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v0.1.5.0 includes Grid Fins?


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2 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Finally. I'm glad they prioritized them over all those bugs that make the game so unpleasant.

I wouldn't want the person who designed the grid fins working on code, any more than I'd want the person fixing bugs to work on grid fins.

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Yes they are confirmed and will be in the game in the upcoming update nest week or so. However, the model was in fact made months ago and was showed by Nate in one of his UpNates. It was sure a pity for me not to have this part in, and guess I will finally be able to play with it!

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18 hours ago, Kerbart said:

Finally. I'm glad they prioritized them over all those bugs that make the game so unpleasant.

Completely different issue. Gamedev doesn't work like a conveyor belt where you push highest priority items and that necessarily becomes the next issue to fix. They have a more robust team now and it's unlikely that taking resources away from asset development would improve the work on bug and performance fixes.

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