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List your favorate KSP 1 mods that should be stock in 2.0

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Now that I think, looking now the previous post, I decide to add another thing which I haven't still tested on my KSP1, but it could be great if will be a default option on KSP2.

Why I said "a default option"? Simple. The mankind have cities, a lot of cities, and also a lot of residential area. On KSP1, for landings on Kerbin, is basically simple avoid certain area such mountains. You have A LOT of potential landing zones, or splashdown zones. Try to imagine if a real mission from ISS will land in London, Los Angeles, Roma or any other city. Except if the capsule will land with accurate precision on a specific point, like a urban park such Central Park in NY (maybe it couldn't be a perfect example, never visited NY, just to explain), maybe it could still remain a safe landing. But in case of mistakes, it could be very dangerous for the crew and any other person involved. If it will became possible select the option "allow urban complex" on KSP2, this will increase significately the importance to calculate the trajectory for a safe landing.


this comment was added after that i saw this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144012-kerbal-cities-pack/

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I have seen in the trailers or dev reveals many parts simillarto those from interstellar extended or far future tech. i honestly prefer the latter. I also prefer TACLS than USI and i am currently using all Nertea mods, i hope that most of them will be featured in stock KSP 2, because they are really well-made and popular. I hope that the devs will bring OPTIONAL life support, health, random event and weather system.  For the mods, optionally some of the kerbalism features would be nice. And i would be happy see some kind of through the eyes and RPM. And i think that aircraft is very underrated, the devs could probably make aircraft missions and parts like airplane plus or GAP. Of course, that is a long wishlist and probably most of them will not be in KSP 2, but it is good to have hope, right?

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  On 12/6/2021 at 8:18 PM, AtomicTech said:

KRE, KAC (Not the Stock One), KER, AmpYear, Snacks, Pathfinder, various QoL mods that @linuxgurugamer takes care of, like EVA Parachutes and Ejection Seats.

We're 85 99% sure that we're getting weather.


For KRE, KAC, KIS and KAS i think that the devs will make their own systems. And i think that if life support is added, it will be completely new, stock thing. Or maybe some kind of a few life support opitions like simple (like USI) medium (like TACLS) and hard (like kerbalism). I am a big fan of a long-term deep space exploration, so i will love to see this new colony management. But Ksp 2 will be completly new, not just a ksp wih mods.

  On 10/16/2021 at 1:26 PM, Alien21 said:

Now that I think, looking now the previous post, I decide to add another thing which I haven't still tested on my KSP1, but it could be great if will be a default option on KSP2.

Why I said "a default option"? Simple. The mankind have cities, a lot of cities, and also a lot of residential area. On KSP1, for landings on Kerbin, is basically simple avoid certain area such mountains. You have A LOT of potential landing zones, or splashdown zones. Try to imagine if a real mission from ISS will land in London, Los Angeles, Roma or any other city. Except if the capsule will land with accurate precision on a specific point, like a urban park such Central Park in NY (maybe it couldn't be a perfect example, never visited NY, just to explain), maybe it could still remain a safe landing. But in case of mistakes, it could be very dangerous for the crew and any other person involved. If it will became possible select the option "allow urban complex" on KSP2, this will increase significately the importance to calculate the trajectory for a safe landing.


this comment was added after that i saw this: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144012-kerbal-cities-pack/


Very nice idea, i always wanted that!

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Stock Visual Enhancements.





Tarsier Space Telescope.

Soundtrack Editor Forked. <= i can't even live 15 seconds without listening to the entire Command & Conquer Soundtrack!^_^

And you might be wondering: hey wait a minute, why you didn't included many other awesome mods?

very simple, I don't want to saturate the game with too many mods.

Why? Very Obvious, every mod we want to be made to KSP 2 Stock means a possible delayment of it, often causing much more frustration to the fanbase.

The mods i've posted above here are those who i really need them to be KSP 2 Stock.

