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Simply Put...Goodbye


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And I've had enough.  I'm done with the KSP forums.

I'm tired of the constant bickering over which version of KSP is better.  I'm tired of being told that I'm wrong because I have an opinion of KSP2 that doesn't match what the uber-positive crowd has.  I'm tired of feeling singled out, left alone, shunned, silenced, muted, etc.  I can't take it any more.  I simply can't.  I'm tired of being the brunt of people being dicks simply because I think KSP2 isn't that great in its current state.  And I'm tired of being told to shut up over.

I'm done.  I'm leaving the forums.  I refuse to stay here with these users who are allowed to do whatever they want but then I get punished/warned for defending myself.  It is simply unfair and unacceptable.

I will NOT be back.  I'll still play KSP1, and I'll still hold out some hope that KSP2 eventually becomes the game that it was hyped to be.  But I won't be here, and I won't interact with the forums any longer.  Really a shame considering how much help I got here in the beginning, and how much I've tried to give back by helping others.  But hey, nobody cares anyhow.

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43 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

And I've had enough.  I'm done with the KSP forums.

I'm tired of the constant bickering over which version of KSP is better.  I'm tired of being told that I'm wrong because I have an opinion of KSP2 that doesn't match what the uber-positive crowd has.  I'm tired of feeling singled out, left alone, shunned, silenced, muted, etc.  I can't take it any more.  I simply can't.  I'm tired of being the brunt of people being dicks simply because I think KSP2 isn't that great in its current state.  And I'm tired of being told to shut up over.

I'm done.  I'm leaving the forums.  I refuse to stay here with these users who are allowed to do whatever they want but then I get punished/warned for defending myself.  It is simply unfair and unacceptable.

I will NOT be back.  I'll still play KSP1, and I'll still hold out some hope that KSP2 eventually becomes the game that it was hyped to be.  But I won't be here, and I won't interact with the forums any longer.  Really a shame considering how much help I got here in the beginning, and how much I've tried to give back by helping others.  But hey, nobody cares anyhow.

Don’t let a few bad apples scare you away. Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has them, and you’re entitled to your own. Agree to disagree and move on; there’s a reason I mostly surf S&SF, and occasionally the Lounge. I read the dev updates but rarely comment there, and no, I haven’t tried KSP2 yet because I don’t want to burn out on it before it’s complete, and I don’t want to play an incomplete game, not  at the asking price. 

Don’t sweat the opinions of internet strangers, just ignore them. Those convinced against their will are of their own opinion still…

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Since the fall of 2020, I have had the feeling that I am the only one who sees that the development of KSP2 is going somewhere wrong. And this feeling is constantly growing, and now it seems that they have decided to turn our forum into a special place for their own. It is written on our main forum that once there were more than 10 thousand members online at the same time, now there are rarely more than a hundred. What is the solution to the problem? That's right, fight the dissatisfied, who feel deceived, because all the problems are because of them!

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6 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Those convinced against their will are of their own opinion still…


Wisest saying I have seen in days!

And for me it especially rings true since all my family belongs to a high control religious group that tells them to keep little to zero contact with any family or anyone else who has left it (me).  It's a captive organization, since if you choose to leave... as I did, you lose everything.

But at least I am free... and get to have my own opinion... and that's priceless.

Edited by Spacescifi
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@Scarecrow71 I think you should not permanently leave. You have contributed lots to a lot of folks. I would suggest you do like I did when certain things here overwhelmed me: step back and take a leave of absence. I myself was gone for about a year or so. I felt quite similar to you and just walked away. I came back after my absence and felt renewed, I wish the same for you. Be well, take care!


Edited by AlamoVampire
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4 hours ago, Alexoff said:

Since the fall of 2020, I have had the feeling that I am the only one who sees that the development of KSP2 is going somewhere wrong.

Compared even to @Vegatoxi???

4 hours ago, Alexoff said:

fight the dissatisfied, who feel deceived, because all the problems are because of them!

Still awaiting the KSP-1 being removed from store, once KSP-2 has become something viable.

So, the mods should be downloaded and put in backup.

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There's no need to leave

I agree with what you say but don't take it to heart. It's a game about green tic tacs making rockets go places. People will be unconditionally hopeful and doomful. There's no reason to leave. 


p.s ( I mostly agree with you, on the whole, it isn't in a great state, but this is NOT the  place to discuss it please don't)

You've done a lot for this place, and it would be a shame to lose such a knowledgeable player.

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