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Community Fixes [v0.13.0 for KSP2 v0.2.1]


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Community Fixes
v0.13.0 for KSP2 v0.2.1


Download: GitHub or SpaceDock
Source code: KSP2Community/CommunityFixes on GitHub
 License: MIT
Old thread: Community Fixes

This project aims to bring together community bug fixes for Kerbal Space Program 2 in one centralized place.


Implemented fixes

UI tweaks

  • KSP 2 Save Fix by @jayouimet - Replaces the Control Owner Part to the first available Command module or to the Root part if not found when it is set to null.
  • Vessel Landed State Fix by @munix - Checks if the vessel's state is Landed when not actually near the ground and resets it. Should fix this persistent bug.
  • Suppress Transmissions Falsely Urgent Fix by @schlosrat - Suppresses unhelpful map view log messages.
  • VAB Redo Tooltip Fix by @Coldrifting - Fixes the VAB Redo button tooltip not being at the same height as the button.
  • Revert After Recovery Fix by @munix - Fixes the Revert buttons being enabled after recovering a vessel.
  • Stock Mission Fix by @cheese3660 - Fixes the incorrect completion conditions of some stock missions.
  • Resource Manager UI Fix by @munix - Fixes the Resource Manager bug where moving a tank from the right pane back to the left pane caused it to duplicate.
  • Decoupled Craft Name Fix by @munix - Decoupled and docked/undocked vessels get names based on the original vessels instead of "Default Name" and "(Combined)".
  • Time Warp Thrust Fix by @Sun_Serega - Fixes the bug where thrust under time warp was sometimes not working despite draining fuel. Should fix this stock bug.


  1. Use CKAN to download and install Community Fixes.


  1. Download and extract UITK for KSP 2 into your game folder (this is a dependency of SpaceWarp).
  2. Download and extract SpaceWarp into your game folder.
  3. Download and extract this mod into the game folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure: <KSP Folder>/BepInEx/plugins/CommunityFixes.

All fixes can be toggled on or off in Main menu -> Settings -> Mods -> Community Fixes. The changes will take effect after the game is restarted. Fixes are enabled by default unless otherwise noted.

Bug reports
You can report bugs or request features on the Issues page on GitHub.

For a comprehensive changelog, visit the Releases page on GitHub.

If you'd like to contribute to this project, please take a look at our wiki.

Edited by munix
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1 hour ago, Biggen said:

Thanks for this. One thing. Install from Ckan in step 1 above should say “Community fixes”, right? Life hacks is a separate mod, right?

Ah! You found the easter egg and get a cookie as a reward!


Nope, I just copied the text from my Kerbal Life Hacks thread and edited it, forgot to change it there, thanks for letting me know :D


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With Community Fixes installed, if you create a ship with a root part that is not a command pod, and stage away the command pod, you cannot then revert the flight.


  1. VAB, create a ship "backwards" as so:
    1. Fuel tank
    2. Decoupler on top
    3. Capsule on top
  2. Launch.
  3. ESC, note that "revert" is an option.
  4. Stage.
  5. ESC, note that "revert" is no longer an option, just "recover"

This does not happen with Community Fixes uninstalled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can we request new community fixes here?

The Poodle engine gimbaling is all wrong - either too much authority range for ordinary rockets, or its gimbal rate and damping are out of tune, or something.  In any case, pretty much every default-settings rocket with a Poodle is constantly overshooting and oscillating.  Turning the gimbal down to 25% seems to cure it, with no downside I can find.

I'm happy to write custom default patches for my own install as I did in KSP1, but it would be more helpful for the community to share these corrective fixes in a place like this

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else having issues losing kerbal portraits at the top right when on a craft using this mod?  I couldn't EVA sometimes because I couldn't click on their picture.  Uninstalling this mod has corrected this issue.

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Yeah, I encountered that as well, but after I got my 3 kerbs onto a rover. Saving and reloading fixed the issue once, but when it occurred again shortly after I ended up disabling the setting to hide portraits and restarting the game. The button on the app bar is pretty inconsistent with when it shows up, but I can't seem to find any sort of pattern for when it does or doesn't appear.

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18 hours ago, Biggen said:

Anyone else having issues losing kerbal portraits at the top right when on a craft using this mod?  I couldn't EVA sometimes because I couldn't click on their picture.  Uninstalling this mod has corrected this issue.

18 hours ago, Schneider21 said:

Yeah, I encountered that as well, but after I got my 3 kerbs onto a rover. Saving and reloading fixed the issue once, but when it occurred again shortly after I ended up disabling the setting to hide portraits and restarting the game. The button on the app bar is pretty inconsistent with when it shows up, but I can't seem to find any sort of pattern for when it does or doesn't appear.

Are you sure it's a problem with Community Fixes, and not Kerbal Life Hacks? I'm asking since CF doesn't do anything with kerbal portraits, but KLH has a way to disable them when the vessel is a probe (which has been kinda unreliable and can also happen for crewed vessels, so I might just get rid of it).

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5 hours ago, munix said:

Are you sure it's a problem with Community Fixes, and not Kerbal Life Hacks? I'm asking since CF doesn't do anything with kerbal portraits, but KLH has a way to disable them when the vessel is a probe (which has been kinda unreliable and can also happen for crewed vessels, so I might just get rid of it).

Actually I think you are correct.  Looking through my CKAN history it was Life Hacks and not Community Fixes.  I've never even installed Community Fixes.  Not sure how I landed in this thread!  Sorry about that.

Edited by Biggen
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1 hour ago, Pawelk198604 said:

Where i should put it in the game folder? 

I just downloaded it because I had problems with the landed stage bug on the Mum!


On 2/4/2024 at 1:43 PM, munix said:


  1. Download and extract UITK for KSP 2 into your game folder (this is a dependency of SpaceWarp).
  2. Download and extract SpaceWarp into your game folder.
  3. Download and extract this mod into the game folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure: <KSP Folder>/BepInEx/plugins/CommunityFixes.


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  • 3 months later...

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