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[Min KSP 1.11] WIP: SunkWorks Maritime Technologies

Angelo Kerman

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This has taken me the better part of my free time in June to figure out, but I finally have a workable system that supports both radial symmetry and the unique shapes involved with boat hulls. It is as intuitive as I can make it. Here you can see the different ways to combine bow-keel parts, with the caveat being that when you use symmetry, you'll have to manually set the mirrored mesh for the side that's out of place. You can also see that I made bow-keel section taper to a sharper point like a typical boat bow.



Below is a midships keel. There are four different lengths to help reduce part count, and the variants support full, half, and insert part variations. As with the bow, they support symmetry, but you'll need to manually mirror the mesh (Part Variants are applied to symmetrical parts and that can't be overridden).



As the above images show, you can configure the boat parts as a single width- 7.5m in this case- or split the keel sections in half for wider hulls. Below is a third option where a central keel is coupled with SW-75 Keel Type H parts on either side. The Type H follows a different design pattern than the above parts: to avoid cluttering the parts catalog, the Type H comes in four different part variant lengths.


All the keel parts have trim tanks to help you balance the boat, and tank-type symmetry is off by default.

With the concept design figured out, I can finally start working on moon pool keels, stern section keels, a cargo bow (less pointy and shorter than the above yacht bow), and a landing ship bow. From there I can start adding hull sections and configurable decks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/15/2021 at 1:56 AM, Angel-125 said:

Ok, testing a fix...

Hi, hope things are going well. I'm having a lot of fun with you pre-release version. I'm writing some land/sea/air contracts and was wondering if the parachute fix is ready for a pre-release version? No worries if it isn't, no one should rush the chef while they are cooking. Just thought I'd inquire.   

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35 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Hi, hope things are going well. I'm having a lot of fun with you pre-release version. I'm writing some land/sea/air contracts and was wondering if the parachute fix is ready for a pre-release version? No worries if it isn't, no one should rush the chef while they are cooking. Just thought I'd inquire.   

Sure, here is 0.2.5:

- Fixed issue with parachutes deploying when the kerbal isn't wearing the SCUBA Gear or Liquid Breathing Pack.
- Added new SunkWorks category; it supports both Community Category Kit and Wild Blue Tools' Categories.

- Added SW-75 keel sections.

Your new contracts are looking good! :)

Now that I have the basic design concept figured out for the boat parts,  in July I'll be fleshing them out more. This release gives you an idea about how they fit together.

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I installed SunkWorks this morning and am loving what I am seeing so far.  I have noticed an issue with the ballast vent part, though.  Several, actually.  Specifically, I have had several circumstances where using it to convert a tank to a ballast tank, the tank has kept its original resource, not only visually in the SPH, but even after launch.  I have also seen on one occasion a part seemingly lose the IntakeLqd resource visually in the SPH, the attached vent suddenly decide to offer the chance to convert the tank again, and the part, upon being converted again, now have double the volume of IntakeLqd capacity both in the SPH and after launch.  And the removal of EC from a tank's resource list if it had it is somewhat random with a tank sometimes losing it upon conversion and sometimes not.  All tanks involved were chassis parts from your Buffalo rover mod.  I specifically did everything I could to mitigate potential issues by assigning resources to the chassis parts before attaching a vent, but it still misbehaves randomly.  Oh, and on several occasions after the tank is converted to ballast, the PAW will no longer display for any part until I launch the vessel and revert, after which the tank will no longer show as a ballast tank.  There are also some idiosyncrasies with the wardrobe changer, too, where the wrong image will be displayed in it for the selected kerbal if you have already used it prior to change the suit of a different kerbal.

I do have a question about the dive computer.  Will it interact with the vent parts from the Buffalo pack, or are the two dive computer systems from the two mods incompatible?  And I know the Buffalo dive computer says it will use tanks assigned as trim tanks as general ballast tanks but the SunkWorks dive computer does not.  Is this by design?

Love all your mods and have for a long time.  Looking forward to seeing how this and the others progress.

EDIT - This was using the version prior to the one you released today, so if any of these issues were already addressed, I apologize.

Edited by aviin
Grammar and more info
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2 hours ago, aviin said:

I installed SunkWorks this morning and am loving what I am seeing so far.  I have noticed an issue with the ballast vent part, though.  Several, actually.  Specifically, I have had several circumstances where using it to convert a tank to a ballast tank, the tank has kept its original resource, not only visually in the SPH, but even after launch.  I have also seen on one occasion a part seemingly lose the IntakeLqd resource visually in the SPH, the attached vent suddenly decide to offer the chance to convert the tank again, and the part, upon being converted again, now have double the volume of IntakeLqd capacity both in the SPH and after launch.  And the removal of EC from a tank's resource list if it had it is somewhat random with a tank sometimes losing it upon conversion and sometimes not.  All tanks involved were chassis parts from your Buffalo rover mod.  I specifically did everything I could to mitigate potential issues by assigning resources to the chassis parts before attaching a vent, but it still misbehaves randomly.  Oh, and on several occasions after the tank is converted to ballast, the PAW will no longer display for any part until I launch the vessel and revert, after which the tank will no longer show as a ballast tank.  There are also some idiosyncrasies with the wardrobe changer, too, where the wrong image will be displayed in it for the selected kerbal if you have already used it prior to change the suit of a different kerbal.

