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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.7.1.0 [2024-09-04]


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14 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Does 18inchISJN have be also added to the definition of a ammo can to store some more of these crunchy crackers? :D

The gun (.50 turret in this case) will draw resources from the ammoName line

ammoName = 50CalAmmo

whereas bullet type is set on the... bulletType line, so resource draw and shell fired are separate from each other 

ammoName = 50CalAmmo
bulletType = 12.7mmBullet; 12.7mmAPIBullet

So, if you set the .50cal to shoot nuclear ratshot it'll still draw from those nice little .50cal bins, as long as you don't change the ammo drawn to something more reasonable 

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6 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

Well, originally it was a normal fragmentation shell, but I decided to have a little bit of fun…


no one said the things I make have to be “performant” or “reasonable”

:D does it still work on a normal potato-pc, or does it become a 1fps-slideshow? 


I like this kind of 'stupid' things to have some fun in KSP. Such things create smiles. 

Edited by Rakete
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18 hours ago, Rakete said:

In fact I currently have problems with the bda-stock-configs of maverick and Hellfire. In RL they are shot several km away from the target according to wikipedia. But the bda-counterparts burnout rather easily. I tried to experiment with the cruisetime, but in many many cases even my tuning did not enable them to hit the lasered target correctly. Even with huge burntimes they struggle to hit the ground target (e.g. some rather flat Kerbal konstructs buildings (laser in the middle of the roof). In many cases they simply hit the ground 50m in front of the target. 

Could someone more experienced then me please have a look at those configs of maverick and hellfire? They really struggle to hit the target from 5-7km distance (laser always on target). Even a larger burntime does not solve the issue (because the missiles then tend to get to fast to get the stearing right). An many cases they hit the ground in front of the target, especially on small rather flat buildings.

A lot about the range will also depend on the speed and altitude of the craft you're firing the missile from (craft goes faster - missile can go faster and the higher the craft is, the more room the missile has to gracefully glide down)

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4 hours ago, a999999999999999999 said:

A lot about the range will also depend on the speed and altitude of the craft you're firing the missile from (craft goes faster - missile can go faster and the higher the craft is, the more room the missile has to gracefully glide down)

Launched from a rather slow plane, from 6-7 km distance.... should be enough for the missile to take control


17 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

Well, originally it was a normal fragmentation shell, but I decided to have a little bit of fun…


no one said the things I make have to be “performant” or “reasonable”

Havin the Issue, that the nukes only detonate when launched in the direction where is the open water. If detonated above land, they split apart but do not perform the nuclear explosions.... mhhh strange.

But following your initial advice i made some additional nuclear turrets by adding nuclear = true to some amunition types for my fun. They nicely fit to the big turrets from BDAextended. I have the sick idea of mounting one of those on a big plane and do some very very stupid stuff. :cool: I have set up some Kerbal Konstructs sites for... doing silly stuff.:sticktongue:

Edited by Rakete
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https://www.filemail.com/d/nhgvnmwddddfxza  (downloadable for 7 days, because it's a free of charge file hoster)


Some more fun stuff: Configs for the Mk82-Family (place them into BDArmory\Parts\mk82Bomb)

-> Laser guided variants for the Mk82-Bombfamily.... and a little bigger guys along with them.


Also here the promised configs for the RBS-15 (place them into BDArmory\Parts\RBS-15-17    respectivly RBS-15-17AL    you will be able to identify which one belongs where by the filename)

-> Big big nasty kaboom makers. Beware of the blast shock wave. Especially if using the really overpowered experimental NX-variant. Be sure to launch the evil device from far far away. 10km at least... better more. Otherwise it will also kick your a... as well.


Also the configs for the JDAM-family (place them into BDArmory\Parts\jdamMk83)

see for yourself.

Dropping all those cfg in the matching folders will give you some more additional variants of kaboom devices, that already come with BDA+. Please don't remove any file from the corresponding folders. Those configs are meant do be additional variants, no replacements.



Important: You may want to edit the values of  "Title" and "Description" in the config to texts into your native language, but you'll able to do it. Just edit the configs. Because I made the configs only for my fun, not for sharing, i did it the lazy way and did not hook into the localization files and thus did write the description directly into the part config and not as loc-reference. So you'll want to change the texts, that are in some cases written in my native language.


Unfortunately I can't make new 3D-Models like a paveway or something, so I had to use the existing models of BDA. Sorry for reusing this stuff and just reconfiguring it for fun purposes. But that aside, maybe you have fun with it. So... enjoy... 

And no, they are not made for balanced gameplay or RL-references... just for fun and doing stupid stuff.

Edited by Rakete
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A short question. I try to make a cruise missile, that locks on to ground targets.

