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[12.1.5] Kerbin Side Remastered - The Life Aquatic [v2.0.0][2022-12-18]


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Current Status

  • Finished code for salvage/rescue mechanics
    • Spawned vessels with kerbals inside successful
      • Needed to use the ChangeKerbalType behaviour on contract acceptance to make them tourists. Not a lot of options for kerbals in the Crew section of SpawnVessel.
      • Making them tourists will require transferring them to a docked sub, or surfacing the wreck and towing it to port.
    • Spawned vessels  start at 1 meter below sea level and start sinking when rescue/salvage vessels are in physics range.
      • There isn't a good way to determine the depth of the location and spawning under the seabed causes explosions.
      • The vessels are pretty hardy and can sustain impacts even at the deepest depths
  • Still to do;
    • Code for return to nearest port for recovery (any of the available harbour KK statics will be eligible)
    • Code for recovery of The Black Box. (Optional)
    • Code for bonus rewards for recovery of the Wreck (optional)


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Simply amazing level of work you are putting in. I once had something installed, that even though I went through my list of zip files I can't remember the name of, that allowed you to make new Kerbals with other designations. Just wish Icould remember what it was.

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32 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Just wish I could remember what it was

For contracts, I'm pretty much hemmed in by the things that Contract Configurator allows me to do. It's easy to spawn a vessel and it's easy to spawn a kerbal, but spawning a kerbal inside a vessel does not support all the "options" one would like, so you need to find ways to work around it. But I'm very pleased with the result.

Once I finish the the salvage and patrol missions, which are pretty cookie cutter, I can start on the exploration missions related to the KK underwater statics.   

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12 minutes ago, ColdJ said:

Maybe they should spawn with a life ring, floating above the wreck

That could be an option.  Could be based on the rescue fishermen mission from  @TranceaddicT's fork of the GAP missions https://github.com/7ranceaddic7/GAP/blob/master/Coast Guard/CoastGuard-RescueFishermen.cfg

Has two poor chaps floating in the water beside a capsized boat.


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On 6/21/2021 at 12:54 AM, ColdJ said:

I only just installed the latest Blender, but the .mu plugin doesn't seem to work in it and I haven't worked out to how to get an older version yet.

The mu plugin works with Blender 2.90+... You just have to grab it from the master (the main repo page)... I dont think theres been a recent actual release package done up for it in quite awhile.
Also, on the main page, make sure you are NOT on the 2.79 branch... but the main page should be the branch you want.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic :P

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29 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

The mu plugin works with Blender 2.90+

I'm tempted by your specificity of versions... No... must... resist... new... shiny... things... :heart_eyes:

Edited by Caerfinon
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4 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

start sinking when rescue/salvage vessels are in physics range.

Slight correction. The sinking doesn't actually start until the range between vessels is less than 200 meters... I suppose if one is "quick enough" they could stop the descent before reaching the briny deep. 

4 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

BforArtists in front of you

If you tell me it has a .mu exporter that works... well... then, I'm not going to be responsible for my actions.

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35 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

The mu plugin works with Blender 2.90+... You just have to grab it from the master (the main repo page)... I dont think theres been a recent actual release package done up for it in quite awhile.
Also, on the main page, make sure you are NOT on the 2.79 branch... but the main page should be the branch you want.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic :P

I did that. But the Blender version is 2.93 and doesn't like it. Something about not being signed. I left a query on the .mu plugin thread.

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2 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

If you tell me it has a .mu exporter that works... well... then, I'm not going to be responsible for my actions.

It *IS* Blender... its a fork of Blender, but the only thing they mess with is the UI you see. They dont get real deep into the core code...Even still has the standard Blender hot-key map if you prefer...
Means everything pretty much still works the same, and 99% of all Blender tutorials can still be used for it.

Just instead of having to memorize a bazillion hotkeys, and digging thru the horrible menus if you DONT know the specific hotey, BFA puts hotkey priority in the backseat (still works perfectly, tho possibly with different keys, depending on the selected map set...but they have several different keymaps, including the "stock" Blender one). It makes the menus/icons the priority, by better organizing, simplifying, and rearranging them to make moar sense. They also added a highly customizable toolbar, similar to Maya and other industry software.

They also have a very friendly, active Discord server. Reported UI bugs gets addressed very quicly. They quickly address & consider user input & suggestions.

I also have yet to come across a Blender plugin that doesnt work with BFA...including Taniwha's Mu importer/exporter. I have been using it almost a year with BFA... I also spent quite a bit of time with Taniwha on feedback with BFA, and trying to break his plugin... so far, so good :P

2 hours ago, ColdJ said:

I did that. But the Blender version is 2.93 and doesn't like it. Something about not being signed. I left a query on the .mu plugin thread.

i aadmit, i havent been doing anything KSP related for 3 or months now, and Taniwha seemed to taking a break, a month or two before that... so not sure of the "recent" state of the plugin... but it was woring with BFA v2.7.0 (= to Blender 2.93) fine

Edited by Stone Blue
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And an Engineer shall lead them...

Bill descends in a modified diving bell with a claw attached and surfaces the downed aircraft by using the diving bell as a bilge pump to remove the intake water that sank the plane wreck.  


First successful salvage and recovery mission.

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4 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

And an Engineer shall lead them...

Bill descends in a modified diving bell with a claw attached and surfaces the downed aircraft by using the diving bell as a bilge pump to remove the intake water that sank the plane wreck.  


First successful salvage and recovery mission.

Did you test your missions with LS mods too? Especially TAC-LS - that thing IIRC tends to drain electricity pretty fast on such constructions, which makes recovery missions a bit tricky.

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2 hours ago, Warro said:

Did you test your missions with LS mods too?

I've tried most  of the LS mods in relation to the mission contracts I write. With the exception of USI-LS they all act as though a kerbal is provisioned with the supplies that then need even on Kerbin. This is a problem for kerbals spawned by Contract Configurator because they come with no provisions at all and will quickly perish if left alone for too long. This is bad for rescue missions, passenger transport missions and the like. So now I only use USI-LS as it ignores the effects of supplies on kerbals on Kerbin. This makes the GAP missions and the TLA missions I'm working on less of a headache and I don't have to worry that some poor Kerbal starves to death int the air terminal lounge while waiting for a flight. 

People are free to use the LS mod they enjoy best, but they should note that extra resources will be needed. Personally I don't mind this for space travel. but for missions on Kerbin I prefer not to use these features.  

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Time to add a little character to this thing.

Steve Zissou Kerman getting ready to set out on underwater adventures...


Nautical setting provided by: Water Launch Sites (Kerbal-Konstructs). Sub courtesy of: USI Exploration Pack

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Current Status:

  • Final touches on Salvage3 - Large Aircraft Recovery. Play-testing and debugging stage now; 


  • Reproduce to small and medium sized wrecks
  • Will also include a "Dive Certification Test" that will trigger other missions to become active.
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@Caerfinon That looks like pretty greedy contract for me. Stock contracts "measure temp/pressure/crew_report" give comparable amount of funds, if not count science, but are much easier than recovery of heave parts  from the deeps. I guess the rates should be doubled at least. Or do the real awards under the edge of screen differs a lot from optional?

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1 minute ago, Warro said:

Or do the real awards under the edge of screen differs a lot from optional?

The total mission rewards are more than the optional parameters. They are also modified by the prestige of the contract. 

But in the end the real rewards are in the saving of kerbal lives and the pride and satisfaction of a job well done ;p 

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