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  On 5/20/2021 at 9:10 AM, Mukita12 said:

I'm gonna make more demonstration video with my Aircraft tomorrow. It'll be the F-16 Replica doing SEAD mission or F-15 doing Strike Mission

Just picked between the two of em


That's a good idea.

I can't really take videos of mine because that'd be nearly life-threatening to everyone who views it (due to the atrocious set up and frame rates of course).

I did conduct a dogfight against my other fighters and this plane won every single time incredibly fast which gives me good confidence. 

It also destroyed a whole bomber formation instantly which is also incredible as my "bombers" are literally flying warships

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@HyperDraco I finally remembered what the third non standard part is. It is the intakes. I had made long stretched ones as the real life version has them. so here is the config. Put this in NMB/Parts/Type-AdvancedFlanker/ as Advanced-F14-Intake.cfg

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  On 5/20/2021 at 6:37 PM, ColdJ said:

@HyperDraco I finally remembered what the third non standard part is. It is the intakes. I had made long stretched ones as the real life version has them. so here is the config. Put this in NMB/Parts/Type-AdvancedFlanker/ as Advanced-F14-Intake.cfg

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I'll get to it soon, thanks

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Hi. This is my Chriggen F28. My own design. Extremely maneuverable. Flys any way up and will maintain height. Very powerful yaw. Don't turn too hard or you are flying backwards. Requires the motorized landing gear and Mk10 weight, I put the configs up for further back in the thread. NMB Cockpit. Kerbonov drop tanks and BD Armory SaturnAL31 engines. Rest is stock.

Availabe here. https://kerbalx.com/ColdJ/ColdJ-F-28-Chriggen-Up


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So i already did a demonstration video for the F-15 however, i make a couple of mistake. Firstly and foremost. I had have less Airspeed and higher altitude than the Optimal one, also my approach towards the target building (VAB and SPH) wasn't sufficient which mean of all the 4 MK83 JDAM that i've dropped. Only 2 went near to the target and it miss because of the previously mentioned sufficient angle of Approach. But i'll still send the video if you guys wanted to

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  On 5/21/2021 at 9:49 AM, Mukita12 said:

But i'll still send the video if you guys wanted to


I'm sure HyperDraco would love to see your vid. I don't know why people are always blowing up their own homes. you should build a craft and put it out in the field to target I reckon.

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  On 5/21/2021 at 9:54 AM, ColdJ said:


I'm sure HyperDraco would love to see your vid. I don't know why people are always blowing up their own homes. you should build a craft and put it out in the field to target I reckon.


I will. I'll probably use the Radar Emplacement from my F-16 SEAD demonstration video

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  On 5/21/2021 at 9:54 AM, ColdJ said:

I'm sure HyperDraco would love to see your vid. I don't know why people are always blowing up their own homes. you should build a craft and put it out in the field to target I reckon.


Oh yes I would, you know my habits about blowing up the SPH and VAB with every weapon I can use only too well.


  On 5/21/2021 at 9:56 AM, Mukita12 said:

I will. I'll probably use the Radar Emplacement from my F-16 SEAD demonstration video


Alright, take your time, looking forward to some more destruction.

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Hi i see you guys are comfortable with editing so i am wondering if you can help me?  Is there a solution to make parts disappear from the cockpit view! 

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and also done with the blue angels

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allbum https://imgur.com/a/51iSgNm 

kerblax https://kerbalx.com/Mouhand/FA18D-Hornet-Blue-Angels

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  On 5/22/2021 at 4:26 PM, Mouhand said:

Hi i see you guys are comfortable with editing so i am wondering if you can help me?  Is there a solution to make parts disappear from the cockpit view! 


The only way is to move the part that is in front of the cockpit far enough back that you are inside it's mesh. The game doesn't render the inside of a mesh and so it appears invisible. Nothing else will make it see through. That is why the cockpit view in my Hypersonic entry Smalantive can see everything, because the cockpit is within the adapters mesh.

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  On 5/22/2021 at 5:46 PM, ColdJ said:

The only way is to move the part that is in front of the cockpit far enough back that you are inside it's mesh. The game doesn't render the inside of a mesh and so it appears invisible. Nothing else will make it see through. That is why the cockpit view in my Hypersonic entry Smalantive can see everything, because the cockpit is within the adapters mesh.


I know this technique well but this time I want to respect the positions of the crew in the cockpit of the f18 and in this case it will be difficult to do, even if I managed to do it for the first pilot the second will always have a part in front of him! 

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Now with no Airplane plus just Stock, DLC and Tweakscale. May I present. Tiny Tornado. The way the early Astronauts used to practice for Mun Landings. My first jet tipped prop VTOL craft.


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Bloody merge mechanics
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Hi @HyperDraco

3 custom configs to add so you can get the f18

The first goes in ColdWarAerospace/Parts/Size1Mk3/  

Create a file called Size1Mk3StrctrlCosmetic.cfg

Copy and paste this in.

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Then in NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/

create nfa-cosmetic-radial-1.cfg  and paste in

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And finally for the engines.

In Squad/Parts/Engines/jetEngines/


MilJetEnginAftrbrning.cfg  and paste in.


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  On 5/24/2021 at 9:27 AM, editor99 said:

I'm sorry that I'm bringing up an old post, but how did you recolor the parts?

especially the Quiz tech parts


Hi. I opened the texture file for each part in "paint.net" . I then inverted the colours of the stock parts. After that I either copied and pasted the wing edges from the original or used Overlay to paint in the parts I wanted to remain dark with "Bucket Fill." I "Save As" the new texture as the file name with a capital N at the end. e.g Wings.dds becomes WingsN.dds You can either then rename the original to e.g WingsOld.dds and the new texture to the original name or you can use Part Variant to be able to swap between normal and negative in the SPH/VAB. If you look at the config files I have left for HyperDraco earlier on in this thread you should find an example of how the part variant module is set out. It is a Squad module so works with most parts. Some mods like NMB don't work with it so I just create a copy of their cockpit and mesh in a new folder and with a new "name =" in the copied config, then have the same texture name in each folder but 1 is the negative and the other folder the positive. Oh and make sure you update the model pathway for the nmb situation. If your new folder has basicaly the same name with something like a 2 added to the end then it is easy to change. When you save *.dds files in paint.net make sure you set the output method as "BC3 (Linear, DXT5) If you ever convert a *.png to a *.dds or vice versa, make sure to flip them vertically as for some reason the texture maps are vertically reversed in comparison to each other. If you don't then when you load the model in game the textures will all be in the wrong places.

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@editor99 Had some time so hope this makes it easier.

In the folder structure QuizTechAeroContinued/Parts/Structural/Mk2_Adapters/

I added to their config files the part variant module so as an example I took Mk2-AdapterIntakes.cfg

And changed it to this.

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The Part variant module is right at the end so just scroll down to the bottom.

The following is the negative textutre I use I had to flip it and save as a png because imgur doesn't do dds. It will have a new name because imgur changes them. download it and rename it Mk2adapters1mN  The program will run it as a png or you can put it through paint.net flip it and save as a dds. The program has an easier time with dds images speed wise. Just don't leave 2 images with same name in the folder, doesn't matter the suffix. Because the game will load whatever it sees first, but sometimes it swaps when outside the SPH.


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