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Weird (I don't understand why) Things Drivers Do....


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Please explain it to me... because I can think of a few but that won't mean I am correct.

1. Cars that speed up in a parking lot knowing full well they have to slow down soon... they often do this when no car is visible ahead of them. It is foolish because of how fast that can change... because it's a PARKING LOT.

2. Cars that drive ultra slow whenever they get near their destination, blaring gangster rap the whole way to the parking spot, also blaring it while parked. After about 10 minutes of this they finally get out.

3. Cars that rev their engine while parked, before speeding off inside the parking lot.

My guesses:

1. Lack of self/emotional control, also impatient.

2. They destroyed their hearing and need to blast music to hear it at all. Maybe on some level they think or like to think they are making an entrance. One time I simply passed a guy doing this.... thinking to myself, I have to be at work! The earlier the better! I don't have time for this foolishness!

3. Attention. They want it.

In all cases these folks display a certain selfishness and it would do them well and make the world more tolerable and safer if they embraced being selfless a bit more.

With age they usually do, since with age you simply cannot afford to do the things you used to get away with. Not forever anyway.



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Crazy or entitled? Heres one that happened a day or two ago:

im driving along minding my business on a two lane road (2 lane each way) and get passed by a hyundai with government plates. Nothing new as my city has 2 USAF bases and 2 ARMY posts so government plates while uncommon are not rare. So this hyundai passes me and cant seem to drive straight. Distracted or drunk im not sure but it started to look like he wanted back into my lane. I brake to avoid getting hit and this f150 behind me takes umbrage to this and honks at me!! For not wanting to ya know get into an accident!

so why do drivers honk at other drivers trying to drive safe?


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Hmmm, I should see what I have on my dashcam. This could be a "stupid driver showcase thread" with a slight title change. I guess the stupidest thing is unsafe overtaking, which simply comes down to being impatient or in a hurry. There's have been a few clips on the news lately of semis passing other semis in no-passing zones, running other people off the road...

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Not 100% related to the OP but my favorite thing to do on the freeway is to set my cruise control to whatever I want it to be (usually speed limit + 5mph or so, but it depends on many things) and then when you reach a car that is only going 1-2mph slower than you are, pass them while remaining in cruise control.

Invariably, that car will speed up to match or exceed your speed.

This doesn't happen, however, if you're going a sufficiently faster speed than them. Even +5mph generally doesn't elicit this response.

It doesn't bother me at all. I find it fascinating. I feel like if I was a student of Psychology I'd make this subject my Thesis.

Edited by Superfluous J
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as a life long pedestrian i hate when cars slow down and let me cross when it would be faster for everyone if they just zoom through and clear the intersection before i get there. 

people who don't need trucks but own trucks, and that's not enough, so they need a lift kit, truck nuts and an exhaust mod just so everyone can see them compensating for their deficiencies. i mean its one thing to have a truck if you are a blue collar worker who needs to transport tools, lumber or other materials around as part of their job. but they are really impractical as a family vehicle. so when i see a family of 6 pile into a truck, where half the kids dont have seatbelts and a completely empty truck bed, i have to question their life choices.

there is that subset of drivers that like to put a spoiler on random 4-bangers, which is the inverse of the truck nuts crowd. they might put an after market stereo in it, but its probibly no better than what came stock. they are less troublesome except when they play their crappy dance music really loud with the windows down. i use them to parallel modern computer builders who use water cooling they dont need and leds on all the things in an grossly oversized case, but running middle tier hardware.  

i hate cars. i dont like riding in them, driving them or dodging them. 

Edited by Nuke
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(Recalling my driving in Saints' Row III...)

1 hour ago, Nuke said:

as a life long pedestrian i hate when cars slow down and let me cross when it would be faster for everyone if they just zoom through and clear the intersection before i get there. 


Evry time feeling like either I'm a slow jerk, or the car is sitting in ambush to catch me.

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14 hours ago, Nuke said:

as a life long pedestrian i hate when cars slow down and let me cross when it would be faster for everyone if they just zoom through and clear the intersection before i get there. 

people who don't need trucks but own trucks, and that's not enough, so they need a lift kit, truck nuts and an exhaust mod just so everyone can see them compensating for their deficiencies. i mean its one thing to have a truck if you are a blue collar worker who needs to transport tools, lumber or other materials around as part of their job. but they are really impractical as a family vehicle. so when i see a family of 6 pile into a truck, where half the kids dont have seatbelts and a completely empty truck bed, i have to question their life choices.

there is that subset of drivers that like to put a spoiler on random 4-bangers, which is the inverse of the truck nuts crowd. they might put an after market stereo in it, but its probibly no better than what came stock. they are less troublesome except when they play their crappy dance music really loud with the windows down. i use them to parallel modern computer builders who use water cooling they dont need and leds on all the things in an grossly oversized case, but running middle tier hardware.  

i hate cars. i dont like riding in them, driving them or dodging them. 

