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[1.12.3] Komplexity (KPLX) - - <Ictiv> edition {21 Jul 2022}


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After playing some more with Komplexity, I have to say, this mod might be only tiny, but it's such a massive improvement for the early- to mid-game career progression. The incremental upgrades are a great constraint for having a smoother progression in career. Instead of having unlimited part counts after the first upgrade, you now have to carefully chose which parts to bring, as the limits are quite tight.

I'm always looking forward to getting the next incremental upgrade, so that I can finally bring 5 more solar panels and add another SRB to my design! (Instead of having essentially unlimited part counts in the base game)

Without this tiny mod, the career lacks some serious progression. Well done!

Edited by FasterThanFlourite
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  On 3/29/2022 at 12:16 PM, FasterThanFlourite said:

After playing some more with Komplexity, I have to say, this mod might be only tiny, but it's such a massive improvement for the early- to mid-game career progression. The incremental upgrades are a great constraint for having a smoother progression in career. Instead of having unlimited part counts after the first upgrade, you now have to carefully chose which parts to bring, as the limits are quite tight.

I'm always looking forward to getting the next incremental upgrade, so that I can finally bring 5 more solar panels and add another SRB to my design! (Instead of having essentially unlimited part counts in the base game)

Without this tiny mod, the career lack some serious progression. Well done!



Thank you for the kind words. Very much appreciated. 

Also thank you for reminding me that it is about time to release version; which will look almost the same (it really is the same).

What you are experiencing is exactly why I developed Komplexity!

Also add something to the EVA construction playstyle - and the SimpleConstruction! playstyle as well. (Can't launch everything in one go - so need to add in situ) - and the Kaboom! playstyle with superKluing.



Edited by zer0Kerbal
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Your diagram for the R&D center shows a science limit of 0 for level 5 - what is the actual value?

Also, the wiki pages all look to show the Admin building chart, regardless of what building we are looking for.

Edited by Bombaatu
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  On 4/3/2022 at 9:59 AM, MoeKitsune said:

Was curious as to how this mod interacts with KCT.


I have no specific information in regards to this query. Would you kindly fill in the blanks? Speculative: it should work. YMMV.


  On 4/3/2022 at 1:52 PM, Bombaatu said:

Your diagram for the R&D center shows a science limit of 0 for level 5 - what is the actual value?

Also, the wiki pages all look to show the Admin building chart, regardless of what building we are looking for.


haven't devoted much time to updating the wiki, very time consuming. I will see what I can do because I am prepping the repo for a v1.0.0.0 release.

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Komplexity Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files GitHub Pages

Version <Ribbon Kutting>

07 Apr 2022
Released for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge



  • [Mission.cfg] is now on by default (smarter patching)
  • spelling and grammar linting


  • better graphics


  • moved to pages


  • updated (in progress)


  • Issues
    • closes #29 - Update Wiki
    • closes #30 - JNSQ
    • closes #31 - Komplexity <Ribbon Kutting>
    • closes #32 - Verify Legal Mumbo Jumbo
    • closes #33 - Update Documentation
    • closes #34 - Update Social Media

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  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

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*red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support*

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Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

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New Issue:

[Request/Balancing]: Change the Level 1 SPH Length Restriction to 9.0m, and the Height to 6.0m

The Gist:

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New wiki page for the Runway: https://zer0kerbal.github.io/Komplexity/Buildings/Runway.html

replacement [Runway.cfg]


will be publishing updated Friday(ish)

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  On 4/15/2022 at 5:28 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

New Issue:

[Request/Balancing]: Change the Level 1 SPH Length Restriction to 9.0m, and the Height to 6.0m

The Gist:

  Reveal hidden contents

New wiki page for the Runway: https://zer0kerbal.github.io/Komplexity/Buildings/Runway.html

replacement [Runway.cfg]


will be publishing updated Friday(ish)


An updated version of [Runway.cfg] is now available. 

