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Debdeb will be ~4 lightyears away from Kerbol System (Speculation)


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I recently went back and looked at KSP 2's feature show case Episode 5: Interstellar Travel. And I noticed something at around 1:20:

"-And you see, like in the real world, closet star is about four lightyears away." 

Now, Nate doesn't outright call the 'closet star' Debdeb, but seeing as Debdeb is the first interplanetary system, it would make sense to make it the next one over and the closet.

If Debdeb is 4 LYs away, then that means we're going to be spending a LOT of time in empty space. Yes, we'll have time warp, but we don't know how fast time warp will be in KSP 2 yet. I doubt they'll make time warp fast enough to get us 4 LYs in a few seconds, even with the Daedalus which would theoretically take us to 7% to 12% the speed of light.

Now one could make the argument: "Well, it's kerbal, so the distances will be shortened. 1/10 the size remember?" To which I say, no. Again, I quote, "-And you see, like in the real world, closet star is about four lightyears away." Like in the real world. That to me tells me that, no, the distances aren't cut down. We have a full 4 lightyear journey to look forward to with Debdeb. 

Which brings me to my next speculation: The "To be revealed" solar system will be beyond 10 lightyears from Kerbol, possibly 10 lightyears beyond Debdeb making it 14+ LYs from Kerbol.

These are just my thoughts and opinions. I would like to hear from the community about these speculations and whether you feel I hit the hammer on the head or if I'm off center. 

I would also like you know 3 things:

1) Will you go to Debdeb when it's added or wait for the "To be revealed" system to be added?

2) If waiting, why?

3) If waiting, will you shoot for TBR first, skipping Debdeb entirely? Why?

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4 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

The "To be revealed" solar system will be beyond 10 lightyears from Kerbol, possibly 10 lightyears beyond Debdeb making it 14+ LYs from Kerbol.

Do they have to be in a single line? Or maybe the new system will be in entirely different direction, 8.66LY from Kerbol?

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4 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Do they have to be in a single line? Or maybe the new system will be in entirely different direction, 8.66LY from Kerbol?

I wasn't asking the question with the assumption that they were in a line, no, it was with the assumption that TBR was in a different direction. My bad for not stating that. I was thinking they were close though. For example: Debdeb could be, and for this example I'm assuming Kerbol has fixed position and is not rotating, 25 degrees off 0 with TBR like 50 degrees off 0. So, past Debdeb, but not behind it. As for how far, I'm just speculating/guessing. 10 just popped into my head. I'm guessing 8.66 has relevance to an IRL system that is that far away from Sol?  

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1 minute ago, Just a random person said:

Also, will light years be defined using Earth years or Kerbin years? That would dramatically affect the actual distances

I didn't think of that, that is actually a really good question... hmmm

That's... actually worse if you think about it... Kerbin's year is 426 days 32 minutes long.... 

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23 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

I'm guessing 8.66 has relevance to an IRL system that is that far away from Sol? 

That was actually meant to be 8.611, apologies for my mistake

About lightyear distance, change the whatever scale you need to hours or seconds and you have it, unchanged. Besides,  "light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one Julian year (365.25 days)".

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9 minutes ago, Just a random person said:

But Kerbin's day is 6 hours. One Kerbin year would be around 3/10 of an Earth year


9 minutes ago, Ashandalar said:

But a Kerbin day is only six hours, so that's just over 100 Earth days.

Ah, this is true. I also forgot that a lightyear isn't the same as an Earth year as pointed out by @The Aziz, whoops, my apologizes everyone. Don't comment when tired kids, you're brain doesn't like it.

So, a lightyear is a lightyear, whether in IRL or KSP. They might lessen it, but I doubt it. They want to give you the real SCALE of how far a lightyear is. Nate says it himself in the video, so I don't see then shortening a lightyear in game. 4 lightyears in KSP is 4 lightyears IRL. 