This so much, tend to shop at an mall 10 minutes walk away, this also an train station there and one of the malls parking garages is on the other part of the road so lots of foot traffic. So you being polite and stopping early then you could just driven on is pointless, yes for kids its an good idea. 

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14 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

Not 100% related to the OP but my favorite thing to do on the freeway is to set my cruise control to whatever I want it to be (usually speed limit + 5mph or so, but it depends on many things) and then when you reach a car that is only going 1-2mph slower than you are, pass them while remaining in cruise control.

Invariably, that car will speed up to match or exceed your speed.

This doesn't happen, however, if you're going a sufficiently faster speed than them. Even +5mph generally doesn't elicit this response.

It doesn't bother me at all. I find it fascinating. I feel like if I was a student of Psychology I'd make this subject my Thesis.

Well cars driving 2 km/h faster than the other car in the fast line annoys me a lot coming in 20 km/h faster from your rear but I assume you would then speed up or wait until I passed. And no it makes no sense. 

Mine is the I drive in 70 km/h period driver, they do not care if speed limit is 90 or 40 km/h, later will revoke your driving licence here in Norway, now they are not common but at one place its an very long straight road with an separate road for bikes and pedestrians or rather joggers as it has no destination. 
And you run into these slow movers, overpass them and then they come back and tailgate you then the speed limit drops. or they drive away from you as speed limit drops. 

An bonus for the police officers trying to caught people speeding during almost an snowstorm, yes the officers was assigned but you could check if people cleaned their front window instead, I tend to speed a bit as in adding VAT to speed limit but would not been above speed limit at that condition. 

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Rubbish and selfish drivers running roughshod over the roads is a worldwide problem. But some pedestrians can also be a problem. 

In China, there's a law for drivers about you must unconditionally give way when a pedestrian crosses the road. If you don't do this and get caught on camera, you'll get 3 points off on your license (12 in total) and a fine of 150 RMB. And then the problem arises: in some cities, in the older parts of them, in two-way single lane or one-way paths, some pedestrians will ignore cars on the road - they are just be like "why are you driving in my living room".

It's really hard not swearing at times like this.

Edited by steve9728
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On 6/20/2023 at 5:38 AM, Nuke said:

there is that subset of drivers that like to put a spoiler on random 4-bangers, which is the inverse of the truck nuts crowd. they might put an after market stereo in it, but its probibly no better than what came stock. they are less troublesome except when they play their crappy dance music really loud with the windows down. i use them to parallel modern computer builders who use water cooling they dont need and leds on all the things in an grossly oversized case, but running middle tier hardware.  

Those people are an entire subculture here. Still alive although it peaked in the eighties to nineties timeframe.

We also have a particular type. On say an 80km/h road to 100km/h road interchange they slow to 60km/h before switching to the ramp lane then keep that speed until after joining the faster road. I think they are mostly older drivers, which explains the timidity, but still...

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  • 2 weeks later...

My biggest pet peeve are drivers that ride right on another drivers bumper!  That makes me crazy.
Seriously, why do they feel the need to get so close to the car ahead of them??  Do they think it's going to make the person ahead of them drive faster?  

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42 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

My biggest pet peeve are drivers that ride right on another drivers bumper!  That makes me crazy.
Seriously, why do they feel the need to get so close to the car ahead of them??  Do they think it's going to make the person ahead of them drive faster?  

I slow down when drivers insist on riding my bumper. If you are close enough i cant see your front end in my mirrors youre too close. If i panic stop for anything youre hitting me. So with that in mind i slow down. I will force a reduction in physics to minimize the damage youre going to cause.

i get high beam flashed and honked at when i do it but i dont care. If youre entitled enough to ride me, im going to reciprocate with slowing down.

i drop 5mph every 1/4 mile like this. Eventually the karen bumper rider either gets it and backs off (rare but it happens) or gets so enraged and passes, typically on solid yellow double lines. Its worse at night. Deer, opossums, raccoons, skunks, armadillos and coyotes cross the roads.


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  • 1 month later...

Ok can someone please explain why someone in a full sized silverado would deem it appropriate to enter a fastfood drive thru with a TRAILER?!? 

also it has no license plate OR lights, both are DOT regulation required….


Edited by AlamoVampire
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On 7/5/2023 at 8:55 PM, Just Jim said:

My biggest pet peeve are drivers that ride right on another drivers bumper!  That makes me crazy.

