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Kerbal Space Program 1.12: "On Final Approach" Grand Discussion Thread


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Just want to make sure the new parts are of follow:

  • the Medium solar panels, (4 of them)

  • the 1.25m Engine plate

  • firework dispenser (2 of them)

  • docking ports (5 of them) are revamped

Really want to minimize the refactoring of old crafts

Edited by Jestersage
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Well, I'm guessing like many here, this is a bittersweet moment.  I started playing KSP back in 2012 and except for a year long break, have played it almost everyday.  I have told so many people about this game, but also about how it came to be.  That is an amazing story too.  

I can still recall my feelings when I accomplished my first orbit, docking, Mun landing, Duna landing, etc.   It was and still is better than defeating any final boss I have ever fought. 

Thank you to all the Modders, to everyone who has passed through Squad's doors, and of course a huge thank you to you, Felipe.  You made so many dreams for so many others come true while making yours a reality.

Now excuse me, I've got a new mission to fly.


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As one who has been here from the early beginnings, let me express my sincere gratitude to the Squad team!  From trying to figure out how to put rockets together to now more mods than one could imagine, KSP has not only filled me with many hours of frustration but laughter, excitement, and joy.   Rarely does a game create a culture so helpful, educational, and cohesive.  Everyone from Harvester, content creators, mod developers and everyone in the community has made this what it is.

T H A N K  Y O U!  

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  On 6/24/2021 at 10:54 PM, dok_377 said:

I'm sorry, but this is just too funny. 10 years was surely worth the wait. 



If you are on Steam make sure to verify files. Steam has apparently been doing a excrements job of patching games lately, not just KSP. I was getting crashes too and when I verified I had 49 files that needed to be reacquired.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 6:04 PM, Rylant said:

Stupid question about the VAB Craft Folders.  

So I can create a folder, but I can't figure out how to organize the folders in game, or to save a new craft to a new folder.  I can't figure out how to drag and drop or anything.  Or is the only control that you have here  in the actual file directory?



Hey Rylant, there's a little drop down tab undersave  button that give you access to the saving, same as the little drop down under launch that gives you all the launch sites



  On 6/24/2021 at 10:34 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Reproduced for a number of engines, bug raised.


On an unrelated note- can fireworks be linked to a KAL controller to control their timing? If so, bring on the choreographed firework shows!


Yes the KAL can be used to sequence launchers, its pretty good fun :)

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  On 6/24/2021 at 5:02 PM, SQUAD said:

Rejoice and explore the Kerbal universe once more… you might even encounter some of the new easter eggs and unlockable launch sites scattered around the solar system. Are you ready?



There has not been new easter eggs in a long time. Bring out the detective hats!

If only I didn't have to go to bed right now.

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  On 6/25/2021 at 1:06 AM, herbal space program said:

Mmm. This new wheel code is not working so well with my Eve prop plane.  Seems like the wheels are somehow sticky wrt the ground. Plane also shimmied wildly with all kinds of phantom oscillations until I turned down the damper strength manually. 


Gravity has a major influence of the behavior of wheels because higher gravity means more frictional force to overcome to get moving. If the wheels seem stuck to the ground on Eve, it's likely because they _are_ due to the strength of Eve's gravity. Conversely, on a very small body like Gilly, the wheels should struggle to grip and you could probably drift all over the place or just spin your wheels and not even get anywhere...kinda like driving in snow.

I don't have a lot of experience with wheels in this game because I pretty much stuck to rockets and probes, but if their goal was to make wheels behave more realistically, I'm guessing that's what's going on.

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Just want to say thanks to the people responsible for bringing us this update, I am grateful for the real long term effort that has been made to support and add to KSP #1 and give value to all owners of this game.

As a player it creates a good experience and I believe makes excellent marketing sense as well as not only will KSP1 continue to be popular itself, it will also act as a great advert for KSP2.

This is the right way to do it, a virtuous spiral of a good game and happy players, well done and thanks! :D


Edited by boolybooly
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Firstly just to say that I love this game so much and it's clear to see the dedication and passion the devs have for their product! Keep up the good work, can't wait for KSP2


In terms of the newest update, I've been having some serious trouble with the new maneuver maker app. Mainly when asking for a transfer to Minmus. The app constantly tries to send me to The Mun instead, then on the odd occasion it actually correctly aims for Minmus the actual "encounter" is nowhere near. When plotting other transfers to Duna for example, it also seems like the encounters come at insane inclinations which require massive burns if you want to get back to anything resembling equatorial orbit, even if you were in the right inclination to begin with.


I've not encountered any other issues as yet, but I'm not too far advanced in my current save. I've seen other people having issues with space stations suddenly and randomly wobbling themselves apart since the update though.


I think it's incredible that you're still supporting the game 10 years on with such significant updates. Just wanted to relay the issues I've had with the maneuvers mainly so you're aware!

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can please someone check my findings with the new alarm clock? just to make sure. i would love to have an alarm clock i can trust of :). but the first try with interplanetary traveling didnt work as it was off about 100days to the kerbal alarm clock mod and the real transfer window.

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