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[1.12.x] KSP Part Volumes


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Beta release, 0.0.2

  • Changed output to write commented data for all parts to the cfg file. 
  • New parts now don't require a restart of the game
  • Added new part module to upate the packedVolume
  • Removed popup requiring restart after new parts added
  • Added packedVolume to PAW for parts which have been modified



This is now changing the settings and modules on the fly, it also adds a new part module to help with this.  Please test and let me know if it's all working properly.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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On the first start I had fully commented output, probably because of the my personal ModuleCargoPart = -1 to all parts patch, then I removed my personal patch and there is no output on the next starts

ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hm_SZty_-jqFnVii?e=Pdqm5E
player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hnAJx1y_cxKJ7et6?e=C2duBB


Edited by flart
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8 hours ago, flart said:

On the first start I had fully commented output, probably because of the my personal ModuleCargoPart = -1 to all parts patch, then I removed my personal patch and there is no output on the next starts

ksp.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hm_SZty_-jqFnVii?e=Pdqm5E
player.log https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alncj27YxKc-hnAJx1y_cxKJ7et6?e=C2duBB



I know the problem, working on it


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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New release,

  • Fixed nullrefs caused by UniversalStorage.GetInfo() begin called by ModuleCargoPart during initialization

I've converted this beta into a full release.  No changes from the dropbox version

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Getting these  errors in MM  log 

[ERR 20:50:02.824] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.824] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 20:50:02.832] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):

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Hey Linux, would you be able to update the SpaceDock entry to v0.0.2.1 when you have a spare few minutes? The currently listed latest version on there is v0.0.1.2 at the moment.

Goes without saying, absolutely no rush. :D 

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On 5/4/2021 at 10:02 PM, Atlas Gaming said:

Getting these  errors in MM  log

I dont think those are from this mod... Unless the plugin creates a temp /partVolumes/ folder somewhere, becuase I dont see that included in this mod... vOv

This looks like a patch, *possibly*by  whatever mod adds the CST-100 capsule... could be anything tho vOv
And all it is, is a typo of a missing bracket, in whatever patch is causing it...simple fix.
But I suggest you mebbe go to the mod thread that contains that capsule.

This is why its important to post links to the *whole* log. By only posting only snippets, only a smol fragment of info is being given, and the necessary context surrounding the error is missing.

Edited by Stone Blue
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17 hours ago, Poodmund said:

Hey Linux, would you be able to update the SpaceDock entry to v0.0.2.1 when you have a spare few minutes? The currently listed latest version on there is v0.0.1.2 at the moment.

Goes without saying, absolutely no rush. :D 



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Hey @linuxgurugamer can you help me diagnose this...


[LOG 13:40:22.399] Done patching
[WRN 13:40:22.399] 3 warnings related to GameData/DecoupleWithControl/DecoupleWithControl.cfg
[WRN 13:40:22.399] Errors in patch prevents the creation of the cache
[LOG 13:40:22.550] ModuleManager: 29362 patches applied, found <color=yellow>3 warnings</color>, found <color=orange>16 errors</color>
16 errors related to GameData/partVolumes.cfg


[ERR 13:38:49.528] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.528] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.542] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.542] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):

Here is the part its getting error on... is it the ()?

	name = CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
	module = Part
	author = Hanson Ma, Colton Franke,VoidCosmos,Drakenex,zer0Kerbal
	mesh = model.mu
	rescaleFactor = 0.83
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3 , 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
	node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.041 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
	CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0

	fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
	sound_vent_large = decouple
	TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
	entryCost = 1800
	cost = 900
	category = Thermal
	subcategory = 0
	title = CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
	manufacturer = Boeing
	description = Heat shield for CST-100
	attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
	mass = 1.0
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 2
	breakingForce = 100
	breakingTorque = 100
	crashTolerance = 100
	maxTemp = 3000
	fuelCrossFeed = False
	PhysicsSignificance = 0
	stageOffset = 1
	childStageOffset = 1
	bulkheadProfiles = size3
	thermalMassModifier = 1.0

		name = ModuleDecouple
		ejectionForce = 75
		explosiveNodeID = top
		staged = true
		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
		stagingToggleEnabledFlight = True
		stagingEnableText = HeatShield Not Staged
		stagingDisableText = HeatShield Staged

		name = ModuleAblator
		ablativeResource = Ablator
		lossExp = -7500
		lossConst = 0.1
		pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
		reentryConductivity = 0.01
		ablationTempThresh = 500
		name = Ablator
		amount = 650
		maxAmount = 650

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstHeatShield Brown/cstHeatShield/CST-100 Heat Shield (Brown)
// Bounding Box Size: 10372.55 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 11411
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstHeatShield/cstHeatShield/CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
// Bounding Box Size: 10372.55 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 11411
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstParachute/cstparachute/cstparachute
// Bounding Box Size: 1681.511 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 1851


On 5/8/2021 at 6:08 AM, Stone Blue said:

This is why its important to post links to the *whole* log. By only posting only snippets, only a smol fragment of info is being given, and the necessary context surrounding the error is missing.


Edited by Atlas Gaming
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3 hours ago, Atlas Gaming said:

Hey @linuxgurugamer can you help me diagnose this...