A real challenge I would say.

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MOD-NAME Version
KSP version License
AVC .version files Pages

Version <Sideways Frontways> edition

18 Apr 2022
Released for Kerbal Space Program [KSP 1.12.x]


Download from CurseForge



  • [Runway.cfg] v1.0.8.0
    • swap the length, width for the height restrictions for the runway
      • this because unlike the launchpad, planes are short, squat and very height challenged.
      • hardest part is to figure out which variable goes to which.
      • thank you to MystLeissa for this suggestion
    • complete refactoring of length (x), height (y), and length (z) maximum allowable sizes
      • add label: // wingspan (width), height, length
      • consult Runway for details
    • closes #39 - [Request/Balancing]: Change the Level 1 SPH Length Restriction to 9.0m, and the Height to 6.0m
  • [Launchpad.cfg] v1.0.7.0
    • complete refactoring of length (x), height (y), and length (z) maximum allowable sizes
      • add label: // width, height, length
      • consult Launchpad for details
    • closes #44 - Label and Swap the launchpad array
  • [Komplexity.version]
    • since Komplexity will run on any version of Kerbal Space program
    • remove


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See More

  • Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
  • Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
  • Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
  • GitHub Pages : See Pages

*red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support*

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

Support Patreon Github Sponsor Buy zer0Kerbal a snack

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a really fantastic mod! It's brought a whole new life to not only the building management process but also the rocket design process! It feels much more like small incremental meaningful upgrades to my capacity that I have to choice which to prioritize rather than something to think about twice in the early game and then never again! I really appreciate the life it's breathed into my early and mid-game career!

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  On 5/8/2022 at 7:07 AM, Maeamian said:

This is a really fantastic mod! It's brought a whole new life to not only the building management process but also the rocket design process! It feels much more like small incremental meaningful upgrades to my capacity that I have to choice which to prioritize rather than something to think about twice in the early game and then never again! I really appreciate the life it's breathed into my early and mid-game career!


Thank you @Maeamian! Posts like this are all too uncommon and that makes them that much more appreciated! +1:rep:



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  • 1 month later...

Hello. After the release of the new version KSPCommunityFixes I observe a conflict with the Komplexity.

I am upgrading the launch pad. I go to the VAB, I go out - the launch pad returned to the previous level, and the money was written off.

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  On 6/30/2022 at 8:16 PM, Russos said:

Hello. After the release of the new version KSPCommunityFixes I observe a conflict with the Komplexity.

I am upgrading the launch pad. I go to the VAB, I go out - the launch pad returned to the previous level, and the money was written off.


@Russos thank you for the report. Kindly keep us updated. Thank you for also reporting it on @Gotmachine's thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, just wanted to report a double compatibility issue, which is to say, a compatibility issue with two mods, of which one only causes compatibility issues if the other is present too, in case anyone else has issues with the Tracking Station.

The offending mods are OPM with Patches/OPM_CommNet.cfg (which may not actually be a problem on its own) and JX2Antenna, which comes with an OPM patch, Patches/jx2_OPM.cfg (where the issue lies).

In my loads, OPM always patches before Komplexity, I'm not sure if this is incidental or intended by some measure in either mod or how MM works, but it might not cause issues. However, JX2 always loads after Komlexity for me, so some measure might be neccessary to implement, especially since Komlexity's settings (as best as I can tell) already accomplishes what the JX2 patch hopes to do.

So far, for me simply deleting the two files mentioned from my own installation was enough. If I knew more about the way CustomBarnKit and MM works, I might have tried something brave like adjusting the jx2_OPM.cfg header to include "NEEDS[!Komplexity]", but I didn't want to experiment too much, and the delete hammer solution seems simpler to me for now and works.

Since JX2Antenna's development ceased ~4 years ago, and based on the load order, OPM might not be an issue at all (plus neither mod really is a place people would look to try and debug this issue) I chose not to report this there yet.