I placed a ground-based radar station (I almost placed every radar dish on the thing for testing reasons).  Then I fired the test cruise missile. It flew to the target area, but did not lock on the radar station and hit instead the gps-target in the vicinity. I thought it would enable it's radar detector and attack the target. What's wrong with my config? For testreason i tuned up many parameters to be sure, it's not them, what makes them struggle. I followed your wiki on the github page.

For tests I also tried to set the terminalGuidancetype = radar in order to get a cruise missile that would lock to anything in the general area on the ground , but it didn't work either.

(For my personal testreason, I used the model and meshes of the exocet missile from NKD... but you could use anything...) Is my config wrong or is something broken in BDA+ terminalguidance code?


And yes, the values are OP, it's just a work-in-progress, proof-of-concept and would be tuned down afterwards, after the behavior would work in general. But right now, I can't get it to work.


// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config

// --- general parameters ---
name = Testcruismissile
module = Part
author = Rakete

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_attach = 0.0, 0.182, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0
node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.182, -0.1, 0, 1, 0, 0

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = precisionEngineering
entryCost = 2100
cost = 950
category = none
subcategory = 0
title = XXXX-1230AR TEST Anti-Radar Cruise Missile
manufacturer = North Kerbin Dynamics
description = A long range anti-radar cruise missile. After reaching the target area it actively searches for radar sources and destroys them
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.67
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.01
minimum_drag = 0.01
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 5
maxTemp = 3600

  name = MissileLauncher
  shortName = XXXX-1230AR TEST Anti-Radar Cruise Missile
  thrust = 36 //KN thrust during boost phase
  cruiseThrust = 12 //thrust during cruise phase
  dropTime = 0 //how many seconds after release until engine ignites
  boostTime =  1 //seconds of boost phase
  cruiseTime = 900 //seconds of cruise phase
  guidanceActive = true //missile has guidanceActive
  maxTurnRateDPS = 35 //degrees per second
  CruiseSpeed = 400
  CruisePredictionTime = 15
  CruiseAltitude = 250
  DetonationDistance = 0  

  decoupleSpeed = 5

  audioClipPath = BDArmory/Sounds/rocketLoop

  optimumAirspeed = 300

  aero = true
  liftArea = 0.0075
  steerMult = 1
  maxTorque = 55
  maxAoA = 25
  missileType = missile
  homingType = cruise
  targetingType = gps
  terminalGuidanceDistance = 15000
  terminalManeuvering = false
  maxOffBoresight = 170
  lockedSensorFOV = 170
  terminalGuidanceType = antirad 
  radarLOAL = true

  minStaticLaunchRange = 500
  maxStaticLaunchRange = 150000

	name = BDExplosivePart
	tntMass = 300
	caliber = 620
	warheadType = ShapedCharge




Edited by Rakete
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I'm fairly sure that anti-rad terminal guidance should be able to home in on the ground radar once it's within range, however, I think some radars are smart enough to disable their radars when they detect an incoming anti-rad missile. Others with more experience using them can probably tell you more.

Edited by DocNappers
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On 2/8/2023 at 2:04 PM, Rakete said:

Sooo today I fiddled around with configs and got a working laser guided clusterbomb based on the one that comes stock with BDA+. No new models (since I am no 3D modeling artist) - just added functionality. No plugins needed - just BDA+.

@Rakete Not an admonishment, but just an FYI... friendly forum etiquette is generally to put long or many chunks of code or cfgs, in "spoiler" blocks... the eyeball icon under Font in toolbar, when posting. ;)   Thanx

Good info in your post, too... ;)

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10 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

@Rakete Not an admonishment, but just an FYI... friendly forum etiquette is generally to put long or many chunks of code or cfgs, in "spoiler" blocks... the eyeball icon under Font in toolbar, when posting. ;)   Thanx

Good info in your post, too... ;)

I wanted to do it in spoiler... but i was stupid enough to hit the wrong button in the forum toolbar. Will edit it, when I get back to my computer. Doing it on a tablet is... fiddly.

Sorry for any inconvienience.

Edited by Rakete
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14 hours ago, DocNappers said:

I'm fairly sure that anti-rad terminal guidance should be able to home in on the ground radar once it's within range, however, I think some radars are smart enough to disable their radars when they detect an incoming anti-rad missile. Others with more experience using them can probably tell you more.

Yeah, that's why i slapped on almost every groundradar in the lastest test - to make sure, that at least on of those radars will have enough signature to be a bright beacon.

