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[1.12.5] Dreamer (DREAM) - Vertical Launch, horizontal recovery space plane! '<Thank you DeadJohn>` [16 Feb 2023]


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Dreamer (DREAM) KSP version License
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Dreamer (DREAM) by Axial Aerospace

A roughly 2/3 scale model of Kierra Kevada Corp's Dream Khaser vertical launch spaceplane with cargo bay and docking nosecone!

By zer0Kerbal, originally by @artwhaley

adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo

Dreamer Hero

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YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming

KSP Mods - Dreamer

Link to Craft File

Preable by artwhaley[artwhaley

What's included

  • Two versions of the body - one that's true to the original, and one that adds a small payload bay. The payload bay is one of a few changes that I've made to the Dream Chaser (all of them optional... you CAN build and set it up to fly true to the prototype if accuracy is your thing.) because I want this to be a mod that people can actually use - rather than being like some of the awesome mods on here that realistically capture every detail of a real world craft... but don't really have any 'playability' - so you launch them once to marvel at the model... then either delete it or let it slow down your game load times forever... but never really PLAY with it. These are game pieces... not museum collectibles.
  • Two versions of the nose section - one that just has internal space to attach pieces - batteries, computers, small rcs tanks, etc... and one that adds an Orbiter Delta-Glider style docking port in the nose.
  • Three payload bay modules - a generic tank (comes preconfigured for TAC life support, but the idea is that you can edit the .cfg file to add any resource from any mod that YOU use... so reconfigure it for snacks or karbonite or anything else), an LFO tank that adds additional delta-v to the ship, and a KAS workshop module that, if you have KAS installed, gives a winch, a pipe attachment, and a storage crate, turning this into an awesome little maintenance and upgrades platform.
  • An Atlas V two-stage launcher to lob the thing into orbit. This is lower detail, as I wanted to spend CPU cycles and memory on the ship you actually fly all mission, not on the launcher you discard in three minutes. But it's there, and both stages terminate at 2.5m so they're useable with other payloads... though you'll probably have to have an adapter fairing of some sort for the upper stage, because the top of the centaur isn't flat.
  • The other little parts to make it work - wings, tail, landing skid and wheels, a rear docking port (true to the prototype design) OMS engines and a 2.5m adapter.
  • I've now added integrated airbrakes. They're attached with the tail model, and the tail is where you click to control them. It's possible to reenter and land the ship in both stock and FAR without them... but they make it a LOT less scary.

What's included besides the basic ship

  • Three payload bay modules - a generic tank (comes preconfigured for TAC life support, but the idea is that you can edit the config (.cfg) file to add any resource from any mod that YOU use... so reconfigure it for snacks or karbonite or anything else), an LFO tank that adds additional delta-v to the ship, and a KAS workshop module that, if you have KAS installed, gives a winch, a pipe attachment, and a storage crate, turning this into an awesome little maintenance and upgrades platform.
  • An Atlas V two-stage launcher to lob the thing into orbit. This is lower detail, as I wanted to spend CPU cycles and memory on the ship you actually fly all mission, not on the launcher you discard in three minutes. But it's there, and both stages terminate at 2.5m so they're useable with other payloads... though you'll probably have to have an adapter fairing of some sort for the upper stage, because the top of the centaur isn't flat.
  • The launch vehicle adapter is 2.5m, so you can hypothetically launch it on top of any 2.5m parts from the game... but... there's a lot of aerodynamic surface on this thing, and it's way up front in the launch configuration. The included Atlas V has increased gimbal range to let you counteract the instability instead of fins (just like the real thing) so if you launch this on stock parts, you may need quite a few fins at the base of the rocket.

