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Black holes are just plain weird.

Scientists discover mysterious cosmic threads in Milky Way | Astronomy | The Guardian


Astronomers have discovered hundreds of mysterious cosmic threads that point towards the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, after a survey of the galaxy.

The strange filaments, each of which stretches five to 10 light years through space, resemble the dots and dashes of morse code on a vast scale. They spread out from the galactic centre 25,000 light years from Earth like fragmented spokes on an enormous wheel.


He suspects that an outburst of material from the black hole about 6m years ago slammed into surrounding stars and gas clouds, creating streaks of hot plasma that point back towards the black hole. The effect is akin to blowing blobs of paint across a canvas with a hairdryer.

“The outflow from the black hole interacts with the objects it meets and distorts their shape,” Yusef-Zadeh said. “It’s sufficient to blow everything in the same direction.”

By studying the cosmic threads, astronomers hope to understand more about the spin of the Milky Way’s central black hole and the accretion disc of infalling material that whirls around it.


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On 6/7/2023 at 10:25 AM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Astronomers have discovered hundreds of mysterious cosmic threads that point towards the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way

Trails left by kraken larvae leaving the nest site at heart of a black hole.  aka Krawking Radiation

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2 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

It would be interesting to read a mythology of the sapient race from there, if one exists.

Depending on the specificity of "there", that species could be us.  We are the most sapient we know of so far in the MW galaxy after all, even if we are out past the galactic 'burbs near the fringe 

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The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) has accurately recorded a giant "space firework" gamma-ray burst lasting several hundred seconds from a "super-sun" star more than 20 times the mass of the Sun that collapsed when its fusion fuel burned up some two billion years ago, triggering a huge explosion: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-entire-tera-electron-volt-gamma-ray-death.html

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1 hour ago, darthgently said:



Expert proposes shifting Earth about 3 million miles further away from the sun

That's playing fast and loose with the term, 'expert'.    I suggest 'idiot' completes the sentence better and describe the content better. 


It's like the advice I got in college from a certain expert at a Frat party: "When the alcohol and narcotics start making you feel too sleepy, the solution is more cocaine!" 



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5 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

That's playing fast and loose with the term, 'expert'.

Yup, he's completely ignoring the cost of recalibrating everyone's calendars.

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On 6/9/2023 at 6:14 AM, kerbiloid said:

There, where they can see it here with bare eyes.

That be something, now something more spectacular would be if you evolved on an terrestrial gas giant moon like Pandora in Avatar but on the side facing away from the planet. 
Then you sail across the ocean on an long voyage, think Columbus, and see the gas giant raises from the sea. 
I think most crews would turn around very fast, but some would brave it. 
Worse your culture has the sun as the main god who is pretty common and now you have this monster hanging in the sky who is impossible to ignore in the sky rivaling the sun, its light even cast an shadow if in shadow from the sun. 

On 6/11/2023 at 3:54 PM, JoeSchmuckatelli said:


That's playing fast and loose with the term, 'expert'.    I suggest 'idiot' completes the sentence better and describe the content better. 

It's like the advice I got in college from a certain expert at a Frat party: "When the alcohol and narcotics start making you feel too sleepy, the solution is more cocaine!" 

Now I read this before but then the idea was to put an decent sized asteroid on a sort of Armstrong cycler between earth and Jupiter.  
Totally irrelevant to global warming who is an 21 century problem, but the sun is heating up but if we can do this we probably have so much stuff in space it affect sunlight reaching earth so we get agreements limiting it so you move into earth orbit. 

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Sanity squeaks through the tightly-wound bureaucracy.  Brings a tear to my eye; I may dare to hope

If flying transatlantic into, or out of, central Florida, and you time it just right, and you have a window seat on the correct side of the cabin, you might see a beautiful launch and/or boostback plume someday

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On 6/17/2023 at 12:14 AM, darthgently said:

Sanity squeaks through the tightly-wound bureaucracy.  Brings a tear to my eye; I may dare to hope

If flying transatlantic into, or out of, central Florida, and you time it just right, and you have a window seat on the correct side of the cabin, you might see a beautiful launch and/or boostback plume someday

I assume this is not for launched to the north. Know some SpaceX barges has been around 45 degree north-east from KSC, but as they have no options for hold the windows are very short. 

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