And yes, i quite disagree the idea of putting Planet Packs to KSP 2, because, well, if KSP 2 has a built-in Planet Editor, then we can easily create not only our own ones, but also revamping any planet packs! Something which i hope it is true(if it is, just tell me on here,PM or anywhere)

We can't just place any kind of mods ,like warp drives, hamburgers, weather,etc. That only makes things better, but worser for the development team

And for my Opposition of the Inclusion of Planet Packs, like GPP, OPM, MPE, JNSQ, RSS, GEP, etc. Yeah, i like those Planet Packs, but i don't want KSP to be delayed again, well, although a prophecy of mine says that it will be delayed to... 2024 i guess...

And remember:

if you want a mod to be KSP 2 stock, and you know it might delay KSP 2 again, just make it a KSP 2 Mod. and you'll be fine,along with the game and the kommunity.

Btw, i think someone already said what i was saying.

And i also think that some of the mods i've typed are already going to be stock.:P

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 10/6/2021 at 1:38 AM, Wizard Kerbal said:

KSP is supposed to be simple, so someone can have fun just picking it up and throwing their kerbals to their chosen celestial body, efficiently or inefficiently. Having to worry about life support, supplies, different fuel types, rocket construction times, radiation belts and a host of other things could ruin the fun for people.

As someone else said, "I play (mostly) stock KSP when I have an hour or two to spare. 
I play RSS when I have days to spare.


While having it as a base feature would ruin the game for some people, having it as a feature you can enable would be amazing and would satisfy everyone involved. A lot of people are interested in the mods that do things like this but either don't have the time or know where to find them. Having them as a feature in the game they can enable to mess around with would allow them to enjoy the more indepth aspects of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Minimum Ambient Lighting- because blundering around in the dark, unable to see anything that’s going on, is no fun at all; but turning the ambient lighting permanently high makes everything oversaturated in the light. Just being able to change between “day” and “night” settings is a great help right now in KSP, especially when trying to take screenshots in the dark that are actually visible, and I see no reason why it wouldn’t be any less useful in KSP2.

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Mechjeb 2

KER (some features of it have already been added to KSP 1)

Module Manager functionality

Kopernicus functionality

Procedural Parts




I think being able to have planet packs and other mods without needing to have Kopernicus and MM installed would be nice.

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  • 1 month later...

I personally think they should add KER and Chatterer because KER makes getting to orbit a whole lot easier because of the readouts, and chatterer just adds that feel that you're “controlling” living things. (no one can ever control Jeb though) :D

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  On 3/9/2022 at 11:23 PM, Zozaf Kerman said:

I personally think they should add KER and Chatterer because KER makes getting to orbit a whole lot easier because of the readouts


Just a PSA, the stock game also has readouts for orbit, including apoapsis, periapsis, time to both, and other stuff like orbital period, eccentricity, inclination and more in the Maneuver mode below staging. 

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  On 3/10/2022 at 3:43 AM, t_v said:

Just a PSA, the stock game also has readouts for orbit, including apoapsis, periapsis, time to both, and other stuff like orbital period, eccentricity, inclination and more in the Maneuver mode below staging. 


Stock also has the land / sea level altimeter, vertical speed indicator, G-Force indicator, Delta-V / ISP / TWR / mass etc. readouts for each stage, resources indicator (but missing in VAB for monopropellant I think).

What I feel is missing is a surface horizontal speed indicator, monopropellant Delta-V, cost per stage while building craft. Also when planning maneuver nodes i would like to see the total Delta-V requirements for all nodes. Maybe also a suicide burn / point of no return indicator. And integrated Delta-V map in the Help/ FAQ section (using mod for that). Am I missing anything?

I started playing 2 years ago and never felt the need for KER.

While I'm on the subject, can anyone please tell me what exactly does the "percent of burn used to calculate time..." thing do? It's the +/- next to the burn time indicator when planning maneuvers. Thanks!


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