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[1.12.4] The Outpost [v1.0.2]


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The Outpost - Because every space program needs a Pilot's Dive Bar.


This is a static designed for the stock KSC site. It works in KSP 1.12.4

It fits in where the SPH and the Astronaut Complex meet. It does not interfere with locations created by KSC Extended.


The following mods/expansions are required for this mod to work

The Main building of the bar is configured as a KK merchant selling the following items; food, water, supplies, and beer. No containers are provided for taking beer away from the facility for later use unless you bring your own.

License: MIT
Source:  https://github.com/caerfinon/The-Outpost
Download: SpaceDock



Edited by Caerfinon
CountryDoggo's Random KK Bits
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4 hours ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Wait why does it require MH? 

This is an "artefact" from Kerbal Konstructs Water Launched Sites

I based the sign on its welcome billboard that uses the MODULE[AdvancedTextures] with the following patch;


Edited by Caerfinon
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Love the idea! Does it have it's own biome for gathering science,  like the other site areas do?  Perhaps it could be paired with an experiment and/or contract to test the effects of beer consumption on pilot competence! =:o}


Maybe an hour spent in the bar gives Kerbals +1 courage and +1 stupidity, both off which are time limited? E.g. courage drops back to normal after 1 hour, stupidity after 6 hours.


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On 9/4/2021 at 2:25 AM, pbristow said:

Maybe an hour spent in the bar gives Kerbals +1 courage and +1 stupidity

I had thought of a Beer mod that would add +1 courage and + 3 stupidity for each beer consumed and set a 8 hour timer that made a kerblal a BadAss for the duration. The Biome is a good Idea too....  then I remembered that I don't write code :)


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On 9/3/2021 at 7:50 PM, Caerfinon said:

> Wait why does it require MH? 
I based the sign on Kerbal Konstructs Water Launched Sites welcome billboard that uses the the following patch:

iirc KK:WLS marinas was depending on MakingHistory, and since billboards is on top of them, billboards are hidden without the MakingHistory, but billboards themselves need only KK.

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Version v1.0.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.2 Released on 2021-09-23 now on SpaceDock

Now with mood music...

  • Added a Jukebox instance to the door of the bar, music will play within a short distance of the entrance.
  • The default tune is "Don't be Cruel" because... reasons.
  • Players can replace the TheOutpost/Jukebox/jukebox.ogg file with any *.ogg audio file of their preference to change the music.
  • To remove the music feature  just delete the Jukebox folder
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/23/2021 at 6:55 AM, Caerfinon said:
  • Players can replace the TheOutpost/Jukebox/jukebox.ogg file with any *.ogg audio file of their preference to change the music.

Idea for enhancement - if you can, scan the directory and play any .ogg files in order (or, randomized).  That'll be a real jukebox! :)

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On 10/14/2021 at 8:35 PM, jamesf said:

That'll be a real jukebox!

I'll look into it, but I suspect it's a one at a time thing without a change to the KK DLL for the sound cube module. You could make a compilation ogg file of a few tunes merged together like the mix tapes of my youth, and play that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

The Outpost Parking Lot now serves as a Rover Launch site!


Version v1.0.2 for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3  Released on 2022-08-31

  • A rover launch site has been added in the parking lot for vehicles under 10 tons


On 10/27/2021 at 7:24 PM, panarchist said:

Not sure if this was intentional, but the jukebox song plays during scene transitions to and from the Space Center. 

Unintended consequence.

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"A rover launch site has been added in the parking lot for vehicles under 10 tons"

Oh, excellent decision! That should work very nicely in the early stages of a career game, when gathering "local science" to help get some useful tech. =:o}

(Slightly offf-topic, but it only just occurs to me that a natural extra spawning/"launch" site for rovers - or even non-mobile test "vessels" - would be the R&D labs. I mean, surely the boffins would be urged to thoroughly test all their newly developed instruments in their own parking lot, before they were allowed to take 'em anywhere near the launch pad or runway! I usually start my career games by "launching" a bare capsule with just a thermometer and a scientist on board...)

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7 minutes ago, pbristow said:

Oh, excellent decision!


On the matter of spawn point location, I like to believe that in the early days of the program Pilots, Scientists and Engineers liked to hang out at the Outpost before heading off to do their thing. Its really there For All Kerbalkind   ;p

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  • 2 months later...
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