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Undocking doesn’t disconnect struts


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Don’t have an image but title explains.

Was orbiting duna and tried to undock a lander. The docking ports undocked, but the struts stayed connected and didn’t let the lender separate. 
Later, I tried again but with the Mun. Same problem. I time warped a ton and the ships decided to disconnect. The struts glitched out and clipped apart. The lander and main ship separated, but remained as one vessel for controlling. The camera also decided to focus on the space in between them rather than one of the crafts.

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I encountered the same bug, but after another bug. I had an Apollo style craft with the lander and service module connected with a separator and strengthened with struts. I decoupled the two, and turned the service module around and docked with the lander. All this worked as usual, but when I loaded the save the game reconnected the struts, which now clipped through the craft because of the change in orientation.

Then the I had the same issue with the craft undocking but staying stuck together, remaining as one vessel for control, and the camera problem.

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  • 1 month later...

I had something similar, only my ship just vanished when I tried to undock. Tried reloading several times which didn't help and had to abandon 2 days of work. I rebuilt the craft and put a seperator between the docking ports (TS type that disconnects both sides). The struts still did not disappear and the decoupler stayed between the docking ports. I don't think it even disconnected. I also lost all control of the vessel.

I think the camera issue occurs when 2 vessels are seperated but the game still thinks they are connected, and follows the center of mass as the ships move apart. This will happen also if you use a TD type decoupler upside down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently in the build of a space station. I am utilizing rockets as a main method of transport. Instead of separators I utilize a docking port from the space station. With wobbly rockets still an issue, I need to use struts in order to keep the rocket bonded together as much as possible. Whenever I try to separate from port the struts won't break off. Even with trying to use a separator below a docking port with struts, the struts will still refuse to separate.

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This is still happening in release 0.1.2. I have a craft in LKO, I had to add struts to get it to launch as a large docking port was not sufficient to hold a chassis, a monopropellant tank and some RCS ports against gravity.

A simple fix would be to give the user the ability to disconnect a strut when selecting it in the parts manager. User selects the problematic strut and then have an option "break strut". Perhaps this suggestion is one for the modding community! 

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  On 3/19/2023 at 9:07 PM, Gaberz said:

Don’t have an image but title explains.

Was orbiting duna and tried to undock a lander. The docking ports undocked, but the struts stayed connected and didn’t let the lender separate. 
Later, I tried again but with the Mun. Same problem. I time warped a ton and the ships decided to disconnect. The struts glitched out and clipped apart. The lander and main ship separated, but remained as one vessel for controlling. The camera also decided to focus on the space in between them rather than one of the crafts.


Today I experienced EXACTLY the same thing. Very clear discription of what happened to me too.

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Have your tried putting radial decouplers on both sides of the docking ports, mounting the struts to them and then staging the decouplers to blow before you try to undock?

I've only had to do this for docking ports, haven't had any trouble with struts otherwise.

If I'm on the wrong track, apologies.

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  On 5/21/2023 at 12:44 AM, Filed.Teeth said:

Have your tried putting radial decouplers on both sides of the docking ports, mounting the struts to them and then staging the decouplers to blow before you try to undock?

I've only had to do this for docking ports, haven't had any trouble with struts otherwise.


Another thing that has worked for me and is a little less annoying than that workaround  is to put a stack separator or back-to-back pair of one-way decouplers in between the strutted docking ports. Decoupling those has successfully broken the struts for me, although I have seen some bizarre behavior in a couple of cases.

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  On 5/21/2023 at 7:47 PM, herbal space program said:

Another thing that has worked for me and is a little less annoying than that workaround  is to put a stack separator or back-to-back pair of one-way decouplers in between the strutted docking ports. Decoupling those has successfully broken the struts for me, although I have seen some bizarre behavior in a couple of cases.


A stack separator worked for me for one-time staging, but if I'm going to redock, I run into the "struts reconnect" issue.

When you use the separator, is it undock, separate or separate, undock? And are you able to dock afterwards without any r strut reconnect issues?

Edited by Filed.Teeth
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same issue and have spent weeks trying to design a lander that can undock, land, and return to mothership, because either the lander keeps wobbling and breaking off of main ship during launch (because no struts) or won't undock (because struts prevent it).  I have had to come up with other ways to attach the lander and put the docking port on the side or somewhere else, so the lander can return to the mothership and dock.

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