I do have a question about the dive computer.  Will it interact with the vent parts from the Buffalo pack, or are the two dive computer systems from the two mods incompatible?  And I know the Buffalo dive computer says it will use tanks assigned as trim tanks as general ballast tanks but the SunkWorks dive computer does not.  Is this by design?

Love all your mods and have for a long time.  Looking forward to seeing how this and the others progress.

EDIT - This was using the version prior to the one you released today, so if any of these issues were already addressed, I apologize.

Buffalo isn't compatible with SunkWorks right now. The dive control system in SunkWorks doesn't work with Buffalo's tanks or dive computer system.

Buffalo uses the WBT Omni Storage, and I haven't tested compatibility with it. The ballast control valves might not work with fuel tank switchers like B9PS. Do you have the same resource issues with stock tanks?

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OK.. I need an intervention. I'm already modifying other mods to work with this mod that isn't even released yet....

I re-jiggered The Otter Sub ballast tanks to work as SunkWorks ballast tanks and OMG is this dive control awesome or what?!  



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2 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

OK.. I need an intervention. I'm already modifying other mods to work with this mod that isn't even released yet....

I re-jiggered The Otter Sub ballast tanks to work as SunkWorks ballast tanks and OMG is this dive control awesome or what?! 

Really nice to see that it works well. :) You could also take the Sea 64's SWDiveComputer part module and tack it onto that command pod up front...

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Regarding non-switchable resource containers, I have only seen similar issues to what I described if I have used a ballast vent on one AFTER I had an issue with a Buffalo chassis not working right in the same session.  Otherwise, things seem to work beautifully.

And about adding SunkWorks modules to non-SunkWorks parts... yeah... I have been doing the same and jeez is it opening up a world of possibilities.  Laythe is calling...  :D

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On 7/7/2021 at 6:57 PM, aviin said:

Regarding non-switchable resource containers, I have only seen similar issues to what I described if I have used a ballast vent on one AFTER I had an issue with a Buffalo chassis not working right in the same session.  Otherwise, things seem to work beautifully.

And about adding SunkWorks modules to non-SunkWorks parts... yeah... I have been doing the same and jeez is it opening up a world of possibilities.  Laythe is calling...  :D

For Buffalo- and any part that uses the WBIOmniStorage part module- what I may need to do is have the ballast tank module disable the omni storage when the part is converted into a ballast tank. I'll think about how to do that; SunkWorks is designed to work independently of Wild Blue Tools. Eventually, when SunkWorks is installed, I'll have a ModuleManager patch that disables the older ballast and dive computer system in favor of the up to date SunkWorks system.

Meanwhile, I've been working on the keel textures some more. I'm happy with how the wooden deck has turned out, and I'll replicate the techniques with the upcoming deck parts. For reference, the green boxes are 1.875m tall, 1.875m wide, 3.75m long Standard Shipping Containers.


The cargo ship deck needs more work...


I'm trying to get a look that's similar to a cargo ship or military vessel, but the above look isn't there yet.

Finally, I do have plans to add submarine parts to SunkWorks. Some will be revamped from the Buffalo mod, but one will be a Size 1 cockpit similar to this:


It'll be in white since most of the Mk1 parts in the game are already in white.

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On 6/18/2021 at 1:42 PM, Angel-125 said:

Not to my knowledge. I've been using @benjee10's suit mods myself and haven't seen any issues. I also use KHSK and don't see issues with that one either. Have you noticed problems other than the parachute?

No problems I've noticed. Btw is your giant flying saucer mothership going to be a submarine now. Cause I'd super enjoy that! I eagerly await the day I can explore the stellar odyssey star systems in that thing.

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@Angel-125 So there is an issue with scuba diving. Might not even be yours to solve, but if there is something that your code could "interrupt" that would be a nice to have. 

  • When diving with a kerbal and there is a collision interaction the kerbal goes into a rag doll state and floats to the surface.
  • There is no way to break out of the rag doll state and recover until the kerbal surfaces.
  • a little frustrating on a 1300 meter dive :sob:
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1 hour ago, Caerfinon said:

@Angel-125 So there is an issue with scuba diving. Might not even be yours to solve, but if there is something that your code could "interrupt" that would be a nice to have. 

  • When diving with a kerbal and there is a collision interaction the kerbal goes into a rag doll state and floats to the surface.
  • There is no way to break out of the rag doll state and recover until the kerbal surfaces.
  • a little frustrating on a 1300 meter dive :sob:

Hm, that's interesting and sad. I'm not sure what I can do to solve that, but I'll investigate. It's definitely not something I'm doing on my end.


1 hour ago, Warro said:

I've thought of one useful tool for scuba operations:

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not sure if that's possible in KSP

An underwater scooter is something that I've thought of, but due to the way the animations work, I wouldn't be able to pose the kerbal that way. What I did do though is double the swim speed when you wear the SCUBA Gear. :)

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7 hours ago, Warro said:

I've thought of one useful tool for scuba operations:

  Hide contents


not sure if that's possible in KSP

The closest thing available right now is my Marine Command Chair in Working Underwater Lite. You could create a mesh that has the command chair functions but looks more like that device but the kerbal would still be posed the same way as that is the way they are coded.

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