I think a possible patch could be to have two copies of the TrackingStation.cfg's contents of this mod, one with or without "NEEDS[!JX2Antenna]", and one "AFTER[JX2Antenna]" in the header, however this is just my amateur guess of how MM and CBK works; assuming AFTER requires the specified mod be loaded. There's likely better solutions, but just wanted throw something out.

Edited by Ictiv
Corrected wrong file name for OPM's file.
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  On 7/16/2022 at 12:03 AM, Ictiv said:

Hey, just wanted to report a double compatibility issue, which is to say, a compatibility issue with two mods, of which one only causes compatibility issues if the other is present too, in case anyone else has issues with the Tracking Station.

The offending mods are OPM with Patches/jx2_OPM.cfg (which may not actually be a problem on its own) and JX2Antenna, which comes with an OPM patch, Patches/jx2_OPM.cfg (where the issue lies).

In my loads, OPM always patches before Komplexity, I'm not sure if this is incidental or intended by some measure in either mod or how MM works, but it might not cause issues. However, JX2 always loads after Komlexity for me, so some measure might be neccessary to implement, especially since Komlexity's settings (as best as I can tell) already accomplishes what the JX2 patch hopes to do.

So far, for me simply deleting the two files mentioned from my own installation was enough. If I knew more about the way CustomBarnKit and MM works, I might have tried something brave like adjusting the jx2_OPM.cfg header to include "NEEDS[!Komplexity]", but I didn't want to experiment too much, and the delete hammer solution seems simpler to me for now and works.

Since JX2Antenna's development ceased ~4 years ago, and based on the load order, OPM might not be an issue at all (plus neither mod really is a place people would look to try and debug this issue) I chose not to report this there yet.

I think a possible patch could be to have two copies of the TrackingStation.cfg's contents of this mod, one with or without "NEEDS[!JX2Antenna]", and one "AFTER[JX2Antenna]" in the header, however this is just my amateur guess of how MM and CBK works; assuming AFTER requires the specified mod be loaded. There's likely better solutions, but just wanted throw something out.


+1 :rep: @Ictiv.

Would you be so kind as to do a bug report here. and include your archived (.zip / rar) [<KSP_ROOT>/KSP.log] with the report.

So you are saying that OPM version of JX2 has an issue with Komplexity? 

I will also ping @Snarkas he is the current maintainer of JX2 (which I would love to adopt and update) so he can see this as well and maybe work together for the best option. Also @steedcrugeon.

You are correct, at face value it might just be adding  :NEEDS[! to one set of the patches.

here is from the JX2 OPM patch:


So since Module Manager order of patching goes (simplified):

  1. FIRST[]
  2. FOR[]
  3. AFTER[]
  4. LAST[]
  5. FINAL

and the Komplexity Tracking Station config:


then yes, I see the issue. btw, I would rather have Komplexity's value for longer range. :D

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  On 7/16/2022 at 2:12 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

So you are saying that OPM version of JX2 has an issue with Komplexity? 


Well, it's less the "OPM version", rather JX2 has a small number of patches for various mods, one of which is for OPM, that retracts OPM's own tinkering with the Tracking Station, which extends Tracking Station's power. It's only that one file.

The contents of the whole file are this small. Outside the patchesAheadLimit, and DNSRange, there is not much difference between it and what Komplexity does, from a balance standpoint, and to my understanding, the only point of this patch is to balance gameplay (Commented in Komplexity's for easy reference) :

	@TRACKING //Comments are Komplexity
        @levels = 3 //10
        @upgradesVisual = 1, 2, 3 //1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
        @upgrades = 38000, 150000, 563000 //38000, 15000, 20000, 30000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 125000, 200000, 300000
        @patchesAheadLimit = 0, 2, 3 //0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4
        @trackedObjectLimit = 0, 8, -1 //0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 32, -1
        @DSNRange = 2000000000, 50000000000, 250000000000 //500000000, 1000000000, 2000000000, 5000000000, 25000000000, 50000000000, 100000000000, 165000000000, 250000000000, 500000000000

If I'm no mistaken, patchesAheadLimit determines how many orbit transfers the map mode will render (i.e. gravity assisting from the Mun then be put on a trajectory to Duna at 4 would let you see your approach from Kerbin, your path in orbit of the Mun, your path out of Kerbin's orbit, and then your path through the Kerbol system, and your orbit change from your approach on Duna, but not what will happen once you shoot back out of Duna's orbit, since that would be the 5th orbit past your current one.