I also set the radius of sensor activation to huge 15km to make sure the missile has enough time to detect it. And the target was just 500m away from the gps target next to the runway on an plane surface. But the missile completely ignored it and flew to the gps target (SPH). Have I configured something wrong? I observed this strange behavior also on other missiles that come right out of the box as cruise missiles with a lock on after launch. Maybe i am doing something wrong, but i thought I should launch those kind of cruise missile to the general area where my moving targets are, and the missile will do the rest. Maybe the issue sits in front of the screen. :D


Edit: Does Auto-merge does not work any more in the forums? Didn't want two separate posts.


Yesterday I did some reconfiguring of some nuke parts of North Kerbin Dynamics in order to make them use the BDA modules and effects and not require anymore the dll-plugin from NKD. (I wanted them to be visually in line with the other nuke-effects from BDA+, so I switched them over from the NKD dll to the BDA framework.) But i only actualized and kept some dropables, no turrets. That way I was able to drop the nkd-dll and have one plugin less running. But I won't redisitribute the assets and configs here, due to licence stuff - and to avoid possible inconvienience - and be respectful to the makers of NKD. If someone needs those configs, just PM me. 

Edited by Rakete
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3 hours ago, Rakete said:

Yeah, that's why i slapped on almost every groundradar in the lastest test - to make sure, that at least on of those radars will have enough signature to be a bright beacon.

I also set the radius of sensor activation to huge 15km to make sure the missile has enough time to detect it. And the target was just 500m away from the gps target next to the runway on an plane surface. But the missile completely ignored it and flew to the gps target (SPH). Have I configured something wrong? I observed this strange behavior also on other missiles that come right out of the box as cruise missiles with a lock on after launch. Maybe i am doing something wrong, but i thought I should launch those kind of cruise missile to the general area where my moving targets are, and the missile will do the rest. Maybe the issue sits in front of the screen. :D

I don't have much experience with using them, but I think they should be working. Maybe @SuicidalInsanity or @josuenos can comment on how they're supposed to be used and if there's a bug with them?

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10 hours ago, Rakete said:

Sorry for any inconvienience.

Not a problem just thought i'ld mention it for future use :P

10 hours ago, Rakete said:

Edit: Does Auto-merge does not work any more in the forums? Didn't want two separate posts.

i believe thers a time limit... like 10 mins or something... PMs are lie that too. I edit & think of stuff to add   soon after I hit "Reply", but not soon enuff... lol i find it annoying too

Edited by Stone Blue
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On 2/17/2023 at 5:14 PM, a999999999999999999 said:


would it be possible to make an air-to-air missile (or a surface-to-air one) climb to a set altitude (say, 20km) before beginning the glide/powered flight to the target craft? I find that the current behavior doesn't work very well with missiles that have their engine burn out at higher distances to the enemy (50-60km) - they don't have a lot of energy remaining to chase after the craft. The missile doing an initial climb to 20km, then thrusting/gliding to the enemy craft could help interceptions by having more energy by the time of interception.

In addition, making AAM and AGM missiles respect the cruiseSpeed config parameter may help realism - currently, missiles achieve speeds higher than their IRL counterparts rather easily (especially when attempting to intercept ballistic missiles high above)

I've managed to implement the first part, but need to make it work better with low-flying targets at close ranges (such as cruise missiles entering LoS) - currently, I have no means of distinguishing when a direct intercept would be preferential over attempting to ascend to altitude. Whenever I'll figure out how to make it work nicely, I'll make a pull request.

Edited by a999999999999999999
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Has anyone else found issues with the ammo crates stopping the fuel delivery overlay showing?
I'm in 1.12.4 and adding an ammo crate to any craft then saving and reloading prevents the toggle overlay button from doing anything until its removed and reloaded, I'm not sure if its mod conflicts or version but I couldn't find much about it (also took a while to find the problem)
I can send my mod list if it helps and if updating is the solution I'm going to have to suffer until scattered is updated for visuals

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49 minutes ago, A_Mango_Kabbab said:

Has anyone else found issues with the ammo crates stopping the fuel delivery overlay showing?
I'm in 1.12.4 and adding an ammo crate to any craft then saving and reloading prevents the toggle overlay button from doing anything until its removed and reloaded, I'm not sure if its mod conflicts or version but I couldn't find much about it (also took a while to find the problem)
I can send my mod list if it helps and if updating is the solution I'm going to have to suffer until scattered is updated for visuals

Looks like it triggers an exception internally due to looking for a null dictionary key. Unfortunately, I don't know where that key is coming from, so there's not much I can do to fix it.

