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Free KSP2 Giveaway!


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It is always interesting to look at something familiar, and even say nostalgic, but, in a new version, with a new look, and perhaps even new principles. Previously, we looked at the Mun, built, crashed, built again and achieved "a small step for Kerbal...". Now, I hope, we will look with the same zeal at new horizons, new systems for colonization... I'm looking forward, even if I have to wait a little longer, version 1.0

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What I am most excited about? To be honest, I don't know. There are many things to be excited about and I'm sure all of them or almost all of them will be great. I can't wait to play with my friends and tech them the basics of ksp. Also I am very happy about the tutorials and I hope, that with them you will be able to play the game and understand the basics without needing an external tutorial on youtube. So, to put it in a nutshell I hope that with Kerbal Space Program 2 we will have a just as great game as the first part or even better. I'm looking forward to pkay the game! Thanks for the opportunity to play the game for free!

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I'm really excited by KSP2! I've been playing KSP for a long time and it is a real pleasure to see KSP2 finally going out. It is going to be a totally new experience, I'm sure.

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What am I excited for with KSP2? Honestly, not terribly much. If anything, I'm excited that this game - which has already instructed and inspired so many to pursue lifetime careers in science and rekindled globak interest in space exploration - and the community that it has generated will get the opportunity to continue onward. That's not something terrifically common with many games. I hope someday to see a KSP3 and KSP4, and that the legacy of KSP will continue long after all of us here have passed on.

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I am excited for the first update, you've got on the roadmap. Here's what I expect:

- The science experiments themselves

- Celestial bodies having biomes (and a scanner part for that purpose)

- A tech tree

- The comm network (to transmit science)

That to me is the fundamental gameplay loop of KSP.

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