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Secret project related to KSP2?!?! Info from developer Job postings!


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Oh hey! I was trolling through the job postings on T2 to see if I could glean any info from them, and mayhaps I found some interesting tidbits?


They are hiring for a Software Engineer 3: https://careers.take2games.com/job/3099061

And a Lead Engineer: https://careers.take2games.com/job/3099063

Postings say: "Intercept Games is the developer for Kerbal Space Program 2, the much-anticipated sequel to the beloved Kerbal Space Program that launched a thousand aerospace careers. We’re now building a new team to work on an unannounced mission that has us extremely excited and fully continues our goal to make phenomenal games for our players to love."  Preferred Qualifications include: A passion for space exploration, rocketry, satellites, and related entertainment media.

This sounds like it directly relates to KSP2!


There are also a few other job postings that seem to point to either a new project, or an expansion of some kind? Am I reading too much into this?


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1 minute ago, TLTay said:

I know, right? Are they working on DLC already?

why would they work on a DLC yet?!

Nate/Private Division/Intercept/Star Division said that there will be no at-launch DLC

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7 minutes ago, TLTay said:

Oh hey! I was trolling through the job postings on T2 to see if I could glean any info from them, and mayhaps I found some interesting tidbits?


They are hiring for a Software Engineer 3: https://careers.take2games.com/job/3099061

And a Lead Engineer: https://careers.take2games.com/job/3099063

Postings say: "Intercept Games is the developer for Kerbal Space Program 2, the much-anticipated sequel to the beloved Kerbal Space Program that launched a thousand aerospace careers. We’re now building a new team to work on an unannounced mission that has us extremely excited and fully continues our goal to make phenomenal games for our players to love."  Preferred Qualifications include: A passion for space exploration, rocketry, satellites, and related entertainment media.

This sounds like it directly relates to KSP2!


There are also a few other job postings that seem to point to either a new project, or an expansion of some kind? Am I reading too much into this?


Maybe it’s just new software features. maybe it’s for multiplayer  

Also just like, more developers is good

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26 minutes ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Maybe it’s just new software features. maybe it’s for multiplayer  

Multiplayer was announced to be part of KSP2 from day 1, wasn't it? I remember Nate saying in very early interviews/videos that he'd "never heard people laugh so hard" or something similar. Surely this isn't for multiplayer. It feels like a DLC. Maybe we will be getting some really good news about release date at E3 this year?

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8 minutes ago, TLTay said:

Multiplayer was announced to be part of KSP2 from day 1, wasn't it? I remember Nate saying in very early interviews/videos that he'd "never heard people laugh so hard" or something similar. Surely this isn't for multiplayer. It feels like a DLC. Maybe we will be getting some really good news about release date at E3 this year?

I hope the surprise is the release date. Not DLC. Because after all the delay, there is very little chance I would want a DLC

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3 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

why would they work on a DLC yet?!

Nate/Private Division/Intercept/Star Division said that there will be no at-launch DLC

These things, they take time. So it's not out of the question.

But it kind of sounds like a skeleton team for a pre-production work on something that hasn't even been fully approved, let alone announced. The fact that there's a Lead Designer and Lead Artist that go along with the two eng jobs sound about right for this as well.

Whatever it is, it's definitely space-related, almost certainly still KSP IP, and is going to run on Unity. That still leaves a lot of room. Exciting. Good find.

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3 minutes ago, InfernoSD said:

It's going to be a mobile game. Set in the Kerbal-verse. :D

Possible, but I didn't see anything that looked mobile-specific. One of the job posts says "Experience with developing for multiple simultaneous game consoles, such as the Xbox and Playstation platforms." Perhaps this is just to port KSP2 to the newer consoles if it was designed for the now-outgoing generation of consoles? But I don't think they need a part designer for that. I'm leaning toward laying the groundwork for a DLC/expansion...

