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[1.12.5] Silly Photon Drives

triple cheeseburger

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Silly Photon Drives [1.1.1]
Last Updated: October 9th, 2024
KSP 1.12.5

*Also on CKAN

Although they carry no mass, photons still have momentum. We can use this principle to build engines that use light itself as an exhaust.
This is a small mod which adds engines that use electricity to produce light – a photon engine. This is different from a solar/photon sail, which uses light from produced from an external source to push on a sail.
These engines produce their own light and throw it out the back like a typical rocket to push themselves forwards.
The gimmick here is that these engines only take in electric charge as an input, they do not require any physical propellant. The downside however is that the thrust is so small it makes other electric engines look beefy in comparison.

  • Dependencies: Module Manager, B9 Part Switch (the mod won't work without these).
  • Recommendations: Waterfall (These engines do not have any stock plumes configured).
  • Suggestions: CommunityResourcePack, Heat Control, Far Future Technologies, CryoTanks, Near Future Electrical, Persistent Thrust.
  • Supports: CommunityTechTree, VABOrganizer, SystemHeat.



This mod currently contains three sizes of photon drives:

  • PX-01 "Aura": A 0.625m photon drive, takes in roughly 60 electric charge per second and outputs a whopping 0.073 kN of thrust.
  • PX-02 "Zenith": A 1.25m photon drive, takes in almost 200 electric charge per second and outputs 0.317 kN of thrust.
  • PX-10 "Omega": A 5m photon drive, a very large flashlight indeed. Takes nearly 5,000 electric charge per second and puts out an impressive 10.898 kN of thrust

As a bonus feature, if you have CommunityResourcePack installed, the 5m photon drive gains the option to instead run on liquid hydrogen and antimatter.
This yields an Isp of ~3.1 million seconds, and even produces a whopping 54 kN of thrust, but comes with the downside of requiring physical propellant. You'll also want Far Future Technologies and CryoTanks as this mod does not provide any tanks for storing liquid hydrogen or antimatter.
Due to the immense power requirements of these drives, Near Future Electrical is also suggested. That mod provides nuclear reactors which can actually meet such power demands.

The engines in this mod produce far more thrust than a photon drive could realistically. If we assume 1 electric charge per second to be 1 kW, then 1 kN of thrust would take roughly 300,000 ec/s. For this reason the engines are 1,000,000 times more powerful than they otherwise would be.

For extra customisation options, see "spd_Setting.cfg" inside the mod folder.
This config lets you adjust the thrust output, power intake, and Isp of all engines all from a single file. So for example, if you wanted "realistic" levels of thrust you could set the thrust multiplier to 0.000001.
This config has been adapted from NearFuturePropulsion, so all credit goes towards that.

Liscense: CC-BY-SA

Edited by triple cheeseburger
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Awesome mod and the "plume" looks amazing. Parts are very good quality and fit with restock-alike perfectly.
One thing i thing would be beneficial, is perhaps adding a optional patch making engines slightly stronger so that those who don't use mods such as Persistent Thrust could just have fun with spicy flashlights of unusual size. Keep up the amazing work!


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  On 11/28/2023 at 4:36 PM, Starwaster said:

Seeing some tri-hex style trusses in the first picture. Are those from this mod or another?


The red and white truss in the first screenshot is just made out of Procedural Parts structure pieces that have been recoloured using SimpleRepaint

Edited by triple cheeseburger
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  On 11/28/2023 at 5:01 PM, Starwaster said:

Including the end cap at the front?


The end cap at the front is just some of the structural pieces from Near Future Construction and a few of the stock structural panels. This mod doesn't add any other parts besides the three engines shown in the infographics.

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  On 11/29/2023 at 3:33 AM, Vesuvius said:

For some reason i can't find the 1.25 and 5m drives, anyone else have this problem?


Are you sure you installed the mod properly? If you installed it manually then I'd recommend using CKAN instead to prevent any issues happening. You could check inside GameData -> SillyPhotonDrives -> Parts -> Engine, and see if the files for "photon_5" and "photon_125" exist or not, if not then I'd recommend reinstalling the mod.

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  On 11/29/2023 at 9:18 AM, triple cheeseburger said:

Are you sure you installed the mod properly? If you installed it manually then I'd recommend using CKAN instead to prevent any issues happening. You could check inside GameData -> SillyPhotonDrives -> Parts -> Engine, and see if the files for "photon_5" and "photon_125" exist or not, if not then I'd recommend reinstalling the mod.


the photon_5 and photon_125 files do exist, yet don't appear in the parts list, i've tried redownloading manually and through CKAN, any other recommendations?

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  On 11/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Vesuvius said:

the photon_5 and photon_125 files do exist, yet don't appear in the parts list, i've tried redownloading manually and through CKAN, any other recommendations?


Hmm... Are you sure you've downloaded all the dependancies for the mod? The 1.25m and 5m engines are the only ones with B9 configs so you might be missing B9 Part Switch, or maybe you could check if it's up-to-date enough for the mod.

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  On 11/30/2023 at 10:09 PM, triple cheeseburger said:

Hmm... Are you sure you've downloaded all the dependancies for the mod? The 1.25m and 5m engines are the only ones with B9 configs so you might be missing B9 Part Switch, or maybe you could check if it's up-to-date enough for the mod.


I've got all dependencies downloaded and B9PartSwitch on its most recent version (i hope), im gonna try redownloading B9, but if that doesn't work, any other recommendations?

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@Vesuvius Most likely case is you have another mod for photon drives installed and its parts have the exact names as this one. If that's the case, there is a conflict and the affected parts become invalid. I've informed this mod owner on an action to take which will prevent this occuring later on but will break existing craft files. If you have another mod for photon drives installed do let us know.

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Alright I've updated the mod to change the internal names of the engines, so this should prevent any conflicts with other mods. Unfortunately this will probably break any ships you have that currently use engines from this mod, I suppose you could remove the engines in the editor before updating and re-add it once you've got the new version of the mod.

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