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The Third Great Number War: The Long Haul!


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  1. 1. Which one?

    • The Positive Guard
    • The Negative Mercenaries
    • The Neutralists (Can go either way)
    • The Other People. Chaotic beings, the lot of them.

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Very cool!

What're the results so far?

Here's the .cfg file for a landing gear

	name = GearSmall
	module = Part
	author = Porkjet
	scale = 1.0
	rescaleFactor = 1.0
	node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
	TechRequired = advLanding
	entryCost = 4800
	cost = 700
	category = Ground
	subcategory = 0
	title = LY-35 Medium Landing Gear
	manufacturer = LightYear Tire Company		// it can't all be [C7 Aerospace Division]
	description = High performance retractable landing gear. This bigger version features two large tires to support big and heavy planes. The longer assembly allows for improved ground clearance. //Comes with shock absorber, steering and a built-in spotlights.
	attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1
	//mass = 0.01
	mass = 0.25
	thermalMassModifier = 4.0 
	// heatConductivity = 0.06
	emissiveConstant = 0.95
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.3
	minimum_drag = 0.2
	angularDrag = 1
	maxTemp = 2600 
	crashTolerance = 50
	breakingForce = 50
	breakingTorque = 50
	// PhysicsSignificance = 1		// I think this should have mass
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
	tags = aero (air aircraft ground plane retract roll takeoff taxi wheel
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.9
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.65
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.8
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.9
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.65
				channel = Ship
				clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
				volume = 0 0
				volume = 1 0.5
				pitch = 0.9
		model = Squad/Parts/Wheel/LandingGear/GearMedium
		//scale = 1, 1, 1
		name = ModuleWheelBase
		wheelColliderTransformName = WheelCollider		
		wheelTransformName = WheelPivot
		wheelType = FREE

		// setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
		FitWheelColliderToMesh = False		
		radius = 0.25
		center = 0,0.0,0
		mass = 0.080
		groundHeightOffset = 1.72
		TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
		TooltipPrimaryField = Retractable
		name = ModuleWheelSuspension
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		suspensionTransformName = SuspensionPivot
		suspensionDistance = 0.2
		suspensionOffset = 0.0
		targetPosition = 0.0		// 0-1 scalar - determines the 'at rest' position of the wheel along the suspension travel	
		springRatio = 14
		damperRatio = 1.0
		// boostRatio = 0.65
		name = ModuleWheelSteering
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		caliperTransformName = SteeringPivot
		steeringResponse = 2
			key = 0 40
			key = 10 9
			key = 30 2
		name = ModuleWheelBrakes
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		maxBrakeTorque = 8
		brakeResponse = 1

		statusLightModuleIndex = 7
		name = ModuleWheelDeployment
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		animationTrfName = Medium
		animationStateName = LandingGearMediumDeploy
		deployedPosition = 1
		deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
		TsubSys = 1.0
		useStandInCollider = True
		slaveModules = 8
		fxDeploy = deploy
		fxRetract = retract
		fxDeployed = deployed
		fxRetracted = retracted
		name = FXModuleConstrainPosition		// match rotation of the upper scissor link to the steered section
		matchRotation = true
		matchPosition = false
			targetName = SteeringPivot
			moversName = SteeringActuator
		name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint			// scissor links
			targetName = anchor2
			rotatorsName = link1
			targetName = anchor1
			rotatorsName = link2
		name = ModuleStatusLight		
		//lightObjName = StatusLight
		lightMeshRendererName = BrakeIndicator
		lightMatPropertyName = _EmissiveColor
		colorOn = #ff4433
		colorOff = #000000
		name = ModuleTestSubject
		environments = 15
		useStaging = False
		useEvent = True
		name = ModuleLight
		lightName = Spotlight
		useAnimationDim = True
		lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
		lightDimSpeed = 2.5
		resourceAmount = 0.02
		animationName = LandingGearMediumSpotlight
		useResources = True
		name = ModuleWheelDamage
		baseModuleIndex = 0
		stressTolerance = 9000
		impactTolerance = 3000
		deflectionMagnitude = 10
		deflectionSharpness = 2.0
		slipMagnitude = 15
		slipSharpness = 2.0
		explodeMultiplier = 1.0
		name = ModuleDragModifier
		dragCubeName = Deployed
		dragModifier = 2
		name = ModuleDragModifier
		dragCubeName = Retracted
		dragModifier = 0.5


Specifically this:


                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.9
                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.65
                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.8
                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_stop
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.9
                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_loop
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.65
                channel = Ship
                clip = Squad/Sounds/elev_start
                volume = 0 0
                volume = 1 0.5
                pitch = 0.9


Edited by AtomicTech
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Tried that, but because The gear is just set up as a moving animation and not a wheel collider, and because of how many moving parts it has , couldn't get it right and it would  just crash my game. I think I have found what I need here, but just need to try it out and see if I can get it right.


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