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I was thinking that as well, ever since Nate said it. There's no point in lowering the distances between stars if you want to show how far they actually are - scale that to ⅒, and you have another star basically just around the corner. Probably not even worth to use interstellar engines.

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5 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

scale that to ⅒, and you have another star basically just around the corner. Probably not even worth to use interstellar engines.

I was about to point out how ludicrously far even 0.4 ly is, and then I re-read this, and maybe we do need a real-scale reminder of how long a light year is. 

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It's about the difference in experience, right? If I can fly to Jool or Eeloo in 4-6 years, depending on planet alignment, with interstellar vessel capable of speeding up to some fractions of c, it would be beyond stupid to have another star reachable faster than I can get to Jool with my puny rocket.

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36 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

It's about the difference in experience, right? If I can fly to Jool or Eeloo in 4-6 years, depending on planet alignment, with interstellar vessel capable of speeding up to some fractions of c, it would be beyond stupid to have another star reachable faster than I can get to Jool with my puny rocket.

We still don't know exactly what the capabilities of these engines will be, whether it will be practical or economical to get to 10 or 20%C vs 80 or 90%C. I mean this both as it affects the size, payload ratio, and part count of a vessel and how it relates to resource collection and propellant production. Players are of course going to try to get wacky with speed, but in the end some solutions are going to hit diminishing returns and tend toward a happy medium on most full-game saves. 

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To answer your question
Here’s what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna build colonies everywhere, and prepare a giant ship to colonise the system in one go, it will take some time, but it will be worth it 

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2 hours ago, GoldForest said:

3) If waiting, will you shoot for TBR first, skipping Debdeb entirely? Why?

This will probably depend on where I am in a given save and whether I feel like I have time to zoom out to Debdeb just for a looksee. Im personally more excited for colonies and resources than I am even for new planets, so I'll probably start a new save when resources are released and then build up from scratch.

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6 hours ago, GoldForest said:

I recently went back and looked at KSP 2's feature show case Episode 5: Interstellar Travel. And I noticed something at around 1:20:

"-And you see, like in the real world, closet star is about four lightyears away." 

Now, Nate doesn't outright call the 'closet star' Debdeb, but seeing as Debdeb is the first interplanetary system, it would make sense to make it the next one over and the closet.

If Debdeb is 4 LYs away, then that means we're going to be spending a LOT of time in empty space. Yes, we'll have time warp, but we don't know how fast time warp will be in KSP 2 yet. I doubt they'll make time warp fast enough to get us 4 LYs in a few seconds, even with the Daedalus which would theoretically take us to 7% to 12% the speed of light.

Now one could make the argument: "Well, it's kerbal, so the distances will be shortened. 1/10 the size remember?" To which I say, no. Again, I quote, "-And you see, like in the real world, closet star is about four lightyears away." Like in the real world. That to me tells me that, no, the distances aren't cut down. We have a full 4 lightyear journey to look forward to with Debdeb. 

Which brings me to my next speculation: The "To be revealed" solar system will be beyond 10 lightyears from Kerbol, possibly 10 lightyears beyond Debdeb making it 14+ LYs from Kerbol.

These are just my thoughts and opinions. I would like to hear from the community about these speculations and whether you feel I hit the hammer on the head or if I'm off center. 

I would also like you know 3 things:

1) Will you go to Debdeb when it's added or wait for the "To be revealed" system to be added?

2) If waiting, why?

3) If waiting, will you shoot for TBR first, skipping Debdeb entirely? Why?

I've done solar orbit rescue contracts in odd orbits and bad timing that took about 4 years.  Just get it rolling and work on some other stuff for awhile

Edited by darthgently
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lets do the math...