[LOG 13:40:22.399] Done patching
[WRN 13:40:22.399] 3 warnings related to GameData/DecoupleWithControl/DecoupleWithControl.cfg
[WRN 13:40:22.399] Errors in patch prevents the creation of the cache
[LOG 13:40:22.550] ModuleManager: 29362 patches applied, found <color=yellow>3 warnings</color>, found <color=orange>16 errors</color>
16 errors related to GameData/partVolumes.cfg


[ERR 13:38:49.528] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.528] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.542] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):
[ERR 13:38:49.542] Error - node name does not have balanced brackets (or a space - if so replace with ?):

Here is the part its getting error on... is it the ()?

	name = CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
	module = Part
	author = Hanson Ma, Colton Franke,VoidCosmos,Drakenex,zer0Kerbal
	mesh = model.mu
	rescaleFactor = 0.83
	node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.3 , 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
	node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.041 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
	CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	CoLOffset = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0

	fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple
	sound_vent_large = decouple
	TechRequired = heavyAerodynamics
	entryCost = 1800
	cost = 900
	category = Thermal
	subcategory = 0
	title = CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
	manufacturer = Boeing
	description = Heat shield for CST-100
	attachRules = 1,0,1,0,0
	mass = 1.0
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.2
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 2
	breakingForce = 100
	breakingTorque = 100
	crashTolerance = 100
	maxTemp = 3000
	fuelCrossFeed = False
	PhysicsSignificance = 0
	stageOffset = 1
	childStageOffset = 1
	bulkheadProfiles = size3
	thermalMassModifier = 1.0

		name = ModuleDecouple
		ejectionForce = 75
		explosiveNodeID = top
		staged = true
		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = True
		stagingToggleEnabledFlight = True
		stagingEnableText = HeatShield Not Staged
		stagingDisableText = HeatShield Staged

		name = ModuleAblator
		ablativeResource = Ablator
		lossExp = -7500
		lossConst = 0.1
		pyrolysisLossFactor = 6000
		reentryConductivity = 0.01
		ablationTempThresh = 500
		name = Ablator
		amount = 650
		maxAmount = 650
  Reveal hidden contents

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstHeatShield Brown/cstHeatShield/CST-100 Heat Shield (Brown)
// Bounding Box Size: 10372.55 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 11411
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstHeatShield/cstHeatShield/CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
// Bounding Box Size: 10372.55 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 11411
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstParachute/cstparachute/cstparachute
// Bounding Box Size: 1681.511 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 1851



It would also help to know the mod that you are using.

Is this happening as a result of having this mod (PartVolumes) installed?  If so, I definitely need to know the mods.  Log helps, but sometimes there can be too much data there.

And not  just the ModuleManager log, the full Player.log

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on a hunch, I checked Kerbal Inventory for All, and the main patch in that mod has a lot of missing brackets in a lot of the :HAS statements vOv

EDIT: So, I am incorrect on that... i thought you couldnt nest :HASes within :HASes...which i guess you *can* do :P

Edited by Stone Blue
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2 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

@linuxgurugamer on a hunch, I checked Kerbal Inventory for All, and the main patch in that mod has a lot of missing brackets in a lot of the :HAS statements vOv

Unfortunately, in my test, I didn't have that installed and am also getting the error.  But good to know, maybe I'll look at that as well

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I also checked Hanson Ma's CST-100 Starliner mod, and the Atlas Gaming is right... the internal part name has both spaces (covered by the `?` in a patch I presume), but it also has `( )`... special characters in internal part names is bad, is it not?

EDIT: So I installed the CST-100 mod, with KSP PartVolume and I couldnt reproduce the errors
This is the patch PartVolume created for that part:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CST-100 Starliner/Parts/cstHeatShield/cstHeatShield/CST-100 Heat Shield (Black)
// Bounding Box Size: 10372.55 liters
// Volume adjustment: 10%
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 11410


Edited by Stone Blue
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1 hour ago, Stone Blue said:

on a hunch, I checked Kerbal Inventory for All, and the main patch in that mod has a lot of missing brackets in a lot of the :HAS statements vOv

EDIT: So, I am incorrect on that... i thought you couldnt nest :HASes within :HASes...which i guess you *can* do :P

That's my mod. Errors were not getting generated on that. Started when I installed ksp_partvolumes

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This is exactly the mod I needed to progress my grandiose spacestation plans! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

It would be helpful if you updated the OP to remove reference to needing to restart KSP. I was scratching my head over that for a coupla  minutes.

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8 minutes ago, softweir said:

This is exactly the mod I needed to progress my grandiose spacestation plans! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

It would be helpful if you updated the OP to remove reference to needing to restart KSP. I was scratching my head over that for a coupla  minutes.

Well, I don't know why you needed to scratch your head :D   restarting was just an extra step, and was originally needed.  I've updated the OP with  current information

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On 5/11/2021 at 10:54 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Well, I don't know why you needed to scratch your head :D   restarting was just an extra step, and was originally needed.  I've updated the OP with  current information

Hey I've updated KIFA to skip items that are defined with this mod. Can you remove the requirement to uninstall parts of my mod to install this mod?

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