That setting I don't think should cause incompatibility issues with either mod since neither of them do any autopilot logic stuff to my knowledge, and I think the balance change of it being only 3, is probably just a result of copying OPM's file, and deleting one column of stats, rather than it being relevant to the vision of JX2Antenna.

DSNRange might need to be adjusted to max out at 250000000000 so it's in line with the balance imagined by JX2's devs, but OPM's own setting is 4 times that of what Komplexity's max level is, so I think it's probably fine, as Komplexity still technically nerfs OPM's OP settings considerably.


P.S.: On double checking my version for the bug report which I just posted, I realized that the version CKAN downloaded is actually one patch behind Github, however, CKAN also seems to think that released on April 19th this year, which is when, the latest version released. This could be the result of a mixed up attempt to update the CKAN register perhaps? Or could be the registry for some reason fetches the latest release's date from Github, but for some reason can't see the latest version itself? As I'm not familiar with CKAN's programming, this is just a guess, but was the first to include the special apostrophe and <>-s in its version title, so I can see some chance of it driving CKAN nuts and also blind to the existence of the latest version through some unhandled issue in its innards. Might be worth taking a look.

Unless of course it's just that you haven't gotten the chance to update CKAN, in which case please do so at your earliest convenience! :)

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thank you for the bug report on GitHub @Ictiv; also corrected your name in the original reply. :(

The reason for the date discrepancy amongst CurseForge, GitHub, and SpaceDock (CKAN) is that I release all mods to CurseForge first for initial contact-with-end-user testing; then send it to SpaceDock (which usually updates CKAN). https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/Komplexity

I will think about the best way to proceed, and it might just be a new Compatibility patch(or Config) patch for when OPM is installed... will have to research their patches. Also will be influenced by @Snark's input.

I will bump this up on my priorities list (The ShortList) and will have a fix to you shortly - probably an archive in the bug report thread on GitHub asking you to test it out (obviously not on a live save; always back up your saves; use a disposable test save to test).

Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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  On 7/16/2022 at 3:17 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

also corrected your name in the original reply. :(


No worries, didn't even realize it :)

As a side note, one recommendation came up in my mind about the Tracking Station, which I think I'll 'patch' in on my own version for a bit of playtesting. Namely, I kind of like in stock how there's a stage when you can see your current orbit, but not any extra info like the Apoapsis, etc at the beginning. This never really happens with your version of the tracking station, since Orbit Display gets updated to 2 (the point at which you can start seeing your vessels' orbits) at the same time as Patched Conics being raised to 1. (Incidentally, I think my math on the Duna example was off by one in the earlier post.) Because of this, you never get the 'white orbit' of stock with Komplexity, which feels like a shame, since with 10 levels of upgrades, there really is plenty of room to include it.

On my copy, I'll change the Patched Conics line to @patchesAheadLimit = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. That way, on level 3, it will behave like stock on level 1 in this regard. This might cause issues with Tracked Objects, so I might delete the level where one can track 12, and just move the entire progression of that up one level too.

This is mostly to my taste, but it would be worth giving it a thought on your end too, as it would make more of the initial unlocks feel like milestone steps.

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  On 7/16/2022 at 4:22 AM, Ictiv said:

On my copy, I'll change the Patched Conics line to @patchesAheadLimit = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. That way, on level 3, it will behave like stock on level 1 in this regard. This might cause issues with Tracked Objects, so I might delete the level where one can track 12, and just move the entire progression of that up one level too.


