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Unable to like things


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Apart from being a deep psychological problem due to reasons with their roots in my childhood... 

I find that I am unable to "like" the forum posts of others. I get a warning indicating that I've gone over a limit for today even though I've only "liked" one or two posts. :sad:


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The 25 like-per-day thing isn't an absolute "reset every 24 hour period".

Basically you have 25 likes to give.  When you give a like, it becomes "greyed out" for a 24 hour period, and will be re-usable after the 24 hour period is up.

So let's say you like 12 things at 10 am, another 12 at 2 pm, and your last at 5 pm.  Egads, you're out of likes!

The next day you won't be back to 25.  You'll get 12 back at 10 am.  If you like 12 more things before 2 pm, you'll get the "Out of likes" message.

You'll get the next 12 back at 2 pm, etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Dientus said:



Is there a reason for the 25 like limit? To elaborate, I understand having it limited overall, but would it be reasonable to increase likes per day to something more like 30-35?

The purpose of the limit is to encourage people to give their likes to content that is actually helpful, interesting, or amusing, rather than to dole out the points indiscriminately. We would not be inclined to increase the limit because we've already done that once, from 10 to 25, and there will always be people who want more. :)

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Learned something new. Didnt know likes regenerated that way. Kinda feels like spell slots in d&d 5e needing long rests to reset or hp slowly returning in other games. Kinda neat. Btw im not the only one to draw such a parallel am i?


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