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The Third Great Number War: The Long Haul!


Choose your side!  

154 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one?

    • The Positive Guard
    • The Negative Mercenaries
    • The Neutralists (Can go either way)
    • The Other People. Chaotic beings, the lot of them.

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N -12



On 3/22/2023 at 8:18 PM, AtomicTech said:

If you're willing to draft an entirely message for the OP, I'll glady delete the one I've got now and replace it with yours :)

Here's my proposition (between the horizontal lines, not counting them):


The Third Great Number War


I. Important Notice

As per instructions from the moderators: there is to be no role play elements to the battle. Simple exclamations that we are getting ahead or falling behind, or saying you need help are fine, but no suggestion that you are part of an army or fantasy faction in some epic confrontation. It is more or less attempting to reach a goal line and passing to another with the same goal, or getting intercepted by someone going the other way.

II. Rules

A. Definitions

Current Number (CN): the number around which the game revolves. At the beginning of each round, it is set to 0.

Round (or Battle): between two resets of the CN.

Ninja'd: if, while you are typing your post, someone else posts a move, which makes yours invalid, you have been ninja'd. Most of the time, you won't see it until you refresh the page. This then causes you to have to edit your post to correct for the new number. It is then not unheard of for someone to post before you have had a chance to edit your post, and so a cascade effect happens. To make clear your original intent in the hopes of lessening this, see under "Posts".

B. Goal

The goal is for the CN to reach ±75. Everytime this happens, the current round ends, a new one is started, and the CN is reset to 0 in the next post.

If the CN is 75, it is a Positive victory. If it is -75, it is a Negative victory.

C. Posts

Every valid post must contain at least a number, the CN (when you made the post, and prefaced by a letter, see below). Additionally, for your post to be valid:

  1. You must wait at least five minutes between two of your posts. This is to minimise spam and ninja posting. (Note that it is not five minutes between any two posts, but only between your own posts.)
  2. Any other player must have posted a valid post between your last post and your new post. In other words, you can't make two posts in a row.
  3. The CN in your post must be the one of the previous post, plus or minus 1 (one). No floating-point or decimal (etc.) shenanigans, please. "One" is neither 0.5 nor 32.
  4. Your number must have a preface letter before it, which is one of the following. By doing this, a player can see what you intended to put, and post knowing what it would be if you had not been ninja'd.
    • P if you are trying to get the CN to +75 (Positive)
    • N if you are trying to get the CN to -75 (Negative)
    • Z if your goal is to get the CN to zero (Neutralist)
    • C if you are chaotic and just post as you feel, but your post's CN must only be 1 different from the last post's. The addition or the subtraction of the number 1. (Chaotic)

III. Tally of Victories

Positive: 7

Negative: 7

IV. History of the Third Great Number War

Thanks to @Nazalassa, who went through every post in this thread, and wrote down their CN, we have this graph, which shows the evolution of the CN across this thread. The horizontal scale is the CN, and the vertical scale is the post number (since the beginning of the thread).



(Broken into 1000-pixel long pictures.)


To avoid residual background color, I recommand that you quote me, and copy the part of the quote that my proposition is to the OP. Else, there's going to be a gray background behind the text, which will probably look ugly for people using the new [dark] themes.

Also note that it is normal that the spoiler has extra space at the bottom... Please don't remove it.

I also demand approval from @ColdJ, who made the previous rules, before the OP is changed. I did some slight reorganization, rephrased a few things, and added a definition section, as well as a bit of info.

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On 3/24/2023 at 7:11 PM, Nazalassa said:

I also demand approval from @ColdJ, who made the previous rules, before the OP is changed. I did some slight reorganization, rephrased a few things, and added a definition section, as well as a bit of info.

As the OP seems to have already been changed I guess that is not possible. I would have liked to keep the colour for each section of the rules that both delineated and made bright. I had thought your history section was just going to be added to the bottom of what was currently there. Also you have left out that the victor needs to update the tally and place the rules at the begining of a new game. I hope that @AtomicTech is back to stay, but that way, if real life intrudes, then new players will have an easier time of it.

P -7

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N -8

1 hour ago, ColdJ said:

As the OP seems to have already been changed I guess that is not possible. I would have liked to keep the colour for each section of the rules that both delineated and made bright. I had thought your history section was just going to be added to the bottom of what was currently there. Also you have left out that the victor needs to update the tally and place the rules at the begining of a new game. I hope that @AtomicTech is back to stay, but that way, if real life intrudes, then new players will have an easier time of it.

P -7

Got it. (the colorful rules are still there btw)

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