Assuming a KERBAL lightyear (Based of Kebins orbital period and day length)

1 KLY = 

613472 minutes * 60 seconds = 36,808,320

36,808,320* 299,792,458 = 11,034,856,727,650,560

or 11 quadrillion 34 trillion, 856 billion, 727 million, 650 thousand and 560 meters in 1 KLY

Now the KSP 1 altimeter went up in - (correct me if i am wrong)

Million meters


Trillion meters

Tera meters

Peta meter

Exa Meters

Now that means one KLY is in the Tera meters???

Im rusty on these numbers because ive never been out that far

Correct me if i am wrong :)





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Aha, but you see, a "light year" is the amount of time it takes for light to pass after a year... an Earth year.
A Kerbal year is about 426 days, but each of those are 6 hours. That means a Kerbin year is 2,556 hours.

Earth year is 8,766 hours. That means a Kerbal 'light year' is probably 29.2% that of an Earth light year. If this is true, then 4 Kerbal light years is 1.17 Earth light years.

I mean, for god's sake, we got an Earth-gravity planet with a full atmosphere, but with a lower radius than Rhea. There's no way they're just gonna throw in a full-scale 4 light years between Kerbol and the closest star.

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28 minutes ago, intelliCom said:

Aha, but you see, a "light year" is the amount of time it takes for light to pass after a year... an Earth year.
A Kerbal year is about 426 days, but each of those are 6 hours. That means a Kerbin year is 2,556 hours.

Earth year is 8,766 hours. That means a Kerbal 'light year' is probably 29.2% that of an Earth light year. If this is true, then 4 Kerbal light years is 1.17 Earth light years.

I mean, for god's sake, we got an Earth-gravity planet with a full atmosphere, but with a lower radius than Rhea. There's no way they're just gonna throw in a full-scale 4 light years between Kerbol and the closest star.

Again, I paraphrase Nate Simpson. "We want you to feel the distance of a light year."

4 light-years is going to be 4 light-years, 4 irl light years. At least, that's my consensus. 

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Just now, GoldForest said:

Again, I paraphrase Nate Simpson. "We want you to feel the distance of a light year."

4 light-years is going to be 4 light-years, 4 irl light years. At least, that's my consensus. 

I don't know, I already feel the distance of interplanetary travel by doing it in a 1/10th scale solar system, especially with the Outer Planets mod.

Also, keep in mind that actual development on interstellar travel is the third section of the roadmap. They probably haven't tested this yet.

If they really intend to make the closest star 4 light years away, they're likely going to test it and find out that 4 real light years is way too much, then dial it back. If they're really smart about it, they could make it 4 Kerbal light years.

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2 minutes ago, intelliCom said:

I don't know, I already feel the distance of interplanetary travel by doing it in a 1/10th scale solar system, especially with the Outer Planets mod.

Also, keep in mind that actual development on interstellar travel is the third section of the roadmap. They probably haven't tested this yet.

If they really intend to make the closest star 4 light years away, they're likely going to test it and find out that 4 real light years is way too much, then dial it back. If they're really smart about it, they could make it 4 Kerbal light years.

They have most certainly tested it, seeing as we've gotten footage of interstellar craft in use, as well as seeing other planets. We're just not getting the planets at EA launch.

Either kerbalizing option isnt very appealing if you ask me. 0.4 lightyears is nothing and can be done with chemical rockets. Making it 4 kerbal lightyears might be what they're going to do, but then Nate's comment goes out the door, as a lightyear is no longer showing the "true scope of the distance of a lightyear."

12 minutes ago, Rutabaga22 said:

And with kerbal scale engines it will be 1.75 times longer.

We don't know if interstellar engines following the reduced irl thrust rule. Daedalus might still get up to 12% of C at the same rate its IRL counterpart would have. 

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9 hours ago, GoldForest said:

I doubt they'll make time warp fast enough to get us 4 LYs in a few seconds

Not sure why this is doubtful. I wouldn't be surprised, but I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't either.

I understand they have to follow all on-rails ships that could change SOIs but if you have none, there is no technical reason you couldn't just time jump 40 years instead of traveling through that time.

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