@Ictiv I like, and excellent suggestion! +1 :science: Please let me know how it goes, and if you like it, I will update Komplexity to use those numbers. Love Feedback, usually makes things better! Kindly add a feature request much like adding a bug report on GitHub. This way you also get credit. :D

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Actually, I'll definitelly have to do some extra testing before I recommend this be implemented, so I'll skip the feature request for now.

I get the feeling I misunderstood what some of the stats mean, since on second look, orbitDisplayMode being on 3 should be what enables patched conics, but the separate patchesAheadLimit is what specifies how effective it is. However, your current config only sets orbitDisplayMode to 3 on level 6, while patchesAheadLimit goes up to 1 on level 3 and up to 2 on level 5, which would seem useless, unless they somehow ignore orbitDisplayMode.

Frankly, up until now I never really paid attention to this (partially because I didn't pay too much attention to the Tracking Station being overwritten in my game by that patch, partially because I tend to stick in the early game to IVA/ProbeControlRoom, using RPM and stuff like that for orbits. Now however, I'll need to see how it all behaves level by level properly, so I can give more meaningful feedback.

The orbitDisplayMode/patchesAheadLimit might be a geuine oversight and a benign bug though. Will report on results when I have them.

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@zer0Kerbal Took a bit of time, but did a bit of testing on a new save. Best as I can tell, unless "orbitDisplayMode" is on 3 for a given level, "patchesAheadLimit" does nothing. As an example, I launched my first probe toward the Mun, and though later it would intercept the Mun, this is what its rajectory looked like up until actually entering the Mun's sphere of influence:


The configuration here, was a Tracking Station of Level 4, which in my test configuration meant that the "patchesAheadLimit " number was supposed to be 1, however the Display Mode was 2, meaning the game wouldn't render the upcoming transfer to the Mun.

I tested some more using a save leading up to that point and got the following results:

Ahead Limit at 1, Display Mode 3 (so same as before, but Mun Patch displaying):


Ahead Limit at 2, Display Mode 3 (Orbit going back to Kerbin now visible):


What this made me realize, is that I had the idea of what the "patches" meant completely wrong, and I now thought what it actually means, is how many orbits the game thinks ahead. I.e. if you're going to encounter another celestial object, but only on your second time going around from where you are right now, then you'll need a higher patch. If I was right previously, the orbit around Kerbol should have been made visible, but it hadn't been.

For example, on my assertion, I did a bit of an extreme approach on the Mun, and got this:


Brought up MechJeb's orbit info, so you can see that the orbit period is only ~8 days, but the game notes I'll get closest to the Mun this way in 24 days, which appears to be the third orbit from where I am.

To test this, I tried one more time, this time with Display Mode still on 3, and Patched Ahead on 0, getting these results:


So yeah. I've got nothing.

I've concluded that I've absolute no idea what the Patches Ahead variable does. Absolutely zilch.

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  On 7/19/2022 at 3:37 AM, Ictiv said:

So yeah. I've got nothing.

I've concluded that I've absolute no idea what the Patches Ahead variable does. Absolutely zilch.


@Ictiv That's how I wrote Komplexity: one mystery unraveled after another. To Quote Watney 'Mark' Kermin: 'Work the Problem'

As I am currently working through the three new compatibility patches (which I could just avoid by changing :FOR to :LAST[Komplexity] in the TrackingStation.cfg) I see this:

                // None=0 CelestialBodyOrbits=1 AllOrbits=2 PatchedConics=3
                // @orbitDisplayMode = 2, 3, 3
                @orbitDisplayMode = 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
                // @patchesAheadLimit = 0, 2, 4

orbitDisplayMode might be the droid you are looking for.

meaning that changing it to @orbitDisplayMode = 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3 might achieve the affect you are looking for.


here is the RealSolarSystem.cfg patch:

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