On 7/5/2023 at 9:45 PM, AlamoVampire said:

I slow down when drivers insist on riding my bumper.

I do that as well, but I also change all 3 mirrors so I can't see them. 35 mph road, I'm going 40, someone comes up on my tail I slow down to 30, change all the mirrors, and promptly forget they're there. A couple minutes later when I remember, I check the mirror and they're invariably gone.

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3 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Ok can someone please explain why someone in a full sized silverado would deem it appropriate to enter a fastfood drive thru with a TRAILER?!? 

also it has no license plate OR lights, both are DOT regulation required….


Don't see the problem with an truck with a trailer at an drive trough common used by people driving around doing work. Also hard to park at many parking places with an trailer. 

But without license plate? They will be stopped by the first cop seeing them. 

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Im used to seeing trailers for sure. Lots of landscaping companies, various construction and other assorted bs going on. But at 2am at a fastfood joint drive thru with weirdly a bunch of cars is a bit obnoxious. The driver could have parked out a bit in the lot (its a huge multi-business shopping center) where only the fastfood place was open ((24 hour operation)) with the interior open. He was taking up a ton of space in line. His ONLY saving grace? No curves between order box and window and exit. Even still.

the lack of a license plate and lights took a minute to notice lol.



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20 minutes ago, Nuke said:

had a guy zooming around here, gunning his engine, and grinding his clutch. i can cross the town on foot in 10 minutes, idk why he is in such a hurry.

Our world, modern society has with the increase in instant gratification become more and more impatient. 

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  • 1 month later...

Question: Why do drivers absolutely INSIST that they have their brights/high beams on at all times? I get having them on in the country or dark stretches of road but when they are in the city? Driving behind you? Coming head on at you? I live where you regularly see deer and coyote crossing the roads. Even have the odd wild hog or two. So i get wanting to see them, but you could be about to cause a wreck because youre dazzling another driver… i just dont get it.


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10 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

Question: Why do drivers absolutely INSIST that they have their brights/high beams on at all times? I get having them on in the country or dark stretches of road but when they are in the city? Driving behind you? Coming head on at you? I live where you regularly see deer and coyote crossing the roads. Even have the odd wild hog or two. So i get wanting to see them, but you could be about to cause a wreck because youre dazzling another driver… i just dont get it.


They don't always have their high beams on. Some of them just have stupidly bright regular beams and/or the vehicle sits higher so the beams are more in your face. Especially annoying to have a modern pickup behind my little Yaris, with the mirrors shining in my face. Then there's the head on traffic, in rainy conditions, playing hell with the developing cataract in one eye and the replacement lens in the other, making the worn-out lane markings* impossible to see. Fortunately decades of driving experience gets me through.

*(the modern, "non-toxic" water-based road paint is much less durable than the old oil-based road paint, which was slicker when wet IIRC. Embedded plow-proof reflectors or cat's-eye reflectors should be *everywhere*)

Er, sorry. /rant

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3 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

They don't always have their high beams on. Some of them just have stupidly bright regular beams and/or the vehicle sits higher so the beams are more in your face. Especially annoying to have a modern pickup behind my little Yaris, with the mirrors shining in my face. Then there's the head on traffic, in rainy conditions, playing hell with the developing cataract in one eye and the replacement lens in the other, making the worn-out lane markings* impossible to see. Fortunately decades of driving experience gets me through.

*(the modern, "non-toxic" water-based road paint is much less durable than the old oil-based road paint, which was slicker when wet IIRC. Embedded plow-proof reflectors or cat's-eye reflectors should be *everywhere*)

Er, sorry. /rant

And in rain its nice to have high beams on to easier to spot pedestrians who are hard to see tend to focus more on not getting wet than cars.  Early in autumn is worst as people still wear summer clothes without reflex.

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8 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

They don't always have their high beams on. Some of them just have stupidly bright regular beams and/or the vehicle sits higher so the beams are more in your face.

This i understand. This i accept. My 2013 camaro has no high beam but a damper flap that drops in to shield half the opening. You can hear it physically moving its really neat. But if you look at some cars, you see 2 sets of lights. One outer set and an inner set next to them. The inner set remains dark with “low” and illuminates when “high” beams get turned on and run in concert with the outers. They are the ones im upset with. My camry (daily driver) has a similar set up. The car also has a setting where i can push my high beams on and press a button where my car will auto disengage the brights around traffic or if the external lighting (ie street lights or sunlight) is sufficient for non brights. Also all cars have a bright blue light in your dash calling out the brights being on. 
big trucks with lights even with my eyes also sucks. Worse are 18 wheelers with newer hi-d lights.


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