the node so... if you need the old behavior, see config option UseIncorrectScatterDensityLogic.

4.) As of release-151, polar generation behavior has changed slightly. Though it will be safer overall for new missions, be careful loading existing craft there. This is probably not lethal but I don't want you to be unaware. Maybe make a save just in case? ;)

5.) The "collider fix" as it's called, which fixes the event in which you sink into the terrain on distant bodies, is now on by default. If you really need distant colliders, turn this off, but you'd best have a good reason (I can't think of any).

6.) The particle system was hopelessly broken and has been since sometime past 1.10.x. Few mods used it, so it has been removed completely as of Release-146.

7.) Because we now unpack multipart PQSCity's correctly, you may find some PQSCity structures are in the earth or floating. Report such bugs to your planet pack author as this is an intended change (only cosmetic).

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