Notes by @artwhaley

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Installation Directions 1

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  • career, config, crewed, parts, uncrewed, variants

red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support

How to get support

Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date

Credits and Special Thanks

Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance)

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How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal

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Glorious IVA compliments of RPM

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Release Schedule
  1. GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  2. CurseForge. Right now.
  3. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Soon™ (the button was pressed)

  1. this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎

  2. may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎

  3. Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎

Edited by zer0Kerbal
update links and lasso the birds
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yes but it’s very low quality in the texture, we don’t really know texturing that well and it’s a thing we plan to fix but when or how is unknown…

  On 3/21/2022 at 1:29 PM, Random-E said:

there's an atlas v included!?

*squeals in excitement*



like im planning a to do a texture rework if I can get blender working for the file types I’m updating.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 3:28 PM, TheLoneOne said:

yes but it’s very low quality in the texture, we don’t really know texturing that well and it’s a thing we plan to fix but when or how is unknown…


like im planning a to do a texture rework if I can get blender working for the file types I’m updating.


perhaps a remodeling?

i saw an issue by Atomic that suggests that @Randazzo might be able to do it, if he has time.

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  On 3/21/2022 at 4:23 PM, Random-E said:

perhaps a remodeling?

i saw an issue by Atomic that suggests that @Randazzo might be able to do it, if he has time.


Yea ik if he does which I hope then I’m not the one doing it (but I will do it at some point if I have to)(and not for the first version we are gonna realease)

  On 3/21/2022 at 5:26 PM, TheLoneOne said:

Yea ik if he does which I hope then I’m not the one doing it


I do not want to texture so @Randazzo if you can please do… I don’t think Ik what I’m doing lol

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  On 3/21/2022 at 1:29 PM, Random-E said:

there's an atlas v included!?

*squeals in excitement*


@Random-EYes. A simple version, but yes.


A word - kindly understand that am dealing with usernames from both the Forums and GitHub - which sometimes are not the same. So kindly understand if I am sometimes in the dark. I do live in a mushroom cave; it is the normal state of things here. :confused:

OR two - I am also working on multiple projects simultaneously - this is both to work efficiently, and to avoid burning out. This might mean not moving as fast on one project as you would like; just understand that everything I learn on one project continuously evolves and improves all other projects; this is especially important on code based projects. There are also exterior factors that are beyond my control that do cause delays. Like accidentally destroying a monitor (death knell for the Asus 27") while repairing my work desk (replacing the casters with a little BillBobGyver work); example of this is waiting for explicit permission, which I prefer to have. Sometimes work falls into my lap like Tiangong-1 falling into your backyard pool - that I prioritize for one reason or another; like receiving explicit permission previously asked for.

  On 3/21/2022 at 3:28 PM, TheLoneOne said:

like im planning a to do a texture rework if I can get blender working for the file types I’m updating.


@TheLoneOnewould be appreciated. Can always code the part for stock part variants - so multiple textures can be used. I am 83.725% certain I get that code working if another texture is PR'd.

There are two different main textures, and am seriously considering 

  On 3/21/2022 at 4:23 PM, Random-E said:

perhaps a remodeling?

i saw an issue by Atomic that suggests that @Randazzo might be able to do it, if he has time.


@Random-E Haven't seen that (would you link to it (or it might be in my inbox - which has been overly full lately)) - but @Randazzois more than welcome (as are others) to assist this, or any other of my projects. :D 


must still be keeping with the spirit of the original author's intent (in this case @artwhaley (and possibly @artwhaley2

  On 3/18/2022 at 6:55 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

the local files multiplied several times when I was swapping drives... going to take a spell to sort them out.


This has been sorted, yet the local files continue to multiply... Compatibility Patches and various other things. :D Mod is now fully localized in the dev branch (which currently is A ticket has been raised with CurseForge support to gain access to the Dreamer listing. 

Now onto Phase II of the part pass. 


What is more pressing is the landing gear - FireSpitter ( @Snjo) seems to still have the slight case of launch height dizziness - so converting the three landing gear from FireSpitter (now ModuleAnimateGeneric) into old and/or new stock would be very much appreciated.


Really would love to find a paint-by-numbers explanation of how to convert just the part.cfg without having to resort to using Blender/Unity.