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1 minute ago, TLTay said:

Possible, but I didn't see anything that looked mobile-specific. One of the job posts says "Experience with developing for multiple simultaneous game consoles, such as the Xbox and Playstation platforms." Perhaps this is just to port KSP2 to the newer consoles if it was designed for the now-outgoing generation of consoles? But I don't think they need a part designer for that. I'm leaning toward laying the groundwork for a DLC/expansion...

Nah. A Designer/Artists/Engineer leads + senior Eng is something you do for a new game, not a port. The recs for all four are way above what you'd expect for the title, so this is intended for a team that's going to grow. It can still be DLC, but spin-off sounds more likely.

And yeah, that desc does make mobile unlikely. This is either stand-alone console/PC Unity title or a fairly serious DLC.

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6 hours ago, TLTay said:

unannounced mission

Emphasis on the word "mission" not "project". Based off of the wording alone, I don't think it's something we can see/feel like adding a feature.

Completely blind guess: Maybe they're porting the game to Unity DOTS? It could be one of the reasons why the game was delayed so much.

Unity uses a component system, it's easy. But DOTS is made for performance like using multi-thread processing even on tasks that aren't designed to work with multi-threading. Lets hope Unity DOTS is being used to get even more performance. From videos I've seen on YouTube it does improve physics performance.


To summarize, He stopped the test when FPS became less than 60 FPS. Unity default system reached 9k objects, while Unity DOTs reached 15k objects. Unity DOTS reached up to 50k objects at around 15 fps. And 198k with ~3 FPS, Unity did not break.

I hope KSP 2 is using or are switching to Unity DOTS system to squeeze more performance.

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They are going to dangle a capsule off the Kerbin edge to see the Kraken swimming through the endless space, huge bugs standing on it, and the bottom side of the flat Kerbin, lying on them?

(Like in The Colour Of Magic.)

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1 hour ago, Thundy said:

I hope KSP 2 is using or are switching to Unity DOTS system to squeeze more performance.

Johannes (one of the KSP2 devs) said that they weren't switching entirely to DOTS out of a risk of destabilising the game (I think Unity DOTS is still a preview package and is not production-ready), but they are still picking useful elements from it: 

On 4/30/2021 at 5:26 AM, Johannes said:


We are not using the full DOTS stack. We specifically use jobs to parallelize calculations in a few select systems where there are clear performance benefits. For example using jobs allows PQS+ to be considerably faster than the original system in KSP1 and without which the quality of terrain that we are working on would not really be feasible. 

Your concerns are absolutely valid. We try to be very careful when evaluating any new technologies that we might use in this project. The Unity Jobs System has been a part of our codebase since fairly early in development, but its uses are also isolated enough that if it was really necessary it could be replaced with another multithreading mechanism. So far however it has suited our needs well.

On the topic of what these job postings could be for, I agree with that its either a port of KSP2 for consoles (I could see senior talent being valuable for this given the high-profile nature of KSP2), a major expansion that will release some time after KSP2, or something completely different. No idea for sure, but it's interesting!

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1 hour ago, Superfluous J said:

Just kidding, though my guess is an unrelated game. Companies can't just make one game forever, after all.

Intercept was set up specifically to make KSP2. It would strike me as really strange if they were suddenly to start making another space game that's unrelated to it. It's not an independent company, it's a studio wholly owned, financed, and operated by Private Division, itself a subsidiary of TakeTwo.

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1 minute ago, Superfluous J said:

Do we know that as a fact? Was it perhaps instead set up to produce "realistic" space games of which KSP2 is merely the first?

Wasn't it made in reaction to a falling out between T2 and StarTheory?

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2 hours ago, Superfluous J said:


Real talk though, I wonder if KSP is going to become one of those franchises that keeps getting new major upgraded sequels every several years or so. Imagine KSP8 or whatever they will have in the second half of the century.

By then I might be able to run KSP1 with an eternal green timer lol.

Finding mod compatibility for older versions might start to be a nightmare though... Are there any mod archive projects going on?

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