[EXC 19:01:21.985] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.TransformGuideOnVertex (System.Boolean request, RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[T] partVertex, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] lookup) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.BuildTransformGuides () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.InternalSpawn (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.SpawnOverlay (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UIPartActionFuelFlowOverlay.FlowToggle () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  KSP.UI.UIButtonToggle.OnClick () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
[EXC 19:01:49.972] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryGetValue (TKey key, TValue& value) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.TransformGuideOnVertex (System.Boolean request, RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[T] partVertex, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] lookup) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.BuildTransformGuides () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.InternalSpawn (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay+<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<RespawnOverlay>b__0 () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  CallbackUtil+<DelayedCallback>d__1.MoveNext () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
On 3/6/2023 at 6:07 AM, mm_ said:

i don't know where to ask, but there is a way to give a  radar missile(normal or modular) some data link capability so it can reaquire lock midflight?

Some missiles have radarLOAL (lock on after launch), but I'm not aware of any that can use a data link to get that lock from a separate radar. Others may know more though.

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Ah ok, thanks for being quick, guess I can just remove them to rebalance a craft anyway
one more think I couldn't figure out - and I dont think is anywhere on the wiki - is how to save the best of settings the AI pilot autotuned, because deactivating it just keeps the last settings tested which isn't helpful as the tune often changes by ~1 even with lower LR values. It just means I have to constantly observe the craft and look for whats best or when I save it the settings are practically random.
I might be miss understanding things I read so sorry if so.

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8 minutes ago, A_Mango_Kabbab said:

Ah ok, thanks for being quick, guess I can just remove them to rebalance a craft anyway
one more think I couldn't figure out - and I dont think is anywhere on the wiki - is how to save the best of settings the AI pilot autotuned, because deactivating it just keeps the last settings tested which isn't helpful as the tune often changes by ~1 even with lower LR values. It just means I have to constantly observe the craft and look for whats best or when I save it the settings are practically random.
I might be miss understanding things I read so sorry if so.

The auto-tuner stores the PID values with the lowest loss when it gets disabled, not the most recent. Additionally, the PID values are written to the KSP.log file whenever a new lower loss is found. Look for entries in the log with 

 [BDArmory.BDModulePilotAI.PIDAutoTuning]: Updated best values: ...


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10 hours ago, DocNappers said:

Looks like it triggers an exception internally due to looking for a null dictionary key. Unfortunately, I don't know where that key is coming from, so there's not much I can do to fix it.

  Reveal hidden contents
[EXC 19:01:21.985] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.TransformGuideOnVertex (System.Boolean request, RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[T] partVertex, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] lookup) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.BuildTransformGuides () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.InternalSpawn (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.SpawnOverlay (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UIPartActionFuelFlowOverlay.FlowToggle () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  KSP.UI.UIButtonToggle.OnClick () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.UI.Button.Press () (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents+EventFunction`1[T1] functor) (at <97ad8e264d2e4498966158cff6d99df6>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
[EXC 19:01:49.972] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: key
  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].FindEntry (TKey key) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryGetValue (TKey key, TValue& value) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.TransformGuideOnVertex (System.Boolean request, RUI.Algorithms.Vertex`1[T] partVertex, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] lookup) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  RUI.Algorithms.StackFlowGraph.BuildTransformGuides () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay.InternalSpawn (Part part) (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  FuelFlowOverlay+<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<RespawnOverlay>b__0 () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  CallbackUtil+<DelayedCallback>d__1.MoveNext () (at <be370b73275e49439ea5e41ceef6700f>:0)
  UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <2425394cf09642369e2109953e31f62b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Some missiles have radarLOAL (lock on after launch), but I'm not aware of any that can use a data link to get that lock from a separate radar. Others may know more though.

Thanks for the response, about the LOAL it's just lock anything pass in front of it( if something pass) i wanted something more specific, tried even to do a modular missile with a datalink inside it since I.A automatic use it, but no sucess, and when i put a weapon manager to try and activate it manually it tends to just bug out the missile guidance if i open it's weapon manager mid-flight, also tried put the line 

canReceiveRadarData = true

but no luck too, when i lose it's lock before the internal radar kicks in, it's still fly mindless until someone pass in front of it or it hits the water ,
i'm trying to do the missile change it target mid-flight before the active radar range zone

Edited by mm_
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Bugreport: Current BDA+ generates NREs upon adjusting the Minimum height parameter of the AI-Pilot for planes. The slider minimum flight level of the controller becomes unmovable.

Logs: https://www.filemail.com/d/nrllycfycgxzbnn

@DocNappers In the previous version everything worked. So I reverted back.

Edited by Rakete
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18 minutes ago, Rakete said:

Bugreport: Current BDA+ generates NREs upon adjusting the Minimum height parameter of the AI-Pilot for planes. The slider minimum flight level of the controller becomes unmovable.

Yeah, it's already fixed in dev. Thanks anyway though.

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