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What was your favorite first in KSP?


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Oh gosh, there’s a lot of them. If I had to choose one? Probably the time (last weekend) I managed to replicate a replica of an F-4 Phantom from a couple of pictures. Either that, or the first test run of my ETR-84GP, a fully stock F1 car. 

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Kinda hard to say - every first was a great feeling.  I guess first orbit, because I was playing the demo version and had told myself I won't buy this unless I can actually get to orbit in the demo.   Actually took a couple days to pull it off, but once I did, I bought KSP the next day.

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Umm...  I think it's split in two.  There where 2 firsts that really "hit the sweet spot"

The first one was to land the first rover on the Mün, it was huge and kinda prone to crashing (or rather, splitting in half the moment we hit the ground at more than 5m/s downward motion...  which happens all the time on Mün :p )
The second rover was a race car.  It did Mün and Duna and could relatively safely cruise at  speeds of 50m/s.  At the time the rugged wheels did not burst or if they did we did not need spares.
So those 2 rovers on the Mün are my first favorite.

"Münar I" -- Heavy rover with a command seat for a Kerbal in the front with her younger sister the "Opportunity Spirit" RoV speedster. Circa KSP 0.22



The other one was my first mission to Jool.  It was not the Huge solar cruiser I am so proud of (that came later in 0.23.5), but it was the first comm sat, the "Jool Fairy".
It was the very first time I left Kerbin SoI... Hadn't even dropped the "Opportunity Spirit" on Duna yet.  But a friend was doing a sleepover (playing KSP on my second PC and we were racing to the Mün) and at the end of the evening having lost the Mün race he dared me to get to Jool.
After struggling to get the craft into orbit, it was a pretty easy transfer to Jool.  Very few pics survived from that long time ago, but I have 2 essential ones :

The "Jool Fairy" (Fairy being a term I would reuse ever since for my satellites) all folded up on top of the Nuclear transfer stage which would end-up in Jool later, having served it's purpose.

The "Jool Fairy" all unfurled in an extremely circular and stable orbit between Laythe and Vall (many hours of adjusting were required!).  The view for the first time was breathtaking !


The first landing on Duna was pretty high on the list as well, but those two above? 
Man those feelings... There's a reason those are my favorite moments.
Thanks for Reading !

Edited by Francois424
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Great topic!

Mine is probably my first Mun landing considering I still remember out now, nearly 8 years later. 

Odd that in all that time, my favorite first was one of my first ones. :) I did it within days of downloading the demo. 2 of them IIRC. I hadn't even bought the game yet.

Edited by Superfluous J
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I think my favourite achievement in KSP was an interplanetary return. I’d spent years fooling around with just stations, planes,  bases, what-have-you in Kerbin space. I’d managed to avoid going interplanetary at all during that time. I can barely remember getting something to orbit, I can remember some of landing on Minmus. But I couldn’t say I was good at the game until I’d managed to get a crew to Duna and back. 

Edited by RyanRising
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Definitely my first moon landing. This was back in the .18 demo, and I knew so little about the game that I attached LFO engines to the bottom of SRBs. Despite my incompetence, I managed to land Jeb safely- well, not quite so safely, since everything but the Mk 1 command module was sacrificed to the lithobraking gods- on the moon.

But those first few steps were glorious.

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Theres been a lot of firsts, and obviously a lot of them were thrilling in the moment: first Mun landing, first Duna landing, first ssto, etc.  But the one that is my favorite by far was my first successful Jool ssto:

I was getting more and more tense/excited through the whole flight as it looked more and more like this would work, and when I saw the periapsis rise out of the atmosphere I was legitimately shaking and could hear my heart pounding in my ears from all the adrenaline.

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It's really hard to pin an absolute favorite first for me, because every first was almost as exciting as the last. From getting to orbit, to Minmus, and later to Jool and Eeloo.


But one that is most memorable for me, I think is my first trip to Duna. Similar to @STORMPILOTkerbalkind and others, I was stuck in the Kerbal, Mün, Minmas trap for what was possibly months. It was thanks to brave Timney Kerbals' sacrifice that I finally understood transfer windows.. (sniff)... 

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Had a favorite first today, after a rescue mission for a Kerbal and craft in a high energy inclined and eccentric orbit between the Mun and Minmus. I managed to make a double slingshot off the Mun and cut periapsis from ~16m KM down to 9m KM, for a total investment of ~80m/s. First double gravity assist I've ever gotten, and also the first improvised one.

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First Mun landing....It used the most inefficient, over built rocket my newbie mind could think of, and MANY attempts....but when I finally got Jeb on the Munar surface...I jumped up and down in joy. Nothing (in ksp or any game) has come close to that euphoria. First docking was also a HUGE milestone!

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On 3/8/2021 at 6:04 PM, STORMPILOTkerbalkind said:

PS the poor kerbal I brought there never came back)

"On a lonely planet slowly spinning its way into damnation......."

Probably first docking.

My dumb butt decided that docking to my spinning station which had a weirdly placed docking port would be a great idea. 

I spent 2 real-time HOURS docking that thing. I nearly cried when it finally worked.

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Just now, STORMPILOTkerbalkind said:

Ah yes @Spaceman.Spiff.

Before I could not dock, but now I have the spaceship docking blues. It very satisfying when the two clams press together, ksp freezes for a moment, then moves the camera, showing the two ships as one now.

Especially with megachonk bois

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