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How do you get to Eeloo?

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I just go for it from Kerbin. Gravity assists sound great but like everything on console it's much more difficult. There's no mod to help you. It also makes the missions much longer and a lot can happen with your save. I don't think it's difficult to get an encounter with Eeloo. I have a mission returning from Eeloo for 1600m/s in 2 years time. It turned out that I overbuilt the lander so so I visited 2 biomes. I like Eeloo. It's a friendly place. Pretty too. 

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1 hour ago, MZ_per_X1 said:

There's no mod to help you.

There is a tool though.

However, it's not really worth it. At times, Eeloo is closer to home than Jool, and if you can get a direct flight to Jool, you can get one to Eeloo, same level of difficulty.

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you can use Duna to increase your apoapsis, but you won't be able to raise it all the way to eeloo the first time. Duna is small and won't give much of an assist, you may be able to reach eeloo after a second duna passage, never tried.

another option is to go for eve, you are going in the wrong direction but eve is large and gives a powerful kick, with two consecutive eve assists you should be able to reach eeloo.

you will need a lot of correction manuevers though, because finding eeloo's SoI is hard. the best way is to start with already a good knowledge of where the planet will be, and aim for that spot

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6 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

How do you get to Eeloo using gravity assists?

Honestly, I've found it far easier just to design a bit of additional dV into my rocket and go straight to Eeloo, rather than mess about with trying to do gravity assists.

(Unless, of course, your whole point is to do it as a challenge precisely because it's harder that way, in which case don't mind me.)  ;)

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11 hours ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

How do you get to Eeloo using gravity assists?

As several has suggested, you don't.
Much simpler to do it without gravity assists.

However, if you for some, possibly insane, reason want to dig into to that madness I'd recommend using KSP TOT

Provided by our in-house madman genius @Arrowstar

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1 hour ago, Curveball Anders said:

As several has suggested, you don't.
Much simpler to do it without gravity assists.

However, if you for some, possibly insane, reason want to dig into to that madness I'd recommend using KSP TOT

Provided by our in-house madman genius @Arrowstar

I appreciate the shout out, @Curveball Anders!  Madman, genius, either works. ;)

For the record, @Dr. Kerbal,  if you want to use KSPTOT for this, the tool you're looking for is the Multi-flyby Maneuver Sequencer.  Here's an example of what you can get out of that:


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Just go directly to Eeloo.

(Do not pass GO...)

It’s really not that far to go, even if it’s out at its apoapsis. Just do an ordinary Hohmann transfer out to it if time isn’t an issue, or use more fuel to get there faster. You might find Astrogator or MechJeb useful as both can create interplanetary transfer nodes with reasonable efficiency, however MJ also does a more informative Porkchop plot which shows the delta-V for different combinations of departure date and transfer speed- sometimes there’s a faster but slightly less efficient window available, or a slower one available sooner.

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