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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  On 3/19/2022 at 9:06 PM, TheLoneOne said:

Hey Zero I'm Fury from the Git, good luck on this mod and all that. I appreciate Kerbalized replicas a lot and this mod is an example of such, I'm sure people will enjoy this once you polish it up and release it!


@zer0Kerbalme doing textures is iffy cuz i have 0 idea what im doing so not sure if its the best idea...

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  On 3/21/2022 at 8:41 PM, Random-E said:

or maybe could we ask the fine folks over at the blue dog design bureau?


I'm not one to ask that kind of stuff besides this is not within their subject matter, and we cant really legally say its even a historical craft. basically cuz of a certain company and it's policy on copyrights so no we are not gonna ask them due to that...

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oof ok so two of my configs were broken so here's my changelogs for the mod patches which are integrated in the dev branch:
CLS patch version 1.001 Changes: fixed part internal names not being correct, used proper spacing
Hullcam patch version 1.001 changes: fixed the whole patch being writen wrong!

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The mod isn't ready for testing - I haven't even gotten it to a point where I will load it into a game yet. After Phase-IS (1.5) and Phase-II it will be. Until then part names will change, etc.

And am not going to even consider modifying textures and models until after version

BTW maybe you should also look for WhimChaser.... also by @artwhaley


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Whim chaser looks like a piece of taffy to kirdles they are gonna eat it…

  On 3/22/2022 at 5:15 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

The mod isn't ready for testing - I haven't even gotten it to a point where I will load it into a game yet. After Phase-IS (1.5) and Phase-II it will be. Until then part names will change, etc.

And am not going to even consider modifying textures and models until after version

BTW maybe you should also look for WhimChaser.... also by @artwhaley




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  On 5/13/2022 at 10:51 PM, DeadJohn said:

I was disappointed reading that. I thought Dreamer was far down the queue. Then I realized that Axial Aerospace = Dreamer. :)

Thanks for adopting so many mods.


Welcome @DeadJohn! Current plans are mirroring the ones for DaMichel. Tonight I rebuild the CargoBays repo and recreate all the missing releases, then set it up for a new release. Will go back after SphericalTanks and do a full release of them all.

Ltd (agency, flags, common files), then WhimChaser, then SimpleCargoSolutions, then either Dreamer or LanderTek (Dreamer is farther along, and has fewer parts/changes), finally the Parts Pack. *subject to change and solar flares and attacks by mysterious multiarm beings named 'Karl'*

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  On 5/14/2022 at 1:42 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

Welcome @DeadJohn! Current plans are mirroring the ones for DaMichel. Tonight I rebuild the CargoBays repo and recreate all the missing releases, then set it up for a new release. Will go back after SphericalTanks and do a full release of them all.

Ltd (agency, flags, common files), then WhimChaser, then SimpleCargoSolutions, then either Dreamer or LanderTek (Dreamer is farther along, and has fewer parts/changes), finally the Parts Pack. *subject to change and solar flares and attacks by mysterious multiarm beings named 'Karl'*

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so excite


  On 5/13/2022 at 8:54 PM, TheLoneOne said:

I'm presuming the Iva is gonna need updates. I can try and tackle that I suppose but I'm gonna be updating it to MAS if so as RPM is  less versatile.  


nvm im too busy lel. sorry for getting hopes up

  On 5/13/2022 at 10:40 PM, zer0Kerbal said:


Didn't @MOARdV add a nice Module Manager patch to update all(almost/most) RPM to MAS


Axial Aerospace is the plan after I finish DaMichel pass.


he did add that but in some cases it does not work perfectly


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btw given this already has an atlas maybe just make it compatible with the bdb atlas? it would save you alot of dev time to just ditch this mod's atlas.

  On 5/16/2022 at 7:49 PM, TheLoneOne said:

btw given this already has an atlas maybe just make it compatible with the bdb atlas? it would save you alot of dev time to just ditch this mod's atlas.


or just add an adapter ethier way.

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